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  73          * This test was deliberately commented out since the test system lacks
  74          * support to handle the requirements for this kind of heap size in a
  75          * good way. If or when it becomes possible to run this kind of tests in
  76          * the test environment the test should be enabled again.
  77          * */
  78         // Large heap 2,2 gigabytes, should create 1.0.2 file format
  79         // testHProfFileFormat("-Xmx4g", 2 * G + 2 * M, HPROF_HEADER_1_0_2);
  80     }
  82     private static void testHProfFileFormat(String vmArgs, long heapSize,
  83             String expectedFormat) throws Exception, IOException,
  84             InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
  85         ProcessBuilder procBuilder = ProcessTools.createJavaProcessBuilder(
  86                 "--add-exports=java.management/sun.management=ALL-UNNAMED", vmArgs, "JMapHProfLargeHeapProc", String.valueOf(heapSize));
  87         procBuilder.redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT);
  88         Process largeHeapProc = procBuilder.start();
  90         try (Scanner largeHeapScanner = new Scanner(
  91                 largeHeapProc.getInputStream());) {
  92             String pidstring = null;

  93             while ((pidstring = largeHeapScanner.findInLine("PID\\[[0-9].*\\]")) == null) {
  94                 Thread.sleep(500);
  95             }
  96             int pid = Integer.parseInt(pidstring.substring(4,
  97                     pidstring.length() - 1));
  98             System.out.println("Extracted pid: " + pid);
 100             JDKToolLauncher jMapLauncher = JDKToolLauncher
 101                     .createUsingTestJDK("jhsdb");
 102             jMapLauncher.addToolArg("jmap");
 103             jMapLauncher.addToolArg("--binaryheap");
 104             jMapLauncher.addToolArg("--pid");
 105             jMapLauncher.addToolArg(String.valueOf(pid));
 107             ProcessBuilder jMapProcessBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(
 108                     jMapLauncher.getCommand());
 109             System.out.println("jmap command: "
 110                     + Arrays.toString(jMapLauncher.getCommand()));
 112             Process jMapProcess = jMapProcessBuilder.start();

  73          * This test was deliberately commented out since the test system lacks
  74          * support to handle the requirements for this kind of heap size in a
  75          * good way. If or when it becomes possible to run this kind of tests in
  76          * the test environment the test should be enabled again.
  77          * */
  78         // Large heap 2,2 gigabytes, should create 1.0.2 file format
  79         // testHProfFileFormat("-Xmx4g", 2 * G + 2 * M, HPROF_HEADER_1_0_2);
  80     }
  82     private static void testHProfFileFormat(String vmArgs, long heapSize,
  83             String expectedFormat) throws Exception, IOException,
  84             InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
  85         ProcessBuilder procBuilder = ProcessTools.createJavaProcessBuilder(
  86                 "--add-exports=java.management/sun.management=ALL-UNNAMED", vmArgs, "JMapHProfLargeHeapProc", String.valueOf(heapSize));
  87         procBuilder.redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT);
  88         Process largeHeapProc = procBuilder.start();
  90         try (Scanner largeHeapScanner = new Scanner(
  91                 largeHeapProc.getInputStream());) {
  92             String pidstring = null;
  93             if (!largeHeapScanner.hasNext()) {
  94                 throw new RuntimeException ("Test failed: could not open largeHeapScanner.");
  95             }
  96             while ((pidstring = largeHeapScanner.findInLine("PID\\[[0-9].*\\]")) == null) {
  97                 Thread.sleep(500);
  98             }
  99             int pid = Integer.parseInt(pidstring.substring(4,
 100                     pidstring.length() - 1));
 101             System.out.println("Extracted pid: " + pid);
 103             JDKToolLauncher jMapLauncher = JDKToolLauncher
 104                     .createUsingTestJDK("jhsdb");
 105             jMapLauncher.addToolArg("jmap");
 106             jMapLauncher.addToolArg("--binaryheap");
 107             jMapLauncher.addToolArg("--pid");
 108             jMapLauncher.addToolArg(String.valueOf(pid));
 110             ProcessBuilder jMapProcessBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(
 111                     jMapLauncher.getCommand());
 112             System.out.println("jmap command: "
 113                     + Arrays.toString(jMapLauncher.getCommand()));
 115             Process jMapProcess = jMapProcessBuilder.start();

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