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Print this page

  44     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  45         TestAnchorNames tester = new TestAnchorNames();
  46         tester.runTests(m -> new Object[] { Paths.get(m.getName()) });
  47     }
  49     public TestAnchorNames() {
  50         tb = new ToolBox();
  51     }
  53     @Test
  54     public void testHtml5(Path ignore) {
  55         javadoc("-d", "out-html5",
  56                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
  57                 "-source", "8", //so that '_' can be used as an identifier
  58                 "-use",
  59                 "pkg1");
  60         checkExit(Exit.OK);
  62         // Test some section markers and links to these markers
  63         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
  64                 "<a id=\"skip.navbar.top\">",
  65                 "<a href=\"#skip.navbar.top\" title=\"Skip navigation links\">",
  66                 "<a id=\"nested.class.summary\">",

  67                 "<a href=\"#nested.class.summary\">",
  68                 "<a id=\"method.summary\">",

  69                 "<a href=\"#method.summary\">",
  70                 "<a id=\"field.detail\">",

  71                 "<a href=\"#field.detail\">",
  72                 "<a id=\"constructor.detail\">",

  73                 "<a href=\"#constructor.detail\">");
  75         // Test some members and link to these members
  76         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
  77                 //The marker for this appears in the serialized-form.html which we will
  78                 //test below
  79                 "<a href=\"../serialized-form.html#pkg1.RegClass\">");
  81         // Test some fields
  82         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
  83                 "<a id=\"_\">",
  84                 "<a href=\"#_\">",
  85                 "<a id=\"_$\">",
  86                 "<a href=\"#_$\">",
  87                 "<a id=\"$_\">",
  88                 "<a href=\"#$_\">",
  89                 "<a id=\"$field\">",
  90                 "<a href=\"#$field\">",
  91                 "<a id=\"fieldInCla$$\">",
  92                 "<a href=\"#fieldInCla$$\">",
  93                 "<a id=\"S_$$$$$INT\">",
  94                 "<a href=\"#S_$$$$$INT\">",
  95                 "<a id=\"method$$\">",
  96                 "<a href=\"#method$$\">");
  98         checkOutput("pkg1/DeprMemClass.html", true,
  99                 "<a id=\"_field_In_Class\">",
 100                 "<a href=\"#_field_In_Class\">");
 102         // Test constructor
 103         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
 104                 "<a id=\"&lt;init&gt;(java.lang.String,int)\">",
 105                 "<a href=\"#%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,int)\">");
 107         // Test some methods
 108         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
 109                 "<a id=\"_methodInClass(java.lang.String)\">",
 110                 "<a href=\"#_methodInClass(java.lang.String)\">",
 111                 "<a id=\"method()\">",
 112                 "<a href=\"#method()\">",
 113                 "<a id=\"foo(java.util.Map)\">",
 114                 "<a href=\"#foo(java.util.Map)\">",
 115                 "<a id=\"methodInCla$s(java.lang.String[])\">",
 116                 "<a href=\"#methodInCla$s(java.lang.String%5B%5D)\">",
 117                 "<a id=\"_methodInClas$(java.lang.String,int)\">",
 118                 "<a href=\"#_methodInClas$(java.lang.String,int)\">",
 119                 "<a id=\"methodD(pkg1.RegClass.$A)\">",
 120                 "<a href=\"#methodD(pkg1.RegClass.$A)\">",
 121                 "<a id=\"methodD(pkg1.RegClass.D[])\">",
 122                 "<a href=\"#methodD(pkg1.RegClass.D%5B%5D)\">");
 124         checkOutput("pkg1/DeprMemClass.html", true,
 125                 "<a id=\"$method_In_Class()\">",
 126                 "<a href=\"#$method_In_Class()\">");
 128         // Test enum
 129         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.Te$t_Enum.html", true,
 130                 "<a id=\"$FLD2\">",
 131                 "<a href=\"#$FLD2\">");
 133         // Test nested class
 134         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass._NestedClas$.html", true,
 135                 "<a id=\"&lt;init&gt;()\">",
 136                 "<a href=\"#%3Cinit%3E()\">");
 138         // Test class use page
 139         checkOutput("pkg1/class-use/DeprMemClass.html", true,
 140                 "<a href=\"../RegClass.html#d____mc\">");
 142         // Test deprecated list page
 143         checkOutput("deprecated-list.html", true,
 144                 "<a href=\"pkg1/DeprMemClass.html#_field_In_Class\">",
 145                 "<a href=\"pkg1/DeprMemClass.html#$method_In_Class()\">");
 147         // Test constant values page
 148         checkOutput("constant-values.html", true,
 149                 "<a href=\"pkg1/RegClass.html#S_$$$$$INT\">");
 151         // Test serialized form page
 152         checkOutput("serialized-form.html", true,
 153                 //This is the marker for the link that appears in the pkg1.RegClass.html page
 154                 "<a id=\"pkg1.RegClass\">");
 156         // Test member name index page
 157         checkOutput("index-all.html", true,
 158                 "<a id=\"I:$\">",
 159                 "<a href=\"#I:$\">$",
 160                 "<a href=\"#I:_\">_");
 161     }
 163     /**
 164      * The following test is somewhat simplistic, but it is useful
 165      * in conjunction with the W3C Validation Service at https://validator.w3.org/nu/#file
 166      * @param base A working directory for this method, in which some UTF-8 source files
 167      *      will be generated
 168      * @throws IOException if there is a problem generating the source files
 169      */
 170     @Test
 171     public void testNonAscii(Path base) throws IOException {
 172         Path src = base.resolve("src");
 173         tb.writeJavaFiles(src,
 174                 "package p; public class Def {\n"
 175                 + "    public int \u00e0\u00e9;\n"              // a`e'
 176                 + "    public void \u00c0\u00c9() { }\n"        // A`E'
 177                 + "    public int \u03b1\u03b2\u03b3;\n"        // alpha beta gamma
 178                 + "    public void \u0391\u0392\u0393() { }\n"  // ALPHA BETA GAMMA
 179                 + "}",
 180                 "package p; \n"
 181                 + "/**\n"
 182                 + " * {@link Def#\u00e0\u00e9 &agrave;&eacute;}<br>\n"
 183                 + " * {@link Def#\u00c0\u00c9() &Agrave;&Eacute;}<br>\n"
 184                 + " * {@link Def#\u03b1\u03b2\u03b3 &alpha;&beta;&gamma;}<br>\n"
 185                 + " * {@link Def#\u0391\u0392\u0393() &Alpha;&Beta;&Gamma;}<br>\n"
 186                 + " */\n"
 187                 + "public class Ref { }");
 189         javadoc("-d", "out-nonAscii",
 190                 "-sourcepath", src.toString(),
 191                 "-html5",
 192                 "-encoding", "utf-8",
 193                 "p");
 194         checkExit(Exit.OK);
 196         checkOutput("p/Def.html", true,
 197                 "<a id=\"\u00e0\u00e9\">",
 198                 "<a id=\"\u00c0\u00c9()\">",
 199                 "<a id=\"\u03b1\u03b2\u03b3\">",
 200                 "<a id=\"\u0391\u0392\u0393()\">");
 202         checkOutput("p/Ref.html", true,
 203                 "<a href=\"Def.html#%C3%A0%C3%A9\"><code>&agrave;&eacute;</code></a>",
 204                 "<a href=\"Def.html#%C3%80%C3%89()\"><code>&Agrave;&Eacute;</code></a>",
 205                 "<a href=\"Def.html#%CE%B1%CE%B2%CE%B3\"><code>&alpha;&beta;&gamma;</code></a>",
 206                 "<a href=\"Def.html#%CE%91%CE%92%CE%93()\"><code>&Alpha;&Beta;&Gamma;</code></a>");
 208     }
 209 }

  44     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  45         TestAnchorNames tester = new TestAnchorNames();
  46         tester.runTests(m -> new Object[] { Paths.get(m.getName()) });
  47     }
  49     public TestAnchorNames() {
  50         tb = new ToolBox();
  51     }
  53     @Test
  54     public void testHtml5(Path ignore) {
  55         javadoc("-d", "out-html5",
  56                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
  57                 "-source", "8", //so that '_' can be used as an identifier
  58                 "-use",
  59                 "pkg1");
  60         checkExit(Exit.OK);
  62         // Test some section markers and links to these markers
  63         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
  64                 "<span class=\"skipNav\" id=\"skip.navbar.top\">",
  65                 "<a href=\"#skip.navbar.top\" title=\"Skip navigation links\">",
  66                 "<section class=\"nestedClassSummary\" id=\"nested.class.summary\">\n"
  67                 + "<h2>Nested Class Summary</h2>",
  68                 "<a href=\"#nested.class.summary\">",
  69                 "<section class=\"methodSummary\" id=\"method.summary\">\n"
  70                 + "<h2>Method Summary</h2>",
  71                 "<a href=\"#method.summary\">",
  72                 "<section class=\"fieldDetails\" id=\"field.detail\">\n"
  73                 + "<h2>Field Details</h2>",
  74                 "<a href=\"#field.detail\">",
  75                 "<section class=\"constructorDetails\" id=\"constructor.detail\">\n"
  76                 + "<h2>Constructor Details</h2>",
  77                 "<a href=\"#constructor.detail\">");
  79         // Test some members and link to these members
  80         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
  81                 //The marker for this appears in the serialized-form.html which we will
  82                 //test below
  83                 "<a href=\"../serialized-form.html#pkg1.RegClass\">");
  85         // Test some fields
  86         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
  87                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"_\">",
  88                 "<a href=\"#_\">",
  89                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"_$\">",
  90                 "<a href=\"#_$\">",
  91                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"$_\">",
  92                 "<a href=\"#$_\">",
  93                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"$field\">",
  94                 "<a href=\"#$field\">",
  95                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"fieldInCla$$\">",
  96                 "<a href=\"#fieldInCla$$\">",
  97                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"S_$$$$$INT\">",
  98                 "<a href=\"#S_$$$$$INT\">",
  99                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"method$$\">",
 100                 "<a href=\"#method$$\">");
 102         checkOutput("pkg1/DeprMemClass.html", true,
 103                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"_field_In_Class\">",
 104                 "<a href=\"#_field_In_Class\">");
 106         // Test constructor
 107         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
 108                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"&lt;init&gt;(java.lang.String,int)\">",
 109                 "<a href=\"#%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,int)\">");
 111         // Test some methods
 112         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.html", true,
 113                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"_methodInClass(java.lang.String)\">",
 114                 "<a href=\"#_methodInClass(java.lang.String)\">",
 115                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"method()\">",
 116                 "<a href=\"#method()\">",
 117                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"foo(java.util.Map)\">",
 118                 "<a href=\"#foo(java.util.Map)\">",
 119                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"methodInCla$s(java.lang.String[])\">",
 120                 "<a href=\"#methodInCla$s(java.lang.String%5B%5D)\">",
 121                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"_methodInClas$(java.lang.String,int)\">",
 122                 "<a href=\"#_methodInClas$(java.lang.String,int)\">",
 123                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"methodD(pkg1.RegClass.$A)\">",
 124                 "<a href=\"#methodD(pkg1.RegClass.$A)\">",
 125                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"methodD(pkg1.RegClass.D[])\">",
 126                 "<a href=\"#methodD(pkg1.RegClass.D%5B%5D)\">");
 128         checkOutput("pkg1/DeprMemClass.html", true,
 129                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"$method_In_Class()\">",
 130                 "<a href=\"#$method_In_Class()\">");
 132         // Test enum
 133         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass.Te$t_Enum.html", true,
 134                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"$FLD2\">",
 135                 "<a href=\"#$FLD2\">");
 137         // Test nested class
 138         checkOutput("pkg1/RegClass._NestedClas$.html", true,
 139                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"&lt;init&gt;()\">",
 140                 "<a href=\"#%3Cinit%3E()\">");
 142         // Test class use page
 143         checkOutput("pkg1/class-use/DeprMemClass.html", true,
 144                 "<a href=\"../RegClass.html#d____mc\">");
 146         // Test deprecated list page
 147         checkOutput("deprecated-list.html", true,
 148                 "<a href=\"pkg1/DeprMemClass.html#_field_In_Class\">",
 149                 "<a href=\"pkg1/DeprMemClass.html#$method_In_Class()\">");
 151         // Test constant values page
 152         checkOutput("constant-values.html", true,
 153                 "<a href=\"pkg1/RegClass.html#S_$$$$$INT\">");
 155         // Test serialized form page
 156         checkOutput("serialized-form.html", true,
 157                 //This is the marker for the link that appears in the pkg1.RegClass.html page
 158                 "<section class=\"serializedClassDetails\" id=\"pkg1.RegClass\">");
 160         // Test member name index page
 161         checkOutput("index-all.html", true,
 162                 "<h2 class=\"title\" id=\"I:$\">$</h2>",
 163                 "<a href=\"#I:$\">$",
 164                 "<a href=\"#I:_\">_");
 165     }
 167     /**
 168      * The following test is somewhat simplistic, but it is useful
 169      * in conjunction with the W3C Validation Service at https://validator.w3.org/nu/#file
 170      * @param base A working directory for this method, in which some UTF-8 source files
 171      *      will be generated
 172      * @throws IOException if there is a problem generating the source files
 173      */
 174     @Test
 175     public void testNonAscii(Path base) throws IOException {
 176         Path src = base.resolve("src");
 177         tb.writeJavaFiles(src,
 178                 "package p; public class Def {\n"
 179                 + "    public int \u00e0\u00e9;\n"              // a`e'
 180                 + "    public void \u00c0\u00c9() { }\n"        // A`E'
 181                 + "    public int \u03b1\u03b2\u03b3;\n"        // alpha beta gamma
 182                 + "    public void \u0391\u0392\u0393() { }\n"  // ALPHA BETA GAMMA
 183                 + "}",
 184                 "package p; \n"
 185                 + "/**\n"
 186                 + " * {@link Def#\u00e0\u00e9 &agrave;&eacute;}<br>\n"
 187                 + " * {@link Def#\u00c0\u00c9() &Agrave;&Eacute;}<br>\n"
 188                 + " * {@link Def#\u03b1\u03b2\u03b3 &alpha;&beta;&gamma;}<br>\n"
 189                 + " * {@link Def#\u0391\u0392\u0393() &Alpha;&Beta;&Gamma;}<br>\n"
 190                 + " */\n"
 191                 + "public class Ref { }");
 193         javadoc("-d", "out-nonAscii",
 194                 "-sourcepath", src.toString(),
 195                 "-html5",
 196                 "-encoding", "utf-8",
 197                 "p");
 198         checkExit(Exit.OK);
 200         checkOutput("p/Def.html", true,
 201                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"\u00e0\u00e9\">",
 202                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"\u00c0\u00c9()\">",
 203                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"\u03b1\u03b2\u03b3\">",
 204                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"\u0391\u0392\u0393()\">");
 206         checkOutput("p/Ref.html", true,
 207                 "<a href=\"Def.html#%C3%A0%C3%A9\"><code>&agrave;&eacute;</code></a>",
 208                 "<a href=\"Def.html#%C3%80%C3%89()\"><code>&Agrave;&Eacute;</code></a>",
 209                 "<a href=\"Def.html#%CE%B1%CE%B2%CE%B3\"><code>&alpha;&beta;&gamma;</code></a>",
 210                 "<a href=\"Def.html#%CE%91%CE%92%CE%93()\"><code>&Alpha;&Beta;&Gamma;</code></a>");
 212     }
 213 }
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