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  49    and Child<CE>
  50  */
  52 import javadoc.tester.JavadocTester;
  54 public class TestInterface extends JavadocTester {
  56     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  57         TestInterface tester = new TestInterface();
  58         tester.runTests();
  59     }
  61     @Test
  62     public void test() {
  63         javadoc("-d", "out",
  64                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
  65                 "pkg");
  66         checkExit(Exit.OK);
  68         checkOutput("pkg/Interface.html", true,
  69                 "<div class=\"memberSignature\"><span class=\"returnType\">int</span>&nbsp;"
  70                 + "<span class=\"memberName\">method</span>()</div>",
  71                 "<div class=\"memberSignature\"><span class=\"modifiers\">static final</span>&nbsp;"
  72                 + "<span class=\"returnType\">int</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"memberName\">field</span></div>",
  73                 // Make sure known implementing class list is correct and omits type parameters.
  74                 "<dl>\n"
  75                 + "<dt>All Known Implementing Classes:</dt>\n"
  76                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Child.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">Child"
  77                 + "</a></code>, <code><a href=\"Parent.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">Parent"
  78                 + "</a></code></dd>\n"
  79                 + "</dl>");
  81         checkOutput("pkg/Child.html", true,
  82                 // Make sure "All Implemented Interfaces": has substituted type parameters
  83                 "<dl>\n"
  84                 + "<dt>All Implemented Interfaces:</dt>\n"
  85                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Interface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
  86                 + "Interface</a>&lt;CE&gt;</code></dd>\n"
  87                 + "</dl>",
  88                 //Make sure Class Tree has substituted type parameters.
  89                 "<div class=\"inheritance\" title=\"Inheritance Tree\">java.lang.Object\n"
  90                 + "<div class=\"inheritance\"><a href=\"Parent.html\""
  91                 + " title=\"class in pkg\">pkg.Parent</a>&lt;CE&gt;\n"
  92                 + "<div class=\"inheritance\">pkg.Child&lt;CE&gt;</div>\n"
  93                 + "</div>\n</div>",
  94                 //Make sure "Specified By" has substituted type parameters.
  95                 "<dt><span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Specified by:</span></dt>\n"
  96                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Interface.html#method()\">method</a>"
  97                 + "</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>"
  98                 + "<a href=\"Interface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
  99                 + "Interface</a>&lt;<a href=\"Child.html\" title=\"type parameter in Child\">"
 100                 + "CE</a>&gt;</code></dd>",
 101                 //Make sure "Overrides" has substituted type parameters.
 102                 "<dt><span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Overrides:</span></dt>\n"
 103                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Parent.html#method()\">method</a>"
 104                 + "</code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code><a href=\"Parent.html\" "
 105                 + "title=\"class in pkg\">Parent</a>&lt;<a href=\"Child.html\" "
 106                 + "title=\"type parameter in Child\">CE</a>&gt;</code></dd>");
 108         checkOutput("pkg/Parent.html", true,
 109                 //Make sure "Direct Know Subclasses" omits type parameters
 110                 "<dl>\n"
 111                 + "<dt>Direct Known Subclasses:</dt>\n"
 112                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Child.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">Child"
 113                 + "</a></code></dd>\n"
 114                 + "</dl>");
 116         checkOutput("pkg/Interface.html", false,
 117                 "public int&nbsp;method--",
 118                 "public static final&nbsp;int field");
 120         checkOutput("pkg/ClassWithStaticMembers.html", false,
 121                 //Make sure "Specified By" does not appear on class documentation when
 122                 //the method is a static method in the interface.
 123                 "<dt><span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Specified by:</span></dt>\n");
 125         checkOutput("pkg/ClassWithStaticMembers.html", true,
 126                 "<h3><a id=\"f\">f</a></h3>\n"

 127                 + "<div class=\"memberSignature\"><span class=\"modifiers\">public static</span>&nbsp;"
 128                 + "<span class=\"returnType\">int</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"memberName\">f</span></div>\n"
 129                 + "<div class=\"block\">A hider field</div>",
 131                 "<td class=\"colFirst\"><code>static void</code></td>\n"
 132                 + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\"><code><span class=\"memberNameLink\">"
 133                 + "<a href=\"#m()\">m</a></span>()</code></th>\n"
 134                 + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
 135                 + "<div class=\"block\">A hider method</div>\n"
 136                 + "</td>\n",
 138                 "<h3><a id=\"staticMethod()\">staticMethod</a></h3>\n"

 139                 + "<div class=\"memberSignature\"><span class=\"modifiers\">public static</span>&nbsp;"
 140                 + "<span class=\"returnType\">void</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"memberName\">staticMethod</span>()</div>\n"
 141                 + "<div class=\"block\"><span class=\"descfrmTypeLabel\">"
 142                 + "Description copied from interface:&nbsp;<code>"
 143                 + "<a href=\"InterfaceWithStaticMembers.html#staticMethod()\">"
 144                 + "InterfaceWithStaticMembers</a></code></span></div>\n"
 145                 + "<div class=\"block\">A static method</div>\n");
 147         checkOutput("pkg/ClassWithStaticMembers.InnerClass.html", true,
 148                 "<pre>public static class <span class=\"typeNameLabel\">"
 149                 + "ClassWithStaticMembers.InnerClass</span>\n"
 150                 + "extends java.lang.Object</pre>\n"
 151                 + "<div class=\"block\">A hider inner class</div>");
 152     }
 154     @Test
 155     public void test1() {
 156         javadoc("-d", "out-1",
 157                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
 158                 "pkg1");
 159         checkExit(Exit.OK);
 161         checkOutput("pkg1/Child.html", true,
 162             // Ensure the correct Overrides in the inheritance hierarchy is reported
 163             "<span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Overrides:</span></dt>\n" +
 164             "<dd><code><a href=\"GrandParent.html#method1()\">method1</a></code>" +
 165             "&nbsp;in class&nbsp;" +
 166             "<code><a href=\"GrandParent.html\" title=\"class in pkg1\">GrandParent</a>" +
 167             "&lt;<a href=\"Child.html\" title=\"type parameter in Child\">CE</a>&gt;</code>");
 168     }
 170     @Test
 171     public void test2() {
 172         javadoc("-d", "out-2",
 173                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
 174                 "pkg2");
 176         checkExit(Exit.OK);
 178         checkOutput("pkg2/Spliterator.OfDouble.html", true,
 179             // Ensure the correct type parameters are displayed correctly
 180             "<h2>Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface&nbsp;pkg2."

 181             + "<a href=\"Spliterator.html\" title=\"interface in pkg2\">Spliterator</a></h2>\n"
 182             + "<a id=\"nested.classes.inherited.from.class.pkg2.Spliterator\">\n"
 183             + "<!--   -->\n"
 184             + "</a><code><a href=\"Spliterator.OfDouble.html\" title=\"interface in pkg2\">"
 185             + "Spliterator.OfDouble</a>, <a href=\"Spliterator.OfInt.html\" "
 186             + "title=\"interface in pkg2\">Spliterator.OfInt</a>&lt;"
 187             + "<a href=\"Spliterator.OfInt.html\" title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfInt\">"
 188             + "Integer</a>&gt;, <a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"interface in pkg2\">"
 189             + "Spliterator.OfPrimitive</a>&lt;<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" "
 190             + "title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">T</a>,​<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" "
 191             + "title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">T_CONS</a>,​"
 192             + "<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">"
 193             + "T_SPLITR</a> extends <a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"interface in pkg2\">"
 194             + "Spliterator.OfPrimitive</a>&lt;<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" "
 195             + "title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">T</a>,​"
 196             + "<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">"
 197             + "T_CONS</a>,​<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">"
 198             + "T_SPLITR</a>&gt;&gt;</code>");
 199     }
 200 }

  49    and Child<CE>
  50  */
  52 import javadoc.tester.JavadocTester;
  54 public class TestInterface extends JavadocTester {
  56     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  57         TestInterface tester = new TestInterface();
  58         tester.runTests();
  59     }
  61     @Test
  62     public void test() {
  63         javadoc("-d", "out",
  64                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
  65                 "pkg");
  66         checkExit(Exit.OK);
  68         checkOutput("pkg/Interface.html", true,
  69                 "<div class=\"memberSignature\"><span class=\"returnType\">int</span>&nbsp;"
  70                 + "<span class=\"memberName\">method</span>()</div>",
  71                 "<div class=\"memberSignature\"><span class=\"modifiers\">static final</span>&nbsp;"
  72                 + "<span class=\"returnType\">int</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"memberName\">field</span></div>",
  73                 // Make sure known implementing class list is correct and omits type parameters.
  74                 "<dl>\n"
  75                 + "<dt>All Known Implementing Classes:</dt>\n"
  76                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Child.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">Child"
  77                 + "</a></code>, <code><a href=\"Parent.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">Parent"
  78                 + "</a></code></dd>\n"
  79                 + "</dl>");
  81         checkOutput("pkg/Child.html", true,
  82                 // Make sure "All Implemented Interfaces": has substituted type parameters
  83                 "<dl>\n"
  84                 + "<dt>All Implemented Interfaces:</dt>\n"
  85                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Interface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
  86                 + "Interface</a>&lt;CE&gt;</code></dd>\n"
  87                 + "</dl>",
  88                 //Make sure Class Tree has substituted type parameters.
  89                 "<div class=\"inheritance\" title=\"Inheritance Tree\">java.lang.Object\n"
  90                 + "<div class=\"inheritance\"><a href=\"Parent.html\""
  91                 + " title=\"class in pkg\">pkg.Parent</a>&lt;CE&gt;\n"
  92                 + "<div class=\"inheritance\">pkg.Child&lt;CE&gt;</div>\n"
  93                 + "</div>\n</div>",
  94                 //Make sure "Specified By" has substituted type parameters.
  95                 "<dt><span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Specified by:</span></dt>\n"
  96                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Interface.html#method()\">method</a>"
  97                 + "</code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>"
  98                 + "<a href=\"Interface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
  99                 + "Interface</a>&lt;<a href=\"Child.html\" title=\"type parameter in Child\">"
 100                 + "CE</a>&gt;</code></dd>",
 101                 //Make sure "Overrides" has substituted type parameters.
 102                 "<dt><span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Overrides:</span></dt>\n"
 103                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Parent.html#method()\">method</a>"
 104                 + "</code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code><a href=\"Parent.html\" "
 105                 + "title=\"class in pkg\">Parent</a>&lt;<a href=\"Child.html\" "
 106                 + "title=\"type parameter in Child\">CE</a>&gt;</code></dd>");
 108         checkOutput("pkg/Parent.html", true,
 109                 //Make sure "Direct Know Subclasses" omits type parameters
 110                 "<dl>\n"
 111                 + "<dt>Direct Known Subclasses:</dt>\n"
 112                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"Child.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">Child"
 113                 + "</a></code></dd>\n"
 114                 + "</dl>");
 116         checkOutput("pkg/Interface.html", false,
 117                 "public int&nbsp;method--",
 118                 "public static final&nbsp;int field");
 120         checkOutput("pkg/ClassWithStaticMembers.html", false,
 121                 //Make sure "Specified By" does not appear on class documentation when
 122                 //the method is a static method in the interface.
 123                 "<dt><span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Specified by:</span></dt>\n");
 125         checkOutput("pkg/ClassWithStaticMembers.html", true,
 126                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"f\">\n"
 127                 + "<h3>f</h3>\n"
 128                 + "<div class=\"memberSignature\"><span class=\"modifiers\">public static</span>&nbsp;"
 129                 + "<span class=\"returnType\">int</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"memberName\">f</span></div>\n"
 130                 + "<div class=\"block\">A hider field</div>",
 132                 "<td class=\"colFirst\"><code>static void</code></td>\n"
 133                 + "<th class=\"colSecond\" scope=\"row\"><code><span class=\"memberNameLink\">"
 134                 + "<a href=\"#m()\">m</a></span>()</code></th>\n"
 135                 + "<td class=\"colLast\">\n"
 136                 + "<div class=\"block\">A hider method</div>\n"
 137                 + "</td>\n",
 139                 "<section class=\"detail\" id=\"staticMethod()\">\n"
 140                 + "<h3>staticMethod</h3>\n"
 141                 + "<div class=\"memberSignature\"><span class=\"modifiers\">public static</span>&nbsp;"
 142                 + "<span class=\"returnType\">void</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"memberName\">staticMethod</span>()</div>\n"
 143                 + "<div class=\"block\"><span class=\"descfrmTypeLabel\">"
 144                 + "Description copied from interface:&nbsp;<code>"
 145                 + "<a href=\"InterfaceWithStaticMembers.html#staticMethod()\">"
 146                 + "InterfaceWithStaticMembers</a></code></span></div>\n"
 147                 + "<div class=\"block\">A static method</div>\n");
 149         checkOutput("pkg/ClassWithStaticMembers.InnerClass.html", true,
 150                 "<pre>public static class <span class=\"typeNameLabel\">"
 151                 + "ClassWithStaticMembers.InnerClass</span>\n"
 152                 + "extends java.lang.Object</pre>\n"
 153                 + "<div class=\"block\">A hider inner class</div>");
 154     }
 156     @Test
 157     public void test1() {
 158         javadoc("-d", "out-1",
 159                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
 160                 "pkg1");
 161         checkExit(Exit.OK);
 163         checkOutput("pkg1/Child.html", true,
 164             // Ensure the correct Overrides in the inheritance hierarchy is reported
 165             "<span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Overrides:</span></dt>\n" +
 166             "<dd><code><a href=\"GrandParent.html#method1()\">method1</a></code>" +
 167             "&nbsp;in class&nbsp;" +
 168             "<code><a href=\"GrandParent.html\" title=\"class in pkg1\">GrandParent</a>" +
 169             "&lt;<a href=\"Child.html\" title=\"type parameter in Child\">CE</a>&gt;</code>");
 170     }
 172     @Test
 173     public void test2() {
 174         javadoc("-d", "out-2",
 175                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
 176                 "pkg2");
 178         checkExit(Exit.OK);
 180         checkOutput("pkg2/Spliterator.OfDouble.html", true,
 181             // Ensure the correct type parameters are displayed correctly
 182             "<h2 id=\"nested.classes.inherited.from.class.pkg2.Spliterator\">"
 183             + "Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface&nbsp;pkg2."
 184             + "<a href=\"Spliterator.html\" title=\"interface in pkg2\">Spliterator</a></h2>\n"
 185             + "<code><a href=\"Spliterator.OfDouble.html\" title=\"interface in pkg2\">"

 186             + "Spliterator.OfDouble</a>, <a href=\"Spliterator.OfInt.html\" "
 187             + "title=\"interface in pkg2\">Spliterator.OfInt</a>&lt;"
 188             + "<a href=\"Spliterator.OfInt.html\" title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfInt\">"
 189             + "Integer</a>&gt;, <a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"interface in pkg2\">"
 190             + "Spliterator.OfPrimitive</a>&lt;<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" "
 191             + "title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">T</a>,​<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" "
 192             + "title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">T_CONS</a>,​"
 193             + "<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">"
 194             + "T_SPLITR</a> extends <a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"interface in pkg2\">"
 195             + "Spliterator.OfPrimitive</a>&lt;<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" "
 196             + "title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">T</a>,​"
 197             + "<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">"
 198             + "T_CONS</a>,​<a href=\"Spliterator.OfPrimitive.html\" title=\"type parameter in Spliterator.OfPrimitive\">"
 199             + "T_SPLITR</a>&gt;&gt;</code>");
 200     }
 201 }
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