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rev 7532 : 8015315: Stream.concat methods

 748      * @apiNote
 749      * <p>An equivalent sequence of increasing values can be produced
 750      * sequentially using a {@code for} loop as follows:
 751      * <pre>{@code
 752      *     for (long i = startInclusive; i < endExclusive ; i++) { ... }
 753      * }</pre>
 754      *
 755      * @param startInclusive the (inclusive) initial value
 756      * @param endExclusive the exclusive upper bound
 757      * @return a sequential {@code LongStream} for the range of {@code long}
 758      *         elements
 759      */
 760     public static LongStream range(long startInclusive, final long endExclusive) {
 761         if (startInclusive >= endExclusive) {
 762             return empty();
 763         } else if (endExclusive - startInclusive < 0) {
 764             // Size of range > Long.MAX_VALUE
 765             // Split the range in two and concatenate
 766             // Note: if the range is [Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE) then
 767             // the lower range, [Long.MIN_VALUE, 0) will be further split in two
 768 //            long m = startInclusive + Long.divideUnsigned(endExclusive - startInclusive, 2) + 1;
 769 //            return Streams.concat(range(startInclusive, m), range(m, endExclusive));
 770             // This is temporary until Streams.concat is supported
 771             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 772         } else {
 773             return StreamSupport.longStream(
 774                     new Streams.RangeLongSpliterator(startInclusive, endExclusive, false));
 775         }
 776     }
 778     /**
 779      * Returns a sequential {@code LongStream} from {@code startInclusive}
 780      * (inclusive) to {@code endInclusive} (inclusive) by an incremental step of
 781      * {@code 1}.
 782      *
 783      * @apiNote
 784      * <p>An equivalent sequence of increasing values can be produced
 785      * sequentially using a {@code for} loop as follows:
 786      * <pre>{@code
 787      *     for (long i = startInclusive; i <= endInclusive ; i++) { ... }
 788      * }</pre>
 789      *
 790      * @param startInclusive the (inclusive) initial value
 791      * @param endInclusive the inclusive upper bound
 792      * @return a sequential {@code LongStream} for the range of {@code long}
 793      *         elements
 794      */
 795     public static LongStream rangeClosed(long startInclusive, final long endInclusive) {
 796         if (startInclusive > endInclusive) {
 797             return empty();
 798         } else if (endInclusive - startInclusive + 1 <= 0) {
 799             // Size of range > Long.MAX_VALUE
 800             // Split the range in two and concatenate
 801             // Note: if the range is [Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE] then
 802             // the lower range, [Long.MIN_VALUE, 0), and upper range,
 803             // [0, Long.MAX_VALUE], will both be further split in two
 804 //            long m = startInclusive + Long.divideUnsigned(endInclusive - startInclusive, 2) + 1;
 805 //            return Streams.concat(range(startInclusive, m), rangeClosed(m, endInclusive));
 806             // This is temporary until Streams.concat is supported
 807             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 808         } else {
 809             return StreamSupport.longStream(
 810                     new Streams.RangeLongSpliterator(startInclusive, endInclusive, true));
 811         }

 812     }
 813 }

 748      * @apiNote
 749      * <p>An equivalent sequence of increasing values can be produced
 750      * sequentially using a {@code for} loop as follows:
 751      * <pre>{@code
 752      *     for (long i = startInclusive; i < endExclusive ; i++) { ... }
 753      * }</pre>
 754      *
 755      * @param startInclusive the (inclusive) initial value
 756      * @param endExclusive the exclusive upper bound
 757      * @return a sequential {@code LongStream} for the range of {@code long}
 758      *         elements
 759      */
 760     public static LongStream range(long startInclusive, final long endExclusive) {
 761         if (startInclusive >= endExclusive) {
 762             return empty();
 763         } else if (endExclusive - startInclusive < 0) {
 764             // Size of range > Long.MAX_VALUE
 765             // Split the range in two and concatenate
 766             // Note: if the range is [Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE) then
 767             // the lower range, [Long.MIN_VALUE, 0) will be further split in two
 768             long m = startInclusive + Long.divideUnsigned(endExclusive - startInclusive, 2) + 1;
 769             return concat(range(startInclusive, m), range(m, endExclusive));

 770         } else {
 771             return StreamSupport.longStream(
 772                     new Streams.RangeLongSpliterator(startInclusive, endExclusive, false));
 773         }
 774     }
 776     /**
 777      * Returns a sequential {@code LongStream} from {@code startInclusive}
 778      * (inclusive) to {@code endInclusive} (inclusive) by an incremental step of
 779      * {@code 1}.
 780      *
 781      * @apiNote
 782      * <p>An equivalent sequence of increasing values can be produced
 783      * sequentially using a {@code for} loop as follows:
 784      * <pre>{@code
 785      *     for (long i = startInclusive; i <= endInclusive ; i++) { ... }
 786      * }</pre>
 787      *
 788      * @param startInclusive the (inclusive) initial value
 789      * @param endInclusive the inclusive upper bound
 790      * @return a sequential {@code LongStream} for the range of {@code long}
 791      *         elements
 792      */
 793     public static LongStream rangeClosed(long startInclusive, final long endInclusive) {
 794         if (startInclusive > endInclusive) {
 795             return empty();
 796         } else if (endInclusive - startInclusive + 1 <= 0) {
 797             // Size of range > Long.MAX_VALUE
 798             // Split the range in two and concatenate
 799             // Note: if the range is [Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE] then
 800             // the lower range, [Long.MIN_VALUE, 0), and upper range,
 801             // [0, Long.MAX_VALUE], will both be further split in two
 802             long m = startInclusive + Long.divideUnsigned(endInclusive - startInclusive, 2) + 1;
 803             return concat(range(startInclusive, m), rangeClosed(m, endInclusive));

 804         } else {
 805             return StreamSupport.longStream(
 806                     new Streams.RangeLongSpliterator(startInclusive, endInclusive, true));
 807         }
 808     }
 810     /**
 811      * Creates a lazy concatenated {@code LongStream} whose elements are all the
 812      * elements of a first {@code LongStream} succeeded by all the elements of the
 813      * second {@code LongStream}. The resulting stream is ordered if both
 814      * of the input streams are ordered, and parallel if either of the input
 815      * streams is parallel.
 816      *
 817      * @param a the first stream
 818      * @param b the second stream to concatenate on to end of the first stream
 819      * @return the concatenation of the two streams
 820      */
 821     public static LongStream concat(LongStream a, LongStream b) {
 822         Objects.requireNonNull(a);
 823         Objects.requireNonNull(b);
 825         Spliterator.OfLong split = new Streams.ConcatSpliterator.OfLong(
 826                 a.spliterator(), b.spliterator());
 827         return (a.isParallel() || b.isParallel())
 828                ? StreamSupport.longParallelStream(split)
 829                : StreamSupport.longStream(split);
 830     }
 831 }