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rev 9717 : 8039642: Fix raw and unchecked warnings in sun.awt.*

  53     public final static int     VERSCROLLBAR = 1;
  54     public final static int     HORSCROLLBAR = 2;
  55     public final static int     DEFAULT_VISIBLE_ROWS = 4; // From java.awt.List,
  56     public final static int     HORIZ_SCROLL_AMT = 10;
  58     private final static int    PAINT_VSCROLL = 2;
  59     private final static int    PAINT_HSCROLL = 4;
  60     private final static int    PAINT_ITEMS = 8;
  61     private final static int    PAINT_FOCUS = 16;
  62     private final static int    PAINT_BACKGROUND = 32;
  63     private final static int    PAINT_HIDEFOCUS = 64;
  64     private final static int    PAINT_ALL =
  66     private final static int    COPY_AREA = 128;
  68     XVerticalScrollbar       vsb;
  69     XHorizontalScrollbar     hsb;
  70     ListPainter painter;
  72     // TODO: ick - Vector?
  73     Vector                      items;
  74     boolean                     multipleSelections;
  75     int                         active = NONE;
  77     // Holds the array of the indexes of the elements which is selected
  78     // This array should be kept sorted, low to high.
  79     int                         selected[];
  80     int                         fontHeight;
  81     int                         fontAscent;
  82     int                         fontLeading;
  84     // Holds the index of the item used in the previous operation (selectItem, deselectItem)
  85     // Adding of an item or clearing of the list sets this index to -1
  86     // The index is used at the moment of the post of ACTION_PERFORMED event after the mouse double click event.
  87     int                         currentIndex = -1;
  89     // Used for tracking selection/deselection between mousePress/Release
  90     // and for ItemEvents
  91     int                         eventIndex = -1;
  92     int                         eventType = NONE;

 122     boolean isScrollBarOriginated = false;
 124     // This variable is set to true after the "mouse pressed" event and to false after the "mouse released" event
 125     // Fixed 6293432: Key events ('SPACE', 'UP', 'DOWN') aren't blocked if mouse is kept in 'PRESSED' state for List, XAWT
 126     boolean isMousePressed = false;
 128     /**
 129      * Create a list
 130      */
 131     XListPeer(List target) {
 132         super(target);
 133     }
 135     /**
 136      * Overridden from XWindow
 137      */
 138     public void preInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
 139         super.preInit(params);
 141         // Stuff that must be initialized before layout() is called
 142         items = new Vector();
 143         createVerScrollbar();
 144         createHorScrollbar();
 146         painter = new ListPainter();
 148         // See 6246467 for more information
 149         bgColorSet = target.isBackgroundSet();
 150         fgColorSet = target.isForegroundSet();
 151     }
 153     public void postInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
 154         super.postInit(params);
 155         initFontMetrics();
 156         // TODO: more efficient way?
 157         //       do we really want/need a copy of all the items?
 158         // get all items from target
 159         List l = (List)target;
 160         int stop = l.getItemCount();
 161         for (int i = 0 ; i < stop; i++) {
 162             items.addElement(l.getItem(i));

 265     /**
 266      * Calculate font metrics
 267      */
 268     void initFontMetrics() {
 269         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 270         fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
 271         fontAscent = fm.getAscent();
 272         fontLeading = fm.getLeading();
 273     }
 276     /**
 277      * return the length of the largest item in the list
 278      */
 279     int maxLength() {
 280         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 281         int m = 0;
 282         int end = items.size();
 283         for(int i = 0 ; i < end ; i++) {
 284             int l = fm.stringWidth(((String)items.elementAt(i)));
 285             m = Math.max(m, l);
 286         }
 287         return m;
 288     }
 290     /**
 291      * Calculates the width of item's label
 292      */
 293     int getItemWidth(int i) {
 294         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 295         return fm.stringWidth((String)items.elementAt(i));
 296     }
 298     /**
 299      * return the on-screen width of the given string "str"
 300      */
 301     int stringLength(String str) {
 302         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(target.getFont());
 303         return fm.stringWidth(str);
 304     }
 306     public void setForeground(Color c) {
 307         fgColorSet = true;
 308         super.setForeground(c);
 309     }
 311     public void setBackground(Color c) {
 312         bgColorSet = true;
 313         super.setBackground(c);
 314     }

 642         }
 643     }
 644     void mouseReleased(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
 645         if (isEnabled() && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {
 646             //winReleaseCursorFocus();
 647             int clickCount = mouseEvent.getClickCount();
 648             if (active == VERSCROLLBAR) {
 649                 vsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 650                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 651                                      mouseEvent.getX()-(width-SCROLLBAR_WIDTH),
 652                                      mouseEvent.getY());
 653             } else if(active == HORSCROLLBAR) {
 654                 hsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 655                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 656                                      mouseEvent.getX(),
 657                                      mouseEvent.getY()-(height-SCROLLBAR_WIDTH));
 658             } else if ( ( currentIndex >= 0 ) && ( clickCount >= 2 ) &&
 659                         ( clickCount % 2 == 0 ) ) {
 660                 postEvent(new ActionEvent(target,
 661                                           ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,
 662                                           (String)items.elementAt(currentIndex),
 663                                           mouseEvent.getWhen(),
 664                                           mouseEvent.getModifiers()));  // No ext mods
 665             } else if (active == WINDOW) {
 666                 // See 6243382 for more information
 667                 trackMouseReleasedScroll();
 669                 if (eventType == ItemEvent.DESELECTED) {
 670                     assert multipleSelections : "Shouldn't get a deselect for a single-select List";
 671                     // Paint deselection the release
 672                     deselectItem(eventIndex);
 673                 }
 674                 if (eventType != NONE) {
 675                     postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 676                                 ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 677                                 Integer.valueOf(eventIndex),
 678                                 eventType));
 679                 }
 680             }
 681             active = NONE;
 682             eventIndex = -1;

 969                   // That is, pressing space bar on a
 970                   // single-select list when the focused
 971                   // item is already selected does NOT
 972                   // send an ItemEvent.SELECTED event.
 973                   selectItem(getFocusIndex());
 974                   postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 975                                           ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 976                                           Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 977                                           ItemEvent.SELECTED));
 978               }
 979               break;
 980           case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER:
 981               // It looks to me like there are bugs as well as inconsistencies
 982               // in the way the Enter key is handled by both Solaris and Windows.
 983               // So for now in XAWT, I'm going to simply go by what the List docs
 984               // say: "AWT also generates an action event when the user presses
 985               // the return key while an item in the list is selected."
 986               if (selected.length > 0) {
 987                   postEvent(new ActionEvent((List)target,
 988                                             ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,
 989                                             (String)items.elementAt(getFocusIndex()),
 990                                             e.getWhen(),
 991                                             e.getModifiers()));  // ActionEvent doesn't have
 992                   // extended modifiers.
 993               }
 994               break;
 995         }
 996     }
 998     /**
 999      * return value from the scrollbar
1000      */
1001     public void notifyValue(XScrollbar obj, int type, int v, boolean isAdjusting) {
1003         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
1004             log.fine("Notify value changed on " + obj + " to " + v);
1005         }
1006         int value = obj.getValue();
1007         if (obj == vsb) {
1008             scrollVertical(v - value);

1326             return;
1327         }
1328         if (isItemHidden(index)) {  // Do I really need to call this?
1329             // If index is above the top, scroll up
1330             if (index < vsb.getValue()) {
1331                 scrollVertical(index - vsb.getValue());
1332             }
1333             // If index is below the bottom, scroll down
1334             else if (index > lastItemDisplayed()) {
1335                 int val = index - lastItemDisplayed();
1336                 scrollVertical(val);
1337             }
1338         }
1339     }
1341     /**
1342      * clear
1343      */
1344     public void clear() {
1345         selected = new int[0];
1346         items = new Vector();
1347         currentIndex = -1;
1348         // Fixed 6291736: ITEM_STATE_CHANGED triggered after List.removeAll(), XToolkit
1349         // We should update 'focusIndex' variable more carefully
1350         setFocusIndex(-1);
1351         vsb.setValue(0);
1352         maxLength = 0;
1353         layout();
1354         repaint();
1355     }
1357     /**
1358      * return the selected indexes
1359      */
1360     public int[] getSelectedIndexes() {
1361         return selected;
1362     }
1364     /**
1365      * return the y value of the given index "i".
1366      * the y value represents the top of the text

1909                     if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1910                         log.finest("Painted item is selected");
1911                     }
1912                     g.setColor(getListForeground());
1913                 } else {
1914                     g.setColor(getListBackground());
1915                 }
1916                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1917                     log.finest("Filling " + new Rectangle(x, y, w, h));
1918                 }
1919                 g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
1921                 if (index <= getLastVisibleItem() && index < items.size()) {
1922                     if (!isEnabled()){
1923                         g.setColor(getDisabledColor());
1924                     } else if (isSelected(index)) {
1925                         g.setColor(getListBackground());
1926                     } else {
1927                         g.setColor(getListForeground());
1928                     }
1929                     String str = (String)items.elementAt(index);
1930                     g.drawString(str, x - hsb.getValue(), y + fontAscent);
1931                 } else {
1932                     // Clear the remaining area around the item - focus area and the rest of border
1933                     g.setClip(x, y, listWidth, h);
1934                     g.setColor(getListBackground());
1935                     g.fillRect(x, y, listWidth, h);
1936                 }
1937                 g.setClip(clip);
1938             }
1939         }
1941         void paintScrollBar(XScrollbar scr, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean paintAll) {
1942             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1943                 log.finest("Painting scrollbar " + scr + " width " +
1944                 width + " height " + height + ", paintAll " + paintAll);
1945             }
1946             g.translate(x, y);
1947             scr.paint(g, getSystemColors(), paintAll);
1948             g.translate(-x, -y);
1949         }

  53     public final static int     VERSCROLLBAR = 1;
  54     public final static int     HORSCROLLBAR = 2;
  55     public final static int     DEFAULT_VISIBLE_ROWS = 4; // From java.awt.List,
  56     public final static int     HORIZ_SCROLL_AMT = 10;
  58     private final static int    PAINT_VSCROLL = 2;
  59     private final static int    PAINT_HSCROLL = 4;
  60     private final static int    PAINT_ITEMS = 8;
  61     private final static int    PAINT_FOCUS = 16;
  62     private final static int    PAINT_BACKGROUND = 32;
  63     private final static int    PAINT_HIDEFOCUS = 64;
  64     private final static int    PAINT_ALL =
  66     private final static int    COPY_AREA = 128;
  68     XVerticalScrollbar       vsb;
  69     XHorizontalScrollbar     hsb;
  70     ListPainter painter;
  72     // TODO: ick - Vector?
  73     Vector<String>              items;
  74     boolean                     multipleSelections;
  75     int                         active = NONE;
  77     // Holds the array of the indexes of the elements which is selected
  78     // This array should be kept sorted, low to high.
  79     int                         selected[];
  80     int                         fontHeight;
  81     int                         fontAscent;
  82     int                         fontLeading;
  84     // Holds the index of the item used in the previous operation (selectItem, deselectItem)
  85     // Adding of an item or clearing of the list sets this index to -1
  86     // The index is used at the moment of the post of ACTION_PERFORMED event after the mouse double click event.
  87     int                         currentIndex = -1;
  89     // Used for tracking selection/deselection between mousePress/Release
  90     // and for ItemEvents
  91     int                         eventIndex = -1;
  92     int                         eventType = NONE;

 122     boolean isScrollBarOriginated = false;
 124     // This variable is set to true after the "mouse pressed" event and to false after the "mouse released" event
 125     // Fixed 6293432: Key events ('SPACE', 'UP', 'DOWN') aren't blocked if mouse is kept in 'PRESSED' state for List, XAWT
 126     boolean isMousePressed = false;
 128     /**
 129      * Create a list
 130      */
 131     XListPeer(List target) {
 132         super(target);
 133     }
 135     /**
 136      * Overridden from XWindow
 137      */
 138     public void preInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
 139         super.preInit(params);
 141         // Stuff that must be initialized before layout() is called
 142         items = new Vector<>();
 143         createVerScrollbar();
 144         createHorScrollbar();
 146         painter = new ListPainter();
 148         // See 6246467 for more information
 149         bgColorSet = target.isBackgroundSet();
 150         fgColorSet = target.isForegroundSet();
 151     }
 153     public void postInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
 154         super.postInit(params);
 155         initFontMetrics();
 156         // TODO: more efficient way?
 157         //       do we really want/need a copy of all the items?
 158         // get all items from target
 159         List l = (List)target;
 160         int stop = l.getItemCount();
 161         for (int i = 0 ; i < stop; i++) {
 162             items.addElement(l.getItem(i));

 265     /**
 266      * Calculate font metrics
 267      */
 268     void initFontMetrics() {
 269         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 270         fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
 271         fontAscent = fm.getAscent();
 272         fontLeading = fm.getLeading();
 273     }
 276     /**
 277      * return the length of the largest item in the list
 278      */
 279     int maxLength() {
 280         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 281         int m = 0;
 282         int end = items.size();
 283         for(int i = 0 ; i < end ; i++) {
 284             int l = fm.stringWidth(items.elementAt(i));
 285             m = Math.max(m, l);
 286         }
 287         return m;
 288     }
 290     /**
 291      * Calculates the width of item's label
 292      */
 293     int getItemWidth(int i) {
 294         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 295         return fm.stringWidth(items.elementAt(i));
 296     }
 298     /**
 299      * return the on-screen width of the given string "str"
 300      */
 301     int stringLength(String str) {
 302         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(target.getFont());
 303         return fm.stringWidth(str);
 304     }
 306     public void setForeground(Color c) {
 307         fgColorSet = true;
 308         super.setForeground(c);
 309     }
 311     public void setBackground(Color c) {
 312         bgColorSet = true;
 313         super.setBackground(c);
 314     }

 642         }
 643     }
 644     void mouseReleased(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
 645         if (isEnabled() && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {
 646             //winReleaseCursorFocus();
 647             int clickCount = mouseEvent.getClickCount();
 648             if (active == VERSCROLLBAR) {
 649                 vsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 650                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 651                                      mouseEvent.getX()-(width-SCROLLBAR_WIDTH),
 652                                      mouseEvent.getY());
 653             } else if(active == HORSCROLLBAR) {
 654                 hsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 655                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 656                                      mouseEvent.getX(),
 657                                      mouseEvent.getY()-(height-SCROLLBAR_WIDTH));
 658             } else if ( ( currentIndex >= 0 ) && ( clickCount >= 2 ) &&
 659                         ( clickCount % 2 == 0 ) ) {
 660                 postEvent(new ActionEvent(target,
 661                                           ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,
 662                                           items.elementAt(currentIndex),
 663                                           mouseEvent.getWhen(),
 664                                           mouseEvent.getModifiers()));  // No ext mods
 665             } else if (active == WINDOW) {
 666                 // See 6243382 for more information
 667                 trackMouseReleasedScroll();
 669                 if (eventType == ItemEvent.DESELECTED) {
 670                     assert multipleSelections : "Shouldn't get a deselect for a single-select List";
 671                     // Paint deselection the release
 672                     deselectItem(eventIndex);
 673                 }
 674                 if (eventType != NONE) {
 675                     postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 676                                 ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 677                                 Integer.valueOf(eventIndex),
 678                                 eventType));
 679                 }
 680             }
 681             active = NONE;
 682             eventIndex = -1;

 969                   // That is, pressing space bar on a
 970                   // single-select list when the focused
 971                   // item is already selected does NOT
 972                   // send an ItemEvent.SELECTED event.
 973                   selectItem(getFocusIndex());
 974                   postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 975                                           ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 976                                           Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 977                                           ItemEvent.SELECTED));
 978               }
 979               break;
 980           case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER:
 981               // It looks to me like there are bugs as well as inconsistencies
 982               // in the way the Enter key is handled by both Solaris and Windows.
 983               // So for now in XAWT, I'm going to simply go by what the List docs
 984               // say: "AWT also generates an action event when the user presses
 985               // the return key while an item in the list is selected."
 986               if (selected.length > 0) {
 987                   postEvent(new ActionEvent((List)target,
 988                                             ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,
 989                                             items.elementAt(getFocusIndex()),
 990                                             e.getWhen(),
 991                                             e.getModifiers()));  // ActionEvent doesn't have
 992                   // extended modifiers.
 993               }
 994               break;
 995         }
 996     }
 998     /**
 999      * return value from the scrollbar
1000      */
1001     public void notifyValue(XScrollbar obj, int type, int v, boolean isAdjusting) {
1003         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
1004             log.fine("Notify value changed on " + obj + " to " + v);
1005         }
1006         int value = obj.getValue();
1007         if (obj == vsb) {
1008             scrollVertical(v - value);

1326             return;
1327         }
1328         if (isItemHidden(index)) {  // Do I really need to call this?
1329             // If index is above the top, scroll up
1330             if (index < vsb.getValue()) {
1331                 scrollVertical(index - vsb.getValue());
1332             }
1333             // If index is below the bottom, scroll down
1334             else if (index > lastItemDisplayed()) {
1335                 int val = index - lastItemDisplayed();
1336                 scrollVertical(val);
1337             }
1338         }
1339     }
1341     /**
1342      * clear
1343      */
1344     public void clear() {
1345         selected = new int[0];
1346         items = new Vector<>();
1347         currentIndex = -1;
1348         // Fixed 6291736: ITEM_STATE_CHANGED triggered after List.removeAll(), XToolkit
1349         // We should update 'focusIndex' variable more carefully
1350         setFocusIndex(-1);
1351         vsb.setValue(0);
1352         maxLength = 0;
1353         layout();
1354         repaint();
1355     }
1357     /**
1358      * return the selected indexes
1359      */
1360     public int[] getSelectedIndexes() {
1361         return selected;
1362     }
1364     /**
1365      * return the y value of the given index "i".
1366      * the y value represents the top of the text

1909                     if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1910                         log.finest("Painted item is selected");
1911                     }
1912                     g.setColor(getListForeground());
1913                 } else {
1914                     g.setColor(getListBackground());
1915                 }
1916                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1917                     log.finest("Filling " + new Rectangle(x, y, w, h));
1918                 }
1919                 g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
1921                 if (index <= getLastVisibleItem() && index < items.size()) {
1922                     if (!isEnabled()){
1923                         g.setColor(getDisabledColor());
1924                     } else if (isSelected(index)) {
1925                         g.setColor(getListBackground());
1926                     } else {
1927                         g.setColor(getListForeground());
1928                     }
1929                     String str = items.elementAt(index);
1930                     g.drawString(str, x - hsb.getValue(), y + fontAscent);
1931                 } else {
1932                     // Clear the remaining area around the item - focus area and the rest of border
1933                     g.setClip(x, y, listWidth, h);
1934                     g.setColor(getListBackground());
1935                     g.fillRect(x, y, listWidth, h);
1936                 }
1937                 g.setClip(clip);
1938             }
1939         }
1941         void paintScrollBar(XScrollbar scr, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean paintAll) {
1942             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1943                 log.finest("Painting scrollbar " + scr + " width " +
1944                 width + " height " + height + ", paintAll " + paintAll);
1945             }
1946             g.translate(x, y);
1947             scr.paint(g, getSystemColors(), paintAll);
1948             g.translate(-x, -y);
1949         }