1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package sun.awt.image;
  28 import java.awt.Color;
  29 import java.awt.Rectangle;
  30 import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
  31 import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
  32 import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
  33 import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel;
  34 import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
  35 import java.awt.image.Raster;
  36 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
  37 import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
  39 import sun.java2d.SurfaceData;
  40 import sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D;
  41 import sun.java2d.StateTrackable;
  42 import sun.java2d.StateTrackable.*;
  43 import sun.java2d.StateTracker;
  44 import sun.java2d.loops.SurfaceType;
  45 import sun.java2d.loops.CompositeType;
  46 import sun.java2d.loops.RenderLoops;
  49 public class BufImgSurfaceData extends SurfaceData {
  50     BufferedImage bufImg;
  51     private BufferedImageGraphicsConfig graphicsConfig;
  52     RenderLoops solidloops;
  54     private static native void initIDs(Class ICM, Class ICMColorData);
  56     private static final int DCM_RGBX_RED_MASK   = 0xff000000;
  57     private static final int DCM_RGBX_GREEN_MASK = 0x00ff0000;
  58     private static final int DCM_RGBX_BLUE_MASK  = 0x0000ff00;
  59     private static final int DCM_555X_RED_MASK = 0xF800;
  60     private static final int DCM_555X_GREEN_MASK = 0x07C0;
  61     private static final int DCM_555X_BLUE_MASK = 0x003E;
  62     private static final int DCM_4444_RED_MASK   = 0x0f00;
  63     private static final int DCM_4444_GREEN_MASK = 0x00f0;
  64     private static final int DCM_4444_BLUE_MASK  = 0x000f;
  65     private static final int DCM_4444_ALPHA_MASK = 0xf000;
  66     private static final int DCM_ARGBBM_ALPHA_MASK = 0x01000000;
  67     private static final int DCM_ARGBBM_RED_MASK   = 0x00ff0000;
  68     private static final int DCM_ARGBBM_GREEN_MASK = 0x0000ff00;
  69     private static final int DCM_ARGBBM_BLUE_MASK  = 0x000000ff;
  71     static {
  72         initIDs(IndexColorModel.class, ICMColorData.class);
  73     }
  75     public static SurfaceData createData(BufferedImage bufImg) {
  76         if (bufImg == null) {
  77             throw new NullPointerException("BufferedImage cannot be null");
  78         }
  79         SurfaceData sData;
  80         ColorModel cm = bufImg.getColorModel();
  81         int type = bufImg.getType();
  82         // REMIND: Check the image type and pick an appropriate subclass
  83         switch (type) {
  84         case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR:
  85             sData = createDataIC(bufImg, SurfaceType.IntBgr);
  86             break;
  87         case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB:
  88             sData = createDataIC(bufImg, SurfaceType.IntRgb);
  89             break;
  90         case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB:
  91             sData = createDataIC(bufImg, SurfaceType.IntArgb);
  92             break;
  93         case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE:
  94             sData = createDataIC(bufImg, SurfaceType.IntArgbPre);
  95             break;
  96         case BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR:
  97             sData = createDataBC(bufImg, SurfaceType.ThreeByteBgr, 2);
  98             break;
  99         case BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR:
 100             sData = createDataBC(bufImg, SurfaceType.FourByteAbgr, 3);
 101             break;
 102         case BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE:
 103             sData = createDataBC(bufImg, SurfaceType.FourByteAbgrPre, 3);
 104             break;
 105         case BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB:
 106             sData = createDataSC(bufImg, SurfaceType.Ushort565Rgb, null);
 107             break;
 108         case BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_555_RGB:
 109             sData = createDataSC(bufImg, SurfaceType.Ushort555Rgb, null);
 110             break;
 111         case BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED:
 112             {
 113                 SurfaceType sType;
 114                 switch (cm.getTransparency()) {
 115                 case OPAQUE:
 116                     if (isOpaqueGray((IndexColorModel)cm)) {
 117                         sType = SurfaceType.Index8Gray;
 118                     } else {
 119                         sType = SurfaceType.ByteIndexedOpaque;
 120                     }
 121                     break;
 122                 case BITMASK:
 123                     sType = SurfaceType.ByteIndexedBm;
 124                     break;
 125                 case TRANSLUCENT:
 126                     sType = SurfaceType.ByteIndexed;
 127                     break;
 128                 default:
 129                     throw new InternalError("Unrecognized transparency");
 130                 }
 131                 sData = createDataBC(bufImg, sType, 0);
 132             }
 133             break;
 134         case BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY:
 135             sData = createDataBC(bufImg, SurfaceType.ByteGray, 0);
 136             break;
 137         case BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_GRAY:
 138             sData = createDataSC(bufImg, SurfaceType.UshortGray, null);
 139             break;
 140         case BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY:
 141             {
 142                 SurfaceType sType;
 143                 SampleModel sm = bufImg.getRaster().getSampleModel();
 144                 switch (sm.getSampleSize(0)) {
 145                 case 1:
 146                     sType = SurfaceType.ByteBinary1Bit;
 147                     break;
 148                 case 2:
 149                     sType = SurfaceType.ByteBinary2Bit;
 150                     break;
 151                 case 4:
 152                     sType = SurfaceType.ByteBinary4Bit;
 153                     break;
 154                 default:
 155                     throw new InternalError("Unrecognized pixel size");
 156                 }
 157                 sData = createDataBP(bufImg, sType);
 158             }
 159             break;
 160         case BufferedImage.TYPE_CUSTOM:
 161         default:
 162             {
 163                 Raster raster = bufImg.getRaster();
 164                 int numBands = raster.getNumBands();
 165                 if (raster instanceof IntegerComponentRaster &&
 166                     raster.getNumDataElements() == 1 &&
 167                     ((IntegerComponentRaster)raster).getPixelStride() == 1)
 168                 {
 169                     SurfaceType sType = SurfaceType.AnyInt;
 170                     if (cm instanceof DirectColorModel) {
 171                         DirectColorModel dcm = (DirectColorModel) cm;
 172                         int aMask = dcm.getAlphaMask();
 173                         int rMask = dcm.getRedMask();
 174                         int gMask = dcm.getGreenMask();
 175                         int bMask = dcm.getBlueMask();
 176                         if (numBands == 3 &&
 177                             aMask == 0 &&
 178                             rMask == DCM_RGBX_RED_MASK &&
 179                             gMask == DCM_RGBX_GREEN_MASK &&
 180                             bMask == DCM_RGBX_BLUE_MASK)
 181                         {
 182                             sType = SurfaceType.IntRgbx;
 183                         } else if (numBands == 4 &&
 184                                    aMask == DCM_ARGBBM_ALPHA_MASK &&
 185                                    rMask == DCM_ARGBBM_RED_MASK &&
 186                                    gMask == DCM_ARGBBM_GREEN_MASK &&
 187                                    bMask == DCM_ARGBBM_BLUE_MASK)
 188                         {
 189                             sType = SurfaceType.IntArgbBm;
 190                         } else {
 191                             sType = SurfaceType.AnyDcm;
 192                         }
 193                     }
 194                     sData = createDataIC(bufImg, sType);
 195                     break;
 196                 } else if (raster instanceof ShortComponentRaster &&
 197                            raster.getNumDataElements() == 1 &&
 198                            ((ShortComponentRaster)raster).getPixelStride() == 1)
 199                 {
 200                     SurfaceType sType = SurfaceType.AnyShort;
 201                     IndexColorModel icm = null;
 202                     if (cm instanceof DirectColorModel) {
 203                         DirectColorModel dcm = (DirectColorModel) cm;
 204                         int aMask = dcm.getAlphaMask();
 205                         int rMask = dcm.getRedMask();
 206                         int gMask = dcm.getGreenMask();
 207                         int bMask = dcm.getBlueMask();
 208                         if (numBands == 3 &&
 209                             aMask == 0 &&
 210                             rMask == DCM_555X_RED_MASK &&
 211                             gMask == DCM_555X_GREEN_MASK &&
 212                             bMask == DCM_555X_BLUE_MASK)
 213                         {
 214                             sType = SurfaceType.Ushort555Rgbx;
 215                         } else
 216                         if (numBands == 4 &&
 217                             aMask == DCM_4444_ALPHA_MASK &&
 218                             rMask == DCM_4444_RED_MASK &&
 219                             gMask == DCM_4444_GREEN_MASK &&
 220                             bMask == DCM_4444_BLUE_MASK)
 221                         {
 222                             sType = SurfaceType.Ushort4444Argb;
 223                         }
 224                     } else if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel) {
 225                         icm = (IndexColorModel)cm;
 226                         if (icm.getPixelSize() == 12) {
 227                             if (isOpaqueGray(icm)) {
 228                                 sType = SurfaceType.Index12Gray;
 229                             } else {
 230                                 sType = SurfaceType.UshortIndexed;
 231                             }
 232                         } else {
 233                             icm = null;
 234                         }
 235                     }
 236                     sData = createDataSC(bufImg, sType, icm);
 237                     break;
 238                 }
 239                 sData = new BufImgSurfaceData(raster.getDataBuffer(),
 240                                               bufImg, SurfaceType.Custom);
 241             }
 242             break;
 243         }
 244         ((BufImgSurfaceData) sData).initSolidLoops();
 245         return sData;
 246     }
 248     public static SurfaceData createData(Raster ras, ColorModel cm) {
 249         throw new InternalError("SurfaceData not implemented for Raster/CM");
 250     }
 252     public static SurfaceData createDataIC(BufferedImage bImg,
 253                                            SurfaceType sType) {
 254         IntegerComponentRaster icRaster =
 255             (IntegerComponentRaster)bImg.getRaster();
 256         BufImgSurfaceData bisd =
 257             new BufImgSurfaceData(icRaster.getDataBuffer(), bImg, sType);
 258         bisd.initRaster(icRaster.getDataStorage(),
 259                         icRaster.getDataOffset(0) * 4, 0,
 260                         icRaster.getWidth(),
 261                         icRaster.getHeight(),
 262                         icRaster.getPixelStride() * 4,
 263                         icRaster.getScanlineStride() * 4,
 264                         null);
 265         return bisd;
 266     }
 268     public static SurfaceData createDataSC(BufferedImage bImg,
 269                                            SurfaceType sType,
 270                                            IndexColorModel icm) {
 271         ShortComponentRaster scRaster =
 272             (ShortComponentRaster)bImg.getRaster();
 273         BufImgSurfaceData bisd =
 274             new BufImgSurfaceData(scRaster.getDataBuffer(), bImg, sType);
 275         bisd.initRaster(scRaster.getDataStorage(),
 276                         scRaster.getDataOffset(0) * 2, 0,
 277                         scRaster.getWidth(),
 278                         scRaster.getHeight(),
 279                         scRaster.getPixelStride() * 2,
 280                         scRaster.getScanlineStride() * 2,
 281                         icm);
 282         return bisd;
 283     }
 285     public static SurfaceData createDataBC(BufferedImage bImg,
 286                                            SurfaceType sType,
 287                                            int primaryBank) {
 288         ByteComponentRaster bcRaster =
 289             (ByteComponentRaster)bImg.getRaster();
 290         BufImgSurfaceData bisd =
 291             new BufImgSurfaceData(bcRaster.getDataBuffer(), bImg, sType);
 292         ColorModel cm = bImg.getColorModel();
 293         IndexColorModel icm = ((cm instanceof IndexColorModel)
 294                                ? (IndexColorModel) cm
 295                                : null);
 296         bisd.initRaster(bcRaster.getDataStorage(),
 297                         bcRaster.getDataOffset(primaryBank), 0,
 298                         bcRaster.getWidth(),
 299                         bcRaster.getHeight(),
 300                         bcRaster.getPixelStride(),
 301                         bcRaster.getScanlineStride(),
 302                         icm);
 303         return bisd;
 304     }
 306     public static SurfaceData createDataBP(BufferedImage bImg,
 307                                            SurfaceType sType) {
 308         BytePackedRaster bpRaster =
 309             (BytePackedRaster)bImg.getRaster();
 310         BufImgSurfaceData bisd =
 311             new BufImgSurfaceData(bpRaster.getDataBuffer(), bImg, sType);
 312         ColorModel cm = bImg.getColorModel();
 313         IndexColorModel icm = ((cm instanceof IndexColorModel)
 314                                ? (IndexColorModel) cm
 315                                : null);
 316         bisd.initRaster(bpRaster.getDataStorage(),
 317                         bpRaster.getDataBitOffset() / 8,
 318                         bpRaster.getDataBitOffset() & 7,
 319                         bpRaster.getWidth(),
 320                         bpRaster.getHeight(),
 321                         0,
 322                         bpRaster.getScanlineStride(),
 323                         icm);
 324         return bisd;
 325     }
 327     public RenderLoops getRenderLoops(SunGraphics2D sg2d) {
 328         if (sg2d.paintState <= SunGraphics2D.PAINT_ALPHACOLOR &&
 329             sg2d.compositeState <= SunGraphics2D.COMP_ISCOPY)
 330         {
 331             return solidloops;
 332         }
 333         return super.getRenderLoops(sg2d);
 334     }
 336     public java.awt.image.Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
 337         return bufImg.getRaster();
 338     }
 340     /**
 341      * Initializes the native Ops pointer.
 342      */
 343     protected native void initRaster(Object theArray,
 344                                      int offset,
 345                                      int bitoffset,
 346                                      int width,
 347                                      int height,
 348                                      int pixStr,
 349                                      int scanStr,
 350                                      IndexColorModel icm);
 352     public BufImgSurfaceData(DataBuffer db,
 353                              BufferedImage bufImg, SurfaceType sType)
 354     {
 355         super(SunWritableRaster.stealTrackable(db),
 356               sType, bufImg.getColorModel());
 357         this.bufImg = bufImg;
 358     }
 360     protected BufImgSurfaceData(SurfaceType surfaceType, ColorModel cm) {
 361         super(surfaceType, cm);
 362     }
 364     public void initSolidLoops() {
 365         this.solidloops = getSolidLoops(getSurfaceType());
 366     }
 368     private static final int CACHE_SIZE = 5;
 369     private static RenderLoops loopcache[] = new RenderLoops[CACHE_SIZE];
 370     private static SurfaceType typecache[] = new SurfaceType[CACHE_SIZE];
 371     public static synchronized RenderLoops getSolidLoops(SurfaceType type) {
 372         for (int i = CACHE_SIZE - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 373             SurfaceType t = typecache[i];
 374             if (t == type) {
 375                 return loopcache[i];
 376             } else if (t == null) {
 377                 break;
 378             }
 379         }
 380         RenderLoops l = makeRenderLoops(SurfaceType.OpaqueColor,
 381                                         CompositeType.SrcNoEa,
 382                                         type);
 383         System.arraycopy(loopcache, 1, loopcache, 0, CACHE_SIZE-1);
 384         System.arraycopy(typecache, 1, typecache, 0, CACHE_SIZE-1);
 385         loopcache[CACHE_SIZE - 1] = l;
 386         typecache[CACHE_SIZE - 1] = type;
 387         return l;
 388     }
 390     public SurfaceData getReplacement() {
 391         // BufImgSurfaceData objects should never lose their contents,
 392         // so this method should never be called.
 393         return restoreContents(bufImg);
 394     }
 396     public synchronized GraphicsConfiguration getDeviceConfiguration() {
 397         if (graphicsConfig == null) {
 398             graphicsConfig = BufferedImageGraphicsConfig.getConfig(bufImg);
 399         }
 400         return graphicsConfig;
 401     }
 403     public java.awt.Rectangle getBounds() {
 404         return new Rectangle(bufImg.getWidth(), bufImg.getHeight());
 405     }
 407     protected void checkCustomComposite() {
 408         // BufferedImages always allow Custom Composite objects since
 409         // their pixels are immediately retrievable anyway.
 410     }
 412     private static native void freeNativeICMData(long pData);
 414     /**
 415      * Returns destination Image associated with this SurfaceData.
 416      */
 417     public Object getDestination() {
 418         return bufImg;
 419     }
 421     public static final class ICMColorData {
 422         private long pData = 0L;
 424         private ICMColorData(long pData) {
 425             this.pData = pData;
 426         }
 428         public void finalize() {
 429             if (pData != 0L) {
 430                 BufImgSurfaceData.freeNativeICMData(pData);
 431                 pData = 0L;
 432             }
 433         }
 434     }
 435 }