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rev 507 : 8047724: @since tag cleanup in jaxws

 226  * }
 227  * </pre>
 228  * then the following document will unmarshal like this:
 229  * <pre>
 230  * &lt;foo>
 231  *   &lt;unknown />
 232  *   &lt;foo />
 233  * &lt;/foo>
 234  *
 235  * Foo foo = unmarshal();
 236  * // 1 for 'unknown', another for 'foo'
 237  * assert foo.others.length==2;
 238  * // 'unknown' unmarshals to a DOM element
 239  * assert foo.others[0] instanceof Element;
 240  * // because of lax=true, the 'foo' element eagerly
 241  * // unmarshals to a Foo object.
 242  * assert foo.others[1] instanceof Foo;
 243  * </pre>
 244  *
 245  * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
 246  * @since JAXB2.0
 247  */
 248 @Retention(RUNTIME)
 249 @Target({FIELD,METHOD})
 250 public @interface XmlAnyElement {
 252     /**
 253      * Controls the unmarshaller behavior when it sees elements
 254      * known to the current {@link JAXBContext}.
 255      *
 256      * <h3>When false</h3>
 257      * <p>
 258      * If false, all the elements that match the property will be unmarshalled
 259      * to DOM, and the property will only contain DOM elements.
 260      *
 261      * <h3>When true</h3>
 262      * <p>
 263      * If true, when an element matches a property marked with {@link XmlAnyElement}
 264      * is known to {@link JAXBContext} (for example, there's a class with
 265      * {@link XmlRootElement} that has the same tag name, or there's
 266      * {@link XmlElementDecl} that has the same tag name),

 226  * }
 227  * </pre>
 228  * then the following document will unmarshal like this:
 229  * <pre>
 230  * &lt;foo>
 231  *   &lt;unknown />
 232  *   &lt;foo />
 233  * &lt;/foo>
 234  *
 235  * Foo foo = unmarshal();
 236  * // 1 for 'unknown', another for 'foo'
 237  * assert foo.others.length==2;
 238  * // 'unknown' unmarshals to a DOM element
 239  * assert foo.others[0] instanceof Element;
 240  * // because of lax=true, the 'foo' element eagerly
 241  * // unmarshals to a Foo object.
 242  * assert foo.others[1] instanceof Foo;
 243  * </pre>
 244  *
 245  * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
 246  * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 247  */
 248 @Retention(RUNTIME)
 249 @Target({FIELD,METHOD})
 250 public @interface XmlAnyElement {
 252     /**
 253      * Controls the unmarshaller behavior when it sees elements
 254      * known to the current {@link JAXBContext}.
 255      *
 256      * <h3>When false</h3>
 257      * <p>
 258      * If false, all the elements that match the property will be unmarshalled
 259      * to DOM, and the property will only contain DOM elements.
 260      *
 261      * <h3>When true</h3>
 262      * <p>
 263      * If true, when an element matches a property marked with {@link XmlAnyElement}
 264      * is known to {@link JAXBContext} (for example, there's a class with
 265      * {@link XmlRootElement} that has the same tag name, or there's
 266      * {@link XmlElementDecl} that has the same tag name),