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rev 507 : 8047724: @since tag cleanup in jaxws

 101  *           <b>wsam:Action=""</b> />
 102  *         &lt;output message="tns:AddNumbersOutput" name="bar"
 103  *           <b>wsam:Action=""</b>/>
 104  *       &lt;/operation>
 105  *     &lt;/portType>
 106  *     ...
 107  *   &lt;/definitions>
 108  * </pre>
 109  *
 110  * It is legitimate to specify an explicit value for <code>Action</code> message addressing property for
 111  * <code>output</code> message only. In this case, <code>wsam:Action</code> value for the
 112  * WSDL <code>input</code> message is computed using the algorithm in the JAX-WS specification.
 113  *
 114  * <p>
 115  * <b>Example 3</b>: See {@link FaultAction} annotation for an example of
 116  * how to specify an explicit value for <code>Action</code> message addressing property for the
 117  * <code>fault</code> message.
 118  *
 119  * @see FaultAction
 120  *
 121  * @since JAX-WS 2.1
 122  */
 124 @Documented
 125 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
 126 @Target(ElementType.METHOD)
 127 public @interface Action {
 128     /**
 129      * Explicit value of the WS-Addressing <code>Action</code> message addressing property for the <code>input</code>
 130      * message of the operation.
 131      */
 132     String input() default "";
 134     /**
 135      * Explicit value of the WS-Addressing <code>Action</code> message addressing property for the <code>output</code>
 136      * message of the operation.
 137      */
 138     String output() default "";
 140     /**
 141      * Explicit value of the WS-Addressing <code>Action</code> message addressing property for the <code>fault</code>

 101  *           <b>wsam:Action=""</b> />
 102  *         &lt;output message="tns:AddNumbersOutput" name="bar"
 103  *           <b>wsam:Action=""</b>/>
 104  *       &lt;/operation>
 105  *     &lt;/portType>
 106  *     ...
 107  *   &lt;/definitions>
 108  * </pre>
 109  *
 110  * It is legitimate to specify an explicit value for <code>Action</code> message addressing property for
 111  * <code>output</code> message only. In this case, <code>wsam:Action</code> value for the
 112  * WSDL <code>input</code> message is computed using the algorithm in the JAX-WS specification.
 113  *
 114  * <p>
 115  * <b>Example 3</b>: See {@link FaultAction} annotation for an example of
 116  * how to specify an explicit value for <code>Action</code> message addressing property for the
 117  * <code>fault</code> message.
 118  *
 119  * @see FaultAction
 120  *
 121  * @since 1.6, JAX-WS 2.1
 122  */
 124 @Documented
 125 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
 126 @Target(ElementType.METHOD)
 127 public @interface Action {
 128     /**
 129      * Explicit value of the WS-Addressing <code>Action</code> message addressing property for the <code>input</code>
 130      * message of the operation.
 131      */
 132     String input() default "";
 134     /**
 135      * Explicit value of the WS-Addressing <code>Action</code> message addressing property for the <code>output</code>
 136      * message of the operation.
 137      */
 138     String output() default "";
 140     /**
 141      * Explicit value of the WS-Addressing <code>Action</code> message addressing property for the <code>fault</code>