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  29 import jdk.jpackage.internal.CLIHelp;
  30 import java.io.PrintWriter;
  31 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
  32 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
  33 import java.io.IOException;
  34 import java.text.MessageFormat;
  36 public class Main {
  38     private static final ResourceBundle I18N = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
  39             "jdk.jpackage.internal.resources.MainResources");
  41     /**
  42      * main(String... args)
  43      * This is the entry point for the jpackage tool.
  44      *
  45      * @param args command line arguments
  46      */
  47     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  48         // Create logger with default system.out and system.err
  49         Log.Logger logger = new Log.Logger(false);
  50         Log.setLogger(logger);
  52         int status = new jdk.jpackage.main.Main().execute(args);
  53         System.exit(status);
  54     }
  56     /**
  57      * execute() - this is the entry point for the ToolProvider API.
  58      *
  59      * @param out output stream
  60      * @param err error output stream
  61      * @param args command line arguments
  62      * @return an exit code. 0 means success, non-zero means an error occurred.
  63      */
  64     public int execute(PrintWriter out, PrintWriter err, String... args) {
  65         // Create logger with provided streams
  66         Log.Logger logger = new Log.Logger(false);
  67         logger.setPrintWriter(out, err);
  68         Log.setLogger(logger);
  70         return execute(args);
  71     }
  73     private int execute(String... args) {
  74         try {
  75             String[] newArgs;
  76             try {
  77                 newArgs = CommandLine.parse(args);
  78             } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
  79                 Log.error(MessageFormat.format(I18N.getString(
  80                         "ERR_CannotParseOptions"), fnfe.getMessage()));
  81                 return 1;
  82             } catch (IOException ioe) {
  83                 Log.error(ioe.getMessage());
  84                 return 1;
  85             }

  29 import jdk.jpackage.internal.CLIHelp;
  30 import java.io.PrintWriter;
  31 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
  32 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
  33 import java.io.IOException;
  34 import java.text.MessageFormat;
  36 public class Main {
  38     private static final ResourceBundle I18N = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
  39             "jdk.jpackage.internal.resources.MainResources");
  41     /**
  42      * main(String... args)
  43      * This is the entry point for the jpackage tool.
  44      *
  45      * @param args command line arguments
  46      */
  47     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  48         // Create logger with default system.out and system.err
  49         Log.setLogger(null);

  51         int status = new jdk.jpackage.main.Main().execute(args);
  52         System.exit(status);
  53     }
  55     /**
  56      * execute() - this is the entry point for the ToolProvider API.
  57      *
  58      * @param out output stream
  59      * @param err error output stream
  60      * @param args command line arguments
  61      * @return an exit code. 0 means success, non-zero means an error occurred.
  62      */
  63     public int execute(PrintWriter out, PrintWriter err, String... args) {
  64         // Create logger with provided streams
  65         Log.Logger logger = new Log.Logger();
  66         logger.setPrintWriter(out, err);
  67         Log.setLogger(logger);
  69         return execute(args);
  70     }
  72     private int execute(String... args) {
  73         try {
  74             String[] newArgs;
  75             try {
  76                 newArgs = CommandLine.parse(args);
  77             } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
  78                 Log.error(MessageFormat.format(I18N.getString(
  79                         "ERR_CannotParseOptions"), fnfe.getMessage()));
  80                 return 1;
  81             } catch (IOException ioe) {
  82                 Log.error(ioe.getMessage());
  83                 return 1;
  84             }

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