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  50     private static final String [] CMD1 = {
  51         "--package-type", "app-image",
  52         "--input", "input",
  53         "--dest", OUTPUT,
  54         "--name", "test",
  55         "--main-jar", "non-existant.jar",
  56     };
  57     private static final String EXP1 = "main jar does not exist";
  59     private static final String [] CMD2 = {
  60         "--package-type", "app-image",
  61         "--input", "input",
  62         "--dest", OUTPUT,
  63         "--name", "test",
  64         "--main-jar", "hello.jar",
  65     };
  66     private static final String EXP2 = "class was not specified nor was";
  68     private static void validate(String output, String expected, boolean single)
  69             throws Exception {
  70         String[] result = output.split("\n");
  71         if (single && result.length != 1) {
  72             System.err.println(output);
  73             throw new AssertionError("Unexpected multiple lines of output: "
  74                     + output);
  75         }
  77         if (!result[0].trim().contains(expected)) {
  78             throw new AssertionError("Unexpected output: " + result[0]
  79                     + " - expected output to contain: " + expected);
  80         }
  81     }
  84     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  85         JPackageHelper.createHelloImageJar();
  87         validate(JPackageHelper.executeToolProvider(false,
  88             "--package-type", "app-image", ARG1), EXPECTED1, true);
  89         validate(JPackageHelper.executeToolProvider(false,
  90             "--package-type", "app-image", ARG2), EXPECTED2, true);

  50     private static final String [] CMD1 = {
  51         "--package-type", "app-image",
  52         "--input", "input",
  53         "--dest", OUTPUT,
  54         "--name", "test",
  55         "--main-jar", "non-existant.jar",
  56     };
  57     private static final String EXP1 = "main jar does not exist";
  59     private static final String [] CMD2 = {
  60         "--package-type", "app-image",
  61         "--input", "input",
  62         "--dest", OUTPUT,
  63         "--name", "test",
  64         "--main-jar", "hello.jar",
  65     };
  66     private static final String EXP2 = "class was not specified nor was";
  68     private static void validate(String output, String expected, boolean single)
  69             throws Exception {
  70         String[] result = JPackageHelper.splitAndFilter(output);
  71         if (single && result.length != 1) {
  72             System.err.println(output);
  73             throw new AssertionError("Unexpected multiple lines of output: "
  74                     + output);
  75         }
  77         if (!result[0].trim().contains(expected)) {
  78             throw new AssertionError("Unexpected output: " + result[0]
  79                     + " - expected output to contain: " + expected);
  80         }
  81     }
  84     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  85         JPackageHelper.createHelloImageJar();
  87         validate(JPackageHelper.executeToolProvider(false,
  88             "--package-type", "app-image", ARG1), EXPECTED1, true);
  89         validate(JPackageHelper.executeToolProvider(false,
  90             "--package-type", "app-image", ARG2), EXPECTED2, true);
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