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  61 message.bundle-name-too-long-warning={0} is set to ''{1}'', which is longer than 16 characters. For a better Mac experience consider shortening it.
  62 message.null-classpath=Null app resources?
  63 message.preparing-info-plist=Preparing Info.plist: {0}.
  64 message.icon-not-icns= The specified icon "{0}" is not an ICNS file and will not be used. The default icon will be used in it's place.
  65 message.version-string-too-many-components=Version sting may have between 1 and 3 numbers: 1, 1.2, 1.2.3.
  66 message.version-string-first-number-not-zero=The first number in a CFBundleVersion cannot be zero or negative.
  67 message.version-string-no-negative-numbers=Negative numbers are not allowed in version strings.
  68 message.version-string-numbers-only=Version strings can consist of only numbers and up to two dots.
  69 message.creating-association-with-null-extension=Creating association with null extension.
  70 message.ignoring.symlink=Warning: codesign is skipping the symlink {0}.
  71 message.keychain.error=Error: unable to get keychain list.
  72 message.building-bundle=Building Mac App Store Package for {0}.
  73 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified application image directory {0}: {1} does not exists.
  74 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists.
  75 message.app-image-requires-app-name=When using an external app image you must specify the app name.
  76 message.app-image-requires-app-name.advice=Set the app name via the -name CLI flag, the fx:application/@name ANT attribute, or via the 'appName' bundler argument.
  77 message.app-image-requires-identifier=Unable to extract identifier from app image.
  78 message.app-image-requires-identifier.advice=Use "--verbose" for extended error message or specify it via "--mac-package-identifier".

  79 message.building-dmg=Building DMG package for {0}.
  80 message.running-script=Running shell script on application image [{0}].
  81 message.preparing-dmg-setup=Preparing dmg setup: {0}.
  82 message.creating-dmg-file=Creating DMG file: {0}.
  83 message.dmg-cannot-be-overwritten=Dmg file exists ({0} and can not be removed.
  84 message.output-to-location=Result DMG installer for {0}: {1}.
  85 message.building-pkg=Building PKG package for {0}.
  86 message.preparing-scripts=Preparing package scripts.
  87 message.preparing-distribution-dist=Preparing distribution.dist: {0}.
  88 message.signing.pkg=Warning: For signing PKG, you might need to set "Always Trust" for your certificate using "Keychain Access" tool.
  89 message.setfile.dmg=Setting custom icon on DMG file skipped because 'SetFile' utility was not found. Installing Xcode with Command Line Tools should resolve this issue.

  61 message.bundle-name-too-long-warning={0} is set to ''{1}'', which is longer than 16 characters. For a better Mac experience consider shortening it.
  62 message.null-classpath=Null app resources?
  63 message.preparing-info-plist=Preparing Info.plist: {0}.
  64 message.icon-not-icns= The specified icon "{0}" is not an ICNS file and will not be used. The default icon will be used in it's place.
  65 message.version-string-too-many-components=Version sting may have between 1 and 3 numbers: 1, 1.2, 1.2.3.
  66 message.version-string-first-number-not-zero=The first number in a CFBundleVersion cannot be zero or negative.
  67 message.version-string-no-negative-numbers=Negative numbers are not allowed in version strings.
  68 message.version-string-numbers-only=Version strings can consist of only numbers and up to two dots.
  69 message.creating-association-with-null-extension=Creating association with null extension.
  70 message.ignoring.symlink=Warning: codesign is skipping the symlink {0}.
  71 message.keychain.error=Error: unable to get keychain list.
  72 message.building-bundle=Building Mac App Store Package for {0}.
  73 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified application image directory {0}: {1} does not exists.
  74 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists.
  75 message.app-image-requires-app-name=When using an external app image you must specify the app name.
  76 message.app-image-requires-app-name.advice=Set the app name via the -name CLI flag, the fx:application/@name ANT attribute, or via the 'appName' bundler argument.
  77 message.app-image-requires-identifier=Unable to extract identifier from app image.
  78 message.app-image-requires-identifier.advice=Use "--verbose" for extended error message or specify it via "--mac-package-identifier".
  79 message.invalid-identifier=invalid mac bundle identifier [{0}].
  80 message.invalid-identifier.advice=specify identifier with "--mac-package-identifier".
  81 message.building-dmg=Building DMG package for {0}.
  82 message.running-script=Running shell script on application image [{0}].
  83 message.preparing-dmg-setup=Preparing dmg setup: {0}.
  84 message.creating-dmg-file=Creating DMG file: {0}.
  85 message.dmg-cannot-be-overwritten=Dmg file exists ({0} and can not be removed.
  86 message.output-to-location=Result DMG installer for {0}: {1}.
  87 message.building-pkg=Building PKG package for {0}.
  88 message.preparing-scripts=Preparing package scripts.
  89 message.preparing-distribution-dist=Preparing distribution.dist: {0}.
  90 message.signing.pkg=Warning: For signing PKG, you might need to set "Always Trust" for your certificate using "Keychain Access" tool.
  91 message.setfile.dmg=Setting custom icon on DMG file skipped because 'SetFile' utility was not found. Installing Xcode with Command Line Tools should resolve this issue.
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