1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 package jdk.jpackage.tests;
  26 import java.io.IOException;
  27 import java.nio.file.Files;
  28 import java.nio.file.Path;
  29 import java.util.List;
  30 import java.util.ArrayList;
  31 import java.util.function.Function;
  32 import java.util.function.Predicate;
  33 import java.util.function.Supplier;
  34 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  35 import java.util.stream.Stream;
  36 import jdk.jpackage.test.TKit;
  37 import jdk.jpackage.test.JPackageCommand;
  38 import jdk.jpackage.test.JavaAppDesc;
  39 import jdk.jpackage.test.PackageTest;
  40 import jdk.jpackage.test.HelloApp;
  41 import jdk.jpackage.test.Executor;
  42 import jdk.jpackage.test.JavaTool;
  43 import jdk.jpackage.test.Annotations.Test;
  44 import jdk.jpackage.test.Annotations.Parameter;
  46 /*
  47  * @test
  48  * @summary jpackage basic testing
  49  * @library ../../../../helpers
  50  * @build jdk.jpackage.test.*
  51  * @modules jdk.incubator.jpackage/jdk.incubator.jpackage.internal
  52  * @compile BasicTest.java
  53  * @run main/othervm/timeout=720 -Xmx512m jdk.jpackage.test.Main
  54  *  --jpt-run=jdk.jpackage.tests.BasicTest
  55  */
  57 public final class BasicTest {
  58     @Test
  59     public void testNoArgs() {
  60         List<String> output =
  61                 getJPackageToolProvider().executeAndGetOutput();
  62         TKit.assertStringListEquals(List.of("Usage: jpackage <options>",
  63                 "Use jpackage --help (or -h) for a list of possible options"),
  64                 output, "Check jpackage output");
  65     }
  67     @Test
  68     public void testVersion() {
  69         List<String> output =
  70                 getJPackageToolProvider()
  71                         .addArgument("--version")
  72                         .executeAndGetOutput();
  73         TKit.assertStringListEquals(List.of(System.getProperty("java.version")),
  74                 output, "Check jpackage output");
  75     }
  77     @Test
  78     public void testHelp() {
  79         List<String> hOutput = getJPackageToolProvider()
  80                 .addArgument("-h").executeAndGetOutput();
  81         List<String> helpOutput = getJPackageToolProvider()
  82                 .addArgument("--help").executeAndGetOutput();
  84         TKit.assertStringListEquals(hOutput, helpOutput,
  85                 "Check -h and --help parameters produce the same output");
  87         final String windowsPrefix = "--win-";
  88         final String linuxPrefix = "--linux-";
  89         final String osxPrefix = "--mac-";
  91         final String expectedPrefix;
  92         final List<String> unexpectedPrefixes;
  94         if (TKit.isWindows()) {
  95             expectedPrefix = windowsPrefix;
  96             unexpectedPrefixes = List.of(osxPrefix, linuxPrefix);
  97         } else if (TKit.isLinux()) {
  98             expectedPrefix = linuxPrefix;
  99             unexpectedPrefixes = List.of(windowsPrefix, osxPrefix);
 100         } else if (TKit.isOSX()) {
 101             expectedPrefix = osxPrefix;
 102             unexpectedPrefixes = List.of(linuxPrefix,  windowsPrefix);
 103         } else {
 104             throw TKit.throwUnknownPlatformError();
 105         }
 107         Function<String, Predicate<String>> createPattern = (prefix) -> {
 108             return Pattern.compile("^  " + prefix).asPredicate();
 109         };
 111         Function<List<String>, Long> countStrings = (prefixes) -> {
 112             return hOutput.stream().filter(
 113                     prefixes.stream().map(createPattern).reduce(x -> false,
 114                             Predicate::or)).peek(TKit::trace).count();
 115         };
 117         TKit.trace("Check parameters in help text");
 118         TKit.assertNotEquals(0, countStrings.apply(List.of(expectedPrefix)),
 119                 "Check help text contains plaform specific parameters");
 120         TKit.assertEquals(0, countStrings.apply(unexpectedPrefixes),
 121                 "Check help text doesn't contain unexpected parameters");
 122     }
 124     @Test
 125     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 126     public void testVerbose() {
 127         JPackageCommand cmd = JPackageCommand.helloAppImage()
 128                 // Disable default logic adding `--verbose` option
 129                 // to jpackage command line.
 130                 .ignoreDefaultVerbose(true)
 131                 .saveConsoleOutput(true)
 132                 .setFakeRuntime().executePrerequisiteActions();
 134         List<String> expectedVerboseOutputStrings = new ArrayList<>();
 135         expectedVerboseOutputStrings.add("Creating app package:");
 136         if (TKit.isWindows()) {
 137             expectedVerboseOutputStrings.add(
 138                     "Succeeded in building Windows Application Image package");
 139         } else if (TKit.isLinux()) {
 140             expectedVerboseOutputStrings.add(
 141                     "Succeeded in building Linux Application Image package");
 142         } else if (TKit.isOSX()) {
 143             expectedVerboseOutputStrings.add("Preparing Info.plist:");
 144             expectedVerboseOutputStrings.add(
 145                     "Succeeded in building Mac Application Image package");
 146         } else {
 147             TKit.throwUnknownPlatformError();
 148         }
 150         TKit.deleteDirectoryContentsRecursive(cmd.outputDir());
 151         List<String> nonVerboseOutput = cmd.execute().getOutput();
 152         List<String>[] verboseOutput = (List<String>[])new List<?>[1];
 154         // Directory clean up is not 100% reliable on Windows because of
 155         // antivirus software that can lock .exe files. Setup
 156         // different output directory instead of cleaning the default one for
 157         // verbose jpackage run.
 158         TKit.withTempDirectory("verbose-output", tempDir -> {
 159             cmd.setArgumentValue("--dest", tempDir);
 160             cmd.addArgument("--verbose");
 161             verboseOutput[0] = cmd.execute().getOutput();
 162         });
 164         TKit.assertTrue(nonVerboseOutput.size() < verboseOutput[0].size(),
 165                 "Check verbose output is longer than regular");
 167         expectedVerboseOutputStrings.forEach(str -> {
 168             TKit.assertTextStream(str).label("regular output")
 169                     .predicate(String::contains).negate()
 170                     .apply(nonVerboseOutput.stream());
 171         });
 173         expectedVerboseOutputStrings.forEach(str -> {
 174             TKit.assertTextStream(str).label("verbose output")
 175                     .apply(verboseOutput[0].stream());
 176         });
 177     }
 179     @Test
 180     public void testNoName() {
 181         final String mainClassName = "Greetings";
 183         JPackageCommand cmd = JPackageCommand.helloAppImage(mainClassName)
 184                 .removeArgumentWithValue("--name");
 186         Path expectedImageDir = cmd.outputDir().resolve(mainClassName);
 187         if (TKit.isOSX()) {
 188             expectedImageDir = expectedImageDir.getParent().resolve(
 189                     expectedImageDir.getFileName().toString() + ".app");
 190         }
 192         cmd.executeAndAssertHelloAppImageCreated();
 193         TKit.assertEquals(expectedImageDir.toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString(),
 194                 cmd.outputBundle().toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString(),
 195                 String.format(
 196                         "Check [%s] directory is filled with application image data",
 197                         expectedImageDir));
 198     }
 200     @Test
 201     // Regular app
 202     @Parameter("Hello")
 203     // Modular app in .jar file
 204     @Parameter("com.other/com.other.Hello")
 205     // Modular app in .jmod file
 206     @Parameter("hello.jmod:com.other/com.other.Hello")
 207     public void testApp(String javaAppDesc) {
 208         JavaAppDesc appDesc = JavaAppDesc.parse(javaAppDesc);
 209         JPackageCommand cmd = JPackageCommand.helloAppImage(appDesc);
 210         if (appDesc.jmodFileName() != null) {
 211             // .jmod files are not supported at run-time. They should be
 212             // bundled in Java run-time with jlink command, so disable
 213             // use of external Java run-time if any configured.
 214             cmd.ignoreDefaultRuntime(true);
 215         }
 216         cmd.executeAndAssertHelloAppImageCreated();
 217     }
 219     @Test
 220     public void testWhitespaceInPaths() {
 221         JPackageCommand.helloAppImage("a/b c.jar:Hello")
 222         .setArgumentValue("--input", TKit.workDir().resolve("The quick brown fox"))
 223         .setArgumentValue("--dest", TKit.workDir().resolve("jumps over the lazy dog"))
 224         .executeAndAssertHelloAppImageCreated();
 225     }
 227     @Test
 228     @Parameter("ALL-MODULE-PATH")
 229     @Parameter("ALL-DEFAULT")
 230     @Parameter("java.desktop")
 231     @Parameter("java.desktop,jdk.jartool")
 232     @Parameter({ "java.desktop", "jdk.jartool" })
 233     public void testAddModules(String... addModulesArg) {
 234         JPackageCommand cmd = JPackageCommand
 235                 .helloAppImage("goodbye.jar:com.other/com.other.Hello")
 236                 .ignoreDefaultRuntime(true); // because of --add-modules
 237         Stream.of(addModulesArg).map(v -> Stream.of("--add-modules", v)).flatMap(
 238                 s -> s).forEachOrdered(cmd::addArgument);
 239         cmd.executeAndAssertHelloAppImageCreated();
 240     }
 242     /**
 243      * Test --temp option. Doesn't make much sense for app image as temporary
 244      * directory is used only on Windows. Test it in packaging mode.
 245      * @throws IOException
 246      */
 247     @Test
 248     @Parameter("true")
 249     @Parameter("false")
 250     public void testTemp(boolean withExistingTempDir) throws IOException {
 251         final Path tempRoot = TKit.createTempDirectory("tmp");
 252         // This Test has problems on windows where path in the temp dir are too long
 253         // for the wix tools.  We can't use a tempDir outside the TKit's WorkDir, so
 254         // we minimize both the tempRoot directory name (above) and the tempDir name
 255         // (below) to the extension part (which is necessary to differenciate between
 256         // the multiple PackageTypes that will be run for one JPackageCommand).
 257         // It might be beter if the whole work dir name was shortened from:
 258         // jtreg_open_test_jdk_tools_jpackage_share_jdk_jpackage_tests_BasicTest_java.
 259         Function<JPackageCommand, Path> getTempDir = cmd -> {
 260             String ext = cmd.outputBundle().getFileName().toString();
 261             int i = ext.lastIndexOf(".");
 262             if (i > 0 && i < (ext.length() - 1)) {
 263                 ext = ext.substring(i+1);
 264             }
 265             return tempRoot.resolve(ext);
 266         };
 268         Supplier<PackageTest> createTest = () -> {
 269             return new PackageTest()
 270             .configureHelloApp()
 271             // Force save of package bundle in test work directory.
 272             .addInitializer(JPackageCommand::setDefaultInputOutput)
 273             .addInitializer(cmd -> {
 274                 Path tempDir = getTempDir.apply(cmd);
 275                 if (withExistingTempDir) {
 276                     Files.createDirectories(tempDir);
 277                 } else {
 278                     Files.createDirectories(tempDir.getParent());
 279                 }
 280                 cmd.addArguments("--temp", tempDir);
 281             });
 282         };
 284         createTest.get()
 285         .addBundleVerifier(cmd -> {
 286             // Check jpackage actually used the supplied directory.
 287             Path tempDir = getTempDir.apply(cmd);
 288             TKit.assertNotEquals(0, tempDir.toFile().list().length,
 289                     String.format(
 290                             "Check jpackage wrote some data in the supplied temporary directory [%s]",
 291                             tempDir));
 292         })
 293         .run(PackageTest.Action.CREATE);
 295         createTest.get()
 296         // Temporary directory should not be empty,
 297         // jpackage should exit with error.
 298         .setExpectedExitCode(1)
 299         .run(PackageTest.Action.CREATE);
 300     }
 302     @Test
 303     public void testAtFile() throws IOException {
 304         JPackageCommand cmd = JPackageCommand
 305                 .helloAppImage()
 306                 .setArgumentValue("--dest", TKit.createTempDirectory("output"));
 308         // Init options file with the list of options configured
 309         // for JPackageCommand instance.
 310         final Path optionsFile = TKit.createTempFile(Path.of("options"));
 311         Files.write(optionsFile,
 312                 List.of(String.join(" ", cmd.getAllArguments())));
 314         // Build app jar file.
 315         cmd.executePrerequisiteActions();
 317         // Instead of running jpackage command through configured
 318         // JPackageCommand instance, run vanilla jpackage command with @ file.
 319         getJPackageToolProvider()
 320                 .addArgument(String.format("@%s", optionsFile))
 321                 .execute();
 323         // Verify output of jpackage command.
 324         cmd.assertImageCreated();
 325         HelloApp.executeLauncherAndVerifyOutput(cmd);
 326     }
 328     private static Executor getJPackageToolProvider() {
 329         return getToolProvider(JavaTool.JPACKAGE);
 330     }
 332     private static Executor getToolProvider(JavaTool tool) {
 333         return new Executor().dumpOutput().saveOutput().setToolProvider(tool);
 334     }
 335 }