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 141 //
 142 // An internal SystemProperty is one that has been removed in
 143 // jdk.internal.VM.saveAndRemoveProperties, like jdk.boot.class.path.append.
 144 //
 145 class SystemProperty : public PathString {
 146  private:
 147   char*           _key;
 148   SystemProperty* _next;
 149   bool            _internal;
 150   bool            _writeable;
 151   bool writeable() { return _writeable; }
 153  public:
 154   // Accessors
 155   char* value() const                 { return PathString::value(); }
 156   const char* key() const             { return _key; }
 157   bool internal() const               { return _internal; }
 158   SystemProperty* next() const        { return _next; }
 159   void set_next(SystemProperty* next) { _next = next; }

 161   // A system property should only have its value set
 162   // via an external interface if it is a writeable property.
 163   // The internal, non-writeable property jdk.boot.class.path.append
 164   // is the only exception to this rule.  It can be set externally
 165   // via -Xbootclasspath/a or JVMTI OnLoad phase call to AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch.
 166   // In those cases for jdk.boot.class.path.append, the base class
 167   // set_value and append_value methods are called directly.
 168   bool set_writeable_value(const char *value) {
 169     if (writeable()) {
 170       return set_value(value);
 171     }
 172     return false;
 173   }
 175   // Constructor
 176   SystemProperty(const char* key, const char* value, bool writeable, bool internal = false) : PathString(value) {
 177     if (key == NULL) {
 178       _key = NULL;
 179     } else {
 180       _key = AllocateHeap(strlen(key)+1, mtArguments);

 731   }
 733   // Java launcher properties
 734   static void process_sun_java_launcher_properties(JavaVMInitArgs* args);
 736   // System properties
 737   static void init_system_properties();
 739   // Update/Initialize System properties after JDK version number is known
 740   static void init_version_specific_system_properties();
 742   // Property List manipulation
 743   static void PropertyList_add(SystemProperty *element);
 744   static void PropertyList_add(SystemProperty** plist, SystemProperty *element);
 745   static void PropertyList_add(SystemProperty** plist, const char* k, const char* v, bool writeable, bool internal);
 747   static void PropertyList_unique_add(SystemProperty** plist, const char* k, const char* v,
 748                                       PropertyAppendable append, PropertyWriteable writeable,
 749                                       PropertyInternal internal);
 750   static const char* PropertyList_get_value(SystemProperty* plist, const char* key);

 751   static int  PropertyList_count(SystemProperty* pl);

 752   static const char* PropertyList_get_key_at(SystemProperty* pl,int index);
 753   static char* PropertyList_get_value_at(SystemProperty* pl,int index);
 755   static bool is_internal_module_property(const char* option);
 757   // Miscellaneous System property value getter and setters.
 758   static void set_dll_dir(const char *value) { _sun_boot_library_path->set_value(value); }
 759   static void set_java_home(const char *value) { _java_home->set_value(value); }
 760   static void set_library_path(const char *value) { _java_library_path->set_value(value); }
 761   static void set_ext_dirs(char *value)     { _ext_dirs = os::strdup_check_oom(value); }
 763   // Set up the underlying pieces of the system boot class path
 764   static void add_patch_mod_prefix(const char *module_name, const char *path, bool* patch_mod_javabase);
 765   static void set_sysclasspath(const char *value) {
 766     _system_boot_class_path->set_value(value);
 767     set_jdkbootclasspath_append();
 768   }
 769   static void append_sysclasspath(const char *value) {
 770     _system_boot_class_path->append_value(value);
 771     set_jdkbootclasspath_append();

 141 //
 142 // An internal SystemProperty is one that has been removed in
 143 // jdk.internal.VM.saveAndRemoveProperties, like jdk.boot.class.path.append.
 144 //
 145 class SystemProperty : public PathString {
 146  private:
 147   char*           _key;
 148   SystemProperty* _next;
 149   bool            _internal;
 150   bool            _writeable;
 151   bool writeable() { return _writeable; }
 153  public:
 154   // Accessors
 155   char* value() const                 { return PathString::value(); }
 156   const char* key() const             { return _key; }
 157   bool internal() const               { return _internal; }
 158   SystemProperty* next() const        { return _next; }
 159   void set_next(SystemProperty* next) { _next = next; }
 161   bool is_readable() const {
 162     return !_internal || strcmp(_key, "jdk.boot.class.path.append") == 0;
 163   }
 165   // A system property should only have its value set
 166   // via an external interface if it is a writeable property.
 167   // The internal, non-writeable property jdk.boot.class.path.append
 168   // is the only exception to this rule.  It can be set externally
 169   // via -Xbootclasspath/a or JVMTI OnLoad phase call to AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch.
 170   // In those cases for jdk.boot.class.path.append, the base class
 171   // set_value and append_value methods are called directly.
 172   bool set_writeable_value(const char *value) {
 173     if (writeable()) {
 174       return set_value(value);
 175     }
 176     return false;
 177   }
 179   // Constructor
 180   SystemProperty(const char* key, const char* value, bool writeable, bool internal = false) : PathString(value) {
 181     if (key == NULL) {
 182       _key = NULL;
 183     } else {
 184       _key = AllocateHeap(strlen(key)+1, mtArguments);

 735   }
 737   // Java launcher properties
 738   static void process_sun_java_launcher_properties(JavaVMInitArgs* args);
 740   // System properties
 741   static void init_system_properties();
 743   // Update/Initialize System properties after JDK version number is known
 744   static void init_version_specific_system_properties();
 746   // Property List manipulation
 747   static void PropertyList_add(SystemProperty *element);
 748   static void PropertyList_add(SystemProperty** plist, SystemProperty *element);
 749   static void PropertyList_add(SystemProperty** plist, const char* k, const char* v, bool writeable, bool internal);
 751   static void PropertyList_unique_add(SystemProperty** plist, const char* k, const char* v,
 752                                       PropertyAppendable append, PropertyWriteable writeable,
 753                                       PropertyInternal internal);
 754   static const char* PropertyList_get_value(SystemProperty* plist, const char* key);
 755   static const char* PropertyList_get_readable_value(SystemProperty* plist, const char* key);
 756   static int  PropertyList_count(SystemProperty* pl);
 757   static int  PropertyList_readable_count(SystemProperty* pl);
 758   static const char* PropertyList_get_key_at(SystemProperty* pl,int index);
 759   static char* PropertyList_get_value_at(SystemProperty* pl,int index);
 761   static bool is_internal_module_property(const char* option);
 763   // Miscellaneous System property value getter and setters.
 764   static void set_dll_dir(const char *value) { _sun_boot_library_path->set_value(value); }
 765   static void set_java_home(const char *value) { _java_home->set_value(value); }
 766   static void set_library_path(const char *value) { _java_library_path->set_value(value); }
 767   static void set_ext_dirs(char *value)     { _ext_dirs = os::strdup_check_oom(value); }
 769   // Set up the underlying pieces of the system boot class path
 770   static void add_patch_mod_prefix(const char *module_name, const char *path, bool* patch_mod_javabase);
 771   static void set_sysclasspath(const char *value) {
 772     _system_boot_class_path->set_value(value);
 773     set_jdkbootclasspath_append();
 774   }
 775   static void append_sysclasspath(const char *value) {
 776     _system_boot_class_path->append_value(value);
 777     set_jdkbootclasspath_append();

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