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   1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2006, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */

 219                 return ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2); }};
 220     }
 222     static void checkNavigableSet(final NavigableSet s) {
 223         if (s.comparator() == null)
 224             check(s.descendingSet().descendingSet().comparator() == null);
 225         equal(s.isEmpty(), s.size() == 0);
 226         equal2(s, s.descendingSet());
 227         if (maybe(4) && s instanceof Serializable) {
 228             try {
 229                 equal2(s, serialClone(s));
 230             } catch(RuntimeException uhoh) {
 231                 if(!(uhoh.getCause() instanceof NotSerializableException)) {
 232                     throw uhoh;
 233                 }
 234             }
 235         }
 236         Comparator cmp = comparator(s);
 237         if (s.isEmpty()) {
 238             THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class,
 239                    new Fun(){void f(){ s.first(); }},
 240                    new Fun(){void f(){ s.last();  }});
 241             equal(null, s.lower(1));
 242             equal(null, s.floor(1));
 243             equal(null, s.ceiling(1));
 244             equal(null, s.higher(1));
 245         } else {
 246             Object a = s.first();
 247             Object z = s.last();
 248             equal(s.lower(a), null);
 249             equal(s.higher(z), null);
 250             equal2(s, s.tailSet(a));
 251             equal2(s, s.headSet(z, true));
 252             equal2(s, s.subSet(a, true, z, true));
 254             testEmptySet(s.subSet(a, true, a, false));
 255             testEmptySet(s.subSet(z, true, z, false));
 256             testEmptySet(s.headSet(a, false));
 257             testEmptySet(s.tailSet(z, false));
 259             equal2(s.headSet(a, true), singleton(a));
 260             equal2(s.tailSet(z, true), singleton(z));
 261         }
 262         Iterator[] its = new Iterator[] {
 263             s.iterator(),
 264             s.descendingSet().descendingSet().iterator(),
 265         };
 266         for (final Iterator it : its)
 267             if (maybe(4))
 268                 THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 269                        new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }});
 270         Object prev = null;
 271         for (Object e : s) {
 272             check(s.contains(e));
 273             for (Iterator it : its) equalNext(it, e);
 274             equal(e, s.ceiling(e));
 275             equal(e, s.floor(e));
 276             check(s.higher(e) == null || cmp.compare(e, s.higher(e)) < 0);
 277             equal(s.lower(e), prev);
 278             if (prev == null) {
 279             } else {
 280                 check(cmp.compare(prev, e) < 0);
 281             }
 282             prev = e;
 283         }
 284         for (final Iterator it : its) {
 285             if (maybe(2))
 286                 check(! it.hasNext());
 287             Fun fun = new Fun(){void f(){ it.next(); }};
 288             THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, fun, fun, fun);
 289         }
 290     }
 292     static void equalIterators(final Iterator<?> it1,
 293                                final Iterator<?> it2) {
 294         while (it1.hasNext()) {
 295             if (maybe(2))
 296                 check(it2.hasNext());
 297             equal(it1.next(), it2.next());
 298         }
 299         check(! it2.hasNext());
 300     }
 302     static void equalSetsLeaf(final Set s1, final Set s2) {
 303         equal2(s1,            s2);
 304         equal( s1.size(),     s2.size());
 305         equal( s1.isEmpty(),  s2.isEmpty());
 306         equal( s1.hashCode(), s2.hashCode());
 307         equal( s1.toString(), s2.toString());

 363             T[] array = arrays[i];
 364             System.arraycopy(array, 0, a, k, array.length);
 365             k += array.length;
 366         }
 367         return a;
 368     }
 370     static void checkNavigableMap(final NavigableMap m) {
 371         if (m.comparator() == null) {
 372             check(m.descendingMap().descendingMap().comparator() == null);
 373             check(m.descendingKeySet().descendingSet().comparator() == null);
 374         }
 375         equal(m.isEmpty(), m.size() == 0);
 376         equal2(m, m.descendingMap());
 377         if (maybe(4))
 378             equal2(m, serialClone(m));
 379         equal2(m.keySet(), m.descendingKeySet());
 380         Comparator cmp = comparator(m);
 381         if (m.isEmpty()) {
 382             THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class,
 383                    new Fun(){void f(){ m.firstKey(); }},
 384                    new Fun(){void f(){ m.lastKey();  }});
 385             equal(null, m.firstEntry());
 386             equal(null, m.lastEntry());
 387             equal(null, m.pollFirstEntry());
 388             equal(null, m.pollLastEntry());
 389             equal(null, m.lowerKey(1));
 390             equal(null, m.floorKey(1));
 391             equal(null, m.ceilingKey(1));
 392             equal(null, m.higherKey(1));
 393             equal(null, m.lowerEntry(1));
 394             equal(null, m.floorEntry(1));
 395             equal(null, m.ceilingEntry(1));
 396             equal(null, m.higherEntry(1));
 397         } else {
 398             Object a = m.firstKey();
 399             Object z = m.lastKey();
 400             equal(m.lowerKey(a), null);
 401             equal(m.higherKey(z), null);
 402             equal(a, m.firstEntry().getKey());
 403             equal(z, m.lastEntry().getKey());
 404             equal2(m, m.tailMap(a));

 413             equal2(m.headMap(a, true), singletonMap(a, m.get(a)));
 414             equal2(m.tailMap(z, true), singletonMap(z, m.get(z)));
 415         }
 417         Iterator[] kits = new Iterator[] {
 418             m.keySet().iterator(),
 419             m.descendingMap().descendingKeySet().iterator(),
 420             m.descendingKeySet().descendingSet().iterator(),
 421         };
 422         Iterator[] vits = new Iterator[] {
 423             m.values().iterator(),
 424             m.descendingMap().descendingMap().values().iterator(),
 425         };
 426         Iterator[] eits = new Iterator[] {
 427             m.entrySet().iterator(),
 428             m.descendingMap().descendingMap().entrySet().iterator(),
 429         };
 430         Iterator[] its = concat(kits, vits, eits);
 431         for (final Iterator it : its)
 432             if (maybe(4))
 433                 THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 434                        new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }});
 435         Map.Entry prev = null;
 436         for (Map.Entry e : (Set<Map.Entry>) m.entrySet()) {
 437             Object k = e.getKey();
 438             Object v = e.getValue();
 439             check(m.containsKey(k));
 440             check(m.containsValue(v));
 441             for (Iterator kit : kits) equalNext(kit, k);
 442             for (Iterator vit : vits) equalNext(vit, v);
 443             for (Iterator eit : eits) equalNext(eit, e);
 444             equal(k, m.ceilingKey(k));
 445             equal(k, m.ceilingEntry(k).getKey());
 446             equal(k, m.floorKey(k));
 447             equal(k, m.floorEntry(k).getKey());
 448             check(m.higherKey(k) == null || cmp.compare(k, m.higherKey(k)) < 0);
 449             check(m.lowerKey(k)  == null || cmp.compare(k, m.lowerKey(k))  > 0);
 450             equal(m.lowerEntry(k), prev);
 451             if (prev == null) {
 452                 equal(m.lowerKey(k), null);
 453             } else {
 454                 equal(m.lowerKey(k), prev.getKey());
 455                 check(cmp.compare(prev.getKey(), e.getKey()) < 0);
 456             }
 457             prev = e;
 458         }
 459         for (final Iterator it : its) {
 460             if (maybe(2))
 461                 check(! it.hasNext());
 462             Fun fun = new Fun(){void f(){ it.next(); }};
 463             THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, fun, fun, fun);
 464         }
 465     }
 467     static void equalNavigableMapsLeaf(final NavigableMap m1,
 468                                        final NavigableMap m2) {
 469         equal2(m1,              m2);
 470         equal( m1.size(),       m2.size());
 471         equal( m1.isEmpty(),    m2.isEmpty());
 472         equal( m1.hashCode(),   m2.hashCode());
 473         equal( m1.toString(),   m2.toString());
 474         equal2(m1.firstEntry(), m2.firstEntry());
 475         equal2(m1.lastEntry(),  m2.lastEntry());
 476         checkNavigableMap(m1);
 477         checkNavigableMap(m2);
 478     }
 480     static void equalNavigableMaps(NavigableMap m1,
 481                                    NavigableMap m2) {
 482         equalNavigableMapsLeaf(m1, m2);

 617     static void checkUnusedKey(NavigableMap m, Object k) {
 618         check(! m.containsKey(k));
 619         equal(m.get(k), null);
 620         if (maybe(2))
 621             equal(m.remove(k), null);
 622     }
 624     static void checkUnusedElt(NavigableSet s, Object e) {
 625         if (maybe(2))
 626             check(! s.contains(e));
 627         if (maybe(2)) {
 628             check(s.ceiling(e) != e);
 629             check(s.floor(e)   != e);
 630         }
 631         if (maybe(2))
 632             check(! s.remove(e));
 633     }
 635     static Fun remover(final Iterator it) {
 636         return new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }};
 637     }
 639     static MapFrobber randomRemover(NavigableMap m) {
 640         final Integer k = usedKey(m);
 641         final MapFrobber[] randomRemovers = {
 642             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 643                 Map.Entry e = m.firstEntry();
 644                 equal(m.pollFirstEntry(), e);
 645                 checkUnusedKey(m, e.getKey());}},
 646             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 647                 Map.Entry e = m.lastEntry();
 648                 equal(m.pollLastEntry(), e);
 649                 checkUnusedKey(m, e.getKey());}},
 650             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 651                 check(m.remove(k) != null);
 652                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 653             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 654                 m.subMap(k, true, k, true).clear();
 655                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 656             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 657                 m.descendingMap().subMap(k, true, k, true).clear();
 658                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 659             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 660                 final Iterator it = m.keySet().iterator();
 661                 while (it.hasNext())
 662                     if (it.next().equals(k)) {
 663                         it.remove();
 664                         if (maybe(2))
 665                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 666                                    new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }});
 667                     }
 668                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 669             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 670                 final Iterator it = m.navigableKeySet().descendingIterator();
 671                 while (it.hasNext())
 672                     if (it.next().equals(k)) {
 673                         it.remove();
 674                         if (maybe(2))
 675                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 676                                    new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }});
 677                     }
 678                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 679             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 680                 final Iterator<Map.Entry> it = m.entrySet().iterator();
 681                 while (it.hasNext())
 682                     if (it.next().getKey().equals(k)) {
 683                         it.remove();
 684                         if (maybe(2))
 685                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, remover(it));
 686                     }
 687                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 688         };
 690         return randomRemovers[rnd.nextInt(randomRemovers.length)];
 691     }
 693     static SetFrobber randomRemover(NavigableSet s) {
 694         final Integer e = usedElt(s);
 696         final SetFrobber[] randomRemovers = {

 701             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 702                 Object e = s.last();
 703                 equal(s.pollLast(), e);
 704                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 705             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 706                 check(s.remove(e));
 707                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 708             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 709                 s.subSet(e, true, e, true).clear();
 710                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 711             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 712                 s.descendingSet().subSet(e, true, e, true).clear();
 713                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 714             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 715                 final Iterator it = s.iterator();
 716                 while (it.hasNext())
 717                     if (it.next().equals(e)) {
 718                         it.remove();
 719                         if (maybe(2))
 720                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 721                                    new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }});
 722                     }
 723                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 724             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 725                 final Iterator it = s.descendingSet().iterator();
 726                 while (it.hasNext())
 727                     if (it.next().equals(e)) {
 728                         it.remove();
 729                         if (maybe(2))
 730                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 731                                    new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }});
 732                     }
 733                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 734             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 735                 final Iterator it = s.descendingIterator();
 736                 while (it.hasNext())
 737                     if (it.next().equals(e)) {
 738                         it.remove();
 739                         if (maybe(2))
 740                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 741                                    new Fun(){void f(){ it.remove(); }});
 742                     }
 743                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}}
 744         };
 746         return randomRemovers[rnd.nextInt(randomRemovers.length)];
 747     }
 749     static void lockStep(NavigableMap m1,
 750                          NavigableMap m2) {
 751         if (! (thorough || maybe(3))) return;
 752         if (maybe(4)) m1 = serialClone(m1);
 753         if (maybe(4)) m2 = serialClone(m2);
 755         List<NavigableMap> maps = Arrays.asList(m1, m2);
 756         for (NavigableMap m : maps) testEmptyMap(m);
 757         final Set<Integer> ints = new HashSet<Integer>();
 758         while (ints.size() < size)
 759             ints.add(rnd.nextInt(1024));
 760         final Integer[] elts = ints.toArray(new Integer[size]);
 761         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 762             MapFrobber adder = randomAdder(m1);
 763             for (final NavigableMap m : maps) {
 764                 adder.frob(m);
 765                 equal(m.size(), i+1);
 766             }
 767             equalNavigableMaps(m1, m2);
 768         }
 769         for (final NavigableMap m : maps) {
 770             final Object e = usedKey(m);
 771             THROWS(IllegalArgumentException.class,
 772                    new Fun(){void f(){m.subMap(e,true,e,false)
 773                                        .subMap(e,true,e,true);}},
 774                    new Fun(){void f(){m.subMap(e,false,e,true)
 775                                        .subMap(e,true,e,true);}},
 776                    new Fun(){void f(){m.tailMap(e,false).tailMap(e,true);}},
 777                    new Fun(){void f(){m.headMap(e,false).headMap(e,true);}});
 778         }
 779         //System.out.printf("%s%n", m1);
 780         for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) {
 781             MapFrobber remover = randomRemover(m1);
 782             for (final NavigableMap m : maps) {
 783                 remover.frob(m);
 784                 equal(m.size(), i-1);
 785             }
 786             equalNavigableMaps(m1, m2);
 787         }
 788         for (NavigableMap m : maps) testEmptyMap(m);
 789     }
 791     static void lockStep(NavigableSet s1,
 792                          NavigableSet s2) {
 793         if (! (thorough || maybe(3))) return;
 794         if (maybe(4)) s1 = serialClone(s1);
 795         if (maybe(4)) s2 = serialClone(s2);
 797         List<NavigableSet> sets = Arrays.asList(s1, s2);
 798         for (NavigableSet s : sets) testEmptySet(s);
 799         final Set<Integer> ints = new HashSet<Integer>();
 800         while (ints.size() < size)
 801             ints.add(rnd.nextInt(1024));
 802         final Integer[] elts = ints.toArray(new Integer[size]);
 803         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 804             SetFrobber adder = randomAdder(s1);
 805             for (final NavigableSet s : sets) {
 806                 adder.frob(s);
 807                 equal(s.size(), i+1);
 808             }
 809             equalNavigableSets(s1, s2);
 810         }
 811         for (final NavigableSet s : sets) {
 812             final Object e = usedElt(s);
 813             THROWS(IllegalArgumentException.class,
 814                    new Fun(){void f(){s.subSet(e,true,e,false)
 815                                        .subSet(e,true,e,true);}},
 816                    new Fun(){void f(){s.subSet(e,false,e,true)
 817                                        .subSet(e,true,e,true);}},
 818                    new Fun(){void f(){s.tailSet(e,false).tailSet(e,true);}},
 819                    new Fun(){void f(){s.headSet(e,false).headSet(e,true);}});
 820         }
 821         //System.out.printf("%s%n", s1);
 822         for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) {
 823             SetFrobber remover = randomRemover(s1);
 824             for (final NavigableSet s : sets) {
 825                 remover.frob(s);
 826                 equal(s.size(), i-1);
 827             }
 828             equalNavigableSets(s1, s2);
 829         }
 830         for (NavigableSet s : sets) testEmptySet(s);
 831     }
 833     //--------------------- Infrastructure ---------------------------
 834     static volatile int passed = 0, failed = 0;
 835     static void pass() { passed++; }
 836     static void fail() { failed++; Thread.dumpStack(); }
 837     static void fail(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); fail(); }
 838     static void unexpected(Throwable t) { failed++; t.printStackTrace(); }
 839     static void check(boolean cond) { if (cond) pass(); else fail(); }
 840     static void equal(Object x, Object y) {
 841         if (x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y)) pass();
 842         else {System.out.println(x + " not equal to " + y); fail();}}
 843     static void equal2(Object x, Object y) {equal(x, y); equal(y, x);}
 844     public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
 845         try { realMain(args); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
 847         System.out.printf("%nPassed = %d, failed = %d%n%n", passed, failed);
 848         if (failed > 0) throw new Exception("Some tests failed");
 849     }
 850     static abstract class Fun {abstract void f() throws Throwable;}
 851     static void THROWS(Class<? extends Throwable> k, Fun... fs) {
 852           for (Fun f : fs)
 853               try { f.f(); fail("Expected " + k.getName() + " not thrown"); }
 854               catch (Throwable t) {
 855                   if (k.isAssignableFrom(t.getClass())) pass();
 856                   else unexpected(t);}}
 857     static byte[] serializedForm(Object obj) {
 858         try {
 859             ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 860             new ObjectOutputStream(baos).writeObject(obj);
 861             return baos.toByteArray();
 862         } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }}
 863     static Object readObject(byte[] bytes)
 864         throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
 865         InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
 866         return new ObjectInputStream(is).readObject();}
 867     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 868     static <T> T serialClone(T obj) {
 869         try { return (T) readObject(serializedForm(obj)); }
 870         catch (Error|RuntimeException e) { throw e; }
   1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */

 219                 return ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2); }};
 220     }
 222     static void checkNavigableSet(final NavigableSet s) {
 223         if (s.comparator() == null)
 224             check(s.descendingSet().descendingSet().comparator() == null);
 225         equal(s.isEmpty(), s.size() == 0);
 226         equal2(s, s.descendingSet());
 227         if (maybe(4) && s instanceof Serializable) {
 228             try {
 229                 equal2(s, serialClone(s));
 230             } catch(RuntimeException uhoh) {
 231                 if(!(uhoh.getCause() instanceof NotSerializableException)) {
 232                     throw uhoh;
 233                 }
 234             }
 235         }
 236         Comparator cmp = comparator(s);
 237         if (s.isEmpty()) {
 238             THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class,
 239                    () -> s.first(),
 240                    () -> s.last());
 241             equal(null, s.lower(1));
 242             equal(null, s.floor(1));
 243             equal(null, s.ceiling(1));
 244             equal(null, s.higher(1));
 245         } else {
 246             Object a = s.first();
 247             Object z = s.last();
 248             equal(s.lower(a), null);
 249             equal(s.higher(z), null);
 250             equal2(s, s.tailSet(a));
 251             equal2(s, s.headSet(z, true));
 252             equal2(s, s.subSet(a, true, z, true));
 254             testEmptySet(s.subSet(a, true, a, false));
 255             testEmptySet(s.subSet(z, true, z, false));
 256             testEmptySet(s.headSet(a, false));
 257             testEmptySet(s.tailSet(z, false));
 259             equal2(s.headSet(a, true), singleton(a));
 260             equal2(s.tailSet(z, true), singleton(z));
 261         }
 262         Iterator[] its = new Iterator[] {
 263             s.iterator(),
 264             s.descendingSet().descendingSet().iterator(),
 265         };
 266         for (final Iterator it : its)
 267             if (maybe(4))
 268                 THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, () -> it.remove());

 269         Object prev = null;
 270         for (Object e : s) {
 271             check(s.contains(e));
 272             for (Iterator it : its) equalNext(it, e);
 273             equal(e, s.ceiling(e));
 274             equal(e, s.floor(e));
 275             check(s.higher(e) == null || cmp.compare(e, s.higher(e)) < 0);
 276             equal(s.lower(e), prev);
 277             if (prev == null) {
 278             } else {
 279                 check(cmp.compare(prev, e) < 0);
 280             }
 281             prev = e;
 282         }
 283         for (final Iterator it : its) {
 284             if (maybe(2))
 285                 check(! it.hasNext());
 286             Fun fun = () -> it.next();
 287             THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, fun, fun, fun);
 288         }
 289     }
 291     static void equalIterators(final Iterator<?> it1,
 292                                final Iterator<?> it2) {
 293         while (it1.hasNext()) {
 294             if (maybe(2))
 295                 check(it2.hasNext());
 296             equal(it1.next(), it2.next());
 297         }
 298         check(! it2.hasNext());
 299     }
 301     static void equalSetsLeaf(final Set s1, final Set s2) {
 302         equal2(s1,            s2);
 303         equal( s1.size(),     s2.size());
 304         equal( s1.isEmpty(),  s2.isEmpty());
 305         equal( s1.hashCode(), s2.hashCode());
 306         equal( s1.toString(), s2.toString());

 362             T[] array = arrays[i];
 363             System.arraycopy(array, 0, a, k, array.length);
 364             k += array.length;
 365         }
 366         return a;
 367     }
 369     static void checkNavigableMap(final NavigableMap m) {
 370         if (m.comparator() == null) {
 371             check(m.descendingMap().descendingMap().comparator() == null);
 372             check(m.descendingKeySet().descendingSet().comparator() == null);
 373         }
 374         equal(m.isEmpty(), m.size() == 0);
 375         equal2(m, m.descendingMap());
 376         if (maybe(4))
 377             equal2(m, serialClone(m));
 378         equal2(m.keySet(), m.descendingKeySet());
 379         Comparator cmp = comparator(m);
 380         if (m.isEmpty()) {
 381             THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class,
 382                    () -> m.firstKey(),
 383                    () -> m.lastKey());
 384             equal(null, m.firstEntry());
 385             equal(null, m.lastEntry());
 386             equal(null, m.pollFirstEntry());
 387             equal(null, m.pollLastEntry());
 388             equal(null, m.lowerKey(1));
 389             equal(null, m.floorKey(1));
 390             equal(null, m.ceilingKey(1));
 391             equal(null, m.higherKey(1));
 392             equal(null, m.lowerEntry(1));
 393             equal(null, m.floorEntry(1));
 394             equal(null, m.ceilingEntry(1));
 395             equal(null, m.higherEntry(1));
 396         } else {
 397             Object a = m.firstKey();
 398             Object z = m.lastKey();
 399             equal(m.lowerKey(a), null);
 400             equal(m.higherKey(z), null);
 401             equal(a, m.firstEntry().getKey());
 402             equal(z, m.lastEntry().getKey());
 403             equal2(m, m.tailMap(a));

 412             equal2(m.headMap(a, true), singletonMap(a, m.get(a)));
 413             equal2(m.tailMap(z, true), singletonMap(z, m.get(z)));
 414         }
 416         Iterator[] kits = new Iterator[] {
 417             m.keySet().iterator(),
 418             m.descendingMap().descendingKeySet().iterator(),
 419             m.descendingKeySet().descendingSet().iterator(),
 420         };
 421         Iterator[] vits = new Iterator[] {
 422             m.values().iterator(),
 423             m.descendingMap().descendingMap().values().iterator(),
 424         };
 425         Iterator[] eits = new Iterator[] {
 426             m.entrySet().iterator(),
 427             m.descendingMap().descendingMap().entrySet().iterator(),
 428         };
 429         Iterator[] its = concat(kits, vits, eits);
 430         for (final Iterator it : its)
 431             if (maybe(4))
 432                 THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, () -> it.remove());

 433         Map.Entry prev = null;
 434         for (Map.Entry e : (Set<Map.Entry>) m.entrySet()) {
 435             Object k = e.getKey();
 436             Object v = e.getValue();
 437             check(m.containsKey(k));
 438             check(m.containsValue(v));
 439             for (Iterator kit : kits) equalNext(kit, k);
 440             for (Iterator vit : vits) equalNext(vit, v);
 441             for (Iterator eit : eits) equalNext(eit, e);
 442             equal(k, m.ceilingKey(k));
 443             equal(k, m.ceilingEntry(k).getKey());
 444             equal(k, m.floorKey(k));
 445             equal(k, m.floorEntry(k).getKey());
 446             check(m.higherKey(k) == null || cmp.compare(k, m.higherKey(k)) < 0);
 447             check(m.lowerKey(k)  == null || cmp.compare(k, m.lowerKey(k))  > 0);
 448             equal(m.lowerEntry(k), prev);
 449             if (prev == null) {
 450                 equal(m.lowerKey(k), null);
 451             } else {
 452                 equal(m.lowerKey(k), prev.getKey());
 453                 check(cmp.compare(prev.getKey(), e.getKey()) < 0);
 454             }
 455             prev = e;
 456         }
 457         for (final Iterator it : its) {
 458             if (maybe(2))
 459                 check(! it.hasNext());
 460             Fun fun = () -> it.next();
 461             THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, fun, fun, fun);
 462         }
 463     }
 465     static void equalNavigableMapsLeaf(final NavigableMap m1,
 466                                        final NavigableMap m2) {
 467         equal2(m1,              m2);
 468         equal( m1.size(),       m2.size());
 469         equal( m1.isEmpty(),    m2.isEmpty());
 470         equal( m1.hashCode(),   m2.hashCode());
 471         equal( m1.toString(),   m2.toString());
 472         equal2(m1.firstEntry(), m2.firstEntry());
 473         equal2(m1.lastEntry(),  m2.lastEntry());
 474         checkNavigableMap(m1);
 475         checkNavigableMap(m2);
 476     }
 478     static void equalNavigableMaps(NavigableMap m1,
 479                                    NavigableMap m2) {
 480         equalNavigableMapsLeaf(m1, m2);

 615     static void checkUnusedKey(NavigableMap m, Object k) {
 616         check(! m.containsKey(k));
 617         equal(m.get(k), null);
 618         if (maybe(2))
 619             equal(m.remove(k), null);
 620     }
 622     static void checkUnusedElt(NavigableSet s, Object e) {
 623         if (maybe(2))
 624             check(! s.contains(e));
 625         if (maybe(2)) {
 626             check(s.ceiling(e) != e);
 627             check(s.floor(e)   != e);
 628         }
 629         if (maybe(2))
 630             check(! s.remove(e));
 631     }
 633     static Fun remover(final Iterator it) {
 634         return () -> it.remove();
 635     }
 637     static MapFrobber randomRemover(NavigableMap m) {
 638         final Integer k = usedKey(m);
 639         final MapFrobber[] randomRemovers = {
 640             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 641                 Map.Entry e = m.firstEntry();
 642                 equal(m.pollFirstEntry(), e);
 643                 checkUnusedKey(m, e.getKey());}},
 644             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 645                 Map.Entry e = m.lastEntry();
 646                 equal(m.pollLastEntry(), e);
 647                 checkUnusedKey(m, e.getKey());}},
 648             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 649                 check(m.remove(k) != null);
 650                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 651             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 652                 m.subMap(k, true, k, true).clear();
 653                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 654             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 655                 m.descendingMap().subMap(k, true, k, true).clear();
 656                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 657             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 658                 final Iterator it = m.keySet().iterator();
 659                 while (it.hasNext())
 660                     if (it.next().equals(k)) {
 661                         it.remove();
 662                         if (maybe(2))
 663                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 664                                    () -> it.remove());
 665                     }
 666                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 667             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 668                 final Iterator it = m.navigableKeySet().descendingIterator();
 669                 while (it.hasNext())
 670                     if (it.next().equals(k)) {
 671                         it.remove();
 672                         if (maybe(2))
 673                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 674                                    () -> it.remove());
 675                     }
 676                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 677             new MapFrobber() {void frob(NavigableMap m) {
 678                 final Iterator<Map.Entry> it = m.entrySet().iterator();
 679                 while (it.hasNext())
 680                     if (it.next().getKey().equals(k)) {
 681                         it.remove();
 682                         if (maybe(2))
 683                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class, remover(it));
 684                     }
 685                 checkUnusedKey(m, k);}},
 686         };
 688         return randomRemovers[rnd.nextInt(randomRemovers.length)];
 689     }
 691     static SetFrobber randomRemover(NavigableSet s) {
 692         final Integer e = usedElt(s);
 694         final SetFrobber[] randomRemovers = {

 699             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 700                 Object e = s.last();
 701                 equal(s.pollLast(), e);
 702                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 703             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 704                 check(s.remove(e));
 705                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 706             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 707                 s.subSet(e, true, e, true).clear();
 708                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 709             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 710                 s.descendingSet().subSet(e, true, e, true).clear();
 711                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 712             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 713                 final Iterator it = s.iterator();
 714                 while (it.hasNext())
 715                     if (it.next().equals(e)) {
 716                         it.remove();
 717                         if (maybe(2))
 718                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 719                                    () -> it.remove());
 720                     }
 721                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 722             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 723                 final Iterator it = s.descendingSet().iterator();
 724                 while (it.hasNext())
 725                     if (it.next().equals(e)) {
 726                         it.remove();
 727                         if (maybe(2))
 728                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 729                                    () -> it.remove());
 730                     }
 731                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}},
 732             new SetFrobber() {void frob(NavigableSet s) {
 733                 final Iterator it = s.descendingIterator();
 734                 while (it.hasNext())
 735                     if (it.next().equals(e)) {
 736                         it.remove();
 737                         if (maybe(2))
 738                             THROWS(IllegalStateException.class,
 739                                    () -> it.remove());
 740                     }
 741                 checkUnusedElt(s, e);}}
 742         };
 744         return randomRemovers[rnd.nextInt(randomRemovers.length)];
 745     }
 747     static void lockStep(NavigableMap m1,
 748                          NavigableMap m2) {
 749         if (! (thorough || maybe(3))) return;
 750         if (maybe(4)) m1 = serialClone(m1);
 751         if (maybe(4)) m2 = serialClone(m2);
 753         List<NavigableMap> maps = Arrays.asList(m1, m2);
 754         for (NavigableMap m : maps) testEmptyMap(m);
 755         final Set<Integer> ints = new HashSet<Integer>();
 756         while (ints.size() < size)
 757             ints.add(rnd.nextInt(1024));
 758         final Integer[] elts = ints.toArray(new Integer[size]);
 759         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 760             MapFrobber adder = randomAdder(m1);
 761             for (final NavigableMap m : maps) {
 762                 adder.frob(m);
 763                 equal(m.size(), i+1);
 764             }
 765             equalNavigableMaps(m1, m2);
 766         }
 767         for (final NavigableMap m : maps) {
 768             final Object e = usedKey(m);
 769             THROWS(IllegalArgumentException.class,
 770                    () -> {m.subMap(e,true,e,false)
 771                            .subMap(e,true,e,true);},
 772                    () -> {m.subMap(e,false,e,true)
 773                            .subMap(e,true,e,true);},
 774                    () -> m.tailMap(e,false).tailMap(e,true),
 775                    () -> m.headMap(e,false).headMap(e,true));
 776         }
 777         //System.out.printf("%s%n", m1);
 778         for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) {
 779             MapFrobber remover = randomRemover(m1);
 780             for (final NavigableMap m : maps) {
 781                 remover.frob(m);
 782                 equal(m.size(), i-1);
 783             }
 784             equalNavigableMaps(m1, m2);
 785         }
 786         for (NavigableMap m : maps) testEmptyMap(m);
 787     }
 789     static void lockStep(NavigableSet s1,
 790                          NavigableSet s2) {
 791         if (! (thorough || maybe(3))) return;
 792         if (maybe(4)) s1 = serialClone(s1);
 793         if (maybe(4)) s2 = serialClone(s2);
 795         List<NavigableSet> sets = Arrays.asList(s1, s2);
 796         for (NavigableSet s : sets) testEmptySet(s);
 797         final Set<Integer> ints = new HashSet<Integer>();
 798         while (ints.size() < size)
 799             ints.add(rnd.nextInt(1024));
 800         final Integer[] elts = ints.toArray(new Integer[size]);
 801         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 802             SetFrobber adder = randomAdder(s1);
 803             for (final NavigableSet s : sets) {
 804                 adder.frob(s);
 805                 equal(s.size(), i+1);
 806             }
 807             equalNavigableSets(s1, s2);
 808         }
 809         for (final NavigableSet s : sets) {
 810             final Object e = usedElt(s);
 811             THROWS(IllegalArgumentException.class,
 812                    () -> {s.subSet(e,true,e,false)
 813                            .subSet(e,true,e,true);},
 814                    () -> {s.subSet(e,false,e,true)
 815                            .subSet(e,true,e,true);},
 816                    () -> s.tailSet(e,false).tailSet(e,true),
 817                    () -> s.headSet(e,false).headSet(e,true));
 818         }
 819         //System.out.printf("%s%n", s1);
 820         for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) {
 821             SetFrobber remover = randomRemover(s1);
 822             for (final NavigableSet s : sets) {
 823                 remover.frob(s);
 824                 equal(s.size(), i-1);
 825             }
 826             equalNavigableSets(s1, s2);
 827         }
 828         for (NavigableSet s : sets) testEmptySet(s);
 829     }
 831     //--------------------- Infrastructure ---------------------------
 832     static volatile int passed = 0, failed = 0;
 833     static void pass() { passed++; }
 834     static void fail() { failed++; Thread.dumpStack(); }
 835     static void fail(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); fail(); }
 836     static void unexpected(Throwable t) { failed++; t.printStackTrace(); }
 837     static void check(boolean cond) { if (cond) pass(); else fail(); }
 838     static void equal(Object x, Object y) {
 839         if (x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y)) pass();
 840         else {System.out.println(x + " not equal to " + y); fail();}}
 841     static void equal2(Object x, Object y) {equal(x, y); equal(y, x);}
 842     public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
 843         try { realMain(args); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
 845         System.out.printf("%nPassed = %d, failed = %d%n%n", passed, failed);
 846         if (failed > 0) throw new Exception("Some tests failed");
 847     }
 848     @FunctionalInterface interface Fun {void f() throws Throwable;}
 849     static void THROWS(Class<? extends Throwable> k, Fun... fs) {
 850           for (Fun f : fs)
 851               try { f.f(); fail("Expected " + k.getName() + " not thrown"); }
 852               catch (Throwable t) {
 853                   if (k.isAssignableFrom(t.getClass())) pass();
 854                   else unexpected(t);}}
 855     static byte[] serializedForm(Object obj) {
 856         try {
 857             ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 858             new ObjectOutputStream(baos).writeObject(obj);
 859             return baos.toByteArray();
 860         } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }}
 861     static Object readObject(byte[] bytes)
 862         throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
 863         InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
 864         return new ObjectInputStream(is).readObject();}
 865     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 866     static <T> T serialClone(T obj) {
 867         try { return (T) readObject(serializedForm(obj)); }
 868         catch (Error|RuntimeException e) { throw e; }