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rev 12617 : [mq]: 8134356-gt-lt-in-code

 138         REF_invokeSpecial           = Constants.REF_invokeSpecial,
 139         REF_newInvokeSpecial        = Constants.REF_newInvokeSpecial,
 140         REF_invokeInterface         = Constants.REF_invokeInterface;
 142     /**
 143      * Returns the reference kind of the cracked method handle, which in turn
 144      * determines whether the method handle's underlying member was a constructor, method, or field.
 145      * See the <a href="MethodHandleInfo.html#refkinds">table above</a> for definitions.
 146      * @return the integer code for the kind of reference used to access the underlying member
 147      */
 148     public int getReferenceKind();
 150     /**
 151      * Returns the class in which the cracked method handle's underlying member was defined.
 152      * @return the declaring class of the underlying member
 153      */
 154     public Class<?> getDeclaringClass();
 156     /**
 157      * Returns the name of the cracked method handle's underlying member.
 158      * This is {@code "&lt;init&gt;"} if the underlying member was a constructor,
 159      * else it is a simple method name or field name.
 160      * @return the simple name of the underlying member
 161      */
 162     public String getName();
 164     /**
 165      * Returns the nominal type of the cracked symbolic reference, expressed as a method type.
 166      * If the reference is to a constructor, the return type will be {@code void}.
 167      * If it is to a non-static method, the method type will not mention the {@code this} parameter.
 168      * If it is to a field and the requested access is to read the field,
 169      * the method type will have no parameters and return the field type.
 170      * If it is to a field and the requested access is to write the field,
 171      * the method type will have one parameter of the field type and return {@code void}.
 172      * <p>
 173      * Note that original direct method handle may include a leading {@code this} parameter,
 174      * or (in the case of a constructor) will replace the {@code void} return type
 175      * with the constructed class.
 176      * The nominal type does not include any {@code this} parameter,
 177      * and (in the case of a constructor) will return {@code void}.
 178      * @return the type of the underlying member, expressed as a method type

 138         REF_invokeSpecial           = Constants.REF_invokeSpecial,
 139         REF_newInvokeSpecial        = Constants.REF_newInvokeSpecial,
 140         REF_invokeInterface         = Constants.REF_invokeInterface;
 142     /**
 143      * Returns the reference kind of the cracked method handle, which in turn
 144      * determines whether the method handle's underlying member was a constructor, method, or field.
 145      * See the <a href="MethodHandleInfo.html#refkinds">table above</a> for definitions.
 146      * @return the integer code for the kind of reference used to access the underlying member
 147      */
 148     public int getReferenceKind();
 150     /**
 151      * Returns the class in which the cracked method handle's underlying member was defined.
 152      * @return the declaring class of the underlying member
 153      */
 154     public Class<?> getDeclaringClass();
 156     /**
 157      * Returns the name of the cracked method handle's underlying member.
 158      * This is {@code "<init>"} if the underlying member was a constructor,
 159      * else it is a simple method name or field name.
 160      * @return the simple name of the underlying member
 161      */
 162     public String getName();
 164     /**
 165      * Returns the nominal type of the cracked symbolic reference, expressed as a method type.
 166      * If the reference is to a constructor, the return type will be {@code void}.
 167      * If it is to a non-static method, the method type will not mention the {@code this} parameter.
 168      * If it is to a field and the requested access is to read the field,
 169      * the method type will have no parameters and return the field type.
 170      * If it is to a field and the requested access is to write the field,
 171      * the method type will have one parameter of the field type and return {@code void}.
 172      * <p>
 173      * Note that original direct method handle may include a leading {@code this} parameter,
 174      * or (in the case of a constructor) will replace the {@code void} return type
 175      * with the constructed class.
 176      * The nominal type does not include any {@code this} parameter,
 177      * and (in the case of a constructor) will return {@code void}.
 178      * @return the type of the underlying member, expressed as a method type

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