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rev 12617 : [mq]: 8134356-gt-lt-in-code

 278      * @see #isSafeBytecodeName(java.lang.String)
 279      */
 280     public static String toSourceName(String s) {
 281         checkSafeBytecodeName(s);
 282         String sn = s;
 283         if (looksMangled(s)) {
 284             sn = demangle(s);
 285             assert(s.equals(mangle(sn))) : s+" => "+sn+" => "+mangle(sn);
 286         }
 287         return sn;
 288     }
 290     /**
 291      * Given a bytecode name from a classfile, separate it into
 292      * components delimited by dangerous characters.
 293      * Each resulting array element will be either a dangerous character,
 294      * or else a safe bytecode name.
 295      * (The safe name might possibly be mangled to hide further dangerous characters.)
 296      * For example, the qualified class name {@code java/lang/String}
 297      * will be parsed into the array {@code {"java", '/', "lang", '/', "String"}}.
 298      * The name {@code &lt;init&gt;} will be parsed into { '&lt;', "init", '&gt;'}}
 299      * The name {@code foo/bar$:baz} will be parsed into
 300      * {@code {"foo", '/', "bar", '$', ':', "baz"}}.
 301      * The name {@code ::\=:foo:\=bar\!baz} will be parsed into
 302      * {@code {':', ':', "", ':', "foo", ':', "bar:baz"}}.
 303      */
 304     public static Object[] parseBytecodeName(String s) {
 305         int slen = s.length();
 306         Object[] res = null;
 307         for (int pass = 0; pass <= 1; pass++) {
 308             int fillp = 0;
 309             int lasti = 0;
 310             for (int i = 0; i <= slen; i++) {
 311                 int whichDC = -1;
 312                 if (i < slen) {
 313                     whichDC = DANGEROUS_CHARS.indexOf(s.charAt(i));
 314                     if (whichDC < DANGEROUS_CHAR_FIRST_INDEX)  continue;
 315                 }
 316                 // got to end of string or next dangerous char
 317                 if (lasti < i) {
 318                     // normal component

 278      * @see #isSafeBytecodeName(java.lang.String)
 279      */
 280     public static String toSourceName(String s) {
 281         checkSafeBytecodeName(s);
 282         String sn = s;
 283         if (looksMangled(s)) {
 284             sn = demangle(s);
 285             assert(s.equals(mangle(sn))) : s+" => "+sn+" => "+mangle(sn);
 286         }
 287         return sn;
 288     }
 290     /**
 291      * Given a bytecode name from a classfile, separate it into
 292      * components delimited by dangerous characters.
 293      * Each resulting array element will be either a dangerous character,
 294      * or else a safe bytecode name.
 295      * (The safe name might possibly be mangled to hide further dangerous characters.)
 296      * For example, the qualified class name {@code java/lang/String}
 297      * will be parsed into the array {@code {"java", '/', "lang", '/', "String"}}.
 298      * The name {@code <init>} will be parsed into {@code {'<', "init", '>'}}.
 299      * The name {@code foo/bar$:baz} will be parsed into
 300      * {@code {"foo", '/', "bar", '$', ':', "baz"}}.
 301      * The name {@code ::\=:foo:\=bar\!baz} will be parsed into
 302      * {@code {':', ':', "", ':', "foo", ':', "bar:baz"}}.
 303      */
 304     public static Object[] parseBytecodeName(String s) {
 305         int slen = s.length();
 306         Object[] res = null;
 307         for (int pass = 0; pass <= 1; pass++) {
 308             int fillp = 0;
 309             int lasti = 0;
 310             for (int i = 0; i <= slen; i++) {
 311                 int whichDC = -1;
 312                 if (i < slen) {
 313                     whichDC = DANGEROUS_CHARS.indexOf(s.charAt(i));
 314                     if (whichDC < DANGEROUS_CHAR_FIRST_INDEX)  continue;
 315                 }
 316                 // got to end of string or next dangerous char
 317                 if (lasti < i) {
 318                     // normal component

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