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rev 15365 : imported patch 8163517-Various-cleanup-in-java-io-code

1034     /**
1035      * Verifies that this (possibly subclass) instance can be constructed
1036      * without violating security constraints: the subclass must not override
1037      * security-sensitive non-final methods, or else the
1038      * "enableSubclassImplementation" SerializablePermission is checked.
1039      */
1040     private void verifySubclass() {
1041         Class<?> cl = getClass();
1042         if (cl == ObjectOutputStream.class) {
1043             return;
1044         }
1045         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
1046         if (sm == null) {
1047             return;
1048         }
1049         processQueue(Caches.subclassAuditsQueue, Caches.subclassAudits);
1050         WeakClassKey key = new WeakClassKey(cl, Caches.subclassAuditsQueue);
1051         Boolean result = Caches.subclassAudits.get(key);
1052         if (result == null) {
1053             result = Boolean.valueOf(auditSubclass(cl));
1054             Caches.subclassAudits.putIfAbsent(key, result);
1055         }
1056         if (result.booleanValue()) {
1057             return;
1058         }
1059         sm.checkPermission(SUBCLASS_IMPLEMENTATION_PERMISSION);
1060     }

1062     /**
1063      * Performs reflective checks on given subclass to verify that it doesn't
1064      * override security-sensitive non-final methods.  Returns true if subclass
1065      * is "safe", false otherwise.
1066      */
1067     private static boolean auditSubclass(final Class<?> subcl) {
1068         Boolean result = AccessController.doPrivileged(
1069             new PrivilegedAction<>() {
1070                 public Boolean run() {
1071                     for (Class<?> cl = subcl;
1072                          cl != ObjectOutputStream.class;
1073                          cl = cl.getSuperclass())
1074                     {
1075                         try {
1076                             cl.getDeclaredMethod(
1077                                 "writeUnshared", new Class<?>[] { Object.class });
1078                             return Boolean.FALSE;
1079                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
1080                         }
1081                         try {
1082                             cl.getDeclaredMethod("putFields", (Class<?>[]) null);
1083                             return Boolean.FALSE;
1084                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
1085                         }
1086                     }
1087                     return Boolean.TRUE;
1088                 }
1089             }
1090         );
1091         return result.booleanValue();
1092     }
1094     /**
1095      * Clears internal data structures.
1096      */
1097     private void clear() {
1098         subs.clear();
1099         handles.clear();
1100     }
1102     /**
1103      * Underlying writeObject/writeUnshared implementation.
1104      */
1105     private void writeObject0(Object obj, boolean unshared)
1106         throws IOException
1107     {
1108         boolean oldMode = bout.setBlockDataMode(false);
1109         depth++;
1110         try {
1111             // handle previously written and non-replaceable objects

1034     /**
1035      * Verifies that this (possibly subclass) instance can be constructed
1036      * without violating security constraints: the subclass must not override
1037      * security-sensitive non-final methods, or else the
1038      * "enableSubclassImplementation" SerializablePermission is checked.
1039      */
1040     private void verifySubclass() {
1041         Class<?> cl = getClass();
1042         if (cl == ObjectOutputStream.class) {
1043             return;
1044         }
1045         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
1046         if (sm == null) {
1047             return;
1048         }
1049         processQueue(Caches.subclassAuditsQueue, Caches.subclassAudits);
1050         WeakClassKey key = new WeakClassKey(cl, Caches.subclassAuditsQueue);
1051         Boolean result = Caches.subclassAudits.get(key);
1052         if (result == null) {
1053             result = auditSubclass(cl);
1054             Caches.subclassAudits.putIfAbsent(key, result);
1055         }
1056         if (!result) {

1057             sm.checkPermission(SUBCLASS_IMPLEMENTATION_PERMISSION);
1058         }
1059     }
1061     /**
1062      * Performs reflective checks on given subclass to verify that it doesn't
1063      * override security-sensitive non-final methods.  Returns TRUE if subclass
1064      * is "safe", FALSE otherwise.
1065      */
1066     private static Boolean auditSubclass(Class<?> subcl) {
1067         return AccessController.doPrivileged(
1068             new PrivilegedAction<>() {
1069                 public Boolean run() {
1070                     for (Class<?> cl = subcl;
1071                          cl != ObjectOutputStream.class;
1072                          cl = cl.getSuperclass())
1073                     {
1074                         try {
1075                             cl.getDeclaredMethod(
1076                                 "writeUnshared", new Class<?>[] { Object.class });
1077                             return Boolean.FALSE;
1078                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
1079                         }
1080                         try {
1081                             cl.getDeclaredMethod("putFields", (Class<?>[]) null);
1082                             return Boolean.FALSE;
1083                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
1084                         }
1085                     }
1086                     return Boolean.TRUE;
1087                 }
1088             }
1089         );

1090     }
1092     /**
1093      * Clears internal data structures.
1094      */
1095     private void clear() {
1096         subs.clear();
1097         handles.clear();
1098     }
1100     /**
1101      * Underlying writeObject/writeUnshared implementation.
1102      */
1103     private void writeObject0(Object obj, boolean unshared)
1104         throws IOException
1105     {
1106         boolean oldMode = bout.setBlockDataMode(false);
1107         depth++;
1108         try {
1109             // handle previously written and non-replaceable objects

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