1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /**
  25  *  @test
  26  *  @bug 5089849
  27  *  @summary Add support for backtracking reference graph.
  28  *  @author jjh
  29  *
  30  *  @modules jdk.jdi
  31  *  @run build TestScaffold VMConnection TargetListener TargetAdapter
  32  *  @run compile -g ReferrersTest.java
  33  *  @run driver ReferrersTest
  34  */
  36 /*
  37  *  To run this test do this:
  38  *     runregress -no ReferrersTest <cmd line options>
  39  *
  40  *  where <cmd line options> are the options to be used to
  41  *  launch the debuggee, with the classname prefixed with @@.
  42  *  For example, this would run java2d demo as the debuggee:
  43  *     runregress -no ReferrersTest -classpath
  44  *                                    $jdkDir/demo/jfc/Java2D/Java2Demo.jar \
  45  *                                    -client @@java2d.Java2Demo
  46  *
  47  * In this mode, the specified debuggee is launched in debug mode,
  48  * and the debugger waits for a keystroke before connecting to the debuggee.
  49  *
  50  * If <cmd line options> is not specified, then the ReferrersTarg class below
  51  * is run as the debuggee.
  52  */
  53 import com.sun.jdi.*;
  54 import com.sun.jdi.event.*;
  55 import com.sun.jdi.request.*;
  57 import java.util.*;
  59 class ReferrersFiller {
  60     // This many instances of this are created.
  61     static int FILLER_COUNT = 20000;
  62     static ReferrersFiller[] lotsAndLots = new ReferrersFiller[
  63                                                ReferrersFiller.FILLER_COUNT];
  64     int xx;
  65     ReferrersFiller(int p1) {
  66         xx = p1;
  67     }
  68 }
  70 class ReferrersTarg {
  71     // This many instances + 1 of this class are created.
  72     static int TARG_COUNT = 10;
  73     static ReferrersTarg theReferrersTarg;
  74     static ReferrersTarg[] allReferrersTargs;
  76     // Each instance will point to the theReferrersTarg
  77     ReferrersTarg oneReferrersTarg;
  79     public static void bkpt() {
  80     }
  82     public static void main(String[] args) {
  83         System.out.println("Howdy!");
  84         for (int ii = 0; ii < ReferrersFiller.lotsAndLots.length; ii++) {
  85             ReferrersFiller.lotsAndLots[ii] = new ReferrersFiller(ii);
  86         }
  88         theReferrersTarg = new ReferrersTarg();
  89         allReferrersTargs = new ReferrersTarg[ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT];
  90         for (int ii = 0; ii < ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT; ii++) {
  91             allReferrersTargs[ii] = new ReferrersTarg();
  92             allReferrersTargs[ii].oneReferrersTarg = theReferrersTarg;
  93         }
  94         bkpt();
  96         System.out.println("Goodbye from ReferrersTarg!");
  97     }
  98 }
 100 /********** test program **********/
 102 public class ReferrersTest extends TestScaffold {
 103     static String targetName = "ReferrersTarg";
 104     ReferenceType targetClass;
 105     ThreadReference mainThread;
 107     ReferrersTest(String args[]) {
 108         super(args);
 109     }
 111     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 112         /*
 113          * If args contains @@xxxx, then that is the
 114          * name of the class we are to run.
 115          */
 116         for (int ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii ++) {
 117             if (args[ii].startsWith("@@")) {
 118                 targetName = args[ii] = args[ii].substring(2);
 119                 break;
 120             }
 121         }
 122         new ReferrersTest(args).startTests();
 123     }
 125     /*
 126      * Used to sort a list of ReferenceTypes by
 127      * instance count.
 128      */
 129     class ToSort implements Comparable<ToSort> {
 130         long count;
 131         ReferenceType rt;
 133         public ToSort(long count, ReferenceType rt) {
 134             this.count = count;
 135             this.rt = rt;
 136         }
 138         public int compareTo(ToSort obj) {
 139             if (count < obj.count) return -1;
 140             if (count == obj.count) return 0;
 141             return 1;
 142         }
 143     }
 145     protected void runTests() throws Exception {
 146         /*
 147          * Get to the top of main()
 148          * to determine targetClass and mainThread
 149          */
 150         int CUT_OFF = 1000;
 151         BreakpointEvent bpe;
 152         bpe = startToMain(targetName);
 153         targetClass = bpe.location().declaringType();
 154         mainThread = bpe.thread();
 156         if (targetName.equals("ReferrersTarg")) {
 157             resumeTo("ReferrersTarg", "bkpt", "()V");
 158         } else {
 159             // Let debuggee run for awhile to get classes loaded
 160             vm().resume();
 161             try {
 162                 System.err.println("Press <enter> to continue");
 163                 System.in.read();
 164                 System.err.println("running...");
 166             } catch(Exception e) {
 167             }
 168             vm().suspend();
 169         }
 171         // Get all classes.
 172         long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
 173         List<ReferenceType> allClasses = vm().allClasses();
 174         long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
 175         System.out.println( allClasses.size() +
 176                             " classes from vm.allClasses() took " +
 177                             (end - start) + " ms");
 179         long[] counts;
 181         // Test for NPE
 182         {
 183             boolean pass = false;
 184             try {
 185                 counts = vm().instanceCounts(null);
 186             } catch (NullPointerException ee) {
 187                 pass = true;
 188             }
 189             if (!pass) {
 190                 failure("failure: NullPointerException not thrown on instanceCounts(null)");
 191             }
 192         }
 194         // Test for 0 length array
 195         {
 196             List<ReferenceType>someClasses = new ArrayList(2);
 197             counts = vm().instanceCounts(someClasses);
 198             if (counts.length != 0) {
 199                 failure("failure: instanceCounts with a zero length array fails: " +
 200                         counts.length);
 201             }
 202         }
 204         // Test various values of maxInstances
 205         if (targetClass.name().equals("ReferrersTarg")) {
 206             List<ObjectReference> noInstances = targetClass.instances(0);
 207             if (noInstances.size() != ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT + 1) {
 208                 failure("failure: instances(0): " + noInstances.size() + ", for " + targetClass);
 209             }
 210             noInstances = targetClass.instances(1);
 211             if (noInstances.size() != 1) {
 212                 failure("failure: instances(1): " + noInstances.size() + ", for " + targetClass);
 213             }
 214             boolean pass = false;
 215             try {
 216                 noInstances = targetClass.instances(-1);
 217             } catch (IllegalArgumentException ee) {
 218                 pass = true;
 219             }
 220             if (!pass) {
 221                 failure("failure: instances(-1) did not get an exception");
 222             }
 223         }
 225         // Instance counts for all classes
 226         start = System.currentTimeMillis();
 227         counts = vm().instanceCounts(allClasses);
 228         end = System.currentTimeMillis();
 230         if (counts.length == 0) {
 231             System.out.println("failure: No instances found");
 232             throw new Exception("ReferrersTest: failed");
 233         }
 235         // Create a list of ReferenceTypes sorted by instance count
 236         int size = 0;
 237         List<ToSort> sorted = new ArrayList(allClasses.size());
 238         for (int ii = 0; ii < allClasses.size(); ii++) {
 239             size += counts[ii];
 240             ToSort tos = new ToSort(counts[ii], allClasses.get(ii));
 241             sorted.add(tos);
 242         }
 244         System.out.println("instance counts for " + counts.length +
 245                            " classes got " + size + " instances and took " +
 246                             (end - start) + " ms");
 249         boolean gotReferrersFiller = false;
 250         boolean gotReferrersTarg = false;
 252         Collections.sort(sorted);
 253         for (int ii = sorted.size() - 1; ii >= 0 ; ii--) {
 254             ToSort xxx = sorted.get(ii);
 256             if (xxx.rt.name().equals("ReferrersFiller") &&
 257                 xxx.count == ReferrersFiller.FILLER_COUNT) {
 258                 gotReferrersFiller = true;
 259             }
 260             if (xxx.rt.name().equals("ReferrersTarg") &&
 261                 xxx.count == ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT + 1) {
 262                 gotReferrersTarg = true;
 263             }
 264         }
 265         if (!gotReferrersFiller) {
 266             failure("failure: Expected " + ReferrersFiller.FILLER_COUNT +
 267                         " instances of ReferrersFiller");
 268         }
 269         if (!gotReferrersTarg) {
 270             failure("failure: Expected " + (ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT + 1) +
 271                     " instances of ReferrersTarg");
 272         }
 274         List<List<ObjectReference>> allInstances = new ArrayList(10);
 276         // Instances, one class at a time, in sorted order, printing each line
 277         if (true) {
 278             System.out.println("\nGetting instances for one class " +
 279                                "at a time (limited) in sorted order");
 280             List<ReferenceType> rtList = new ArrayList(1);
 281             rtList.add(null);
 282             long start1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
 283             size = 0;
 284             long count = 0;
 285             for (int ii = sorted.size() - 1; ii >= 0 ; ii--) {
 286                 ToSort xxx = sorted.get(ii);
 287                 if (xxx.count <= CUT_OFF) {
 288                     break;
 289                 }
 290                 rtList.set(0, xxx.rt);
 291                 start = System.currentTimeMillis();
 292                 List<ObjectReference> oneInstances = xxx.rt.instances(19999999);
 293                 end = System.currentTimeMillis();
 294                 size += oneInstances.size();
 295                 count++;
 296                 System.out.println("Expected " + xxx.count + " instances, got " +
 297                                    oneInstances.size() +
 298                                    " instances for " + sorted.get(ii).rt +
 299                                    " in " + (end - start) + " ms");
 301                 if (xxx.rt.name().equals("ReferrersFiller") &&
 302                     oneInstances.size() != ReferrersFiller.FILLER_COUNT) {
 303                     failure("failure: Expected " + ReferrersFiller.FILLER_COUNT +
 304                             " instances of ReferrersFiller");
 305                 }
 306                 if (xxx.rt.name().equals("ReferrersTarg") &&
 307                     oneInstances.size() != ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT + 1) {
 308                     failure("failure: Expected " + (ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT + 1) +
 309                             " instances of ReferrersTarg");
 310                 }
 311                 allInstances.add(oneInstances);
 312             }
 314             end = System.currentTimeMillis();
 316             System.out.println(size + " instances via making one vm.instances" +
 317                                " call for each of " + count +
 318                                " classes took " + (end - start1) + " ms");
 319             System.out.println("Per class = " +
 320                                (end - start) / allClasses.size() + " ms");
 321         }
 324         // referrers
 326         // Test various values of maxReferrers
 327         if (targetClass.name().equals("ReferrersTarg")) {
 328             Field field1 = targetClass.fieldByName("theReferrersTarg");
 329             ObjectReference anInstance = (ObjectReference)targetClass.getValue(field1);
 330             List<ObjectReference> noReferrers = anInstance.referringObjects(0);
 331             if (noReferrers.size() != ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT + 1 ) {
 332                 failure("failure: referringObjects(0) got " + noReferrers.size() +
 333                         ", for " + anInstance);
 334             }
 335             noReferrers = anInstance.referringObjects(1);
 336             if (noReferrers.size() != 1 ) {
 337                 failure("failure: referringObjects(1) got " + noReferrers.size() +
 338                         ", for " + anInstance);
 339             }
 340             boolean pass = false;
 341             try {
 342                 noReferrers = anInstance.referringObjects(-1);
 343             } catch (IllegalArgumentException ee) {
 344                 pass = true;
 345             }
 346             if (!pass) {
 347                 failure("failure: referringObjects(-1) did not get an exception");
 348             }
 349         }
 351         List<ObjectReference> allReferrers = null;
 352         List<ObjectReference> someInstances = new ArrayList();
 353         if (targetName.equals("ReferrersTarg")) {
 354             Field field1 = targetClass.fieldByName("theReferrersTarg");
 355             ObjectReference val = (ObjectReference)targetClass.getValue(field1);
 356             someInstances.add(val);
 357             allReferrers = val.referringObjects(99999);  //LIMIT
 358             if (allReferrers.size() != ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT + 1) {
 359                 failure("failure: expected " + (ReferrersTarg.TARG_COUNT + 1) +
 360                         "referrers, but got " + allReferrers.size() +
 361                         " referrers for " + val);
 362             }
 363         } else {
 364             // referrers
 365             // Create someInstances to find the referrers of.
 366             for (int ii = 0; ii < allClasses.size(); ii++) {
 367                 List<ObjectReference> objRefList = allInstances.get(ii);
 368                 if (objRefList != null) {
 369                     int asize = objRefList.size();
 370                     if (false) {
 371                         System.out.println(asize + ", " + allClasses.get(ii));
 372                     }
 373                     // Remember one instance per class to get referrers
 374                     if (asize > 0) {
 375                         someInstances.add(objRefList.get(0));
 376                     }
 377                 }
 378             }
 379         }
 381         for (ObjectReference objRef: someInstances) {
 382             //System.out.println( "Getting referrers for " + objRef);
 383             start = System.currentTimeMillis();
 384             if ( true) {
 385                 showReferrers(objRef, 0, 0, 0);
 386             } else {
 387                 allReferrers = objRef.referringObjects(99999);  //LIMIT
 388                 end = System.currentTimeMillis();
 389                 if (true || allReferrers.size() > 1) {
 390                     System.out.println( allReferrers.size() + " referrers for " + objRef + " took " + (end - start) + " ms");
 391                 }
 392             }
 393         }
 395         /*
 396          * deal with results of test
 397          * if anything has called failure("foo") testFailed will be true
 398          */
 399         if (!testFailed) {
 400             println("ReferrersTest: passed");
 401         } else {
 402             throw new Exception("ReferrersTest: failed");
 403         }
 404     }
 405     void indent(int level) {
 406         for (int ii = 0; ii < level; ii++) {
 407             System.out.print("    ");
 408         }
 409     }
 412     Map<ObjectReference, Object> visited = new HashMap(100);
 413     void showReferrers(ObjectReference objRef, int level, int total, int which) {
 415         if (level == 0) {
 416             visited.clear();
 417         } else {
 418             if (visited.containsKey(objRef)) {
 419                 indent(level);
 420                 System.out.println("(" + which + ")" + ":<pruned> " + objRef);
 421                 return;
 422             }
 423             visited.put(objRef, null);
 424             indent(level);
 425             //System.out.println(which + "/" + total + ": " + objRef + " took " + time + " ms");
 426         }
 428         List<ObjectReference> allReferrers = null;
 430         //System.out.println( "Getting referrers for " + objRef);
 431         long start, end;
 432         start = System.currentTimeMillis();
 433         allReferrers = objRef.referringObjects(99999);  //LIMIT
 434         end = System.currentTimeMillis();
 436         if (which == 0) {
 437             System.out.println(allReferrers.size() + " referrers for " + objRef + " took " + (end - start) + " ms");
 438         } else {
 439             System.out.println("(" + which + ") "  + objRef);
 440             indent(level);
 441             System.out.println("    " + allReferrers.size() + " referrers for " + objRef + " took " + (end - start) + " ms");
 442         }
 444         // We have to stop going up a referrer chain in some cases
 445         Type rt = objRef.type();
 446         if (rt instanceof ClassType) {
 447             ClassType ct = (ClassType)rt;
 448             String name = ct.name();
 449             if (name.equals("sun.awt.SoftCache$ValueCell")) {
 450                 return;
 451             }
 452             if (name.equals("java.lang.ref.Finalizer")) {
 453                 return;
 454             }
 455             if (name.equals("java.lang.ref.SoftReference")) {
 456                 return;
 457             }
 458             // oh oh, should really check for a subclass of ClassLoader :-)
 459             if (name.indexOf("ClassLoader") >= 0) {
 460                 return;
 461             }
 462             // No doubt there are other reasons to stop ...
 463         }
 464         int itemNumber = 1;
 465         int allSize = allReferrers.size();
 466         for (ObjectReference objx: allReferrers) {
 467             showReferrers(objx, level + 1, allSize, itemNumber++);
 468         }
 469     }
 470 }