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  49 }
  51 bool klassVtable::is_preinitialized_vtable() {
  52   return _klass->is_shared() && !MetaspaceShared::remapped_readwrite();
  53 }
  56 // this function computes the vtable size (including the size needed for miranda
  57 // methods) and the number of miranda methods in this class.
  58 // Note on Miranda methods: Let's say there is a class C that implements
  59 // interface I, and none of C's superclasses implements I.
  60 // Let's say there is an abstract method m in I that neither C
  61 // nor any of its super classes implement (i.e there is no method of any access,
  62 // with the same name and signature as m), then m is a Miranda method which is
  63 // entered as a public abstract method in C's vtable.  From then on it should
  64 // treated as any other public method in C for method over-ride purposes.
  65 void klassVtable::compute_vtable_size_and_num_mirandas(
  66     int* vtable_length_ret, int* num_new_mirandas,
  67     GrowableArray<Method*>* all_mirandas, const Klass* super,
  68     Array<Method*>* methods, AccessFlags class_flags, u2 major_version,
  69     Handle classloader, Symbol* classname, Array<Klass*>* local_interfaces,
  70     TRAPS) {
  71   NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
  73   // set up default result values
  74   int vtable_length = 0;
  76   // start off with super's vtable length
  77   vtable_length = super == NULL ? 0 : super->vtable_length();
  79   // go thru each method in the methods table to see if it needs a new entry
  80   int len = methods->length();
  81   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  82     assert(methods->at(i)->is_method(), "must be a Method*");
  83     methodHandle mh(THREAD, methods->at(i));
  85     if (needs_new_vtable_entry(mh, super, classloader, classname, class_flags, major_version, THREAD)) {
  86       vtable_length += vtableEntry::size(); // we need a new entry
  87     }
  88   }

 149     assert(superVtable.length() <= _length, "vtable too short");
 150 #ifdef ASSERT
 151     superVtable.verify(tty, true);
 152 #endif
 153     superVtable.copy_vtable_to(table());
 154     if (log_develop_is_enabled(Trace, vtables)) {
 155       ResourceMark rm;
 156       log_develop_trace(vtables)("copy vtable from %s to %s size %d",
 157                                  super->internal_name(), klass()->internal_name(),
 158                                  _length);
 159     }
 160     return superVtable.length();
 161   }
 162 }
 164 //
 165 // Revised lookup semantics   introduced 1.3 (Kestrel beta)
 166 void klassVtable::initialize_vtable(bool checkconstraints, TRAPS) {
 168   // Note:  Arrays can have intermediate array supers.  Use java_super to skip them.
 169   Klass* super = _klass->java_super();
 170   int nofNewEntries = 0;
 172   bool is_shared = _klass->is_shared();
 174   if (!_klass->is_array_klass()) {
 175     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 176     log_develop_debug(vtables)("Initializing: %s", _klass->name()->as_C_string());
 177   }
 179 #ifdef ASSERT
 180   oop* end_of_obj = (oop*)_klass + _klass->size();
 181   oop* end_of_vtable = (oop*)&table()[_length];
 182   assert(end_of_vtable <= end_of_obj, "vtable extends beyond end");
 183 #endif
 185   if (Universe::is_bootstrapping()) {
 186     assert(!is_shared, "sanity");
 187     // just clear everything
 188     for (int i = 0; i < _length; i++) table()[i].clear();
 189     return;

 854     if (!is_duplicate) { // we don't want duplicate miranda entries in the vtable
 855       if (is_miranda(im, class_methods, default_methods, super, is_interface)) { // is it a miranda at all?
 856         const InstanceKlass *sk = InstanceKlass::cast(super);
 857         // check if it is a duplicate of a super's miranda
 858         if (sk->lookup_method_in_all_interfaces(im->name(), im->signature(), Klass::find_defaults) == NULL) {
 859           new_mirandas->append(im);
 860         }
 861         if (all_mirandas != NULL) {
 862           all_mirandas->append(im);
 863         }
 864       }
 865     }
 866   }
 867 }
 869 void klassVtable::get_mirandas(GrowableArray<Method*>* new_mirandas,
 870                                GrowableArray<Method*>* all_mirandas,
 871                                const Klass* super,
 872                                Array<Method*>* class_methods,
 873                                Array<Method*>* default_methods,
 874                                Array<Klass*>* local_interfaces,
 875                                bool is_interface) {
 876   assert((new_mirandas->length() == 0) , "current mirandas must be 0");
 878   // iterate thru the local interfaces looking for a miranda
 879   int num_local_ifs = local_interfaces->length();
 880   for (int i = 0; i < num_local_ifs; i++) {
 881     InstanceKlass *ik = InstanceKlass::cast(local_interfaces->at(i));
 882     add_new_mirandas_to_lists(new_mirandas, all_mirandas,
 883                               ik->methods(), class_methods,
 884                               default_methods, super, is_interface);
 885     // iterate thru each local's super interfaces
 886     Array<Klass*>* super_ifs = ik->transitive_interfaces();
 887     int num_super_ifs = super_ifs->length();
 888     for (int j = 0; j < num_super_ifs; j++) {
 889       InstanceKlass *sik = InstanceKlass::cast(super_ifs->at(j));
 890       add_new_mirandas_to_lists(new_mirandas, all_mirandas,
 891                                 sik->methods(), class_methods,
 892                                 default_methods, super, is_interface);
 893     }
 894   }
 895 }
 897 // Discover miranda methods ("miranda" = "interface abstract, no binding"),
 898 // and append them into the vtable starting at index initialized,
 899 // return the new value of initialized.
 900 // Miranda methods use vtable entries, but do not get assigned a vtable_index
 901 // The vtable_index is discovered by searching from the end of the vtable
 902 int klassVtable::fill_in_mirandas(int initialized, TRAPS) {
 903   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 904   GrowableArray<Method*> mirandas(20);
 905   get_mirandas(&mirandas, NULL, ik()->super(), ik()->methods(),
 906                ik()->default_methods(), ik()->local_interfaces(),
 907                klass()->is_interface());
 908   for (int i = 0; i < mirandas.length(); i++) {
 909     if (log_develop_is_enabled(Trace, vtables)) {

1065       _size_offset_table = (method_entry - ((intptr_t*)offset_entry)) / itableOffsetEntry::size();
1066       _size_method_table = (end - method_entry)                  / itableMethodEntry::size();
1067       assert(_table_offset >= 0 && _size_offset_table >= 0 && _size_method_table >= 0, "wrong computation");
1068       return;
1069     }
1070   }
1072   // The length of the itable was either zero, or it has not yet been initialized.
1073   _table_offset      = 0;
1074   _size_offset_table = 0;
1075   _size_method_table = 0;
1076 }
1078 static int initialize_count = 0;
1080 // Initialization
1081 void klassItable::initialize_itable(bool checkconstraints, TRAPS) {
1082   if (_klass->is_interface()) {
1083     // This needs to go after vtable indices are assigned but
1084     // before implementors need to know the number of itable indices.
1085     assign_itable_indices_for_interface(_klass, THREAD);
1086   }
1088   // Cannot be setup doing bootstrapping, interfaces don't have
1089   // itables, and klass with only ones entry have empty itables
1090   if (Universe::is_bootstrapping() ||
1091       _klass->is_interface() ||
1092       _klass->itable_length() == itableOffsetEntry::size()) return;
1094   // There's alway an extra itable entry so we can null-terminate it.
1095   guarantee(size_offset_table() >= 1, "too small");
1096   int num_interfaces = size_offset_table() - 1;
1097   if (num_interfaces > 0) {
1098     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1099     log_develop_debug(itables)("%3d: Initializing itables for %s", ++initialize_count,
1100                        _klass->name()->as_C_string());
1103     // Iterate through all interfaces
1104     int i;
1105     for(i = 0; i < num_interfaces; i++) {
1106       itableOffsetEntry* ioe = offset_entry(i);
1107       HandleMark hm(THREAD);
1108       Klass* interf = ioe->interface_klass();
1109       assert(interf != NULL && ioe->offset() != 0, "bad offset entry in itable");
1110       initialize_itable_for_interface(ioe->offset(), interf, checkconstraints, CHECK);
1111     }
1113   }
1114   // Check that the last entry is empty
1115   itableOffsetEntry* ioe = offset_entry(size_offset_table() - 1);
1116   guarantee(ioe->interface_klass() == NULL && ioe->offset() == 0, "terminator entry missing");
1117 }
1120 inline bool interface_method_needs_itable_index(Method* m) {
1121   if (m->is_static())           return false;   // e.g., Stream.empty
1122   if (m->is_initializer())      return false;   // <init> or <clinit>
1123   if (m->is_private())          return false;   // uses direct call
1124   // If an interface redeclares a method from java.lang.Object,
1125   // it should already have a vtable index, don't touch it.
1126   // e.g., CharSequence.toString (from initialize_vtable)
1127   // if (m->has_vtable_index())  return false; // NO!
1128   return true;
1129 }
1131 int klassItable::assign_itable_indices_for_interface(Klass* klass, TRAPS) {
1132   // an interface does not have an itable, but its methods need to be numbered
1133   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1134   log_develop_debug(itables)("%3d: Initializing itable indices for interface %s",
1135                              ++initialize_count, klass->name()->as_C_string());
1136   Array<Method*>* methods = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->methods();
1137   int nof_methods = methods->length();
1138   int ime_num = 0;
1139   for (int i = 0; i < nof_methods; i++) {
1140     Method* m = methods->at(i);
1141     if (interface_method_needs_itable_index(m)) {
1142       assert(!m->is_final_method(), "no final interface methods");
1143       // If m is already assigned a vtable index, do not disturb it.
1144       if (log_develop_is_enabled(Trace, itables)) {
1145         LogTarget(Trace, itables) lt;
1146         LogStream ls(lt);
1147         assert(m != NULL, "methods can never be null");
1148         const char* sig = m->name_and_sig_as_C_string();
1149         if (m->has_vtable_index()) {
1150           ls.print("vtable index %d for method: %s, flags: ", m->vtable_index(), sig);
1151         } else {
1152           ls.print("itable index %d for method: %s, flags: ", ime_num, sig);
1153         }
1154         m->print_linkage_flags(&ls);
1155         ls.cr();
1156       }
1157       if (!m->has_vtable_index()) {
1158         // A shared method could have an initialized itable_index that
1159         // is < 0.
1160         assert(m->vtable_index() == Method::pending_itable_index ||
1161                m->is_shared(),
1162                "set by initialize_vtable");
1163         m->set_itable_index(ime_num);
1164         // Progress to next itable entry
1165         ime_num++;
1166       }
1167     }
1168   }
1169   assert(ime_num == method_count_for_interface(klass), "proper sizing");
1170   return ime_num;
1171 }
1173 int klassItable::method_count_for_interface(Klass* interf) {
1174   assert(interf->is_instance_klass(), "must be");
1175   assert(interf->is_interface(), "must be");
1176   Array<Method*>* methods = InstanceKlass::cast(interf)->methods();
1177   int nof_methods = methods->length();
1178   int length = 0;
1179   while (nof_methods > 0) {
1180     Method* m = methods->at(nof_methods-1);
1181     if (m->has_itable_index()) {
1182       length = m->itable_index() + 1;
1183       break;
1184     }
1185     nof_methods -= 1;
1186   }
1187 #ifdef ASSERT
1188   int nof_methods_copy = nof_methods;
1189   while (nof_methods_copy > 0) {
1190     Method* mm = methods->at(--nof_methods_copy);
1191     assert(!mm->has_itable_index() || mm->itable_index() < length, "");
1192   }
1193 #endif //ASSERT
1194   // return the rightmost itable index, plus one; or 0 if no methods have
1195   // itable indices
1196   return length;
1197 }
1200 void klassItable::initialize_itable_for_interface(int method_table_offset, Klass* interf, bool checkconstraints, TRAPS) {
1201   Array<Method*>* methods = InstanceKlass::cast(interf)->methods();

1202   int nof_methods = methods->length();
1203   HandleMark hm;
1204   Handle interface_loader (THREAD, InstanceKlass::cast(interf)->class_loader());
1206   int ime_count = method_count_for_interface(interf);
1207   for (int i = 0; i < nof_methods; i++) {
1208     Method* m = methods->at(i);
1209     methodHandle target;
1210     if (m->has_itable_index()) {
1211       // This search must match the runtime resolution, i.e. selection search for invokeinterface
1212       // to correctly enforce loader constraints for interface method inheritance.
1213       // Private methods are skipped as a private class method can never be the implementation
1214       // of an interface method.
1215       // Invokespecial does not perform selection based on the receiver, so it does not use
1216       // the cached itable.
1217       target = LinkResolver::lookup_instance_method_in_klasses(_klass, m->name(), m->signature(),
1218                                                                Klass::skip_private, CHECK);
1219     }
1220     if (target == NULL || !target->is_public() || target->is_abstract() || target->is_overpass()) {
1221       assert(target == NULL || !target->is_overpass() || target->is_public(),
1222              "Non-public overpass method!");
1223       // Entry does not resolve. Leave it empty for AbstractMethodError or other error.
1224       if (!(target == NULL) && !target->is_public()) {

1332   for (int i = 0; i < _size_method_table; i++) {
1333     Method* m = ime->method();
1334     if (m != NULL) {
1335       tty->print("      (%5d)  ", i);
1336       m->access_flags().print_on(tty);
1337       if (m->is_default_method()) {
1338         tty->print("default ");
1339       }
1340       tty->print(" --  ");
1341       m->print_name(tty);
1342       tty->cr();
1343     }
1344     ime++;
1345   }
1346 }
1347 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMTI
1349 // Setup
1350 class InterfaceVisiterClosure : public StackObj {
1351  public:
1352   virtual void doit(Klass* intf, int method_count) = 0;
1353 };
1355 // Visit all interfaces with at least one itable method
1356 void visit_all_interfaces(Array<Klass*>* transitive_intf, InterfaceVisiterClosure *blk) {
1357   // Handle array argument
1358   for(int i = 0; i < transitive_intf->length(); i++) {
1359     Klass* intf = transitive_intf->at(i);
1360     assert(intf->is_interface(), "sanity check");
1362     // Find no. of itable methods
1363     int method_count = 0;
1364     // method_count = klassItable::method_count_for_interface(intf);
1365     Array<Method*>* methods = InstanceKlass::cast(intf)->methods();
1366     if (methods->length() > 0) {
1367       for (int i = methods->length(); --i >= 0; ) {
1368         if (interface_method_needs_itable_index(methods->at(i))) {
1369           method_count++;
1370         }
1371       }
1372     }
1374     // Visit all interfaces which either have any methods or can participate in receiver type check.
1375     // We do not bother to count methods in transitive interfaces, although that would allow us to skip
1376     // this step in the rare case of a zero-method interface extending another zero-method interface.
1377     if (method_count > 0 || InstanceKlass::cast(intf)->transitive_interfaces()->length() > 0) {
1378       blk->doit(intf, method_count);
1379     }
1380   }
1381 }
1383 class CountInterfacesClosure : public InterfaceVisiterClosure {
1384  private:
1385   int _nof_methods;
1386   int _nof_interfaces;
1387  public:
1388    CountInterfacesClosure() { _nof_methods = 0; _nof_interfaces = 0; }
1390    int nof_methods() const    { return _nof_methods; }
1391    int nof_interfaces() const { return _nof_interfaces; }
1393    void doit(Klass* intf, int method_count) { _nof_methods += method_count; _nof_interfaces++; }
1394 };
1396 class SetupItableClosure : public InterfaceVisiterClosure  {
1397  private:
1398   itableOffsetEntry* _offset_entry;
1399   itableMethodEntry* _method_entry;
1400   address            _klass_begin;
1401  public:
1402   SetupItableClosure(address klass_begin, itableOffsetEntry* offset_entry, itableMethodEntry* method_entry) {
1403     _klass_begin  = klass_begin;
1404     _offset_entry = offset_entry;
1405     _method_entry = method_entry;
1406   }
1408   itableMethodEntry* method_entry() const { return _method_entry; }
1410   void doit(Klass* intf, int method_count) {
1411     int offset = ((address)_method_entry) - _klass_begin;
1412     _offset_entry->initialize(intf, offset);
1413     _offset_entry++;
1414     _method_entry += method_count;
1415   }
1416 };
1418 int klassItable::compute_itable_size(Array<Klass*>* transitive_interfaces) {
1419   // Count no of interfaces and total number of interface methods
1420   CountInterfacesClosure cic;
1421   visit_all_interfaces(transitive_interfaces, &cic);
1423   // There's alway an extra itable entry so we can null-terminate it.
1424   int itable_size = calc_itable_size(cic.nof_interfaces() + 1, cic.nof_methods());
1426   // Statistics
1427   update_stats(itable_size * wordSize);
1429   return itable_size;
1430 }
1433 // Fill out offset table and interface klasses into the itable space
1434 void klassItable::setup_itable_offset_table(InstanceKlass* klass) {
1435   if (klass->itable_length() == 0) return;
1436   assert(!klass->is_interface(), "Should have zero length itable");
1438   // Count no of interfaces and total number of interface methods

1451   // Fill-out offset table
1452   itableOffsetEntry* ioe = (itableOffsetEntry*)klass->start_of_itable();
1453   itableMethodEntry* ime = (itableMethodEntry*)(ioe + nof_interfaces);
1454   intptr_t* end               = klass->end_of_itable();
1455   assert((oop*)(ime + nof_methods) <= (oop*)klass->start_of_nonstatic_oop_maps(), "wrong offset calculation (1)");
1456   assert((oop*)(end) == (oop*)(ime + nof_methods),                      "wrong offset calculation (2)");
1458   // Visit all interfaces and initialize itable offset table
1459   SetupItableClosure sic((address)klass, ioe, ime);
1460   visit_all_interfaces(klass->transitive_interfaces(), &sic);
1462 #ifdef ASSERT
1463   ime  = sic.method_entry();
1464   oop* v = (oop*) klass->end_of_itable();
1465   assert( (oop*)(ime) == v, "wrong offset calculation (2)");
1466 #endif
1467 }
1470 // inverse to itable_index
1471 Method* klassItable::method_for_itable_index(Klass* intf, int itable_index) {
1472   assert(InstanceKlass::cast(intf)->is_interface(), "sanity check");
1473   assert(intf->verify_itable_index(itable_index), "");
1474   Array<Method*>* methods = InstanceKlass::cast(intf)->methods();
1476   if (itable_index < 0 || itable_index >= method_count_for_interface(intf))
1477     return NULL;                // help caller defend against bad indices
1479   int index = itable_index;
1480   Method* m = methods->at(index);
1481   int index2 = -1;
1482   while (!m->has_itable_index() ||
1483          (index2 = m->itable_index()) != itable_index) {
1484     assert(index2 < itable_index, "monotonic");
1485     if (++index == methods->length())
1486       return NULL;
1487     m = methods->at(index);
1488   }
1489   assert(m->itable_index() == itable_index, "correct inverse");
1491   return m;
1492 }

  49 }
  51 bool klassVtable::is_preinitialized_vtable() {
  52   return _klass->is_shared() && !MetaspaceShared::remapped_readwrite();
  53 }
  56 // this function computes the vtable size (including the size needed for miranda
  57 // methods) and the number of miranda methods in this class.
  58 // Note on Miranda methods: Let's say there is a class C that implements
  59 // interface I, and none of C's superclasses implements I.
  60 // Let's say there is an abstract method m in I that neither C
  61 // nor any of its super classes implement (i.e there is no method of any access,
  62 // with the same name and signature as m), then m is a Miranda method which is
  63 // entered as a public abstract method in C's vtable.  From then on it should
  64 // treated as any other public method in C for method over-ride purposes.
  65 void klassVtable::compute_vtable_size_and_num_mirandas(
  66     int* vtable_length_ret, int* num_new_mirandas,
  67     GrowableArray<Method*>* all_mirandas, const Klass* super,
  68     Array<Method*>* methods, AccessFlags class_flags, u2 major_version,
  69     Handle classloader, Symbol* classname, Array<InstanceKlass*>* local_interfaces,
  70     TRAPS) {
  71   NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
  73   // set up default result values
  74   int vtable_length = 0;
  76   // start off with super's vtable length
  77   vtable_length = super == NULL ? 0 : super->vtable_length();
  79   // go thru each method in the methods table to see if it needs a new entry
  80   int len = methods->length();
  81   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  82     assert(methods->at(i)->is_method(), "must be a Method*");
  83     methodHandle mh(THREAD, methods->at(i));
  85     if (needs_new_vtable_entry(mh, super, classloader, classname, class_flags, major_version, THREAD)) {
  86       vtable_length += vtableEntry::size(); // we need a new entry
  87     }
  88   }

 149     assert(superVtable.length() <= _length, "vtable too short");
 150 #ifdef ASSERT
 151     superVtable.verify(tty, true);
 152 #endif
 153     superVtable.copy_vtable_to(table());
 154     if (log_develop_is_enabled(Trace, vtables)) {
 155       ResourceMark rm;
 156       log_develop_trace(vtables)("copy vtable from %s to %s size %d",
 157                                  super->internal_name(), klass()->internal_name(),
 158                                  _length);
 159     }
 160     return superVtable.length();
 161   }
 162 }
 164 //
 165 // Revised lookup semantics   introduced 1.3 (Kestrel beta)
 166 void klassVtable::initialize_vtable(bool checkconstraints, TRAPS) {
 168   // Note:  Arrays can have intermediate array supers.  Use java_super to skip them.
 169   InstanceKlass* super = _klass->java_super();
 170   int nofNewEntries = 0;
 172   bool is_shared = _klass->is_shared();
 174   if (!_klass->is_array_klass()) {
 175     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 176     log_develop_debug(vtables)("Initializing: %s", _klass->name()->as_C_string());
 177   }
 179 #ifdef ASSERT
 180   oop* end_of_obj = (oop*)_klass + _klass->size();
 181   oop* end_of_vtable = (oop*)&table()[_length];
 182   assert(end_of_vtable <= end_of_obj, "vtable extends beyond end");
 183 #endif
 185   if (Universe::is_bootstrapping()) {
 186     assert(!is_shared, "sanity");
 187     // just clear everything
 188     for (int i = 0; i < _length; i++) table()[i].clear();
 189     return;

 854     if (!is_duplicate) { // we don't want duplicate miranda entries in the vtable
 855       if (is_miranda(im, class_methods, default_methods, super, is_interface)) { // is it a miranda at all?
 856         const InstanceKlass *sk = InstanceKlass::cast(super);
 857         // check if it is a duplicate of a super's miranda
 858         if (sk->lookup_method_in_all_interfaces(im->name(), im->signature(), Klass::find_defaults) == NULL) {
 859           new_mirandas->append(im);
 860         }
 861         if (all_mirandas != NULL) {
 862           all_mirandas->append(im);
 863         }
 864       }
 865     }
 866   }
 867 }
 869 void klassVtable::get_mirandas(GrowableArray<Method*>* new_mirandas,
 870                                GrowableArray<Method*>* all_mirandas,
 871                                const Klass* super,
 872                                Array<Method*>* class_methods,
 873                                Array<Method*>* default_methods,
 874                                Array<InstanceKlass*>* local_interfaces,
 875                                bool is_interface) {
 876   assert((new_mirandas->length() == 0) , "current mirandas must be 0");
 878   // iterate thru the local interfaces looking for a miranda
 879   int num_local_ifs = local_interfaces->length();
 880   for (int i = 0; i < num_local_ifs; i++) {
 881     InstanceKlass *ik = InstanceKlass::cast(local_interfaces->at(i));
 882     add_new_mirandas_to_lists(new_mirandas, all_mirandas,
 883                               ik->methods(), class_methods,
 884                               default_methods, super, is_interface);
 885     // iterate thru each local's super interfaces
 886     Array<InstanceKlass*>* super_ifs = ik->transitive_interfaces();
 887     int num_super_ifs = super_ifs->length();
 888     for (int j = 0; j < num_super_ifs; j++) {
 889       InstanceKlass *sik = super_ifs->at(j);
 890       add_new_mirandas_to_lists(new_mirandas, all_mirandas,
 891                                 sik->methods(), class_methods,
 892                                 default_methods, super, is_interface);
 893     }
 894   }
 895 }
 897 // Discover miranda methods ("miranda" = "interface abstract, no binding"),
 898 // and append them into the vtable starting at index initialized,
 899 // return the new value of initialized.
 900 // Miranda methods use vtable entries, but do not get assigned a vtable_index
 901 // The vtable_index is discovered by searching from the end of the vtable
 902 int klassVtable::fill_in_mirandas(int initialized, TRAPS) {
 903   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 904   GrowableArray<Method*> mirandas(20);
 905   get_mirandas(&mirandas, NULL, ik()->super(), ik()->methods(),
 906                ik()->default_methods(), ik()->local_interfaces(),
 907                klass()->is_interface());
 908   for (int i = 0; i < mirandas.length(); i++) {
 909     if (log_develop_is_enabled(Trace, vtables)) {

1065       _size_offset_table = (method_entry - ((intptr_t*)offset_entry)) / itableOffsetEntry::size();
1066       _size_method_table = (end - method_entry)                  / itableMethodEntry::size();
1067       assert(_table_offset >= 0 && _size_offset_table >= 0 && _size_method_table >= 0, "wrong computation");
1068       return;
1069     }
1070   }
1072   // The length of the itable was either zero, or it has not yet been initialized.
1073   _table_offset      = 0;
1074   _size_offset_table = 0;
1075   _size_method_table = 0;
1076 }
1078 static int initialize_count = 0;
1080 // Initialization
1081 void klassItable::initialize_itable(bool checkconstraints, TRAPS) {
1082   if (_klass->is_interface()) {
1083     // This needs to go after vtable indices are assigned but
1084     // before implementors need to know the number of itable indices.
1085     assign_itable_indices_for_interface(InstanceKlass::cast(_klass), THREAD);
1086   }
1088   // Cannot be setup doing bootstrapping, interfaces don't have
1089   // itables, and klass with only ones entry have empty itables
1090   if (Universe::is_bootstrapping() ||
1091       _klass->is_interface() ||
1092       _klass->itable_length() == itableOffsetEntry::size()) return;
1094   // There's alway an extra itable entry so we can null-terminate it.
1095   guarantee(size_offset_table() >= 1, "too small");
1096   int num_interfaces = size_offset_table() - 1;
1097   if (num_interfaces > 0) {
1098     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1099     log_develop_debug(itables)("%3d: Initializing itables for %s", ++initialize_count,
1100                        _klass->name()->as_C_string());
1103     // Iterate through all interfaces
1104     int i;
1105     for(i = 0; i < num_interfaces; i++) {
1106       itableOffsetEntry* ioe = offset_entry(i);
1107       HandleMark hm(THREAD);
1108       Klass* interf = ioe->interface_klass();
1109       assert(interf != NULL && ioe->offset() != 0, "bad offset entry in itable");
1110       initialize_itable_for_interface(ioe->offset(), InstanceKlass::cast(interf), checkconstraints, CHECK);
1111     }
1113   }
1114   // Check that the last entry is empty
1115   itableOffsetEntry* ioe = offset_entry(size_offset_table() - 1);
1116   guarantee(ioe->interface_klass() == NULL && ioe->offset() == 0, "terminator entry missing");
1117 }
1120 inline bool interface_method_needs_itable_index(Method* m) {
1121   if (m->is_static())           return false;   // e.g., Stream.empty
1122   if (m->is_initializer())      return false;   // <init> or <clinit>
1123   if (m->is_private())          return false;   // uses direct call
1124   // If an interface redeclares a method from java.lang.Object,
1125   // it should already have a vtable index, don't touch it.
1126   // e.g., CharSequence.toString (from initialize_vtable)
1127   // if (m->has_vtable_index())  return false; // NO!
1128   return true;
1129 }
1131 int klassItable::assign_itable_indices_for_interface(InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS) {
1132   // an interface does not have an itable, but its methods need to be numbered
1133   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1134   log_develop_debug(itables)("%3d: Initializing itable indices for interface %s",
1135                              ++initialize_count, klass->name()->as_C_string());
1136   Array<Method*>* methods = klass->methods();
1137   int nof_methods = methods->length();
1138   int ime_num = 0;
1139   for (int i = 0; i < nof_methods; i++) {
1140     Method* m = methods->at(i);
1141     if (interface_method_needs_itable_index(m)) {
1142       assert(!m->is_final_method(), "no final interface methods");
1143       // If m is already assigned a vtable index, do not disturb it.
1144       if (log_develop_is_enabled(Trace, itables)) {
1145         LogTarget(Trace, itables) lt;
1146         LogStream ls(lt);
1147         assert(m != NULL, "methods can never be null");
1148         const char* sig = m->name_and_sig_as_C_string();
1149         if (m->has_vtable_index()) {
1150           ls.print("vtable index %d for method: %s, flags: ", m->vtable_index(), sig);
1151         } else {
1152           ls.print("itable index %d for method: %s, flags: ", ime_num, sig);
1153         }
1154         m->print_linkage_flags(&ls);
1155         ls.cr();
1156       }
1157       if (!m->has_vtable_index()) {
1158         // A shared method could have an initialized itable_index that
1159         // is < 0.
1160         assert(m->vtable_index() == Method::pending_itable_index ||
1161                m->is_shared(),
1162                "set by initialize_vtable");
1163         m->set_itable_index(ime_num);
1164         // Progress to next itable entry
1165         ime_num++;
1166       }
1167     }
1168   }
1169   assert(ime_num == method_count_for_interface(klass), "proper sizing");
1170   return ime_num;
1171 }
1173 int klassItable::method_count_for_interface(InstanceKlass* interf) {

1174   assert(interf->is_interface(), "must be");
1175   Array<Method*>* methods = interf->methods();
1176   int nof_methods = methods->length();
1177   int length = 0;
1178   while (nof_methods > 0) {
1179     Method* m = methods->at(nof_methods-1);
1180     if (m->has_itable_index()) {
1181       length = m->itable_index() + 1;
1182       break;
1183     }
1184     nof_methods -= 1;
1185   }
1186 #ifdef ASSERT
1187   int nof_methods_copy = nof_methods;
1188   while (nof_methods_copy > 0) {
1189     Method* mm = methods->at(--nof_methods_copy);
1190     assert(!mm->has_itable_index() || mm->itable_index() < length, "");
1191   }
1192 #endif //ASSERT
1193   // return the rightmost itable index, plus one; or 0 if no methods have
1194   // itable indices
1195   return length;
1196 }
1199 void klassItable::initialize_itable_for_interface(int method_table_offset, InstanceKlass* interf, bool checkconstraints, TRAPS) {
1200   assert(interf->is_interface(), "must be");
1201   Array<Method*>* methods = interf->methods();
1202   int nof_methods = methods->length();
1203   HandleMark hm;
1204   Handle interface_loader (THREAD, interf->class_loader());
1206   int ime_count = method_count_for_interface(interf);
1207   for (int i = 0; i < nof_methods; i++) {
1208     Method* m = methods->at(i);
1209     methodHandle target;
1210     if (m->has_itable_index()) {
1211       // This search must match the runtime resolution, i.e. selection search for invokeinterface
1212       // to correctly enforce loader constraints for interface method inheritance.
1213       // Private methods are skipped as a private class method can never be the implementation
1214       // of an interface method.
1215       // Invokespecial does not perform selection based on the receiver, so it does not use
1216       // the cached itable.
1217       target = LinkResolver::lookup_instance_method_in_klasses(_klass, m->name(), m->signature(),
1218                                                                Klass::skip_private, CHECK);
1219     }
1220     if (target == NULL || !target->is_public() || target->is_abstract() || target->is_overpass()) {
1221       assert(target == NULL || !target->is_overpass() || target->is_public(),
1222              "Non-public overpass method!");
1223       // Entry does not resolve. Leave it empty for AbstractMethodError or other error.
1224       if (!(target == NULL) && !target->is_public()) {

1332   for (int i = 0; i < _size_method_table; i++) {
1333     Method* m = ime->method();
1334     if (m != NULL) {
1335       tty->print("      (%5d)  ", i);
1336       m->access_flags().print_on(tty);
1337       if (m->is_default_method()) {
1338         tty->print("default ");
1339       }
1340       tty->print(" --  ");
1341       m->print_name(tty);
1342       tty->cr();
1343     }
1344     ime++;
1345   }
1346 }
1347 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMTI
1349 // Setup
1350 class InterfaceVisiterClosure : public StackObj {
1351  public:
1352   virtual void doit(InstanceKlass* intf, int method_count) = 0;
1353 };
1355 // Visit all interfaces with at least one itable method
1356 void visit_all_interfaces(Array<InstanceKlass*>* transitive_intf, InterfaceVisiterClosure *blk) {
1357   // Handle array argument
1358   for(int i = 0; i < transitive_intf->length(); i++) {
1359     InstanceKlass* intf = transitive_intf->at(i);
1360     assert(intf->is_interface(), "sanity check");
1362     // Find no. of itable methods
1363     int method_count = 0;
1364     // method_count = klassItable::method_count_for_interface(intf);
1365     Array<Method*>* methods = intf->methods();
1366     if (methods->length() > 0) {
1367       for (int i = methods->length(); --i >= 0; ) {
1368         if (interface_method_needs_itable_index(methods->at(i))) {
1369           method_count++;
1370         }
1371       }
1372     }
1374     // Visit all interfaces which either have any methods or can participate in receiver type check.
1375     // We do not bother to count methods in transitive interfaces, although that would allow us to skip
1376     // this step in the rare case of a zero-method interface extending another zero-method interface.
1377     if (method_count > 0 || intf->transitive_interfaces()->length() > 0) {
1378       blk->doit(intf, method_count);
1379     }
1380   }
1381 }
1383 class CountInterfacesClosure : public InterfaceVisiterClosure {
1384  private:
1385   int _nof_methods;
1386   int _nof_interfaces;
1387  public:
1388    CountInterfacesClosure() { _nof_methods = 0; _nof_interfaces = 0; }
1390    int nof_methods() const    { return _nof_methods; }
1391    int nof_interfaces() const { return _nof_interfaces; }
1393    void doit(InstanceKlass* intf, int method_count) { _nof_methods += method_count; _nof_interfaces++; }
1394 };
1396 class SetupItableClosure : public InterfaceVisiterClosure  {
1397  private:
1398   itableOffsetEntry* _offset_entry;
1399   itableMethodEntry* _method_entry;
1400   address            _klass_begin;
1401  public:
1402   SetupItableClosure(address klass_begin, itableOffsetEntry* offset_entry, itableMethodEntry* method_entry) {
1403     _klass_begin  = klass_begin;
1404     _offset_entry = offset_entry;
1405     _method_entry = method_entry;
1406   }
1408   itableMethodEntry* method_entry() const { return _method_entry; }
1410   void doit(InstanceKlass* intf, int method_count) {
1411     int offset = ((address)_method_entry) - _klass_begin;
1412     _offset_entry->initialize(intf, offset);
1413     _offset_entry++;
1414     _method_entry += method_count;
1415   }
1416 };
1418 int klassItable::compute_itable_size(Array<InstanceKlass*>* transitive_interfaces) {
1419   // Count no of interfaces and total number of interface methods
1420   CountInterfacesClosure cic;
1421   visit_all_interfaces(transitive_interfaces, &cic);
1423   // There's alway an extra itable entry so we can null-terminate it.
1424   int itable_size = calc_itable_size(cic.nof_interfaces() + 1, cic.nof_methods());
1426   // Statistics
1427   update_stats(itable_size * wordSize);
1429   return itable_size;
1430 }
1433 // Fill out offset table and interface klasses into the itable space
1434 void klassItable::setup_itable_offset_table(InstanceKlass* klass) {
1435   if (klass->itable_length() == 0) return;
1436   assert(!klass->is_interface(), "Should have zero length itable");
1438   // Count no of interfaces and total number of interface methods

1451   // Fill-out offset table
1452   itableOffsetEntry* ioe = (itableOffsetEntry*)klass->start_of_itable();
1453   itableMethodEntry* ime = (itableMethodEntry*)(ioe + nof_interfaces);
1454   intptr_t* end               = klass->end_of_itable();
1455   assert((oop*)(ime + nof_methods) <= (oop*)klass->start_of_nonstatic_oop_maps(), "wrong offset calculation (1)");
1456   assert((oop*)(end) == (oop*)(ime + nof_methods),                      "wrong offset calculation (2)");
1458   // Visit all interfaces and initialize itable offset table
1459   SetupItableClosure sic((address)klass, ioe, ime);
1460   visit_all_interfaces(klass->transitive_interfaces(), &sic);
1462 #ifdef ASSERT
1463   ime  = sic.method_entry();
1464   oop* v = (oop*) klass->end_of_itable();
1465   assert( (oop*)(ime) == v, "wrong offset calculation (2)");
1466 #endif
1467 }
1470 // inverse to itable_index
1471 Method* klassItable::method_for_itable_index(InstanceKlass* intf, int itable_index) {
1472   assert(intf->is_interface(), "sanity check");
1473   assert(intf->verify_itable_index(itable_index), "");
1474   Array<Method*>* methods = InstanceKlass::cast(intf)->methods();
1476   if (itable_index < 0 || itable_index >= method_count_for_interface(intf))
1477     return NULL;                // help caller defend against bad indices
1479   int index = itable_index;
1480   Method* m = methods->at(index);
1481   int index2 = -1;
1482   while (!m->has_itable_index() ||
1483          (index2 = m->itable_index()) != itable_index) {
1484     assert(index2 < itable_index, "monotonic");
1485     if (++index == methods->length())
1486       return NULL;
1487     m = methods->at(index);
1488   }
1489   assert(m->itable_index() == itable_index, "correct inverse");
1491   return m;
1492 }

< prev index next >