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 263   volatile u2     _idnum_allocated_count;         // JNI/JVMTI: increments with the addition of methods, old ids don't change
 265   // Class states are defined as ClassState (see above).
 266   // Place the _init_state here to utilize the unused 2-byte after
 267   // _idnum_allocated_count.
 268   u1              _init_state;                    // state of class
 269   u1              _reference_type;                // reference type
 271   u2              _this_class_index;              // constant pool entry
 273   JvmtiCachedClassFieldMap* _jvmti_cached_class_field_map;  // JVMTI: used during heap iteration
 274 #endif
 276   NOT_PRODUCT(int _verify_count;)  // to avoid redundant verifies
 278   // Method array.
 279   Array<Method*>* _methods;
 280   // Default Method Array, concrete methods inherited from interfaces
 281   Array<Method*>* _default_methods;
 282   // Interface (Klass*s) this class declares locally to implement.
 283   Array<Klass*>* _local_interfaces;
 284   // Interface (Klass*s) this class implements transitively.
 285   Array<Klass*>* _transitive_interfaces;
 286   // Int array containing the original order of method in the class file (for JVMTI).
 287   Array<int>*     _method_ordering;
 288   // Int array containing the vtable_indices for default_methods
 289   // offset matches _default_methods offset
 290   Array<int>*     _default_vtable_indices;
 292   // Instance and static variable information, starts with 6-tuples of shorts
 293   // [access, name index, sig index, initval index, low_offset, high_offset]
 294   // for all fields, followed by the generic signature data at the end of
 295   // the array. Only fields with generic signature attributes have the generic
 296   // signature data set in the array. The fields array looks like following:
 297   //
 298   // f1: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
 299   // f2: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
 300   //      ...
 301   // fn: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
 302   //     [generic signature index]
 303   //     [generic signature index]
 304   //     ...
 305   Array<u2>*      _fields;

 398   void set_methods(Array<Method*>* a)      { _methods = a; }
 399   Method* method_with_idnum(int idnum);
 400   Method* method_with_orig_idnum(int idnum);
 401   Method* method_with_orig_idnum(int idnum, int version);
 403   // method ordering
 404   Array<int>* method_ordering() const     { return _method_ordering; }
 405   void set_method_ordering(Array<int>* m) { _method_ordering = m; }
 406   void copy_method_ordering(const intArray* m, TRAPS);
 408   // default_methods
 409   Array<Method*>* default_methods() const  { return _default_methods; }
 410   void set_default_methods(Array<Method*>* a) { _default_methods = a; }
 412   // default method vtable_indices
 413   Array<int>* default_vtable_indices() const { return _default_vtable_indices; }
 414   void set_default_vtable_indices(Array<int>* v) { _default_vtable_indices = v; }
 415   Array<int>* create_new_default_vtable_indices(int len, TRAPS);
 417   // interfaces
 418   Array<Klass*>* local_interfaces() const          { return _local_interfaces; }
 419   void set_local_interfaces(Array<Klass*>* a)      {
 420     guarantee(_local_interfaces == NULL || a == NULL, "Just checking");
 421     _local_interfaces = a; }
 423   Array<Klass*>* transitive_interfaces() const     { return _transitive_interfaces; }
 424   void set_transitive_interfaces(Array<Klass*>* a) {
 425     guarantee(_transitive_interfaces == NULL || a == NULL, "Just checking");
 426     _transitive_interfaces = a;
 427   }
 429  private:
 430   friend class fieldDescriptor;
 431   FieldInfo* field(int index) const { return FieldInfo::from_field_array(_fields, index); }
 433  public:
 434   int     field_offset      (int index) const { return field(index)->offset(); }
 435   int     field_access_flags(int index) const { return field(index)->access_flags(); }
 436   Symbol* field_name        (int index) const { return field(index)->name(constants()); }
 437   Symbol* field_signature   (int index) const { return field(index)->signature(constants()); }
 439   // Number of Java declared fields
 440   int java_fields_count() const           { return (int)_java_fields_count; }
 442   Array<u2>* fields() const            { return _fields; }
 443   void set_fields(Array<u2>* f, u2 java_fields_count) {
 444     guarantee(_fields == NULL || f == NULL, "Just checking");

1035   int  nof_implementors() const       {
1036     Klass* k = implementor();
1037     if (k == NULL) {
1038       return 0;
1039     } else if (k != this) {
1040       return 1;
1041     } else {
1042       return 2;
1043     }
1044   }
1046   void add_implementor(Klass* k);  // k is a new class that implements this interface
1047   void init_implementor();           // initialize
1049   // link this class into the implementors list of every interface it implements
1050   void process_interfaces(Thread *thread);
1052   // virtual operations from Klass
1053   bool is_leaf_class() const               { return _subklass == NULL; }
1054   GrowableArray<Klass*>* compute_secondary_supers(int num_extra_slots,
1055                                                   Array<Klass*>* transitive_interfaces);
1056   bool compute_is_subtype_of(Klass* k);
1057   bool can_be_primary_super_slow() const;
1058   int oop_size(oop obj)  const             { return size_helper(); }
1059   // slow because it's a virtual call and used for verifying the layout_helper.
1060   // Using the layout_helper bits, we can call is_instance_klass without a virtual call.
1061   DEBUG_ONLY(bool is_instance_klass_slow() const      { return true; })
1063   // Iterators
1064   void do_local_static_fields(FieldClosure* cl);
1065   void do_nonstatic_fields(FieldClosure* cl); // including inherited fields
1066   void do_local_static_fields(void f(fieldDescriptor*, Handle, TRAPS), Handle, TRAPS);
1068   void methods_do(void f(Method* method));
1069   void array_klasses_do(void f(Klass* k));
1070   void array_klasses_do(void f(Klass* k, TRAPS), TRAPS);
1071   bool super_types_do(SuperTypeClosure* blk);
1073   static InstanceKlass* cast(Klass* k) {
1074     return const_cast<InstanceKlass*>(cast(const_cast<const Klass*>(k)));
1075   }
1077   static const InstanceKlass* cast(const Klass* k) {
1078     assert(k != NULL, "k should not be null");
1079     assert(k->is_instance_klass(), "cast to InstanceKlass");
1080     return static_cast<const InstanceKlass*>(k);
1081   }
1083   InstanceKlass* java_super() const {
1084     return (super() == NULL) ? NULL : cast(super());
1085   }
1087   // Sizing (in words)
1088   static int header_size()            { return sizeof(InstanceKlass)/wordSize; }
1090   static int size(int vtable_length, int itable_length,
1091                   int nonstatic_oop_map_size,
1092                   bool is_interface, bool is_anonymous, bool has_stored_fingerprint) {
1093     return align_metadata_size(header_size() +
1094            vtable_length +
1095            itable_length +
1096            nonstatic_oop_map_size +
1097            (is_interface ? (int)sizeof(Klass*)/wordSize : 0) +
1098            (is_anonymous ? (int)sizeof(Klass*)/wordSize : 0) +
1099            (has_stored_fingerprint ? (int)sizeof(uint64_t*)/wordSize : 0));
1100   }
1101   int size() const                    { return size(vtable_length(),
1102                                                itable_length(),
1103                                                nonstatic_oop_map_size(),

1184   Method* method_at_itable(Klass* holder, int index, TRAPS);
1187   void adjust_default_methods(InstanceKlass* holder, bool* trace_name_printed);
1188 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMTI
1190   void clean_weak_instanceklass_links();
1191  private:
1192   void clean_implementors_list();
1193   void clean_method_data();
1195  public:
1196   // Explicit metaspace deallocation of fields
1197   // For RedefineClasses and class file parsing errors, we need to deallocate
1198   // instanceKlasses and the metadata they point to.
1199   void deallocate_contents(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
1200   static void deallocate_methods(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
1201                                  Array<Method*>* methods);
1202   void static deallocate_interfaces(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
1203                                     const Klass* super_klass,
1204                                     Array<Klass*>* local_interfaces,
1205                                     Array<Klass*>* transitive_interfaces);
1207   // The constant pool is on stack if any of the methods are executing or
1208   // referenced by handles.
1209   bool on_stack() const { return _constants->on_stack(); }
1211   // callbacks for actions during class unloading
1212   static void notify_unload_class(InstanceKlass* ik);
1213   static void release_C_heap_structures(InstanceKlass* ik);
1215   // Naming
1216   const char* signature_name() const;
1217   static Symbol* package_from_name(const Symbol* name, TRAPS);
1219   // GC specific object visitors
1220   //
1222   // Parallel Scavenge
1223   void oop_ps_push_contents(  oop obj, PSPromotionManager* pm);
1224   // Parallel Compact
1225   void oop_pc_follow_contents(oop obj, ParCompactionManager* cm);

1362 public:
1363   // JVMTI support
1364   jint jvmti_class_status() const;
1366   virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* iter);
1368  public:
1369   // Printing
1370 #ifndef PRODUCT
1371   void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
1372 #endif
1373   void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
1375   void oop_print_value_on(oop obj, outputStream* st);
1377 #ifndef PRODUCT
1378   void oop_print_on      (oop obj, outputStream* st);
1380   void print_dependent_nmethods(bool verbose = false);
1381   bool is_dependent_nmethod(nmethod* nm);

1382 #endif
1384   const char* internal_name() const;
1386   // Verification
1387   void verify_on(outputStream* st);
1389   void oop_verify_on(oop obj, outputStream* st);
1391   // Logging
1392   void print_class_load_logging(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
1393                                 const char* module_name,
1394                                 const ClassFileStream* cfs) const;
1395 };
1397 // for adding methods
1398 // UNSET_IDNUM return means no more ids available
1399 inline u2 InstanceKlass::next_method_idnum() {
1400   if (_idnum_allocated_count == ConstMethod::MAX_IDNUM) {
1401     return ConstMethod::UNSET_IDNUM; // no more ids available

 263   volatile u2     _idnum_allocated_count;         // JNI/JVMTI: increments with the addition of methods, old ids don't change
 265   // Class states are defined as ClassState (see above).
 266   // Place the _init_state here to utilize the unused 2-byte after
 267   // _idnum_allocated_count.
 268   u1              _init_state;                    // state of class
 269   u1              _reference_type;                // reference type
 271   u2              _this_class_index;              // constant pool entry
 273   JvmtiCachedClassFieldMap* _jvmti_cached_class_field_map;  // JVMTI: used during heap iteration
 274 #endif
 276   NOT_PRODUCT(int _verify_count;)  // to avoid redundant verifies
 278   // Method array.
 279   Array<Method*>* _methods;
 280   // Default Method Array, concrete methods inherited from interfaces
 281   Array<Method*>* _default_methods;
 282   // Interfaces (InstanceKlass*s) this class declares locally to implement.
 283   Array<InstanceKlass*>* _local_interfaces;
 284   // Interfaces (InstanceKlass*s) this class implements transitively.
 285   Array<InstanceKlass*>* _transitive_interfaces;
 286   // Int array containing the original order of method in the class file (for JVMTI).
 287   Array<int>*     _method_ordering;
 288   // Int array containing the vtable_indices for default_methods
 289   // offset matches _default_methods offset
 290   Array<int>*     _default_vtable_indices;
 292   // Instance and static variable information, starts with 6-tuples of shorts
 293   // [access, name index, sig index, initval index, low_offset, high_offset]
 294   // for all fields, followed by the generic signature data at the end of
 295   // the array. Only fields with generic signature attributes have the generic
 296   // signature data set in the array. The fields array looks like following:
 297   //
 298   // f1: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
 299   // f2: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
 300   //      ...
 301   // fn: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
 302   //     [generic signature index]
 303   //     [generic signature index]
 304   //     ...
 305   Array<u2>*      _fields;

 398   void set_methods(Array<Method*>* a)      { _methods = a; }
 399   Method* method_with_idnum(int idnum);
 400   Method* method_with_orig_idnum(int idnum);
 401   Method* method_with_orig_idnum(int idnum, int version);
 403   // method ordering
 404   Array<int>* method_ordering() const     { return _method_ordering; }
 405   void set_method_ordering(Array<int>* m) { _method_ordering = m; }
 406   void copy_method_ordering(const intArray* m, TRAPS);
 408   // default_methods
 409   Array<Method*>* default_methods() const  { return _default_methods; }
 410   void set_default_methods(Array<Method*>* a) { _default_methods = a; }
 412   // default method vtable_indices
 413   Array<int>* default_vtable_indices() const { return _default_vtable_indices; }
 414   void set_default_vtable_indices(Array<int>* v) { _default_vtable_indices = v; }
 415   Array<int>* create_new_default_vtable_indices(int len, TRAPS);
 417   // interfaces
 418   Array<InstanceKlass*>* local_interfaces() const          { return _local_interfaces; }
 419   void set_local_interfaces(Array<InstanceKlass*>* a)      {
 420     guarantee(_local_interfaces == NULL || a == NULL, "Just checking");
 421     _local_interfaces = a; }
 423   Array<InstanceKlass*>* transitive_interfaces() const     { return _transitive_interfaces; }
 424   void set_transitive_interfaces(Array<InstanceKlass*>* a) {
 425     guarantee(_transitive_interfaces == NULL || a == NULL, "Just checking");
 426     _transitive_interfaces = a;
 427   }
 429  private:
 430   friend class fieldDescriptor;
 431   FieldInfo* field(int index) const { return FieldInfo::from_field_array(_fields, index); }
 433  public:
 434   int     field_offset      (int index) const { return field(index)->offset(); }
 435   int     field_access_flags(int index) const { return field(index)->access_flags(); }
 436   Symbol* field_name        (int index) const { return field(index)->name(constants()); }
 437   Symbol* field_signature   (int index) const { return field(index)->signature(constants()); }
 439   // Number of Java declared fields
 440   int java_fields_count() const           { return (int)_java_fields_count; }
 442   Array<u2>* fields() const            { return _fields; }
 443   void set_fields(Array<u2>* f, u2 java_fields_count) {
 444     guarantee(_fields == NULL || f == NULL, "Just checking");

1035   int  nof_implementors() const       {
1036     Klass* k = implementor();
1037     if (k == NULL) {
1038       return 0;
1039     } else if (k != this) {
1040       return 1;
1041     } else {
1042       return 2;
1043     }
1044   }
1046   void add_implementor(Klass* k);  // k is a new class that implements this interface
1047   void init_implementor();           // initialize
1049   // link this class into the implementors list of every interface it implements
1050   void process_interfaces(Thread *thread);
1052   // virtual operations from Klass
1053   bool is_leaf_class() const               { return _subklass == NULL; }
1054   GrowableArray<Klass*>* compute_secondary_supers(int num_extra_slots,
1055                                                   Array<InstanceKlass*>* transitive_interfaces);
1056   bool compute_is_subtype_of(Klass* k);
1057   bool can_be_primary_super_slow() const;
1058   int oop_size(oop obj)  const             { return size_helper(); }
1059   // slow because it's a virtual call and used for verifying the layout_helper.
1060   // Using the layout_helper bits, we can call is_instance_klass without a virtual call.
1061   DEBUG_ONLY(bool is_instance_klass_slow() const      { return true; })
1063   // Iterators
1064   void do_local_static_fields(FieldClosure* cl);
1065   void do_nonstatic_fields(FieldClosure* cl); // including inherited fields
1066   void do_local_static_fields(void f(fieldDescriptor*, Handle, TRAPS), Handle, TRAPS);
1068   void methods_do(void f(Method* method));
1069   void array_klasses_do(void f(Klass* k));
1070   void array_klasses_do(void f(Klass* k, TRAPS), TRAPS);
1071   bool super_types_do(SuperTypeClosure* blk);
1073   static InstanceKlass* cast(Klass* k) {
1074     return const_cast<InstanceKlass*>(cast(const_cast<const Klass*>(k)));
1075   }
1077   static const InstanceKlass* cast(const Klass* k) {
1078     assert(k != NULL, "k should not be null");
1079     assert(k->is_instance_klass(), "cast to InstanceKlass");
1080     return static_cast<const InstanceKlass*>(k);
1081   }
1083   virtual InstanceKlass* java_super() const {
1084     return (super() == NULL) ? NULL : cast(super());
1085   }
1087   // Sizing (in words)
1088   static int header_size()            { return sizeof(InstanceKlass)/wordSize; }
1090   static int size(int vtable_length, int itable_length,
1091                   int nonstatic_oop_map_size,
1092                   bool is_interface, bool is_anonymous, bool has_stored_fingerprint) {
1093     return align_metadata_size(header_size() +
1094            vtable_length +
1095            itable_length +
1096            nonstatic_oop_map_size +
1097            (is_interface ? (int)sizeof(Klass*)/wordSize : 0) +
1098            (is_anonymous ? (int)sizeof(Klass*)/wordSize : 0) +
1099            (has_stored_fingerprint ? (int)sizeof(uint64_t*)/wordSize : 0));
1100   }
1101   int size() const                    { return size(vtable_length(),
1102                                                itable_length(),
1103                                                nonstatic_oop_map_size(),

1184   Method* method_at_itable(Klass* holder, int index, TRAPS);
1187   void adjust_default_methods(InstanceKlass* holder, bool* trace_name_printed);
1188 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMTI
1190   void clean_weak_instanceklass_links();
1191  private:
1192   void clean_implementors_list();
1193   void clean_method_data();
1195  public:
1196   // Explicit metaspace deallocation of fields
1197   // For RedefineClasses and class file parsing errors, we need to deallocate
1198   // instanceKlasses and the metadata they point to.
1199   void deallocate_contents(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
1200   static void deallocate_methods(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
1201                                  Array<Method*>* methods);
1202   void static deallocate_interfaces(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
1203                                     const Klass* super_klass,
1204                                     Array<InstanceKlass*>* local_interfaces,
1205                                     Array<InstanceKlass*>* transitive_interfaces);
1207   // The constant pool is on stack if any of the methods are executing or
1208   // referenced by handles.
1209   bool on_stack() const { return _constants->on_stack(); }
1211   // callbacks for actions during class unloading
1212   static void notify_unload_class(InstanceKlass* ik);
1213   static void release_C_heap_structures(InstanceKlass* ik);
1215   // Naming
1216   const char* signature_name() const;
1217   static Symbol* package_from_name(const Symbol* name, TRAPS);
1219   // GC specific object visitors
1220   //
1222   // Parallel Scavenge
1223   void oop_ps_push_contents(  oop obj, PSPromotionManager* pm);
1224   // Parallel Compact
1225   void oop_pc_follow_contents(oop obj, ParCompactionManager* cm);

1362 public:
1363   // JVMTI support
1364   jint jvmti_class_status() const;
1366   virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* iter);
1368  public:
1369   // Printing
1370 #ifndef PRODUCT
1371   void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
1372 #endif
1373   void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
1375   void oop_print_value_on(oop obj, outputStream* st);
1377 #ifndef PRODUCT
1378   void oop_print_on      (oop obj, outputStream* st);
1380   void print_dependent_nmethods(bool verbose = false);
1381   bool is_dependent_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
1382   bool verify_itable_index(int index);
1383 #endif
1385   const char* internal_name() const;
1387   // Verification
1388   void verify_on(outputStream* st);
1390   void oop_verify_on(oop obj, outputStream* st);
1392   // Logging
1393   void print_class_load_logging(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
1394                                 const char* module_name,
1395                                 const ClassFileStream* cfs) const;
1396 };
1398 // for adding methods
1399 // UNSET_IDNUM return means no more ids available
1400 inline u2 InstanceKlass::next_method_idnum() {
1401   if (_idnum_allocated_count == ConstMethod::MAX_IDNUM) {
1402     return ConstMethod::UNSET_IDNUM; // no more ids available

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