< prev index next >


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 142   } else {
 143     // Get the hash value.  Use a static seed because the hash needs to return the same
 144     // value over multiple jvm invocations.
 145     unsigned int hash = AltHashing::murmur3_32(8191, (const jbyte*)vm_version, version_len);
 147     // Truncate the ident, saving room for the 8 hex character hash value.
 148     strncpy(header_version, vm_version, JVM_IDENT_MAX-9);
 150     // Append the hash code as eight hex digits.
 151     sprintf(&header_version[JVM_IDENT_MAX-9], "%08x", hash);
 152     header_version[JVM_IDENT_MAX-1] = 0;  // Null terminate.
 153   }
 154 }
 156 FileMapInfo::FileMapInfo() {
 157   assert(_current_info == NULL, "must be singleton"); // not thread safe
 158   _current_info = this;
 159   memset((void*)this, 0, sizeof(FileMapInfo));
 160   _file_offset = 0;
 161   _file_open = false;
 162   _header = new FileMapHeader();
 163   _header->_version = _invalid_version;
 164   _header->_has_platform_or_app_classes = true;
 165 }
 167 FileMapInfo::~FileMapInfo() {
 168   assert(_current_info == this, "must be singleton"); // not thread safe
 169   _current_info = NULL;
 170 }
 172 void FileMapInfo::populate_header(size_t alignment) {
 173   _header->populate(this, alignment);
 174 }
 176 void FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::populate(FileMapInfo* mapinfo, size_t alignment) {
 177   _magic = 0xf00baba2;
 178   _version = _current_version;
 179   _alignment = alignment;
 180   _obj_alignment = ObjectAlignmentInBytes;
 181   _compact_strings = CompactStrings;
 182   _narrow_oop_mode = Universe::narrow_oop_mode();
 183   _narrow_oop_base = Universe::narrow_oop_base();
 184   _narrow_oop_shift = Universe::narrow_oop_shift();
 185   _max_heap_size = MaxHeapSize;
 186   _narrow_klass_base = Universe::narrow_klass_base();
 187   _narrow_klass_shift = Universe::narrow_klass_shift();
 188   _shared_path_table_size = mapinfo->_shared_path_table_size;
 189   _shared_path_table = mapinfo->_shared_path_table;
 190   _shared_path_entry_size = mapinfo->_shared_path_entry_size;
 192   // The following fields are for sanity checks for whether this archive
 193   // will function correctly with this JVM and the bootclasspath it's
 194   // invoked with.
 196   // JVM version string ... changes on each build.
 197   get_header_version(_jvm_ident);

 480       }
 481     } else if (i >= module_paths_start_index) {
 482       if (shared_path(i)->validate(false /* not a class path entry */)) {
 483         log_info(class, path)("ok");
 484       }
 485     } else if (!PrintSharedArchiveAndExit) {
 486       _validating_shared_path_table = false;
 487       _shared_path_table = NULL;
 488       _shared_path_table_size = 0;
 489       return false;
 490     }
 491   }
 493   _validating_shared_path_table = false;
 494   return true;
 495 }
 497 // Read the FileMapInfo information from the file.
 499 bool FileMapInfo::init_from_file(int fd) {
 500   size_t sz = _header->data_size();
 501   char* addr = _header->data();
 502   size_t n = os::read(fd, addr, (unsigned int)sz);
 503   if (n != sz) {
 504     fail_continue("Unable to read the file header.");
 505     return false;
 506   }
 507   if (_header->_version != current_version()) {
 508     fail_continue("The shared archive file has the wrong version.");
 509     return false;
 510   }
 511   _file_offset = (long)n;
 513   size_t info_size = _header->_paths_misc_info_size;
 514   _paths_misc_info = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, info_size, mtClass);
 515   if (_paths_misc_info == NULL) {
 516     fail_continue("Unable to read the file header.");
 517     return false;
 518   }
 519   n = os::read(fd, _paths_misc_info, (unsigned int)info_size);
 520   if (n != info_size) {
 521     fail_continue("Unable to read the shared path info header.");
 522     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _paths_misc_info);
 523     _paths_misc_info = NULL;
 524     return false;
 525   }
 527   size_t len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
 528   struct FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::space_info* si =
 529     &_header->_space[MetaspaceShared::last_valid_region];
 530   // The last space might be empty
 531   if (si->_file_offset > len || len - si->_file_offset < si->_used) {
 532     fail_continue("The shared archive file has been truncated.");
 533     return false;
 534   }
 536   _file_offset += (long)n;
 537   return true;
 538 }
 541 // Read the FileMapInfo information from the file.
 542 bool FileMapInfo::open_for_read() {
 543   _full_path = Arguments::GetSharedArchivePath();
 544   int fd = open(_full_path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
 545   if (fd < 0) {
 546     if (errno == ENOENT) {
 547       // Not locating the shared archive is ok.
 548       fail_continue("Specified shared archive not found.");
 549     } else {

 578   remove(_full_path);
 579   int fd = open(_full_path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0444);
 580   if (fd < 0) {
 581     fail_stop("Unable to create shared archive file %s: (%s).", _full_path,
 582               os::strerror(errno));
 583   }
 584   _fd = fd;
 585   _file_offset = 0;
 586   _file_open = true;
 587 }
 590 // Write the header to the file, seek to the next allocation boundary.
 592 void FileMapInfo::write_header() {
 593   int info_size = ClassLoader::get_shared_paths_misc_info_size();
 595   _header->_paths_misc_info_size = info_size;
 597   align_file_position();
 598   size_t sz = _header->data_size();
 599   char* addr = _header->data();
 600   write_bytes(addr, (int)sz); // skip the C++ vtable
 601   write_bytes(ClassLoader::get_shared_paths_misc_info(), info_size);
 602   align_file_position();
 603 }
 606 // Dump region to file.
 608 void FileMapInfo::write_region(int region, char* base, size_t size,
 609                                bool read_only, bool allow_exec) {
 610   struct FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::space_info* si = &_header->_space[region];
 612   if (_file_open) {
 613     guarantee(si->_file_offset == _file_offset, "file offset mismatch.");
 614     log_info(cds)("Shared file region %d: " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX_W(08)
 615                   " bytes, addr " INTPTR_FORMAT " file offset " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX_W(08),
 616                   region, size, p2i(base), _file_offset);
 617   } else {
 618     si->_file_offset = _file_offset;
 619   }
 620   if (MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(region)) {
 621     assert((base - (char*)Universe::narrow_oop_base()) % HeapWordSize == 0, "Sanity");
 622     if (base != NULL) {
 623       si->_addr._offset = (intx)CompressedOops::encode_not_null((oop)base);
 624     } else {
 625       si->_addr._offset = 0;
 626     }
 627   } else {
 628     si->_addr._base = base;
 629   }
 630   si->_used = size;
 631   si->_read_only = read_only;
 632   si->_allow_exec = allow_exec;
 633   si->_crc = ClassLoader::crc32(0, base, (jint)size);
 634   if (base != NULL) {
 635     write_bytes_aligned(base, (int)size);
 636   }
 637 }
 639 // Write out the given archive heap memory regions.  GC code combines multiple
 640 // consecutive archive GC regions into one MemRegion whenever possible and
 641 // produces the 'heap_mem' array.
 642 //
 643 // If the archive heap memory size is smaller than a single dump time GC region
 644 // size, there is only one MemRegion in the array.
 645 //
 646 // If the archive heap memory size is bigger than one dump time GC region size,
 647 // the 'heap_mem' array may contain more than one consolidated MemRegions. When
 648 // the first/bottom archive GC region is a partial GC region (with the empty
 649 // portion at the higher address within the region), one MemRegion is used for
 650 // the bottom partial archive GC region. The rest of the consecutive archive
 651 // GC regions are combined into another MemRegion.
 652 //
 653 // Here's the mapping from (archive heap GC regions) -> (GrowableArray<MemRegion> *regions).
 654 //   + We have 1 or more archive heap regions: ah0, ah1, ah2 ..... ahn
 655 //   + We have 1 or 2 consolidated heap memory regions: r0 and r1

 681   for (int i = first_region_id, arr_idx = 0;
 682            i < first_region_id + max_num_regions;
 683            i++, arr_idx++) {
 684     char* start = NULL;
 685     size_t size = 0;
 686     if (arr_idx < arr_len) {
 687       start = (char*)heap_mem->at(arr_idx).start();
 688       size = heap_mem->at(arr_idx).byte_size();
 689       total_size += size;
 690     }
 692     log_info(cds)("Archive heap region %d " INTPTR_FORMAT " - " INTPTR_FORMAT " = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) " bytes",
 693                   i, p2i(start), p2i(start + size), size);
 694     write_region(i, start, size, false, false);
 695   }
 696   return total_size;
 697 }
 699 // Dump bytes to file -- at the current file position.
 701 void FileMapInfo::write_bytes(const void* buffer, int nbytes) {
 702   if (_file_open) {
 703     int n = ::write(_fd, buffer, nbytes);
 704     if (n != nbytes) {
 705       // It is dangerous to leave the corrupted shared archive file around,
 706       // close and remove the file. See bug 6372906.
 707       close();
 708       remove(_full_path);
 709       fail_stop("Unable to write to shared archive file.");
 710     }
 711   }
 712   _file_offset += nbytes;
 713 }
 716 // Align file position to an allocation unit boundary.
 718 void FileMapInfo::align_file_position() {
 719   size_t new_file_offset = align_up(_file_offset,
 720                                          os::vm_allocation_granularity());
 721   if (new_file_offset != _file_offset) {
 722     _file_offset = new_file_offset;
 723     if (_file_open) {
 724       // Seek one byte back from the target and write a byte to insure
 725       // that the written file is the correct length.
 726       _file_offset -= 1;
 727       if (lseek(_fd, (long)_file_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
 728         fail_stop("Unable to seek.");
 729       }
 730       char zero = 0;
 731       write_bytes(&zero, 1);
 732     }
 733   }
 734 }
 737 // Dump bytes to file -- at the current file position.
 739 void FileMapInfo::write_bytes_aligned(const void* buffer, int nbytes) {
 740   align_file_position();
 741   write_bytes(buffer, nbytes);
 742   align_file_position();
 743 }
 746 // Close the shared archive file.  This does NOT unmap mapped regions.
 748 void FileMapInfo::close() {
 749   if (_file_open) {
 750     if (::close(_fd) < 0) {
 751       fail_stop("Unable to close the shared archive file.");
 752     }
 753     _file_open = false;
 754     _fd = -1;
 755   }
 756 }
 759 // JVM/TI RedefineClasses() support:
 760 // Remap the shared readonly space to shared readwrite, private.
 761 bool FileMapInfo::remap_shared_readonly_as_readwrite() {
 762   int idx = MetaspaceShared::ro;
 763   struct FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::space_info* si = &_header->_space[idx];
 764   if (!si->_read_only) {
 765     // the space is already readwrite so we are done
 766     return true;
 767   }
 768   size_t used = si->_used;
 769   size_t size = align_up(used, os::vm_allocation_granularity());
 770   if (!open_for_read()) {
 771     return false;
 772   }
 773   char *addr = _header->region_addr(idx);
 774   char *base = os::remap_memory(_fd, _full_path, si->_file_offset,
 775                                 addr, size, false /* !read_only */,
 776                                 si->_allow_exec);
 777   close();
 778   if (base == NULL) {
 779     fail_continue("Unable to remap shared readonly space (errno=%d).", errno);
 780     return false;
 781   }
 782   if (base != addr) {
 783     fail_continue("Unable to remap shared readonly space at required address.");

 795   // Reserve the space first, then map otherwise map will go right over some
 796   // other reserved memory (like the code cache).
 797   ReservedSpace rs(size, os::vm_allocation_granularity(), false, requested_addr);
 798   if (!rs.is_reserved()) {
 799     fail_continue("Unable to reserve shared space at required address "
 800                   INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(requested_addr));
 801     return rs;
 802   }
 803   // the reserved virtual memory is for mapping class data sharing archive
 804   MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type((address)rs.base(), mtClassShared);
 806   return rs;
 807 }
 809 // Memory map a region in the address space.
 810 static const char* shared_region_name[] = { "MiscData", "ReadWrite", "ReadOnly", "MiscCode", "OptionalData",
 811                                             "String1", "String2", "OpenArchive1", "OpenArchive2" };
 813 char* FileMapInfo::map_region(int i, char** top_ret) {
 814   assert(!MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(i), "sanity");
 815   struct FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::space_info* si = &_header->_space[i];
 816   size_t used = si->_used;
 817   size_t alignment = os::vm_allocation_granularity();
 818   size_t size = align_up(used, alignment);
 819   char *requested_addr = _header->region_addr(i);
 821   // If a tool agent is in use (debugging enabled), we must map the address space RW
 822   if (JvmtiExport::can_modify_any_class() || JvmtiExport::can_walk_any_space()) {
 823     si->_read_only = false;
 824   }
 826   // map the contents of the CDS archive in this memory
 827   char *base = os::map_memory(_fd, _full_path, si->_file_offset,
 828                               requested_addr, size, si->_read_only,
 829                               si->_allow_exec);
 830   if (base == NULL || base != requested_addr) {
 831     fail_continue("Unable to map %s shared space at required address.", shared_region_name[i]);
 832     return NULL;
 833   }
 834 #ifdef _WINDOWS
 835   // This call is Windows-only because the memory_type gets recorded for the other platforms

 862 //
 863 // The open archive heap objects are mapped below the shared strings in
 864 // the runtime java heap. The mapped open archive heap data only contain
 865 // references to the shared strings and open archive objects initially.
 866 // During runtime execution, out-going references to any other java heap
 867 // regions may be added. GC may mark and update references in the mapped
 868 // open archive objects.
 869 void FileMapInfo::map_heap_regions() {
 870   if (MetaspaceShared::is_heap_object_archiving_allowed()) {
 871       log_info(cds)("Archived narrow_oop_mode = %d, narrow_oop_base = " PTR_FORMAT ", narrow_oop_shift = %d",
 872                     narrow_oop_mode(), p2i(narrow_oop_base()), narrow_oop_shift());
 873       log_info(cds)("Archived narrow_klass_base = " PTR_FORMAT ", narrow_klass_shift = %d",
 874                     p2i(narrow_klass_base()), narrow_klass_shift());
 876     // Check that all the narrow oop and klass encodings match the archive
 877     if (narrow_oop_mode() != Universe::narrow_oop_mode() ||
 878         narrow_oop_base() != Universe::narrow_oop_base() ||
 879         narrow_oop_shift() != Universe::narrow_oop_shift() ||
 880         narrow_klass_base() != Universe::narrow_klass_base() ||
 881         narrow_klass_shift() != Universe::narrow_klass_shift()) {
 882       if (log_is_enabled(Info, cds) && _header->_space[MetaspaceShared::first_string]._used > 0) {
 883         log_info(cds)("Cached heap data from the CDS archive is being ignored. "
 884                       "The current CompressedOops/CompressedClassPointers encoding differs from "
 885                       "that archived due to heap size change. The archive was dumped using max heap "
 886                       "size " UINTX_FORMAT "M.", max_heap_size()/M);
 887         log_info(cds)("Current narrow_oop_mode = %d, narrow_oop_base = " PTR_FORMAT ", narrow_oop_shift = %d",
 888                       Universe::narrow_oop_mode(), p2i(Universe::narrow_oop_base()),
 889                       Universe::narrow_oop_shift());
 890         log_info(cds)("Current narrow_klass_base = " PTR_FORMAT ", narrow_klass_shift = %d",
 891                       p2i(Universe::narrow_klass_base()), Universe::narrow_klass_shift());
 892       }
 893     } else {
 894       // First, map string regions as closed archive heap regions.
 895       // GC does not write into the regions.
 896       if (map_heap_data(&string_ranges,
 897                          MetaspaceShared::first_string,
 898                          MetaspaceShared::max_strings,
 899                          &num_string_ranges)) {
 900         StringTable::set_shared_string_mapped();
 902         // Now, map open_archive heap regions, GC can write into the regions.
 903         if (map_heap_data(&open_archive_heap_ranges,
 904                           MetaspaceShared::first_open_archive_heap_region,
 905                           MetaspaceShared::max_open_archive_heap_region,
 906                           &num_open_archive_heap_ranges,
 907                           true /* open */)) {
 908           MetaspaceShared::set_open_archive_heap_region_mapped();
 909         }
 910       }
 911     }
 912   } else {
 913     if (log_is_enabled(Info, cds) && _header->_space[MetaspaceShared::first_string]._used > 0) {
 914       log_info(cds)("Cached heap data from the CDS archive is being ignored. UseG1GC, "
 915                     "UseCompressedOops and UseCompressedClassPointers are required.");
 916     }
 917   }
 919   if (!StringTable::shared_string_mapped()) {
 920     assert(string_ranges == NULL && num_string_ranges == 0, "sanity");
 921   }
 923   if (!MetaspaceShared::open_archive_heap_region_mapped()) {
 924     assert(open_archive_heap_ranges == NULL && num_open_archive_heap_ranges == 0, "sanity");
 925   }
 926 }
 928 bool FileMapInfo::map_heap_data(MemRegion **heap_mem, int first,
 929                                 int max, int* num, bool is_open_archive) {
 930   MemRegion * regions = new MemRegion[max];
 931   struct FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::space_info* si;
 932   int region_num = 0;
 934   for (int i = first;
 935            i < first + max; i++) {
 936     si = &_header->_space[i];
 937     size_t used = si->_used;
 938     if (used > 0) {
 939       size_t size = used;
 940       char* requested_addr = (char*)((void*)CompressedOops::decode_not_null(
 941                                             (narrowOop)si->_addr._offset));
 942       regions[region_num] = MemRegion((HeapWord*)requested_addr, size / HeapWordSize);
 943       region_num ++;
 944     }
 945   }
 947   if (region_num == 0) {
 948     return false; // no archived java heap data
 949   }
 951   // Check that ranges are within the java heap
 952   if (!G1CollectedHeap::heap()->check_archive_addresses(regions, region_num)) {
 953     log_info(cds)("UseSharedSpaces: Unable to allocate region, "
 954                   "range is not within java heap.");
 955     return false;
 956   }
 958   // allocate from java heap
 959   if (!G1CollectedHeap::heap()->alloc_archive_regions(
 960              regions, region_num, is_open_archive)) {
 961     log_info(cds)("UseSharedSpaces: Unable to allocate region, "
 962                   "java heap range is already in use.");
 963     return false;
 964   }
 966   // Map the archived heap data. No need to call MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type()
 967   // for mapped regions as they are part of the reserved java heap, which is
 968   // already recorded.
 969   for (int i = 0; i < region_num; i++) {
 970     si = &_header->_space[first + i];
 971     char* addr = (char*)regions[i].start();
 972     char* base = os::map_memory(_fd, _full_path, si->_file_offset,
 973                                 addr, regions[i].byte_size(), si->_read_only,
 974                                 si->_allow_exec);
 975     if (base == NULL || base != addr) {
 976       // dealloc the regions from java heap
 977       dealloc_archive_heap_regions(regions, region_num);
 978       log_info(cds)("UseSharedSpaces: Unable to map at required address in java heap.");
 979       return false;
 980     }
 981   }
 983   if (!verify_mapped_heap_regions(first, region_num)) {
 984     // dealloc the regions from java heap
 985     dealloc_archive_heap_regions(regions, region_num);
 986     log_info(cds)("UseSharedSpaces: mapped heap regions are corrupt");
 987     return false;
 988   }
 990   // the shared heap data is mapped successfully

1016     assert(open_archive_heap_ranges != NULL, "NULL open_archive_heap_ranges array with non-zero count");
1017     G1CollectedHeap::heap()->fill_archive_regions(open_archive_heap_ranges,
1018                                                   num_open_archive_heap_ranges);
1019   }
1020 }
1022 // dealloc the archive regions from java heap
1023 void FileMapInfo::dealloc_archive_heap_regions(MemRegion* regions, int num) {
1024   if (num > 0) {
1025     assert(regions != NULL, "Null archive ranges array with non-zero count");
1026     G1CollectedHeap::heap()->dealloc_archive_regions(regions, num);
1027   }
1028 }
1029 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS_JAVA_HEAP
1031 bool FileMapInfo::verify_region_checksum(int i) {
1032   if (!VerifySharedSpaces) {
1033     return true;
1034   }
1036   size_t sz = _header->_space[i]._used;
1038   if (sz == 0) {
1039     return true; // no data
1040   }
1041   if ((MetaspaceShared::is_string_region(i) &&
1042        !StringTable::shared_string_mapped()) ||
1043       (MetaspaceShared::is_open_archive_heap_region(i) &&
1044        !MetaspaceShared::open_archive_heap_region_mapped())) {
1045     return true; // archived heap data is not mapped
1046   }
1047   const char* buf = _header->region_addr(i);
1048   int crc = ClassLoader::crc32(0, buf, (jint)sz);
1049   if (crc != _header->_space[i]._crc) {
1050     fail_continue("Checksum verification failed.");
1051     return false;
1052   }
1053   return true;
1054 }
1056 // Unmap a memory region in the address space.
1058 void FileMapInfo::unmap_region(int i) {
1059   assert(!MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(i), "sanity");
1060   struct FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::space_info* si = &_header->_space[i];
1061   size_t used = si->_used;
1062   size_t size = align_up(used, os::vm_allocation_granularity());
1064   if (used == 0) {
1065     return;
1066   }
1068   char* addr = _header->region_addr(i);
1069   if (!os::unmap_memory(addr, size)) {
1070     fail_stop("Unable to unmap shared space.");
1071   }
1072 }
1074 void FileMapInfo::assert_mark(bool check) {
1075   if (!check) {
1076     fail_stop("Mark mismatch while restoring from shared file.");
1077   }
1078 }
1080 void FileMapInfo::metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it) {

1098 //
1099 // Validation of the archive is done in two steps:
1100 //
1101 // [1] validate_header() - done here. This checks the header, including _paths_misc_info.
1102 // [2] validate_shared_path_table - this is done later, because the table is in the RW
1103 //     region of the archive, which is not mapped yet.
1104 bool FileMapInfo::initialize() {
1105   assert(UseSharedSpaces, "UseSharedSpaces expected.");
1107   if (!open_for_read()) {
1108     return false;
1109   }
1111   init_from_file(_fd);
1112   if (!validate_header()) {
1113     return false;
1114   }
1115   return true;
1116 }
1118 char* FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::region_addr(int idx) {
1119   if (MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(idx)) {
1120     return _space[idx]._used > 0 ?
1121              (char*)((void*)CompressedOops::decode_not_null((narrowOop)_space[idx]._addr._offset)) : NULL;
1122   } else {
1123     return _space[idx]._addr._base;
1124   }
1125 }
1127 int FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::compute_crc() {
1128   char* header = data();
1129   // start computing from the field after _crc
1130   char* buf = (char*)&_crc + sizeof(int);
1131   size_t sz = data_size() - (buf - header);
1132   int crc = ClassLoader::crc32(0, buf, (jint)sz);
1133   return crc;
1134 }
1136 // This function should only be called during run time with UseSharedSpaces enabled.
1137 bool FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::validate() {
1138   if (VerifySharedSpaces && compute_crc() != _crc) {
1139     fail_continue("Header checksum verification failed.");
1140     return false;
1141   }
1143   if (!Arguments::has_jimage()) {
1144     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file cannot be used with an exploded module build.");
1145     return false;
1146   }
1148   if (_version != current_version()) {
1149     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file is the wrong version.");
1150     return false;
1151   }
1152   if (_magic != (int)0xf00baba2) {
1153     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file has a bad magic number.");
1154     return false;
1155   }
1156   char header_version[JVM_IDENT_MAX];
1157   get_header_version(header_version);
1158   if (strncmp(_jvm_ident, header_version, JVM_IDENT_MAX-1) != 0) {
1159     log_info(class, path)("expected: %s", header_version);
1160     log_info(class, path)("actual:   %s", _jvm_ident);
1161     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file was created by a different"
1162                   " version or build of HotSpot");
1163     return false;
1164   }
1165   if (_obj_alignment != ObjectAlignmentInBytes) {
1166     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file's ObjectAlignmentInBytes of %d"
1167                   " does not equal the current ObjectAlignmentInBytes of " INTX_FORMAT ".",
1168                   _obj_alignment, ObjectAlignmentInBytes);
1169     return false;
1170   }
1171   if (_compact_strings != CompactStrings) {
1172     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file's CompactStrings setting (%s)"

1208         fail_continue("shared class paths mismatch (hint: enable -Xlog:class+path=info to diagnose the failure)");
1209         status = false;
1210       }
1211     }
1212   }
1214   if (_paths_misc_info != NULL) {
1215     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _paths_misc_info);
1216     _paths_misc_info = NULL;
1217   }
1218   return status;
1219 }
1221 // Check if a given address is within one of the shared regions
1222 bool FileMapInfo::is_in_shared_region(const void* p, int idx) {
1223   assert(idx == MetaspaceShared::ro ||
1224          idx == MetaspaceShared::rw ||
1225          idx == MetaspaceShared::mc ||
1226          idx == MetaspaceShared::md, "invalid region index");
1227   char* base = _header->region_addr(idx);
1228   if (p >= base && p < base + _header->_space[idx]._used) {
1229     return true;
1230   }
1231   return false;
1232 }
1234 void FileMapInfo::print_shared_spaces() {
1235   tty->print_cr("Shared Spaces:");
1236   for (int i = 0; i < MetaspaceShared::n_regions; i++) {
1237     struct FileMapInfo::FileMapHeader::space_info* si = &_header->_space[i];
1238     char *base = _header->region_addr(i);
1239     tty->print("  %s " INTPTR_FORMAT "-" INTPTR_FORMAT,
1240                         shared_region_name[i],
1241                         p2i(base), p2i(base + si->_used));
1242   }
1243 }
1245 // Unmap mapped regions of shared space.
1246 void FileMapInfo::stop_sharing_and_unmap(const char* msg) {
1247   FileMapInfo *map_info = FileMapInfo::current_info();
1248   if (map_info) {
1249     map_info->fail_continue("%s", msg);
1250     for (int i = 0; i < MetaspaceShared::num_non_heap_spaces; i++) {
1251       char *addr = map_info->_header->region_addr(i);
1252       if (addr != NULL && !MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(i)) {
1253         map_info->unmap_region(i);
1254         map_info->_header->_space[i]._addr._base = NULL;
1255       }
1256     }
1257     // Dealloc the archive heap regions only without unmapping. The regions are part
1258     // of the java heap. Unmapping of the heap regions are managed by GC.
1259     map_info->dealloc_archive_heap_regions(open_archive_heap_ranges,
1260                                            num_open_archive_heap_ranges);
1261     map_info->dealloc_archive_heap_regions(string_ranges, num_string_ranges);
1262   } else if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1263     fail_stop("%s", msg);
1264   }
1265 }

 142   } else {
 143     // Get the hash value.  Use a static seed because the hash needs to return the same
 144     // value over multiple jvm invocations.
 145     unsigned int hash = AltHashing::murmur3_32(8191, (const jbyte*)vm_version, version_len);
 147     // Truncate the ident, saving room for the 8 hex character hash value.
 148     strncpy(header_version, vm_version, JVM_IDENT_MAX-9);
 150     // Append the hash code as eight hex digits.
 151     sprintf(&header_version[JVM_IDENT_MAX-9], "%08x", hash);
 152     header_version[JVM_IDENT_MAX-1] = 0;  // Null terminate.
 153   }
 154 }
 156 FileMapInfo::FileMapInfo() {
 157   assert(_current_info == NULL, "must be singleton"); // not thread safe
 158   _current_info = this;
 159   memset((void*)this, 0, sizeof(FileMapInfo));
 160   _file_offset = 0;
 161   _file_open = false;
 162   _header = (FileMapHeader*)os::malloc(sizeof(FileMapHeader), mtInternal);
 163   _header->_version = INVALID_CDS_ARCHIVE_VERSION;
 164   _header->_has_platform_or_app_classes = true;
 165 }
 167 FileMapInfo::~FileMapInfo() {
 168   assert(_current_info == this, "must be singleton"); // not thread safe
 169   _current_info = NULL;
 170 }
 172 void FileMapInfo::populate_header(size_t alignment) {
 173   _header->populate(this, alignment);
 174 }
 176 void FileMapHeader::populate(FileMapInfo* mapinfo, size_t alignment) {
 177   _magic = CDS_ARCHIVE_MAGIC;
 179   _alignment = alignment;
 180   _obj_alignment = ObjectAlignmentInBytes;
 181   _compact_strings = CompactStrings;
 182   _narrow_oop_mode = Universe::narrow_oop_mode();
 183   _narrow_oop_base = Universe::narrow_oop_base();
 184   _narrow_oop_shift = Universe::narrow_oop_shift();
 185   _max_heap_size = MaxHeapSize;
 186   _narrow_klass_base = Universe::narrow_klass_base();
 187   _narrow_klass_shift = Universe::narrow_klass_shift();
 188   _shared_path_table_size = mapinfo->_shared_path_table_size;
 189   _shared_path_table = mapinfo->_shared_path_table;
 190   _shared_path_entry_size = mapinfo->_shared_path_entry_size;
 192   // The following fields are for sanity checks for whether this archive
 193   // will function correctly with this JVM and the bootclasspath it's
 194   // invoked with.
 196   // JVM version string ... changes on each build.
 197   get_header_version(_jvm_ident);

 480       }
 481     } else if (i >= module_paths_start_index) {
 482       if (shared_path(i)->validate(false /* not a class path entry */)) {
 483         log_info(class, path)("ok");
 484       }
 485     } else if (!PrintSharedArchiveAndExit) {
 486       _validating_shared_path_table = false;
 487       _shared_path_table = NULL;
 488       _shared_path_table_size = 0;
 489       return false;
 490     }
 491   }
 493   _validating_shared_path_table = false;
 494   return true;
 495 }
 497 // Read the FileMapInfo information from the file.
 499 bool FileMapInfo::init_from_file(int fd) {
 500   size_t sz = sizeof(FileMapHeader);
 501   size_t n = os::read(fd, _header, (unsigned int)sz);

 502   if (n != sz) {
 503     fail_continue("Unable to read the file header.");
 504     return false;
 505   }
 506   if (_header->_version != CURRENT_CDS_ARCHIVE_VERSION) {
 507     fail_continue("The shared archive file has the wrong version.");
 508     return false;
 509   }
 510   _file_offset = (long)n;
 512   size_t info_size = _header->_paths_misc_info_size;
 513   _paths_misc_info = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(char, info_size, mtClass);
 514   if (_paths_misc_info == NULL) {
 515     fail_continue("Unable to read the file header.");
 516     return false;
 517   }
 518   n = os::read(fd, _paths_misc_info, (unsigned int)info_size);
 519   if (n != info_size) {
 520     fail_continue("Unable to read the shared path info header.");
 521     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _paths_misc_info);
 522     _paths_misc_info = NULL;
 523     return false;
 524   }
 526   size_t len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
 527   CDSFileMapRegion* si = space_at(MetaspaceShared::last_valid_region);

 528   // The last space might be empty
 529   if (si->_file_offset > len || len - si->_file_offset < si->_used) {
 530     fail_continue("The shared archive file has been truncated.");
 531     return false;
 532   }
 534   _file_offset += (long)n;
 535   return true;
 536 }
 539 // Read the FileMapInfo information from the file.
 540 bool FileMapInfo::open_for_read() {
 541   _full_path = Arguments::GetSharedArchivePath();
 542   int fd = open(_full_path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
 543   if (fd < 0) {
 544     if (errno == ENOENT) {
 545       // Not locating the shared archive is ok.
 546       fail_continue("Specified shared archive not found.");
 547     } else {

 576   remove(_full_path);
 577   int fd = open(_full_path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0444);
 578   if (fd < 0) {
 579     fail_stop("Unable to create shared archive file %s: (%s).", _full_path,
 580               os::strerror(errno));
 581   }
 582   _fd = fd;
 583   _file_offset = 0;
 584   _file_open = true;
 585 }
 588 // Write the header to the file, seek to the next allocation boundary.
 590 void FileMapInfo::write_header() {
 591   int info_size = ClassLoader::get_shared_paths_misc_info_size();
 593   _header->_paths_misc_info_size = info_size;
 595   align_file_position();
 596   write_bytes(_header, sizeof(FileMapHeader));
 597   write_bytes(ClassLoader::get_shared_paths_misc_info(), (size_t)info_size);

 598   align_file_position();
 599 }
 602 // Dump region to file.
 604 void FileMapInfo::write_region(int region, char* base, size_t size,
 605                                bool read_only, bool allow_exec) {
 606   CDSFileMapRegion* si = space_at(region);
 608   if (_file_open) {
 609     guarantee(si->_file_offset == _file_offset, "file offset mismatch.");
 610     log_info(cds)("Shared file region %d: " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX_W(08)
 611                   " bytes, addr " INTPTR_FORMAT " file offset " SIZE_FORMAT_HEX_W(08),
 612                   region, size, p2i(base), _file_offset);
 613   } else {
 614     si->_file_offset = _file_offset;
 615   }
 616   if (MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(region)) {
 617     assert((base - (char*)Universe::narrow_oop_base()) % HeapWordSize == 0, "Sanity");
 618     if (base != NULL) {
 619       si->_addr._offset = (intx)CompressedOops::encode_not_null((oop)base);
 620     } else {
 621       si->_addr._offset = 0;
 622     }
 623   } else {
 624     si->_addr._base = base;
 625   }
 626   si->_used = size;
 627   si->_read_only = read_only;
 628   si->_allow_exec = allow_exec;
 629   si->_crc = ClassLoader::crc32(0, base, (jint)size);
 630   if (base != NULL) {
 631     write_bytes_aligned(base, size);
 632   }
 633 }
 635 // Write out the given archive heap memory regions.  GC code combines multiple
 636 // consecutive archive GC regions into one MemRegion whenever possible and
 637 // produces the 'heap_mem' array.
 638 //
 639 // If the archive heap memory size is smaller than a single dump time GC region
 640 // size, there is only one MemRegion in the array.
 641 //
 642 // If the archive heap memory size is bigger than one dump time GC region size,
 643 // the 'heap_mem' array may contain more than one consolidated MemRegions. When
 644 // the first/bottom archive GC region is a partial GC region (with the empty
 645 // portion at the higher address within the region), one MemRegion is used for
 646 // the bottom partial archive GC region. The rest of the consecutive archive
 647 // GC regions are combined into another MemRegion.
 648 //
 649 // Here's the mapping from (archive heap GC regions) -> (GrowableArray<MemRegion> *regions).
 650 //   + We have 1 or more archive heap regions: ah0, ah1, ah2 ..... ahn
 651 //   + We have 1 or 2 consolidated heap memory regions: r0 and r1

 677   for (int i = first_region_id, arr_idx = 0;
 678            i < first_region_id + max_num_regions;
 679            i++, arr_idx++) {
 680     char* start = NULL;
 681     size_t size = 0;
 682     if (arr_idx < arr_len) {
 683       start = (char*)heap_mem->at(arr_idx).start();
 684       size = heap_mem->at(arr_idx).byte_size();
 685       total_size += size;
 686     }
 688     log_info(cds)("Archive heap region %d " INTPTR_FORMAT " - " INTPTR_FORMAT " = " SIZE_FORMAT_W(8) " bytes",
 689                   i, p2i(start), p2i(start + size), size);
 690     write_region(i, start, size, false, false);
 691   }
 692   return total_size;
 693 }
 695 // Dump bytes to file -- at the current file position.
 697 void FileMapInfo::write_bytes(const void* buffer, size_t nbytes) {
 698   if (_file_open) {
 699     size_t n = os::write(_fd, buffer, (unsigned int)nbytes);
 700     if (n != nbytes) {
 701       // It is dangerous to leave the corrupted shared archive file around,
 702       // close and remove the file. See bug 6372906.
 703       close();
 704       remove(_full_path);
 705       fail_stop("Unable to write to shared archive file.");
 706     }
 707   }
 708   _file_offset += nbytes;
 709 }
 712 // Align file position to an allocation unit boundary.
 714 void FileMapInfo::align_file_position() {
 715   size_t new_file_offset = align_up(_file_offset,
 716                                          os::vm_allocation_granularity());
 717   if (new_file_offset != _file_offset) {
 718     _file_offset = new_file_offset;
 719     if (_file_open) {
 720       // Seek one byte back from the target and write a byte to insure
 721       // that the written file is the correct length.
 722       _file_offset -= 1;
 723       if (lseek(_fd, (long)_file_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
 724         fail_stop("Unable to seek.");
 725       }
 726       char zero = 0;
 727       write_bytes(&zero, 1);
 728     }
 729   }
 730 }
 733 // Dump bytes to file -- at the current file position.
 735 void FileMapInfo::write_bytes_aligned(const void* buffer, size_t nbytes) {
 736   align_file_position();
 737   write_bytes(buffer, nbytes);
 738   align_file_position();
 739 }
 742 // Close the shared archive file.  This does NOT unmap mapped regions.
 744 void FileMapInfo::close() {
 745   if (_file_open) {
 746     if (::close(_fd) < 0) {
 747       fail_stop("Unable to close the shared archive file.");
 748     }
 749     _file_open = false;
 750     _fd = -1;
 751   }
 752 }
 755 // JVM/TI RedefineClasses() support:
 756 // Remap the shared readonly space to shared readwrite, private.
 757 bool FileMapInfo::remap_shared_readonly_as_readwrite() {
 758   int idx = MetaspaceShared::ro;
 759   CDSFileMapRegion* si = space_at(idx);
 760   if (!si->_read_only) {
 761     // the space is already readwrite so we are done
 762     return true;
 763   }
 764   size_t used = si->_used;
 765   size_t size = align_up(used, os::vm_allocation_granularity());
 766   if (!open_for_read()) {
 767     return false;
 768   }
 769   char *addr = _header->region_addr(idx);
 770   char *base = os::remap_memory(_fd, _full_path, si->_file_offset,
 771                                 addr, size, false /* !read_only */,
 772                                 si->_allow_exec);
 773   close();
 774   if (base == NULL) {
 775     fail_continue("Unable to remap shared readonly space (errno=%d).", errno);
 776     return false;
 777   }
 778   if (base != addr) {
 779     fail_continue("Unable to remap shared readonly space at required address.");

 791   // Reserve the space first, then map otherwise map will go right over some
 792   // other reserved memory (like the code cache).
 793   ReservedSpace rs(size, os::vm_allocation_granularity(), false, requested_addr);
 794   if (!rs.is_reserved()) {
 795     fail_continue("Unable to reserve shared space at required address "
 796                   INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(requested_addr));
 797     return rs;
 798   }
 799   // the reserved virtual memory is for mapping class data sharing archive
 800   MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type((address)rs.base(), mtClassShared);
 802   return rs;
 803 }
 805 // Memory map a region in the address space.
 806 static const char* shared_region_name[] = { "MiscData", "ReadWrite", "ReadOnly", "MiscCode", "OptionalData",
 807                                             "String1", "String2", "OpenArchive1", "OpenArchive2" };
 809 char* FileMapInfo::map_region(int i, char** top_ret) {
 810   assert(!MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(i), "sanity");
 811   CDSFileMapRegion* si = space_at(i);
 812   size_t used = si->_used;
 813   size_t alignment = os::vm_allocation_granularity();
 814   size_t size = align_up(used, alignment);
 815   char *requested_addr = _header->region_addr(i);
 817   // If a tool agent is in use (debugging enabled), we must map the address space RW
 818   if (JvmtiExport::can_modify_any_class() || JvmtiExport::can_walk_any_space()) {
 819     si->_read_only = false;
 820   }
 822   // map the contents of the CDS archive in this memory
 823   char *base = os::map_memory(_fd, _full_path, si->_file_offset,
 824                               requested_addr, size, si->_read_only,
 825                               si->_allow_exec);
 826   if (base == NULL || base != requested_addr) {
 827     fail_continue("Unable to map %s shared space at required address.", shared_region_name[i]);
 828     return NULL;
 829   }
 830 #ifdef _WINDOWS
 831   // This call is Windows-only because the memory_type gets recorded for the other platforms

 858 //
 859 // The open archive heap objects are mapped below the shared strings in
 860 // the runtime java heap. The mapped open archive heap data only contain
 861 // references to the shared strings and open archive objects initially.
 862 // During runtime execution, out-going references to any other java heap
 863 // regions may be added. GC may mark and update references in the mapped
 864 // open archive objects.
 865 void FileMapInfo::map_heap_regions() {
 866   if (MetaspaceShared::is_heap_object_archiving_allowed()) {
 867       log_info(cds)("Archived narrow_oop_mode = %d, narrow_oop_base = " PTR_FORMAT ", narrow_oop_shift = %d",
 868                     narrow_oop_mode(), p2i(narrow_oop_base()), narrow_oop_shift());
 869       log_info(cds)("Archived narrow_klass_base = " PTR_FORMAT ", narrow_klass_shift = %d",
 870                     p2i(narrow_klass_base()), narrow_klass_shift());
 872     // Check that all the narrow oop and klass encodings match the archive
 873     if (narrow_oop_mode() != Universe::narrow_oop_mode() ||
 874         narrow_oop_base() != Universe::narrow_oop_base() ||
 875         narrow_oop_shift() != Universe::narrow_oop_shift() ||
 876         narrow_klass_base() != Universe::narrow_klass_base() ||
 877         narrow_klass_shift() != Universe::narrow_klass_shift()) {
 878       if (log_is_enabled(Info, cds) && space_at(MetaspaceShared::first_string)->_used > 0) {
 879         log_info(cds)("Cached heap data from the CDS archive is being ignored. "
 880                       "The current CompressedOops/CompressedClassPointers encoding differs from "
 881                       "that archived due to heap size change. The archive was dumped using max heap "
 882                       "size " UINTX_FORMAT "M.", max_heap_size()/M);
 883         log_info(cds)("Current narrow_oop_mode = %d, narrow_oop_base = " PTR_FORMAT ", narrow_oop_shift = %d",
 884                       Universe::narrow_oop_mode(), p2i(Universe::narrow_oop_base()),
 885                       Universe::narrow_oop_shift());
 886         log_info(cds)("Current narrow_klass_base = " PTR_FORMAT ", narrow_klass_shift = %d",
 887                       p2i(Universe::narrow_klass_base()), Universe::narrow_klass_shift());
 888       }
 889     } else {
 890       // First, map string regions as closed archive heap regions.
 891       // GC does not write into the regions.
 892       if (map_heap_data(&string_ranges,
 893                          MetaspaceShared::first_string,
 894                          MetaspaceShared::max_strings,
 895                          &num_string_ranges)) {
 896         StringTable::set_shared_string_mapped();
 898         // Now, map open_archive heap regions, GC can write into the regions.
 899         if (map_heap_data(&open_archive_heap_ranges,
 900                           MetaspaceShared::first_open_archive_heap_region,
 901                           MetaspaceShared::max_open_archive_heap_region,
 902                           &num_open_archive_heap_ranges,
 903                           true /* open */)) {
 904           MetaspaceShared::set_open_archive_heap_region_mapped();
 905         }
 906       }
 907     }
 908   } else {
 909     if (log_is_enabled(Info, cds) && space_at(MetaspaceShared::first_string)->_used > 0) {
 910       log_info(cds)("Cached heap data from the CDS archive is being ignored. UseG1GC, "
 911                     "UseCompressedOops and UseCompressedClassPointers are required.");
 912     }
 913   }
 915   if (!StringTable::shared_string_mapped()) {
 916     assert(string_ranges == NULL && num_string_ranges == 0, "sanity");
 917   }
 919   if (!MetaspaceShared::open_archive_heap_region_mapped()) {
 920     assert(open_archive_heap_ranges == NULL && num_open_archive_heap_ranges == 0, "sanity");
 921   }
 922 }
 924 bool FileMapInfo::map_heap_data(MemRegion **heap_mem, int first,
 925                                 int max, int* num, bool is_open_archive) {
 926   MemRegion * regions = new MemRegion[max];
 927   CDSFileMapRegion* si;
 928   int region_num = 0;
 930   for (int i = first;
 931            i < first + max; i++) {
 932     si = space_at(i);
 933     size_t used = si->_used;
 934     if (used > 0) {
 935       size_t size = used;
 936       char* requested_addr = (char*)((void*)CompressedOops::decode_not_null(
 937                                             (narrowOop)si->_addr._offset));
 938       regions[region_num] = MemRegion((HeapWord*)requested_addr, size / HeapWordSize);
 939       region_num ++;
 940     }
 941   }
 943   if (region_num == 0) {
 944     return false; // no archived java heap data
 945   }
 947   // Check that ranges are within the java heap
 948   if (!G1CollectedHeap::heap()->check_archive_addresses(regions, region_num)) {
 949     log_info(cds)("UseSharedSpaces: Unable to allocate region, "
 950                   "range is not within java heap.");
 951     return false;
 952   }
 954   // allocate from java heap
 955   if (!G1CollectedHeap::heap()->alloc_archive_regions(
 956              regions, region_num, is_open_archive)) {
 957     log_info(cds)("UseSharedSpaces: Unable to allocate region, "
 958                   "java heap range is already in use.");
 959     return false;
 960   }
 962   // Map the archived heap data. No need to call MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type()
 963   // for mapped regions as they are part of the reserved java heap, which is
 964   // already recorded.
 965   for (int i = 0; i < region_num; i++) {
 966     si = space_at(first + i);
 967     char* addr = (char*)regions[i].start();
 968     char* base = os::map_memory(_fd, _full_path, si->_file_offset,
 969                                 addr, regions[i].byte_size(), si->_read_only,
 970                                 si->_allow_exec);
 971     if (base == NULL || base != addr) {
 972       // dealloc the regions from java heap
 973       dealloc_archive_heap_regions(regions, region_num);
 974       log_info(cds)("UseSharedSpaces: Unable to map at required address in java heap.");
 975       return false;
 976     }
 977   }
 979   if (!verify_mapped_heap_regions(first, region_num)) {
 980     // dealloc the regions from java heap
 981     dealloc_archive_heap_regions(regions, region_num);
 982     log_info(cds)("UseSharedSpaces: mapped heap regions are corrupt");
 983     return false;
 984   }
 986   // the shared heap data is mapped successfully

1012     assert(open_archive_heap_ranges != NULL, "NULL open_archive_heap_ranges array with non-zero count");
1013     G1CollectedHeap::heap()->fill_archive_regions(open_archive_heap_ranges,
1014                                                   num_open_archive_heap_ranges);
1015   }
1016 }
1018 // dealloc the archive regions from java heap
1019 void FileMapInfo::dealloc_archive_heap_regions(MemRegion* regions, int num) {
1020   if (num > 0) {
1021     assert(regions != NULL, "Null archive ranges array with non-zero count");
1022     G1CollectedHeap::heap()->dealloc_archive_regions(regions, num);
1023   }
1024 }
1025 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS_JAVA_HEAP
1027 bool FileMapInfo::verify_region_checksum(int i) {
1028   if (!VerifySharedSpaces) {
1029     return true;
1030   }
1032   size_t sz = space_at(i)->_used;
1034   if (sz == 0) {
1035     return true; // no data
1036   }
1037   if ((MetaspaceShared::is_string_region(i) &&
1038        !StringTable::shared_string_mapped()) ||
1039       (MetaspaceShared::is_open_archive_heap_region(i) &&
1040        !MetaspaceShared::open_archive_heap_region_mapped())) {
1041     return true; // archived heap data is not mapped
1042   }
1043   const char* buf = _header->region_addr(i);
1044   int crc = ClassLoader::crc32(0, buf, (jint)sz);
1045   if (crc != space_at(i)->_crc) {
1046     fail_continue("Checksum verification failed.");
1047     return false;
1048   }
1049   return true;
1050 }
1052 // Unmap a memory region in the address space.
1054 void FileMapInfo::unmap_region(int i) {
1055   assert(!MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(i), "sanity");
1056   CDSFileMapRegion* si = space_at(i);
1057   size_t used = si->_used;
1058   size_t size = align_up(used, os::vm_allocation_granularity());
1060   if (used == 0) {
1061     return;
1062   }
1064   char* addr = _header->region_addr(i);
1065   if (!os::unmap_memory(addr, size)) {
1066     fail_stop("Unable to unmap shared space.");
1067   }
1068 }
1070 void FileMapInfo::assert_mark(bool check) {
1071   if (!check) {
1072     fail_stop("Mark mismatch while restoring from shared file.");
1073   }
1074 }
1076 void FileMapInfo::metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it) {

1094 //
1095 // Validation of the archive is done in two steps:
1096 //
1097 // [1] validate_header() - done here. This checks the header, including _paths_misc_info.
1098 // [2] validate_shared_path_table - this is done later, because the table is in the RW
1099 //     region of the archive, which is not mapped yet.
1100 bool FileMapInfo::initialize() {
1101   assert(UseSharedSpaces, "UseSharedSpaces expected.");
1103   if (!open_for_read()) {
1104     return false;
1105   }
1107   init_from_file(_fd);
1108   if (!validate_header()) {
1109     return false;
1110   }
1111   return true;
1112 }
1114 char* FileMapHeader::region_addr(int idx) {
1115   if (MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(idx)) {
1116     return _space[idx]._used > 0 ?
1117              (char*)((void*)CompressedOops::decode_not_null((narrowOop)_space[idx]._addr._offset)) : NULL;
1118   } else {
1119     return _space[idx]._addr._base;
1120   }
1121 }
1123 int FileMapHeader::compute_crc() {
1124   char* start = (char*)this;
1125   // start computing from the field after _crc
1126   char* buf = (char*)&_crc + sizeof(_crc);
1127   size_t sz = sizeof(FileMapHeader) - (buf - start);
1128   int crc = ClassLoader::crc32(0, buf, (jint)sz);
1129   return crc;
1130 }
1132 // This function should only be called during run time with UseSharedSpaces enabled.
1133 bool FileMapHeader::validate() {
1134   if (VerifySharedSpaces && compute_crc() != _crc) {
1135     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("Header checksum verification failed.");
1136     return false;
1137   }
1139   if (!Arguments::has_jimage()) {
1140     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file cannot be used with an exploded module build.");
1141     return false;
1142   }
1144   if (_version != CURRENT_CDS_ARCHIVE_VERSION) {
1145     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file is the wrong version.");
1146     return false;
1147   }
1148   if (_magic != CDS_ARCHIVE_MAGIC) {
1149     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file has a bad magic number.");
1150     return false;
1151   }
1152   char header_version[JVM_IDENT_MAX];
1153   get_header_version(header_version);
1154   if (strncmp(_jvm_ident, header_version, JVM_IDENT_MAX-1) != 0) {
1155     log_info(class, path)("expected: %s", header_version);
1156     log_info(class, path)("actual:   %s", _jvm_ident);
1157     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file was created by a different"
1158                   " version or build of HotSpot");
1159     return false;
1160   }
1161   if (_obj_alignment != ObjectAlignmentInBytes) {
1162     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file's ObjectAlignmentInBytes of %d"
1163                   " does not equal the current ObjectAlignmentInBytes of " INTX_FORMAT ".",
1164                   _obj_alignment, ObjectAlignmentInBytes);
1165     return false;
1166   }
1167   if (_compact_strings != CompactStrings) {
1168     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file's CompactStrings setting (%s)"

1204         fail_continue("shared class paths mismatch (hint: enable -Xlog:class+path=info to diagnose the failure)");
1205         status = false;
1206       }
1207     }
1208   }
1210   if (_paths_misc_info != NULL) {
1211     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _paths_misc_info);
1212     _paths_misc_info = NULL;
1213   }
1214   return status;
1215 }
1217 // Check if a given address is within one of the shared regions
1218 bool FileMapInfo::is_in_shared_region(const void* p, int idx) {
1219   assert(idx == MetaspaceShared::ro ||
1220          idx == MetaspaceShared::rw ||
1221          idx == MetaspaceShared::mc ||
1222          idx == MetaspaceShared::md, "invalid region index");
1223   char* base = _header->region_addr(idx);
1224   if (p >= base && p < base + space_at(idx)->_used) {
1225     return true;
1226   }
1227   return false;
1228 }
1230 void FileMapInfo::print_shared_spaces() {
1231   tty->print_cr("Shared Spaces:");
1232   for (int i = 0; i < MetaspaceShared::n_regions; i++) {
1233     CDSFileMapRegion* si = space_at(i);
1234     char *base = _header->region_addr(i);
1235     tty->print("  %s " INTPTR_FORMAT "-" INTPTR_FORMAT,
1236                         shared_region_name[i],
1237                         p2i(base), p2i(base + si->_used));
1238   }
1239 }
1241 // Unmap mapped regions of shared space.
1242 void FileMapInfo::stop_sharing_and_unmap(const char* msg) {
1243   FileMapInfo *map_info = FileMapInfo::current_info();
1244   if (map_info) {
1245     map_info->fail_continue("%s", msg);
1246     for (int i = 0; i < MetaspaceShared::num_non_heap_spaces; i++) {
1247       char *addr = map_info->_header->region_addr(i);
1248       if (addr != NULL && !MetaspaceShared::is_heap_region(i)) {
1249         map_info->unmap_region(i);
1250         map_info->space_at(i)->_addr._base = NULL;
1251       }
1252     }
1253     // Dealloc the archive heap regions only without unmapping. The regions are part
1254     // of the java heap. Unmapping of the heap regions are managed by GC.
1255     map_info->dealloc_archive_heap_regions(open_archive_heap_ranges,
1256                                            num_open_archive_heap_ranges);
1257     map_info->dealloc_archive_heap_regions(string_ranges, num_string_ranges);
1258   } else if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1259     fail_stop("%s", msg);
1260   }
1261 }
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