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  42 import jdk.test.lib.Asserts;
  43 import jdk.test.lib.Platform;
  44 import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
  46 import sun.hotspot.code.Compiler;
  47 import sun.hotspot.gc.GC;
  49 public class IncompatibleOptions {
  50     static final String COOPS_DUMP_WARNING =
  51         "Cannot dump shared archive when UseCompressedOops or UseCompressedClassPointers is off";
  52     static final String COOPS_EXEC_WARNING =
  53         "UseCompressedOops and UseCompressedClassPointers must be on for UseSharedSpaces";
  54     static final String GC_WARNING =
  55         "Archived java heap is not supported";
  56     static final String OBJ_ALIGNMENT_MISMATCH =
  57         "The shared archive file's ObjectAlignmentInBytes of .* does not equal the current ObjectAlignmentInBytes of";
  58     static final String COMPACT_STRING_MISMATCH =
  59         "The shared archive file's CompactStrings setting .* does not equal the current CompactStrings setting";
  61     static String appJar;
  62     static String[] globalVmOptions;
  64     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  65         globalVmOptions = args; // specified by "@run main" in IncompatibleOptions_*.java
  66         appJar = JarBuilder.build("IncompatibleOptions", "HelloString");
  68         // Uncompressed OOPs
  69         testDump(1, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:-UseCompressedOops", COOPS_DUMP_WARNING, true);
  70         if (GC.Z.isSupported()) { // ZGC is included in build.
  71             testDump(1, "-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions", "-XX:+UseZGC", COOPS_DUMP_WARNING, true);
  72         }
  74         // incompatible GCs
  75         testDump(2, "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "", GC_WARNING, false);
  76         testDump(3, "-XX:+UseSerialGC", "", GC_WARNING, false);
  77         if (!Compiler.isGraalEnabled()) { // Graal does not support CMS
  78             testDump(4, "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", "", GC_WARNING, false);
  79         }
  81         // ======= archive with compressed oops, run w/o
  82         testDump(5, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:+UseCompressedOops", null, false);
  83         testExec(5, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:-UseCompressedOops",
  84                  COOPS_EXEC_WARNING, true);

 101         // Correct the test case once the above is fixed
 102         // @ignore JDK-8081416 - for tracking purposes
 103         // for now, run test as is until the proper behavior is determined
 104         testDump(10, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-Xmx1g", null, false);
 105         testExec(10, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-Xmx32g", null, true);
 107         // CompactStrings must match between dump time and run time
 108         testDump(11, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:-CompactStrings", null, false);
 109         testExec(11, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:+CompactStrings",
 110                  COMPACT_STRING_MISMATCH, true);
 111         testDump(12, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:+CompactStrings", null, false);
 112         testExec(12, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:-CompactStrings",
 113                  COMPACT_STRING_MISMATCH, true);
 114     }
 116     static void testDump(int testCaseNr, String collectorOption, String extraOption,
 117         String expectedWarning, boolean expectedToFail) throws Exception {
 119         System.out.println("Testcase: " + testCaseNr);
 120         OutputAnalyzer output = TestCommon.dump(appJar, TestCommon.list("Hello"),
 121             TestCommon.concat(globalVmOptions,
 122                 "-XX:+UseCompressedOops",
 123                 collectorOption,
 124                 "-XX:SharedArchiveConfigFile=" + TestCommon.getSourceFile("SharedStringsBasic.txt"),
 125                 "-Xlog:cds,cds+hashtables",
 126                 extraOption));
 128         if (expectedWarning != null) {
 129             output.shouldContain(expectedWarning);
 130         }
 132         if (expectedToFail) {
 133             Asserts.assertNE(output.getExitValue(), 0,
 134             "JVM is expected to fail, but did not");
 135         }
 136     }
 138     static void testExec(int testCaseNr, String collectorOption, String extraOption,
 139         String expectedWarning, boolean expectedToFail) throws Exception {
 141         OutputAnalyzer output;
 142         System.out.println("Testcase: " + testCaseNr);
 144         // needed, otherwise system considers empty extra option as a
 145         // main class param, and fails with "Could not find or load main class"
 146         if (!extraOption.isEmpty()) {
 147             output = TestCommon.exec(appJar,
 148                 TestCommon.concat(globalVmOptions,
 149                     "-XX:+UseCompressedOops",
 150                     collectorOption, "-Xlog:cds", extraOption, "HelloString"));
 151         } else {
 152             output = TestCommon.exec(appJar,
 153                 TestCommon.concat(globalVmOptions,
 154                     "-XX:+UseCompressedOops",
 155                     collectorOption, "-Xlog:cds", "HelloString"));
 156         }
 158         if (expectedWarning != null) {
 159             output.shouldMatch(expectedWarning);
 160         }
 162         if (expectedToFail) {
 163             Asserts.assertNE(output.getExitValue(), 0);
 164         } else {
 165             SharedStringsUtils.checkExec(output);
 166         }
 167     }
 168 }

  42 import jdk.test.lib.Asserts;
  43 import jdk.test.lib.Platform;
  44 import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
  46 import sun.hotspot.code.Compiler;
  47 import sun.hotspot.gc.GC;
  49 public class IncompatibleOptions {
  50     static final String COOPS_DUMP_WARNING =
  51         "Cannot dump shared archive when UseCompressedOops or UseCompressedClassPointers is off";
  52     static final String COOPS_EXEC_WARNING =
  53         "UseCompressedOops and UseCompressedClassPointers must be on for UseSharedSpaces";
  54     static final String GC_WARNING =
  55         "Archived java heap is not supported";
  56     static final String OBJ_ALIGNMENT_MISMATCH =
  57         "The shared archive file's ObjectAlignmentInBytes of .* does not equal the current ObjectAlignmentInBytes of";
  58     static final String COMPACT_STRING_MISMATCH =
  59         "The shared archive file's CompactStrings setting .* does not equal the current CompactStrings setting";
  61     static String appJar;
  62     static String[] vmOptionsPrefix = {};
  64     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  65         vmOptionsPrefix = args; // specified by "@run main" in IncompatibleOptions_*.java
  66         appJar = JarBuilder.build("IncompatibleOptions", "HelloString");
  68         // Uncompressed OOPs
  69         testDump(1, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:-UseCompressedOops", COOPS_DUMP_WARNING, true);
  70         if (GC.Z.isSupported()) { // ZGC is included in build.
  71             testDump(1, "-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions", "-XX:+UseZGC", COOPS_DUMP_WARNING, true);
  72         }
  74         // incompatible GCs
  75         testDump(2, "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "", GC_WARNING, false);
  76         testDump(3, "-XX:+UseSerialGC", "", GC_WARNING, false);
  77         if (!Compiler.isGraalEnabled()) { // Graal does not support CMS
  78             testDump(4, "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", "", GC_WARNING, false);
  79         }
  81         // ======= archive with compressed oops, run w/o
  82         testDump(5, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:+UseCompressedOops", null, false);
  83         testExec(5, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:-UseCompressedOops",
  84                  COOPS_EXEC_WARNING, true);

 101         // Correct the test case once the above is fixed
 102         // @ignore JDK-8081416 - for tracking purposes
 103         // for now, run test as is until the proper behavior is determined
 104         testDump(10, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-Xmx1g", null, false);
 105         testExec(10, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-Xmx32g", null, true);
 107         // CompactStrings must match between dump time and run time
 108         testDump(11, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:-CompactStrings", null, false);
 109         testExec(11, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:+CompactStrings",
 110                  COMPACT_STRING_MISMATCH, true);
 111         testDump(12, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:+CompactStrings", null, false);
 112         testExec(12, "-XX:+UseG1GC", "-XX:-CompactStrings",
 113                  COMPACT_STRING_MISMATCH, true);
 114     }
 116     static void testDump(int testCaseNr, String collectorOption, String extraOption,
 117         String expectedWarning, boolean expectedToFail) throws Exception {
 119         System.out.println("Testcase: " + testCaseNr);
 120         OutputAnalyzer output = TestCommon.dump(appJar, TestCommon.list("Hello"),
 121             TestCommon.concat(vmOptionsPrefix,
 122                 "-XX:+UseCompressedOops",
 123                 collectorOption,
 124                 "-XX:SharedArchiveConfigFile=" + TestCommon.getSourceFile("SharedStringsBasic.txt"),
 125                 "-Xlog:cds,cds+hashtables",
 126                 extraOption));
 128         if (expectedWarning != null) {
 129             output.shouldContain(expectedWarning);
 130         }
 132         if (expectedToFail) {
 133             Asserts.assertNE(output.getExitValue(), 0,
 134             "JVM is expected to fail, but did not");
 135         }
 136     }
 138     static void testExec(int testCaseNr, String collectorOption, String extraOption,
 139         String expectedWarning, boolean expectedToFail) throws Exception {
 141         OutputAnalyzer output;
 142         System.out.println("Testcase: " + testCaseNr);
 144         // needed, otherwise system considers empty extra option as a
 145         // main class param, and fails with "Could not find or load main class"
 146         if (!extraOption.isEmpty()) {
 147             output = TestCommon.exec(appJar,
 148                 TestCommon.concat(vmOptionsPrefix,
 149                     "-XX:+UseCompressedOops",
 150                     collectorOption, "-Xlog:cds", extraOption, "HelloString"));
 151         } else {
 152             output = TestCommon.exec(appJar,
 153                 TestCommon.concat(vmOptionsPrefix,
 154                     "-XX:+UseCompressedOops",
 155                     collectorOption, "-Xlog:cds", "HelloString"));
 156         }
 158         if (expectedWarning != null) {
 159             output.shouldMatch(expectedWarning);
 160         }
 162         if (expectedToFail) {
 163             Asserts.assertNE(output.getExitValue(), 0);
 164         } else {
 165             SharedStringsUtils.checkExec(output);
 166         }
 167     }
 168 }
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