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1472       }
1473     } else {
1474       // After the module system has been initialized, check if the class'
1475       // package is in a module defined to the boot loader.
1476       if (pkg_name == NULL || pkg_entry == NULL || pkg_entry->in_unnamed_module()) {
1477         // Class is either in the unnamed package, in a named package
1478         // within a module not defined to the boot loader or in a
1479         // a named package within the unnamed module.  In all cases,
1480         // limit visibility to search for the class only in the boot
1481         // loader's append path.
1482         search_only_bootloader_append = true;
1483       }
1484     }
1486     // Prior to bootstrapping's module initialization, never load a class outside
1487     // of the boot loader's module path
1488     assert(Universe::is_module_initialized() ||
1489            !search_only_bootloader_append,
1490            "Attempt to load a class outside of boot loader's module path");
1492     // Search the shared system dictionary for classes preloaded into the
1493     // shared spaces.
1494     InstanceKlass* k = NULL;
1495     {
1496 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1497       PerfTraceTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_shared_classload_time());
1498       k = load_shared_class(class_name, class_loader, THREAD);
1499 #endif
1500     }
1502     if (k == NULL) {
1503       // Use VM class loader
1504       PerfTraceTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_sys_classload_time());
1505       k = ClassLoader::load_class(class_name, search_only_bootloader_append, CHECK_NULL);
1506     }
1508     // find_or_define_instance_class may return a different InstanceKlass
1509     if (k != NULL) {
1510       InstanceKlass* defined_k =
1511         find_or_define_instance_class(class_name, class_loader, k, THREAD);
1512       if (!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION && defined_k != k) {
1513         // If a parallel capable class loader already defined this class, register 'k' for cleanup.

1941   RemoveClassesClosure rcc;
1942   MutexLocker ml(ClassLoaderDataGraph_lock);
1943   ClassLoaderDataGraph::cld_do(&rcc);
1944 }
1946 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1947 // Initialization
1949 void SystemDictionary::initialize(TRAPS) {
1950   // Allocate arrays
1951   _placeholders        = new PlaceholderTable(_placeholder_table_size);
1952   _number_of_modifications = 0;
1953   _loader_constraints  = new LoaderConstraintTable(_loader_constraint_size);
1954   _resolution_errors   = new ResolutionErrorTable(_resolution_error_size);
1955   _invoke_method_table = new SymbolPropertyTable(_invoke_method_size);
1956   _pd_cache_table = new ProtectionDomainCacheTable(defaultProtectionDomainCacheSize);
1958   // Allocate private object used as system class loader lock
1959   _system_loader_lock_obj = oopFactory::new_intArray(0, CHECK);
1960   // Initialize basic classes
1961   resolve_preloaded_classes(CHECK);
1962 }
1964 // Compact table of directions on the initialization of klasses:
1965 static const short wk_init_info[] = {
1966   #define WK_KLASS_INIT_INFO(name, symbol) \
1967     ((short)vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(symbol)),
1970   #undef WK_KLASS_INIT_INFO
1971   0
1972 };

1974 bool SystemDictionary::resolve_wk_klass(WKID id, TRAPS) {
1975   assert(id >= (int)FIRST_WKID && id < (int)WKID_LIMIT, "oob");
1976   int sid = wk_init_info[id - FIRST_WKID];
1977   Symbol* symbol = vmSymbols::symbol_at((vmSymbols::SID)sid);
1978   InstanceKlass** klassp = &_well_known_klasses[id];
1982   if (id >= FIRST_JVMCI_WKID) {
1983     assert(EnableJVMCI, "resolve JVMCI classes only when EnableJVMCI is true");
1984   }
1985 #endif
1987   if ((*klassp) == NULL) {
1988     Klass* k = resolve_or_fail(symbol, true, CHECK_0);
1989     (*klassp) = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
1990   }
1991   return ((*klassp) != NULL);
1992 }
1994 void SystemDictionary::resolve_wk_klasses_until(WKID limit_id, WKID &start_id, TRAPS) {
1995   assert((int)start_id <= (int)limit_id, "IDs are out of order!");
1996   for (int id = (int)start_id; id < (int)limit_id; id++) {
1997     assert(id >= (int)FIRST_WKID && id < (int)WKID_LIMIT, "oob");
1998     resolve_wk_klass((WKID)id, CHECK);
1999   }
2001   // move the starting value forward to the limit:
2002   start_id = limit_id;
2003 }
2005 void SystemDictionary::resolve_preloaded_classes(TRAPS) {
2006   assert(WK_KLASS(Object_klass) == NULL, "preloaded classes should only be initialized once");
2008   // Create the ModuleEntry for java.base.  This call needs to be done here,
2009   // after vmSymbols::initialize() is called but before any classes are pre-loaded.
2010   ClassLoader::classLoader_init2(CHECK);
2012   // Preload commonly used klasses
2013   WKID scan = FIRST_WKID;
2014   // first do Object, then String, Class
2015 #if INCLUDE_CDS
2016   if (UseSharedSpaces) {
2017     resolve_wk_klasses_through(WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(Object_klass), scan, CHECK);
2019     // It's unsafe to access the archived heap regions before they
2020     // are fixed up, so we must do the fixup as early as possible
2021     // before the archived java objects are accessed by functions
2022     // such as java_lang_Class::restore_archived_mirror and
2023     // ConstantPool::restore_unshareable_info (restores the archived
2024     // resolved_references array object).
2025     //
2026     // HeapShared::fixup_mapped_heap_regions() fills the empty

2054   Universe::fixup_mirrors(CHECK);
2056   // do a bunch more:
2057   resolve_wk_klasses_through(WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(Reference_klass), scan, CHECK);
2059   // Preload ref klasses and set reference types
2060   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(Reference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_OTHER);
2061   InstanceRefKlass::update_nonstatic_oop_maps(WK_KLASS(Reference_klass));
2063   resolve_wk_klasses_through(WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(PhantomReference_klass), scan, CHECK);
2064   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(SoftReference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_SOFT);
2065   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(WeakReference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_WEAK);
2066   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(FinalReference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_FINAL);
2067   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(PhantomReference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_PHANTOM);
2069   // JSR 292 classes
2070   WKID jsr292_group_start = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(MethodHandle_klass);
2071   WKID jsr292_group_end   = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(VolatileCallSite_klass);
2072   resolve_wk_klasses_until(jsr292_group_start, scan, CHECK);
2073   resolve_wk_klasses_through(jsr292_group_end, scan, CHECK);
2074   resolve_wk_klasses_until(NOT_JVMCI(WKID_LIMIT) JVMCI_ONLY(FIRST_JVMCI_WKID), scan, CHECK);

2076   _box_klasses[T_BOOLEAN] = WK_KLASS(Boolean_klass);
2077   _box_klasses[T_CHAR]    = WK_KLASS(Character_klass);
2078   _box_klasses[T_FLOAT]   = WK_KLASS(Float_klass);
2079   _box_klasses[T_DOUBLE]  = WK_KLASS(Double_klass);
2080   _box_klasses[T_BYTE]    = WK_KLASS(Byte_klass);
2081   _box_klasses[T_SHORT]   = WK_KLASS(Short_klass);
2082   _box_klasses[T_INT]     = WK_KLASS(Integer_klass);
2083   _box_klasses[T_LONG]    = WK_KLASS(Long_klass);
2084   //_box_klasses[T_OBJECT]  = WK_KLASS(object_klass);
2085   //_box_klasses[T_ARRAY]   = WK_KLASS(object_klass);
2087   { // Compute whether we should use checkPackageAccess or NOT
2088     Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(ClassLoader_klass())->find_method(vmSymbols::checkPackageAccess_name(), vmSymbols::class_protectiondomain_signature());
2089     _has_checkPackageAccess = (method != NULL);

2090   }
2091 }
2093 // Tells if a given klass is a box (wrapper class, such as java.lang.Integer).
2094 // If so, returns the basic type it holds.  If not, returns T_OBJECT.
2095 BasicType SystemDictionary::box_klass_type(Klass* k) {
2096   assert(k != NULL, "");
2097   for (int i = T_BOOLEAN; i < T_VOID+1; i++) {
2098     if (_box_klasses[i] == k)
2099       return (BasicType)i;
2100   }
2101   return T_OBJECT;
2102 }
2104 // Constraints on class loaders. The details of the algorithm can be
2105 // found in the OOPSLA'98 paper "Dynamic Class Loading in the Java
2106 // Virtual Machine" by Sheng Liang and Gilad Bracha.  The basic idea is
2107 // that the dictionary needs to maintain a set of contraints that
2108 // must be satisfied by all classes in the dictionary.
2109 // if defining is true, then LinkageError if already in dictionary

1472       }
1473     } else {
1474       // After the module system has been initialized, check if the class'
1475       // package is in a module defined to the boot loader.
1476       if (pkg_name == NULL || pkg_entry == NULL || pkg_entry->in_unnamed_module()) {
1477         // Class is either in the unnamed package, in a named package
1478         // within a module not defined to the boot loader or in a
1479         // a named package within the unnamed module.  In all cases,
1480         // limit visibility to search for the class only in the boot
1481         // loader's append path.
1482         search_only_bootloader_append = true;
1483       }
1484     }
1486     // Prior to bootstrapping's module initialization, never load a class outside
1487     // of the boot loader's module path
1488     assert(Universe::is_module_initialized() ||
1489            !search_only_bootloader_append,
1490            "Attempt to load a class outside of boot loader's module path");
1492     // Search for classes in the CDS archive.

1493     InstanceKlass* k = NULL;
1494     {
1495 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1496       PerfTraceTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_shared_classload_time());
1497       k = load_shared_class(class_name, class_loader, THREAD);
1498 #endif
1499     }
1501     if (k == NULL) {
1502       // Use VM class loader
1503       PerfTraceTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_sys_classload_time());
1504       k = ClassLoader::load_class(class_name, search_only_bootloader_append, CHECK_NULL);
1505     }
1507     // find_or_define_instance_class may return a different InstanceKlass
1508     if (k != NULL) {
1509       InstanceKlass* defined_k =
1510         find_or_define_instance_class(class_name, class_loader, k, THREAD);
1511       if (!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION && defined_k != k) {
1512         // If a parallel capable class loader already defined this class, register 'k' for cleanup.

1940   RemoveClassesClosure rcc;
1941   MutexLocker ml(ClassLoaderDataGraph_lock);
1942   ClassLoaderDataGraph::cld_do(&rcc);
1943 }
1945 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1946 // Initialization
1948 void SystemDictionary::initialize(TRAPS) {
1949   // Allocate arrays
1950   _placeholders        = new PlaceholderTable(_placeholder_table_size);
1951   _number_of_modifications = 0;
1952   _loader_constraints  = new LoaderConstraintTable(_loader_constraint_size);
1953   _resolution_errors   = new ResolutionErrorTable(_resolution_error_size);
1954   _invoke_method_table = new SymbolPropertyTable(_invoke_method_size);
1955   _pd_cache_table = new ProtectionDomainCacheTable(defaultProtectionDomainCacheSize);
1957   // Allocate private object used as system class loader lock
1958   _system_loader_lock_obj = oopFactory::new_intArray(0, CHECK);
1959   // Initialize basic classes
1960   resolve_well_known_classes(CHECK);
1961 }
1963 // Compact table of directions on the initialization of klasses:
1964 static const short wk_init_info[] = {
1965   #define WK_KLASS_INIT_INFO(name, symbol) \
1966     ((short)vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(symbol)),
1969   #undef WK_KLASS_INIT_INFO
1970   0
1971 };
1973 #ifdef ASSERT
1974 bool SystemDictionary::is_well_known_klass(Symbol* class_name) {
1975   for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
1976     int sid = wk_init_info[i];
1977     if (sid == 0) {
1978       break;
1979     }
1980     Symbol* symbol = vmSymbols::symbol_at((vmSymbols::SID)sid);
1981     if (class_name == symbol) {
1982       return true;
1983     }
1984   }
1985   return false;
1986 }
1987 #endif
1989 bool SystemDictionary::resolve_wk_klass(WKID id, TRAPS) {
1990   assert(id >= (int)FIRST_WKID && id < (int)WKID_LIMIT, "oob");
1991   int sid = wk_init_info[id - FIRST_WKID];
1992   Symbol* symbol = vmSymbols::symbol_at((vmSymbols::SID)sid);
1993   InstanceKlass** klassp = &_well_known_klasses[id];
1997   if (id >= FIRST_JVMCI_WKID) {
1998     assert(EnableJVMCI, "resolve JVMCI classes only when EnableJVMCI is true");
1999   }
2000 #endif
2002   if ((*klassp) == NULL) {
2003     Klass* k = resolve_or_fail(symbol, true, CHECK_0);
2004     (*klassp) = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
2005   }
2006   return ((*klassp) != NULL);
2007 }
2009 void SystemDictionary::resolve_wk_klasses_until(WKID limit_id, WKID &start_id, TRAPS) {
2010   assert((int)start_id <= (int)limit_id, "IDs are out of order!");
2011   for (int id = (int)start_id; id < (int)limit_id; id++) {
2012     assert(id >= (int)FIRST_WKID && id < (int)WKID_LIMIT, "oob");
2013     resolve_wk_klass((WKID)id, CHECK);
2014   }
2016   // move the starting value forward to the limit:
2017   start_id = limit_id;
2018 }
2020 void SystemDictionary::resolve_well_known_classes(TRAPS) {
2021   assert(WK_KLASS(Object_klass) == NULL, "well-known classes should only be initialized once");
2023   // Create the ModuleEntry for java.base.  This call needs to be done here,
2024   // after vmSymbols::initialize() is called but before any classes are pre-loaded.
2025   ClassLoader::classLoader_init2(CHECK);
2027   // Preload commonly used klasses
2028   WKID scan = FIRST_WKID;
2029   // first do Object, then String, Class
2030 #if INCLUDE_CDS
2031   if (UseSharedSpaces) {
2032     resolve_wk_klasses_through(WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(Object_klass), scan, CHECK);
2034     // It's unsafe to access the archived heap regions before they
2035     // are fixed up, so we must do the fixup as early as possible
2036     // before the archived java objects are accessed by functions
2037     // such as java_lang_Class::restore_archived_mirror and
2038     // ConstantPool::restore_unshareable_info (restores the archived
2039     // resolved_references array object).
2040     //
2041     // HeapShared::fixup_mapped_heap_regions() fills the empty

2069   Universe::fixup_mirrors(CHECK);
2071   // do a bunch more:
2072   resolve_wk_klasses_through(WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(Reference_klass), scan, CHECK);
2074   // Preload ref klasses and set reference types
2075   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(Reference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_OTHER);
2076   InstanceRefKlass::update_nonstatic_oop_maps(WK_KLASS(Reference_klass));
2078   resolve_wk_klasses_through(WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(PhantomReference_klass), scan, CHECK);
2079   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(SoftReference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_SOFT);
2080   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(WeakReference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_WEAK);
2081   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(FinalReference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_FINAL);
2082   InstanceKlass::cast(WK_KLASS(PhantomReference_klass))->set_reference_type(REF_PHANTOM);
2084   // JSR 292 classes
2085   WKID jsr292_group_start = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(MethodHandle_klass);
2086   WKID jsr292_group_end   = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(VolatileCallSite_klass);
2087   resolve_wk_klasses_until(jsr292_group_start, scan, CHECK);
2088   resolve_wk_klasses_through(jsr292_group_end, scan, CHECK);
2090   resolve_wk_klasses_until(last, scan, CHECK);
2092   _box_klasses[T_BOOLEAN] = WK_KLASS(Boolean_klass);
2093   _box_klasses[T_CHAR]    = WK_KLASS(Character_klass);
2094   _box_klasses[T_FLOAT]   = WK_KLASS(Float_klass);
2095   _box_klasses[T_DOUBLE]  = WK_KLASS(Double_klass);
2096   _box_klasses[T_BYTE]    = WK_KLASS(Byte_klass);
2097   _box_klasses[T_SHORT]   = WK_KLASS(Short_klass);
2098   _box_klasses[T_INT]     = WK_KLASS(Integer_klass);
2099   _box_klasses[T_LONG]    = WK_KLASS(Long_klass);
2100   //_box_klasses[T_OBJECT]  = WK_KLASS(object_klass);
2101   //_box_klasses[T_ARRAY]   = WK_KLASS(object_klass);
2103   { // Compute whether we should use checkPackageAccess or NOT
2104     Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(ClassLoader_klass())->find_method(vmSymbols::checkPackageAccess_name(), vmSymbols::class_protectiondomain_signature());
2105     _has_checkPackageAccess = (method != NULL);
2106   }
2108   if (UseSharedSpaces) {
2109     assert(JvmtiEnvBase::get_phase() <= JVMTI_PHASE_PRIMORDIAL,
2110            "All well known classes must be resolved in JVMTI_PHASE_PRIMORDIAL or before");
2111     for (int i = FIRST_WKID; i < last; i++) {
2112       InstanceKlass* k = _well_known_klasses[i];
2113       assert(k->is_shared(), "must not be replaced by JVMTI class file load hook");
2114     }
2115   }
2116 }
2118 // Tells if a given klass is a box (wrapper class, such as java.lang.Integer).
2119 // If so, returns the basic type it holds.  If not, returns T_OBJECT.
2120 BasicType SystemDictionary::box_klass_type(Klass* k) {
2121   assert(k != NULL, "");
2122   for (int i = T_BOOLEAN; i < T_VOID+1; i++) {
2123     if (_box_klasses[i] == k)
2124       return (BasicType)i;
2125   }
2126   return T_OBJECT;
2127 }
2129 // Constraints on class loaders. The details of the algorithm can be
2130 // found in the OOPSLA'98 paper "Dynamic Class Loading in the Java
2131 // Virtual Machine" by Sheng Liang and Gilad Bracha.  The basic idea is
2132 // that the dictionary needs to maintain a set of contraints that
2133 // must be satisfied by all classes in the dictionary.
2134 // if defining is true, then LinkageError if already in dictionary

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