1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2017, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "logging/log.hpp"
  29 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  30 #include "oops/array.hpp"
  31 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
  32 #include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp"
  34 // The metadata hierarchy is separate from the oop hierarchy
  35   class MetaspaceObj;        // no C++ vtable
  36 //class   Array;             // no C++ vtable
  37   class   Annotations;       // no C++ vtable
  38   class   ConstantPoolCache; // no C++ vtable
  39   class   ConstMethod;       // no C++ vtable
  40   class   MethodCounters;    // no C++ vtable
  41   class   Symbol;            // no C++ vtable
  42   class   Metadata;          // has C++ vtable (so do all subclasses)
  43   class     ConstantPool;
  44   class     MethodData;
  45   class     Method;
  46   class     Klass;
  47   class       InstanceKlass;
  48   class         InstanceMirrorKlass;
  49   class         InstanceClassLoaderKlass;
  50   class         InstanceRefKlass;
  51   class       ArrayKlass;
  52   class         ObjArrayKlass;
  53   class         TypeArrayKlass;
  55 // class MetaspaceClosure --
  56 //
  57 // This class is used for iterating the objects in the HotSpot Metaspaces. It
  58 // provides an API to walk all the reachable objects starting from a set of
  59 // root references (such as all Klass'es in the SystemDictionary).
  60 //
  61 // Currently it is used for compacting the CDS archive by eliminate temporary
  62 // objects allocated during archive creation time. See ArchiveCompactor in
  63 // metaspaceShared.cpp for an example.
  64 //
  65 // To support MetaspaceClosure, each subclass of MetaspaceObj must provide
  66 // a method of the type void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure*). This method
  67 // should call MetaspaceClosure::push() on every pointer fields of this
  68 // class that points to a MetaspaceObj. See Annotations::metaspace_pointers_do()
  69 // for an example.
  70 class MetaspaceClosure {
  71 public:
  72   enum Writability {
  73     _writable,
  74     _not_writable,
  75     _default
  76   };
  78   // class MetaspaceClosure::Ref --
  79   //
  80   // MetaspaceClosure can be viewed as a very simple type of copying garbage
  81   // collector. For it to function properly, it requires each subclass of
  82   // MetaspaceObj to provide two methods:
  83   //
  84   //  size_t size();                                 -- to determine how much data to copy
  85   //  void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure*); -- to locate all the embedded pointers
  86   //
  87   // Calling these methods would be trivial if these two were virtual methods.
  88   // However, to save space, MetaspaceObj has NO vtable. The vtable is introduced
  89   // only in the Metadata class.
  90   //
  91   // To work around the lack of a vtable, we use Ref class with templates
  92   // (see ObjectRef, PrimitiveArrayRef and PointerArrayRef)
  93   // so that we can statically discover the type of a object. The use of Ref
  94   // depends on the fact that:
  95   //
  96   // [1] We don't use polymorphic pointers for MetaspaceObj's that are not subclasses
  97   //     of Metadata. I.e., we don't do this:
  98   //     class Klass {
  99   //         MetaspaceObj *_obj;
 100   //         Array<int>* foo() { return (Array<int>*)_obj; }
 101   //         Symbol*     bar() { return (Symbol*)    _obj; }
 102   //
 103   // [2] All Array<T> dimensions are statically declared.
 104   class Ref : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
 105     Writability _writability;
 106     Ref* _next;
 107     // Noncopyable.
 108     Ref(const Ref&);
 109     Ref& operator=(const Ref&);
 110   protected:
 111     virtual void** mpp() const = 0;
 112     Ref(Writability w) : _writability(w), _next(NULL) {}
 113   public:
 114     virtual bool not_null() const = 0;
 115     virtual int size() const = 0;
 116     virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *it) const = 0;
 117     virtual void metaspace_pointers_do_at(MetaspaceClosure *it, address new_loc) const = 0;
 118     virtual MetaspaceObj::Type msotype() const = 0;
 119     virtual bool is_read_only_by_default() const = 0;
 120     virtual ~Ref() {}
 122     address obj() const {
 123       // In some rare cases (see CPSlot in constantPool.hpp) we store some flags in the lowest
 124       // 2 bits of a MetaspaceObj pointer. Unmask these when manipulating the pointer.
 125       uintx p = (uintx)*mpp();
 126       return (address)(p & (~FLAG_MASK));
 127     }
 129     address* addr() const {
 130       return (address*)mpp();
 131     }
 133     void update(address new_loc) const;
 135     Writability writability() const { return _writability; };
 136     void set_next(Ref* n)           { _next = n; }
 137     Ref* next() const               { return _next; }
 139   private:
 140     static const uintx FLAG_MASK = 0x03;
 142     int flag_bits() const {
 143       uintx p = (uintx)*mpp();
 144       return (int)(p & FLAG_MASK);
 145     }
 146   };
 148 private:
 149   // -------------------------------------------------- ObjectRef
 150   template <class T> class ObjectRef : public Ref {
 151     T** _mpp;
 152     T* dereference() const {
 153       return *_mpp;
 154     }
 155   protected:
 156     virtual void** mpp() const {
 157       return (void**)_mpp;
 158     }
 160   public:
 161     ObjectRef(T** mpp, Writability w) : Ref(w), _mpp(mpp) {}
 163     virtual bool is_read_only_by_default() const { return T::is_read_only_by_default(); }
 164     virtual bool not_null()                const { return dereference() != NULL; }
 165     virtual int size()                     const { return dereference()->size(); }
 166     virtual MetaspaceObj::Type msotype()   const { return dereference()->type(); }
 168     virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *it) const {
 169       dereference()->metaspace_pointers_do(it);
 170     }
 171     virtual void metaspace_pointers_do_at(MetaspaceClosure *it, address new_loc) const {
 172       ((T*)new_loc)->metaspace_pointers_do(it);
 173     }
 174   };
 176   // -------------------------------------------------- PrimitiveArrayRef
 177   template <class T> class PrimitiveArrayRef : public Ref {
 178     Array<T>** _mpp;
 179     Array<T>* dereference() const {
 180       return *_mpp;
 181     }
 182   protected:
 183     virtual void** mpp() const {
 184       return (void**)_mpp;
 185     }
 187   public:
 188     PrimitiveArrayRef(Array<T>** mpp, Writability w) : Ref(w), _mpp(mpp) {}
 190     // all Arrays are read-only by default
 191     virtual bool is_read_only_by_default() const { return true; }
 192     virtual bool not_null()                const { return dereference() != NULL;  }
 193     virtual int size()                     const { return dereference()->size(); }
 194     virtual MetaspaceObj::Type msotype()   const { return MetaspaceObj::array_type(sizeof(T)); }
 196     virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *it) const {
 197       Array<T>* array = dereference();
 198       log_trace(cds)("Iter(PrimitiveArray): %p [%d]", array, array->length());
 199     }
 200     virtual void metaspace_pointers_do_at(MetaspaceClosure *it, address new_loc) const {
 201       Array<T>* array = (Array<T>*)new_loc;
 202       log_trace(cds)("Iter(PrimitiveArray): %p [%d]", array, array->length());
 203     }
 204   };
 206   // -------------------------------------------------- PointerArrayRef
 207   template <class T> class PointerArrayRef : public Ref {
 208     Array<T*>** _mpp;
 209     Array<T*>* dereference() const {
 210       return *_mpp;
 211     }
 212   protected:
 213     virtual void** mpp() const {
 214       return (void**)_mpp;
 215     }
 217   public:
 218     PointerArrayRef(Array<T*>** mpp, Writability w) : Ref(w), _mpp(mpp) {}
 220     // all Arrays are read-only by default
 221     virtual bool is_read_only_by_default() const { return true; }
 222     virtual bool not_null()                const { return dereference() != NULL; }
 223     virtual int size()                     const { return dereference()->size(); }
 224     virtual MetaspaceObj::Type msotype()   const { return MetaspaceObj::array_type(sizeof(T*)); }
 226     virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *it) const {
 227       metaspace_pointers_do_at_impl(it, dereference());
 228     }
 229     virtual void metaspace_pointers_do_at(MetaspaceClosure *it, address new_loc) const {
 230       metaspace_pointers_do_at_impl(it, (Array<T*>*)new_loc);
 231     }
 232   private:
 233     void metaspace_pointers_do_at_impl(MetaspaceClosure *it, Array<T*>* array) const {
 234       log_trace(cds)("Iter(ObjectArray): %p [%d]", array, array->length());
 235       for (int i = 0; i < array->length(); i++) {
 236         T** mpp = array->adr_at(i);
 237         it->push(mpp);
 238       }
 239     }
 240   };
 242   // If recursion is too deep, save the Refs in _pending_refs, and push them later using
 243   // MetaspaceClosure::finish()
 244   static const int MAX_NEST_LEVEL = 5;
 245   Ref* _pending_refs;
 246   int _nest_level;
 248   void push_impl(Ref* ref);
 249   void do_push(Ref* ref);
 251 public:
 252   MetaspaceClosure(): _pending_refs(NULL), _nest_level(0) {}
 253   ~MetaspaceClosure();
 255   void finish();
 257   // returns true if we want to keep iterating the pointers embedded inside <ref>
 258   virtual bool do_ref(Ref* ref, bool read_only) = 0;
 260   // When you do:
 261   //     void MyType::metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it) {
 262   //       it->push(_my_field)
 263   //
 264   // C++ will try to match the "most specific" template function. This one will
 265   // will be matched if possible (if mpp is an Array<> of any pointer type).
 266   template <typename T> void push(Array<T*>** mpp, Writability w = _default) {
 267     push_impl(new PointerArrayRef<T>(mpp, w));
 268   }
 270   // If the above function doesn't match (mpp is an Array<>, but T is not a pointer type), then
 271   // this is the second choice.
 272   template <typename T> void push(Array<T>** mpp, Writability w = _default) {
 273     push_impl(new PrimitiveArrayRef<T>(mpp, w));
 274   }
 276   // If the above function doesn't match (mpp is not an Array<> type), then
 277   // this will be matched by default.
 278   template <class T> void push(T** mpp, Writability w = _default) {
 279     push_impl(new ObjectRef<T>(mpp, w));
 280   }
 281 };
 283 // This is a special MetaspaceClosure that visits each unique MetaspaceObj once.
 284 class UniqueMetaspaceClosure : public MetaspaceClosure {
 285   static const int INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE = 15889;
 286   static const int MAX_TABLE_SIZE     = 1000000;
 288   // Do not override. Returns true if we are discovering ref->obj() for the first time.
 289   virtual bool do_ref(Ref* ref, bool read_only);
 291 public:
 292   // Gets called the first time we discover an object.
 293   virtual bool do_unique_ref(Ref* ref, bool read_only) = 0;
 294   UniqueMetaspaceClosure() : _has_been_visited(INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE) {}
 296 private:
 297   KVHashtable<address, bool, mtInternal> _has_been_visited;
 298 };