/* * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package compiler.valhalla.valuetypes; import sun.hotspot.WhiteBox; import jdk.test.lib.Asserts; /* * @test * @summary Test calls from {C1} to {C2, Interpreter}, and vice versa. * @library /testlibrary /test/lib /compiler/whitebox / * @requires os.simpleArch == "x64" * @compile TestCallingConventionC1.java * @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox jdk.test.lib.Platform * @run main/othervm/timeout=300 -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions * -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI * compiler.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeTest * compiler.valhalla.valuetypes.TestCallingConventionC1 */ public class TestCallingConventionC1 extends ValueTypeTest { public static final int C1 = COMP_LEVEL_SIMPLE; public static final int C2 = COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION; @Override public int getNumScenarios() { return 4; } @Override public String[] getVMParameters(int scenario) { switch (scenario) { case 0: return new String[] { // Default: both C1 and C2 are enabled, tierd compilation enabled "-XX:+EnableValhallaC1", "-XX:CICompilerCount=2" }; case 1: return new String[] { // Same as above, but flip all the compLevel=C1 and compLevel=C2, so we test // the compliment of the above scenario. "-XX:+EnableValhallaC1", "-XX:CICompilerCount=2", "-DFlipC1C2=true" }; case 2: return new String[] { // Only C1. Tierd compilation disabled. "-XX:+EnableValhallaC1", "-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1", }; case 3: return new String[] { // Only C2. "-XX:-EnableValhallaC1", "-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=4", }; } return null; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { System.gc(); // Resolve this call, to avoid C1 code patching in the test cases. TestCallingConventionC1 test = new TestCallingConventionC1(); test.run(args, Point.class, Functor.class, Functor1.class, Functor2.class, Functor3.class, Functor4.class, MyImplPojo0.class, MyImplPojo1.class, MyImplPojo2.class, MyImplVal1.class, MyImplVal2.class, FixedPoints.class, FloatPoint.class, RefPoint.class); } static inline class Point { final int x; final int y; public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } @DontCompile @DontInline public int func() { return x + y; } @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) @DontInline public int func_c1(Point p) { return x + y + p.x + p.y; } } static interface FunctorInterface { public int apply_interp(Point p); } static class Functor implements FunctorInterface { @DontCompile @DontInline public int apply_interp(Point p) { return p.func() + 0; } } static class Functor1 extends Functor { @DontCompile @DontInline public int apply_interp(Point p) { return p.func() + 10000; } } static class Functor2 extends Functor { @DontCompile @DontInline public int apply_interp(Point p) { return p.func() + 20000; } } static class Functor3 extends Functor { @DontCompile @DontInline public int apply_interp(Point p) { return p.func() + 30000; } } static class Functor4 extends Functor { @DontCompile @DontInline public int apply_interp(Point p) { return p.func() + 40000; } } static Functor functors[] = { new Functor(), new Functor1(), new Functor2(), new Functor3(), new Functor4() }; static int functorCounter = 0; static Functor getFunctor() { int n = (++ functorCounter) % functors.length; return functors[n]; } static Point pointField = new Point(123, 456); static Point pointField1 = new Point(1123, 1456); static Point pointField2 = new Point(2123, 2456); static interface Intf { public int func1(int a, int b); public int func2(int a, int b, Point p); } static class MyImplPojo0 implements Intf { int field = 0; @DontInline @DontCompile public int func1(int a, int b) { return field + a + b + 1; } @DontInline @DontCompile public int func2(int a, int b, Point p) { return field + a + b + p.x + p.y + 1; } } static class MyImplPojo1 implements Intf { int field = 1000; @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public int func1(int a, int b) { return field + a + b + 20; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public int func2(int a, int b, Point p) { return field + a + b + p.x + p.y + 20; } } static class MyImplPojo2 implements Intf { int field = 2000; @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C2) public int func1(int a, int b) { return field + a + b + 20; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C2) public int func2(int a, int b, Point p) { return field + a + b + p.x + p.y + 20; } } static inline class MyImplVal1 implements Intf { final int field; MyImplVal1() { field = 11000; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public int func1(int a, int b) { return field + a + b + 300; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public int func2(int a, int b, Point p) { return field + a + b + p.x + p.y + 300; } } static inline class MyImplVal2 implements Intf { final int field; MyImplVal2() { field = 12000; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C2) public int func1(int a, int b) { return field + a + b + 300; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C2) public int func2(int a, int b, Point p) { return field + a + b + p.x + p.y + 300; } } static Intf intfs[] = { new MyImplPojo0(), // methods not compiled new MyImplPojo1(), // methods compiled by C1 new MyImplPojo2(), // methods compiled by C2 new MyImplVal1(), // methods compiled by C1 new MyImplVal2() // methods compiled by C2 }; static Intf getIntf(int i) { int n = i % intfs.length; return intfs[n]; } static inline class FixedPoints { final boolean Z0 = false; final boolean Z1 = true; final byte B = (byte)2; final char C = (char)34; final short S = (short)456; final int I = 5678; final long J = 0x1234567800abcdefL; } static FixedPoints fixedPointsField = new FixedPoints(); static inline class FloatPoint { final float x; final float y; public FloatPoint(float x, float y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } static inline class DoublePoint { final double x; final double y; public DoublePoint(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } static FloatPoint floatPointField = new FloatPoint(123.456f, 789.012f); static DoublePoint doublePointField = new DoublePoint(123.456, 789.012); static inline class EightFloats { float f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8; public EightFloats() { f1 = 1.1f; f2 = 2.2f; f3 = 3.3f; f4 = 4.4f; f5 = 5.5f; f6 = 6.6f; f7 = 7.7f; f8 = 8.8f; } } static EightFloats eightFloatsField = new EightFloats(); static class Number { int n; Number(int v) { n = v; } void set(int v) { n = v; } } static interface RefPoint_Access { public int func1(RefPoint rp2); public int func2(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, Number n1, RefPoint rp3, RefPoint rp4, Number n2); } static inline class RefPoint implements RefPoint_Access { final Number x; final Number y; public RefPoint(int x, int y) { this.x = new Number(x); this.y = new Number(y); } public RefPoint(Number x, Number y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public final int final_func(RefPoint rp2) { // opt_virtual_call return this.x.n + this.y.n + rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public int func1(RefPoint rp2) { return this.x.n + this.y.n + rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public int func2(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, Number n1, RefPoint rp3, RefPoint rp4, Number n2) { return x.n + y.n + rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n + rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n + n1.n + rp3.x.n + rp3.y.n + rp4.x.n + rp4.y.n + n2.n; } } static class RefPoint_Access_Impl1 implements RefPoint_Access { @DontInline @DontCompile public int func1(RefPoint rp2) { return rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n + 1111111; } @DontInline @DontCompile public int func2(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, Number n1, RefPoint rp3, RefPoint rp4, Number n2) { return 111111 + rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n + rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n + n1.n + rp3.x.n + rp3.y.n + rp4.x.n + rp4.y.n + n2.n; } } static class RefPoint_Access_Impl2 implements RefPoint_Access { @DontInline @DontCompile public int func1(RefPoint rp2) { return rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n + 2222222; } @DontInline @DontCompile public int func2(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, Number n1, RefPoint rp3, RefPoint rp4, Number n2) { return 222222 + rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n + rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n + n1.n + rp3.x.n + rp3.y.n + rp4.x.n + rp4.y.n + n2.n; } } static RefPoint_Access refPoint_Access_impls[] = { new RefPoint_Access_Impl1(), new RefPoint_Access_Impl2(), new RefPoint(0x12345, 0x6789a) }; static int next_RefPoint_Access = 0; static RefPoint_Access get_RefPoint_Access() { int i = next_RefPoint_Access ++; return refPoint_Access_impls[i % refPoint_Access_impls.length]; } static RefPoint refPointField1 = new RefPoint(12, 34); static RefPoint refPointField2 = new RefPoint(56789, 0x12345678); // This inline class has too many fields to fit in registers on x64 for // ValueTypeReturnedAsFields. static inline class TooBigToReturnAsFields { int a0 = 0; int a1 = 1; int a2 = 2; int a3 = 3; int a4 = 4; int a5 = 5; int a6 = 6; int a7 = 7; int a8 = 8; int a9 = 9; } static TooBigToReturnAsFields tooBig = new TooBigToReturnAsFields(); //********************************************************************** // PART 1 - C1 calls interpreted code //********************************************************************** //** C1 passes value to interpreter (static) @Test(compLevel = C1) public int test1() { return test1_helper(pointField); } @DontInline @DontCompile private static int test1_helper(Point p) { return p.func(); } @DontCompile public void test1_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 10; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, single value arg @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test30() { return test30_helper(pointField); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test30_helper(Point p) { return p.x + p.y; } @DontCompile public void test30_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, two single value args @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test31() { return test31_helper(pointField1, pointField2); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test31_helper(Point p1, Point p2) { return p1.x + p2.y; } @DontCompile public void test31_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, two single value args and interleaving ints (all passed in registers on x64) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test32() { return test32_helper(0, pointField1, 1, pointField2); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test32_helper(int x, Point p1, int y, Point p2) { return p1.x + p2.y + x + y; } @DontCompile public void test32_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokeinterface -- no verified_ro_entry (no value args except for receiver) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test33(Intf intf, int a, int b) { return intf.func1(a, b); } @DontCompile public void test33_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC1 invokeinterface -- use verified_ro_entry (has value args other than receiver) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test34(Intf intf, int a, int b) { return intf.func2(a, b, pointField); } @DontCompile public void test34_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, Point.y is on stack (x64) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test35() { return test35_helper(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, pointField); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test35_helper(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, Point p) { return a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + p.x + p.y; } @DontCompile public void test35_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, shuffling arguments that are passed on stack @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test36() { return test36_helper(pointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test36_helper(Point p, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8) { return a6 + a8; } @DontCompile public void test36_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, shuffling long arguments @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test37() { return test37_helper(pointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test37_helper(Point p, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6, long a7, long a8) { return (int)(a6 + a8); } @DontCompile public void test37_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, shuffling boolean, byte, char, short, int, long arguments @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test38() { return test38_helper(pointField, true, (byte)1, (char)2, (short)3, 4, 5, (byte)6, (short)7, 8); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test38_helper(Point p, boolean a0, byte a1, char a2, short a3, int a4, long a5, byte a6, short a7, int a8) { if (a0) { return (int)(a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8); } else { return -1; } } @DontCompile public void test38_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, packing a value object with all types of fixed point primitive fields. @Test(compLevel = C2) public long test39() { return test39_helper(1, fixedPointsField, 2, fixedPointsField); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static long test39_helper(int a1, FixedPoints f1, int a2, FixedPoints f2) { if (f1.Z0 == false && f1.Z1 == true && f2.Z0 == false && f2.Z1 == true) { return f1.B + f2.C + f1.S + f2.I + f1.J; } else { return -1; } } @DontCompile public void test39_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, shuffling floating point args @Test(compLevel = C2) public double test40() { return test40_helper(1.1f, 1.2, floatPointField, doublePointField, 1.3f, 1.4, 1.5f, 1.7, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static double test40_helper(float a1, double a2, FloatPoint fp, DoublePoint dp, float a3, double a4, float a5, double a6, double a7, double a8, double a9, double a10, double a11, double a12) { return a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8 + a9 + a10 + a11 + a12 + fp.x + fp.y - dp.x - dp.y; } @DontCompile public void test40_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, mixing floats and ints @Test(compLevel = C2) public double test41() { return test41_helper(1, 1.2, pointField, floatPointField, doublePointField, 1.3f, 4, 1.5f, 1.7, 1.7, 1.8, 9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static double test41_helper(int a1, double a2, Point p, FloatPoint fp, DoublePoint dp, float a3, int a4, float a5, double a6, double a7, double a8, long a9, double a10, double a11, double a12) { return a1 + a2 + fp.x + fp.y - dp.x - dp.y + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8 + a9 + a10 + a11 + a12; } @DontCompile public void test41_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, circular dependency (between rdi and first stack slot on x64) @Test(compLevel = C2) public float test42() { return test42_helper(eightFloatsField, pointField, 3, 4, 5, floatPointField, 7); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static float test42_helper(EightFloats ep1, // (xmm0 ... xmm7) -> rsi Point p2, // (rsi, rdx) -> rdx int i3, // rcx -> rcx int i4, // r8 -> r8 int i5, // r9 -> r9 FloatPoint fp6, // (stk[0], stk[1]) -> rdi ** circ depend int i7) // rdi -> stk[0] ** circ depend { return ep1.f1 + ep1.f2 + ep1.f3 + ep1.f4 + ep1.f5 + ep1.f6 + ep1.f7 + ep1.f8 + p2.x + p2.y + i3 + i4 + i5 + fp6.x + fp6.y + i7; } @DontCompile public void test42_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, packing causes stack growth (1 extra stack word) @Test(compLevel = C2) public float test43() { return test43_helper(floatPointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static float test43_helper(FloatPoint fp, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) { // On x64: // Scalarized entry -- all parameters are passed in registers // Non-scalarized entry -- a6 is passed on stack[0] return fp.x + fp.y + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6; } @DontCompile public void test43_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, packing causes stack growth (2 extra stack words) @Test(compLevel = C2) public float test44() { return test44_helper(floatPointField, floatPointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static float test44_helper(FloatPoint fp1, FloatPoint fp2, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) { // On x64: // Scalarized entry -- all parameters are passed in registers // Non-scalarized entry -- a5 is passed on stack[0] // Non-scalarized entry -- a6 is passed on stack[1] return fp1.x + fp1.y + fp2.x + fp2.y + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6; } @DontCompile public void test44_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, packing causes stack growth (5 extra stack words) @Test(compLevel = C2) public float test45() { return test45_helper(floatPointField, floatPointField, floatPointField, floatPointField, floatPointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static float test45_helper(FloatPoint fp1, FloatPoint fp2, FloatPoint fp3, FloatPoint fp4, FloatPoint fp5, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) { return fp1.x + fp1.y + fp2.x + fp2.y + fp3.x + fp3.y + fp4.x + fp4.y + fp5.x + fp5.y + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7; } @DontCompile public void test45_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, packing causes stack growth (1 extra stack word -- mixing Point and FloatPoint) @Test(compLevel = C2) public float test46() { return test46_helper(floatPointField, floatPointField, pointField, floatPointField, floatPointField, pointField, floatPointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static float test46_helper(FloatPoint fp1, FloatPoint fp2, Point p1, FloatPoint fp3, FloatPoint fp4, Point p2, FloatPoint fp5, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) { return p1.x + p1.y + p2.x + p2.y + fp1.x + fp1.y + fp2.x + fp2.y + fp3.x + fp3.y + fp4.x + fp4.y + fp5.x + fp5.y + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7; } @DontCompile public void test46_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 2; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, make sure stack walking works (with static variable) @Test(compLevel = C2) public void test47(int n) { try { test47_helper(floatPointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); test47_value = 666; } catch (MyRuntimeException e) { // expected; } test47_value = n; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static float test47_helper(FloatPoint fp, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { test47_thrower(); return 0.0f; } @DontInline @DontCompile private static void test47_thrower() { MyRuntimeException e = new MyRuntimeException("This exception should have been caught!"); checkStackTrace(e, "test47_thrower", "test47_helper", "test47", "test47_verifier"); throw e; } static int test47_value = 999; @DontCompile public void test47_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, make sure stack walking works (with returned value) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test48(int n) { try { test48_helper(floatPointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); return 666; } catch (MyRuntimeException e) { // expected; } return n; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static float test48_helper(FloatPoint fp, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { test48_thrower(); return 0.0f; } @DontInline @DontCompile private static void test48_thrower() { MyRuntimeException e = new MyRuntimeException("This exception should have been caught!"); checkStackTrace(e, "test48_thrower", "test48_helper", "test48", "test48_verifier"); throw e; } @DontCompile public void test48_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iinterpreter invokestatic, make sure stack walking works (same as test 48, but with stack extension/repair) // (this is the baseline for test50 -- // the only difference is: test49_helper is interpreted but test50_helper is compiled by C1). @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test49(int n) { try { test49_helper(floatPointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); return 666; } catch (MyRuntimeException e) { // expected; } return n; } @DontInline @DontCompile private static float test49_helper(FloatPoint fp, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) { test49_thrower(); return 0.0f; } @DontInline @DontCompile private static void test49_thrower() { MyRuntimeException e = new MyRuntimeException("This exception should have been caught!"); checkStackTrace(e, "test49_thrower", "test49_helper", "test49", "test49_verifier"); throw e; } @DontCompile public void test49_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, make sure stack walking works (same as test 48, but with stack extension/repair) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test50(int n) { try { test50_helper(floatPointField, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); return 666; } catch (MyRuntimeException e) { // expected; } return n; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static float test50_helper(FloatPoint fp, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) { test50_thrower(); return 0.0f; } @DontInline @DontCompile private static void test50_thrower() { MyRuntimeException e = new MyRuntimeException("This exception should have been caught!"); checkStackTrace(e, "test50_thrower", "test50_helper", "test50", "test50_verifier"); throw e; } @DontCompile public void test50_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, inline class with ref fields (RefPoint) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test51() { return test51_helper(refPointField1); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test51_helper(RefPoint rp1) { return rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n; } @DontCompile public void test51_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, inline class with ref fields (Point, RefPoint) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test52() { return test52_helper(pointField, refPointField1); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test52_helper(Point p1, RefPoint rp1) { return p1.x + p1.y + rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n; } @DontCompile public void test52_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, inline class with ref fields (RefPoint, RefPoint, RefPoint, RefPoint) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test53() { return test53_helper(refPointField1, refPointField2, refPointField1, refPointField2); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test53_helper(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, RefPoint rp3, RefPoint rp4) { return rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n + rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n + rp3.x.n + rp3.y.n + rp4.x.n + rp4.y.n; } @DontCompile public void test53_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, inline class with ref fields (RefPoint, RefPoint, float, int, RefPoint, RefPoint) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test54() { return test54_helper(refPointField1, refPointField2, 1.0f, 2, refPointField1, refPointField2); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test54_helper(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, float f, int i, RefPoint rp3, RefPoint rp4) { return rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n + rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n + (int)(f) + i + rp3.x.n + rp3.y.n + rp4.x.n + rp4.y.n; } @DontCompile public void test54_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, force GC for every allocation when entering a C1 VEP (Point) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test55(Point p1) { return test55_helper(p1); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test55_helper(Point p1) { return p1.x + p1.y; } @DontCompile public void test55_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, force GC for every allocation when entering a C1 VEP (RefPoint) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test56(RefPoint rp1) { return test56_helper(rp1); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test56_helper(RefPoint rp1) { return rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n; } @DontCompile public void test56_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iInterpreter (same as test56, but test c2i entry instead of C1) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test57(RefPoint rp1) { return test57_helper(rp1); } @DontInline @DontCompile private static int test57_helper(RefPoint rp1) { return rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n; } @DontCompile public void test57_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, force GC for every allocation when entering a C1 VEP (a bunch of RefPoints and Numbers); @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test58(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, Number n1, RefPoint rp3, RefPoint rp4, Number n2) { return test58_helper(rp1, rp2, n1, rp3, rp4, n2); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test58_helper(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, Number n1, RefPoint rp3, RefPoint rp4, Number n2) { return rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n + rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n + n1.n + rp3.x.n + rp3.y.n + rp4.x.n + rp4.y.n + n2.n; } @DontCompile public void test58_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, GC inside main body of C1-compiled method (caller's args should not be GC'ed). @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test59(RefPoint rp1, boolean doGC) { return test59_helper(rp1, 11, 222, 3333, 4444, doGC); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test59_helper(RefPoint rp1, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, boolean doGC) { if (doGC) { System.gc(); } return rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4; } @DontCompile public void test59_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; boolean doGC = !warmup; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic, GC inside main body of C1-compiled method (caller's args should not be GC'ed). // same as test59, but the incoming (scalarized) oops are passed in both registers and stack. @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test60(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, boolean doGC) { return test60_helper(555, 6666, 77777, rp1, rp2, 11, 222, 3333, 4444, doGC); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static int test60_helper(int x0, int x1, int x2, RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2,int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, boolean doGC) { // On x64, C2 passes: reg0=x1, reg1=x1, reg2=x2, reg3=rp1.x, reg4=rp1.y, reg5=rp2.x stack0=rp2.y .... // C1 expects: reg0=x1, reg1=x1, reg2=x2, reg3=rp1, reg4=rp2, reg5=a1 stack0=a2 ... // When GC happens, make sure it does not treat reg5 and stack0 as oops! if (doGC) { System.gc(); } return x0 + x1 + x2 + rp1.x.n + rp1.y.n + rp2.x.n + rp2.y.n + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4; } @DontCompile public void test60_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; boolean doGC = !warmup; for (int i=0; iC1 invokeinterface via VVEP(RO) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test61(RefPoint_Access rpa, RefPoint rp2) { return rpa.func1(rp2); } @DontCompile public void test61_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC1 invokeinterface via VVEP(RO) -- force GC for every allocation when entering a C1 VVEP(RO) (RefPoint) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test62(RefPoint_Access rpa, RefPoint rp2) { return rpa.func1(rp2); } @DontCompile public void test62_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC1 invokeinterface via VVEP(RO) -- force GC for every allocation when entering a C1 VVEP(RO) (a bunch of RefPoints and Numbers) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test63(RefPoint_Access rpa, RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2, Number n1, RefPoint rp3, RefPoint rp4, Number n2) { return rpa.func2(rp1, rp2, n1, rp3, rp4, n2); } @DontCompile public void test63_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC1 invokevirtual via VVEP(RO) (opt_virtual_call) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test76(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2) { return rp1.final_func(rp2); } @DontCompile public void test76_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokevirtual, force GC for every allocation when entering a C1 VEP (RefPoint) // Same as test56, except we call the VVEP(RO) instead of VEP. @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test77(RefPoint rp1, RefPoint rp2) { return rp1.final_func(rp2); } @DontCompile public void test77_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 5; for (int i=0; iC1 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (Point) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test78(Point p) { Point np = test78_helper(p); return np.x + np.y; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static Point test78_helper(Point p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test78_verifier(boolean warmup) { int result = test78(pointField1); int n = pointField1.x + pointField1.y; Asserts.assertEQ(result, n); } // C2->C1 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (RefPoint) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test79(RefPoint p) { RefPoint np = test79_helper(p); return np.x.n + np.y.n; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static RefPoint test79_helper(RefPoint p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test79_verifier(boolean warmup) { int result = test79(refPointField1); int n = refPointField1.x.n + refPointField1.y.n; Asserts.assertEQ(result, n); } // C1->C2 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (RefPoint) @Test(compLevel = C1) public int test80(RefPoint p) { RefPoint np = test80_helper(p); return np.x.n + np.y.n; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C2) private static RefPoint test80_helper(RefPoint p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test80_verifier(boolean warmup) { int result = test80(refPointField1); int n = refPointField1.x.n + refPointField1.y.n; Asserts.assertEQ(result, n); } // Interpreter->C1 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (Point) @Test(compLevel = C1) public Point test81(Point p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test81_verifier(boolean warmup) { Point p = test81(pointField1); Asserts.assertEQ(p.x, pointField1.x); Asserts.assertEQ(p.y, pointField1.y); p = test81(pointField2); Asserts.assertEQ(p.x, pointField2.x); Asserts.assertEQ(p.y, pointField2.y); } // C1->Interpreter invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (RefPoint) @Test(compLevel = C1) public int test82(RefPoint p) { RefPoint np = test82_helper(p); return np.x.n + np.y.n; } @DontInline @DontCompile private static RefPoint test82_helper(RefPoint p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test82_verifier(boolean warmup) { int result = test82(refPointField1); int n = refPointField1.x.n + refPointField1.y.n; Asserts.assertEQ(result, n); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests for ValueTypeReturnedAsFields vs the inline class TooBigToReturnAsFields //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C2->C1 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (TooBigToReturnAsFields) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test83(TooBigToReturnAsFields p) { TooBigToReturnAsFields np = test83_helper(p); return p.a0 + p.a5; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static TooBigToReturnAsFields test83_helper(TooBigToReturnAsFields p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test83_verifier(boolean warmup) { int result = test83(tooBig); int n = tooBig.a0 + tooBig.a5; Asserts.assertEQ(result, n); } // C1->C2 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (TooBigToReturnAsFields) @Test(compLevel = C1) public int test84(TooBigToReturnAsFields p) { TooBigToReturnAsFields np = test84_helper(p); return p.a0 + p.a5; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C2) private static TooBigToReturnAsFields test84_helper(TooBigToReturnAsFields p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test84_verifier(boolean warmup) { int result = test84(tooBig); int n = tooBig.a0 + tooBig.a5; Asserts.assertEQ(result, n); } // Interpreter->C1 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (TooBigToReturnAsFields) @Test(compLevel = C1) public TooBigToReturnAsFields test85(TooBigToReturnAsFields p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test85_verifier(boolean warmup) { TooBigToReturnAsFields p = test85(tooBig); Asserts.assertEQ(p.a0, tooBig.a0); Asserts.assertEQ(p.a2, tooBig.a2); } // C1->Interpreter invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (TooBigToReturnAsFields) @Test(compLevel = C1) public int test86(TooBigToReturnAsFields p) { TooBigToReturnAsFields np = test86_helper(p); return p.a0 + p.a5; } @DontInline @DontCompile private static TooBigToReturnAsFields test86_helper(TooBigToReturnAsFields p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test86_verifier(boolean warmup) { int result = test86(tooBig); int n = tooBig.a0 + tooBig.a5; Asserts.assertEQ(result, n); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests for how C1 handles ValueTypeReturnedAsFields in both calls and returns (RefPoint?) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C2->C1 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (RefPoint?) @Test(compLevel = C2) public RefPoint? test87(RefPoint? p) { return test87_helper(p); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static RefPoint? test87_helper(RefPoint? p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test87_verifier(boolean warmup) { Object result = test87(null); Asserts.assertEQ(result, null); } // C2->C1 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (RefPoint? with constant null) @Test(compLevel = C2) public RefPoint? test88() { return test88_helper(); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) private static RefPoint? test88_helper() { return null; } @DontCompile public void test88_verifier(boolean warmup) { Object result = test88(); Asserts.assertEQ(result, null); } // C1->C2 invokestatic with ValueTypeReturnedAsFields (RefPoint?) @Test(compLevel = C1) public RefPoint? test89(RefPoint? p) { return test89_helper(p); } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C2) private static RefPoint? test89_helper(RefPoint? p) { return p; } @DontCompile public void test89_verifier(boolean warmup) { Object result = test89(null); Asserts.assertEQ(result, null); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests for unverified entries: there are 6 cases: // C1 -> Unverified Value Entry compiled by C1 // C1 -> Unverified Value Entry compiled by C2 // C2 -> Unverified Entry compiled by C1 (target is NOT a value type) // C2 -> Unverified Entry compiled by C2 (target is NOT a value type) // C2 -> Unverified Entry compiled by C1 (target IS a value type, i.e., has VVEP_RO) // C2 -> Unverified Entry compiled by C2 (target IS a value type, i.e., has VVEP_RO) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C1->C1 invokeinterface -- call Unverified Value Entry of MyImplPojo1.func2 (compiled by C1) @Test(compLevel = C1) public int test90(Intf intf, int a, int b) { return intf.func2(a, b, pointField); } static Intf test90_intfs[] = { new MyImplPojo1(), new MyImplPojo2(), }; @DontCompile public void test90_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC2 invokeinterface -- call Unverified Value Entry of MyImplPojo2.func2 (compiled by C2) @Test(compLevel = C1) public int test91(Intf intf, int a, int b) { return intf.func2(a, b, pointField); } static Intf test91_intfs[] = { new MyImplPojo2(), new MyImplPojo1(), }; @DontCompile public void test91_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC1 invokeinterface -- call Unverified Entry of MyImplPojo1.func2 (compiled by C1) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test92(Intf intf, int a, int b) { return intf.func2(a, b, pointField); } static Intf test92_intfs[] = { new MyImplPojo1(), new MyImplPojo2(), }; @DontCompile public void test92_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC2 invokeinterface -- call Unverified Entry of MyImplPojo2.func2 (compiled by C2) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test93(Intf intf, int a, int b) { return intf.func2(a, b, pointField); } static Intf test93_intfs[] = { new MyImplPojo2(), new MyImplPojo1(), }; @DontCompile public void test93_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC1 invokeinterface -- call Unverified Entry of MyImplVal1.func2 (compiled by C1 - has VVEP_RO) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test94(Intf intf, int a, int b) { return intf.func2(a, b, pointField); } static Intf test94_intfs[] = { new MyImplVal1(), new MyImplVal2(), }; @DontCompile public void test94_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC2 invokeinterface -- call Unverified Entry of MyImplVal2.func2 (compiled by C2 - has VVEP_RO) @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test95(Intf intf, int a, int b) { return intf.func2(a, b, pointField); } static Intf test95_intfs[] = { new MyImplVal2(), new MyImplVal1(), }; @DontCompile public void test95_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC2 GC handling in StubRoutines::store_value_type_fields_to_buf() @Test(compLevel = C1) public RefPoint test96(RefPoint rp, boolean b) { RefPoint p = test96_helper(rp); if (b) { return rp; } return p; } @DontInline @ForceCompile(compLevel = C2) public RefPoint test96_helper(RefPoint rp) { return rp; } @DontCompile public void test96_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20000; // Do enough iteration to cause GC inside StubRoutines::store_value_type_fields_to_buf Number x = new Number(10); // old object for (int i=0; iC1 - caller is compiled first. It invokes callee(test97) a few times while the // callee is executed by the interpreter. Then, callee is compiled // and SharedRuntime::fixup_callers_callsite is called to fix up the // callsite from test97_verifier->test97. @Test(compLevel = C1) public int test97(Point p1, Point p2) { return test97_helper(p1, p2); } @DontInline @DontCompile public int test97_helper(Point p1, Point p2) { return p1.x + p1.y + p2.x + p2.y; } @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public void test97_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC2 - same as test97, except the callee is compiled by c2. @Test(compLevel = C2) public int test98(Point p1, Point p2) { return test98_helper(p1, p2); } @DontInline @DontCompile public int test98_helper(Point p1, Point p2) { return p1.x + p1.y + p2.x + p2.y; } @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public void test98_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; iC2 - same as test97, except the callee is a static method. @Test(compLevel = C1) public static int test99(Point p1, Point p2) { return test99_helper(p1, p2); } @DontInline @DontCompile public static int test99_helper(Point p1, Point p2) { return p1.x + p1.y + p2.x + p2.y; } @ForceCompile(compLevel = C1) public void test99_verifier(boolean warmup) { int count = warmup ? 1 : 20; for (int i=0; i