/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package compiler.valhalla.valuetypes; import compiler.whitebox.CompilerWhiteBoxTest; import jdk.test.lib.Asserts; import jdk.test.lib.management.InputArguments; import jdk.test.lib.Platform; import jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools; import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer; import jdk.test.lib.Utils; import sun.hotspot.WhiteBox; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable; import java.lang.invoke.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.TreeMap; // Mark method as test @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Repeatable(Tests.class) @interface Test { // Regular expression used to match forbidden IR nodes // in the C2 IR emitted for this test. String failOn() default ""; // Regular expressions used to match and count IR nodes. String[] match() default { }; int[] matchCount() default { }; int compLevel() default ValueTypeTest.COMP_LEVEL_ANY; int valid() default ValueTypeTest.AllFlags; } @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface Tests { Test[] value(); } // Force method inlining during compilation @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface ForceInline { } // Prevent method inlining during compilation @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface DontInline { } // Prevent method compilation @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface DontCompile { } // Force method compilation @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface ForceCompile { int compLevel() default ValueTypeTest.COMP_LEVEL_ANY; } // Number of warmup iterations @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface Warmup { int value(); } // Do not enqueue the test method for compilation immediately after warmup loops have finished. Instead // let the test method be compiled with on-stack-replacement. @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface OSRCompileOnly {} // Skip this test temporarily for C1 testing @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface TempSkipForC1 { String reason() default ""; } public abstract class ValueTypeTest { protected static final WhiteBox WHITE_BOX = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox(); // Currently C1 is disabled by default. To test C1, run "jtreg -vmoptions:-XX:+EnableValhallaC1 -vmoptions:-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1". // This forces C1 to be use for all methods that are compiled, @Test(compLevel=?) setting. static final boolean TEST_C1 = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("EnableValhallaC1"); // Should we execute tests that assume (ValueType[] <: Object[])? static final boolean ENABLE_VALUE_ARRAY_COVARIANCE = Boolean.getBoolean("ValueArrayCovariance"); // Random test values public static final int rI = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextInt() % 1000; public static final long rL = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextLong() % 1000; // User defined settings protected static final boolean XCOMP = Platform.isComp(); private static final boolean PRINT_GRAPH = true; protected static final boolean VERBOSE = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("Verbose", "false")); private static final boolean PRINT_TIMES = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("PrintTimes", "false")); private static boolean VERIFY_IR = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyIR", "true")) && !TEST_C1 && !XCOMP; private static final boolean VERIFY_VM = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyVM", "false")); private static final String SCENARIOS = System.getProperty("Scenarios", ""); private static final String TESTLIST = System.getProperty("Testlist", ""); private static final String EXCLUDELIST = System.getProperty("Exclude", ""); private static final int WARMUP = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("Warmup", "251")); private static final boolean DUMP_REPLAY = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("DumpReplay", "false")); protected static final boolean FLIP_C1_C2 = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("FlipC1C2", "false")); // "jtreg -DXcomp=true" runs all the scenarios with -Xcomp. This is faster than "jtreg -javaoptions:-Xcomp". protected static final boolean RUN_SCENARIOS_WITH_XCOMP = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("Xcomp", "false")); // Pre-defined settings private static final String[] defaultFlags = { "-XX:-BackgroundCompilation", "-XX:CICompilerCount=1", "-XX:CompileCommand=quiet", "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.invoke.*::*", "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Long::sum", "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Object::", "-XX:CompileCommand=inline,compiler.valhalla.valuetypes.MyValue*::", "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,compiler.valhalla.valuetypes.*::*"}; private static final String[] printFlags = { "-XX:+PrintCompilation", "-XX:+PrintIdeal", "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions", "-XX:+PrintOptoAssembly"}; private static final String[] verifyFlags = { "-XX:+VerifyOops", "-XX:+VerifyStack", "-XX:+VerifyLastFrame", "-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC", "-XX:+VerifyAfterGC", "-XX:+VerifyDuringGC", "-XX:+VerifyAdapterSharing"}; protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn = 0x1; protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff = 0x2; protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn = 0x4; protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff = 0x8; protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn = 0x10; protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff = 0x20; protected static final int AlwaysIncrementalInlineOn = 0x40; protected static final int AlwaysIncrementalInlineOff = 0x80; protected static final int G1GCOn = 0x100; protected static final int G1GCOff = 0x200; static final int AllFlags = ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn | ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff | ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn; protected static final boolean ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs"); protected static final boolean ValueTypeArrayFlatten = (WHITE_BOX.getIntxVMFlag("ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize") == -1); // FIXME - fix this if default of ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize is changed protected static final boolean ValueTypeReturnedAsFields = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypeReturnedAsFields"); protected static final boolean AlwaysIncrementalInline = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("AlwaysIncrementalInline"); protected static final boolean G1GC = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("UseG1GC"); protected static final long TieredStopAtLevel = (Long)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("TieredStopAtLevel"); protected static final boolean VerifyOops = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("VerifyOops"); protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_ANY = -2; protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_ALL = -2; protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_AOT = -1; protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_NONE = 0; protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_SIMPLE = 1; // C1 protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_LIMITED_PROFILE = 2; // C1, invocation & backedge counters protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_PROFILE = 3; // C1, invocation & backedge counters + mdo protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION = 4; // C2 or JVMCI protected static final Hashtable tests = new Hashtable(); protected static final boolean USE_COMPILER = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("UseCompiler"); protected static final boolean PRINT_IDEAL = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("PrintIdeal"); // Regular expressions used to match nodes in the PrintIdeal output protected static final String START = "(\\d+\\t(.*"; protected static final String MID = ".*)+\\t===.*"; protected static final String END = ")|"; protected static final String ALLOC = "(.*precise klass compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_instance_Java" + END; protected static final String ALLOCA = "(.*precise klass \\[Lcompiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_array_Java" + END; protected static final String LOAD = START + "Load(B|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END; protected static final String LOADK = START + "LoadK" + MID + END; protected static final String STORE = START + "Store(B|C|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END; protected static final String LOOP = START + "Loop" + MID + "" + END; protected static final String COUNTEDLOOP = START + "CountedLoop\\b" + MID + "" + END; protected static final String TRAP = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "uncommon_trap.*(unstable_if|predicate)" + END; protected static final String RETURN = START + "Return" + MID + "returns" + END; protected static final String LINKTOSTATIC = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "linkToStatic" + END; protected static final String NPE = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "null_check" + END; protected static final String CALL = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + END; protected static final String STOREVALUETYPEFIELDS = START + "CallStaticJava" + MID + "store_value_type_fields" + END; protected static final String SCOBJ = "(.*# ScObj.*" + END; public static String[] concat(String prefix[], String... extra) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); if (prefix != null) { for (String s : prefix) { list.add(s); } } if (extra != null) { for (String s : extra) { list.add(s); } } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Override getNumScenarios and getVMParameters if you want to run with more than * the 6 built-in scenarios */ public int getNumScenarios() { return 6; } /** * VM paramaters for the 5 built-in test scenarios. If your test needs to append * extra parameters for (some of) these scenarios, override getExtraVMParameters(). */ public String[] getVMParameters(int scenario) { switch (scenario) { case 0: return new String[] { "-XX:+AlwaysIncrementalInline", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatOops=-1", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=-1", "-XX:ValueFieldMaxFlatSize=-1", "-XX:+ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs", "-XX:+ValueTypeReturnedAsFields"}; case 1: return new String[] { "-XX:-UseCompressedOops", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatOops=-1", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=-1", "-XX:ValueFieldMaxFlatSize=-1", "-XX:-ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs", "-XX:-ValueTypeReturnedAsFields"}; case 2: return new String[] { "-DVerifyIR=false", "-XX:-UseCompressedOops", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatOops=0", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=0", "-XX:ValueFieldMaxFlatSize=0", "-XX:+ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs", "-XX:+ValueTypeReturnedAsFields", "-XX:+StressValueTypeReturnedAsFields"}; case 3: return new String[] { "-DVerifyIR=false", "-XX:+AlwaysIncrementalInline", "-XX:-ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs", "-XX:-ValueTypeReturnedAsFields"}; case 4: return new String[] { "-DVerifyIR=false", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatOops=-1", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=-1", "-XX:ValueFieldMaxFlatSize=0", "-XX:+ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs", "-XX:-ValueTypeReturnedAsFields"}; case 5: return new String[] { "-XX:+AlwaysIncrementalInline", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatOops=-1", "-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=-1", "-XX:ValueFieldMaxFlatSize=-1", "-XX:-ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs", "-XX:-ValueTypeReturnedAsFields"}; } return null; } /** * Override this method to provide extra parameters for selected scenarios */ public String[] getExtraVMParameters(int scenario) { return null; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { if (args.length != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Usage: @run main/othervm/timeout=120 -Xbootclasspath/a:." + " -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions" + " -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI" + " compiler.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeTest "); } String testMainClassName = args[0]; Class testMainClass = Class.forName(testMainClassName); ValueTypeTest test = (ValueTypeTest)testMainClass.newInstance(); List scenarios = null; if (!SCENARIOS.isEmpty()) { scenarios = Arrays.asList(SCENARIOS.split(",")); } for (int i=0; i= 0; i--) { String ex = exclude.get(i); if (ex.indexOf(".") > 0) { if (ex.startsWith(classPrefix)) { ex = ex.substring(classPrefix.length()); exclude.set(i, ex); } else { exclude.remove(i); } } } } return exclude; } protected ValueTypeTest() { List list = null; if (!TESTLIST.isEmpty()) { list = Arrays.asList(TESTLIST.split(",")); } List exclude = buildExcludeList(); // Gather all test methods and put them in Hashtable for (Method m : getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { Test[] annos = m.getAnnotationsByType(Test.class); if (annos.length != 0 && ((list == null || list.contains(m.getName())) && (exclude == null || !exclude.contains(m.getName())))) { tests.put(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::" + m.getName(), m); } } } protected void run(String[] args, Class... classes) throws Throwable { if (args.length == 0) { // Spawn a new VM instance execute_vm(); } else { // Execute tests in the VM spawned by the above code. Asserts.assertTrue(args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("run"), "must be"); run(classes); } } private void execute_vm() throws Throwable { Asserts.assertFalse(tests.isEmpty(), "no tests to execute"); String[] vmInputArgs = InputArguments.getVmInputArgs(); for (String arg : vmInputArgs) { if (arg.startsWith("-XX:CompileThreshold")) { // Disable IR verification if non-default CompileThreshold is set VERIFY_IR = false; } if (arg.startsWith("-XX:+EnableValhallaC1")) { // Disable IR verification if C1 is used (FIXME!) VERIFY_IR = false; } } // Each VM is launched with flags in this order, so the later ones can override the earlier one: // defaultFlags // VERIFY_IR/VERIFY_VM flags specified below // vmInputArgs, which consists of: // @run options // getVMParameters() // getExtraVMParameters() String cmds[] = defaultFlags; if (VERIFY_IR) { // Add print flags for IR verification cmds = concat(cmds, printFlags); // Always trap for exception throwing to not confuse IR verification cmds = concat(cmds, "-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow"); } if (VERIFY_VM) { cmds = concat(cmds, verifyFlags); } cmds = concat(cmds, vmInputArgs); // Run tests in own process and verify output cmds = concat(cmds, getClass().getName(), "run"); OutputAnalyzer oa = ProcessTools.executeTestJvm(cmds); // If ideal graph printing is enabled/supported, verify output String output = oa.getOutput(); oa.shouldHaveExitValue(0); if (VERIFY_IR) { if (output.contains("PrintIdeal enabled")) { parseOutput(output); } else { System.out.println(output); System.out.println("WARNING: IR verification failed! Running with -Xint, -Xcomp or release build?"); } } } private void parseOutput(String output) throws Exception { Pattern comp_re = Pattern.compile("\\n\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+(%| )(s| )(!| )b(n| )\\s+\\S+\\.(?[^.]+::\\S+)\\s+(?@ \\d+\\s+)?[(]\\d+ bytes[)]\\n"); Matcher m = comp_re.matcher(output); Map compilations = new LinkedHashMap<>(); int prev = 0; String methodName = null; while (m.find()) { if (prev == 0) { // Print header System.out.print(output.substring(0, m.start()+1)); } else if (methodName != null) { compilations.put(methodName, output.substring(prev, m.start()+1)); } if (m.group("osr") != null) { methodName = null; } else { methodName = m.group("name"); } prev = m.end(); } if (prev == 0) { // Print header System.out.print(output); } else if (methodName != null) { compilations.put(methodName, output.substring(prev)); } // Iterate over compilation output for (String testName : compilations.keySet()) { Method test = tests.get(testName); if (test == null) { // Skip helper methods continue; } String graph = compilations.get(testName); if (PRINT_GRAPH) { System.out.println("\nGraph for " + testName + "\n" + graph); } // Parse graph using regular expressions to determine if it contains forbidden nodes Test[] annos = test.getAnnotationsByType(Test.class); Test anno = null; for (Test a : annos) { if ((a.valid() & ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn) != 0 && ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff) != 0 && !ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn) != 0 && ValueTypeArrayFlatten) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff) != 0 && !ValueTypeArrayFlatten) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn) != 0 && ValueTypeReturnedAsFields) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } else if ((a.valid() & ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff) != 0 && !ValueTypeReturnedAsFields) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } else if ((a.valid() & AlwaysIncrementalInlineOn) != 0 && AlwaysIncrementalInline) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } else if ((a.valid() & AlwaysIncrementalInlineOff) != 0 && !AlwaysIncrementalInline) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } else if ((a.valid() & G1GCOn) != 0 && G1GC) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } else if ((a.valid() & G1GCOff) != 0 && !G1GC) { assert anno == null; anno = a; } } assert anno != null; String regexFail = anno.failOn(); if (!regexFail.isEmpty()) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexFail.substring(0, regexFail.length()-1)); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph); boolean found = matcher.find(); Asserts.assertFalse(found, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains forbidden node:\n" + (found ? matcher.group() : "")); } String[] regexMatch = anno.match(); int[] matchCount = anno.matchCount(); for (int i = 0; i < regexMatch.length; ++i) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexMatch[i].substring(0, regexMatch[i].length()-1)); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph); int count = 0; String nodes = ""; while (matcher.find()) { count++; nodes += matcher.group() + "\n"; } if (matchCount[i] < 0) { Asserts.assertLTE(Math.abs(matchCount[i]), count, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains different number of match nodes:\n" + nodes); } else { Asserts.assertEQ(matchCount[i], count, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains different number of match nodes:\n" + nodes); } } tests.remove(testName); System.out.println(testName + " passed"); } // Check if all tests were compiled if (tests.size() != 0) { for (String name : tests.keySet()) { System.out.println("Test '" + name + "' not compiled!"); } throw new RuntimeException("Not all tests were compiled"); } } private void setup(Class clazz) { if (XCOMP) { // Don't control compilation if -Xcomp is enabled return; } if (DUMP_REPLAY) { // Generate replay compilation files String directive = "[{ match: \"*.*\", DumpReplay: true }]"; if (WHITE_BOX.addCompilerDirective(directive) != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to add compiler directive"); } } Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : methods) { if (m.isAnnotationPresent(Test.class)) { // Don't inline tests WHITE_BOX.testSetDontInlineMethod(m, true); } if (m.isAnnotationPresent(DontCompile.class)) { WHITE_BOX.makeMethodNotCompilable(m, COMP_LEVEL_ANY, true); WHITE_BOX.makeMethodNotCompilable(m, COMP_LEVEL_ANY, false); WHITE_BOX.testSetDontInlineMethod(m, true); } else if (m.isAnnotationPresent(ForceCompile.class)) { int compLevel = getCompLevel(m.getAnnotation(ForceCompile.class)); WHITE_BOX.enqueueMethodForCompilation(m, compLevel); } if (m.isAnnotationPresent(ForceInline.class)) { WHITE_BOX.testSetForceInlineMethod(m, true); } else if (m.isAnnotationPresent(DontInline.class)) { WHITE_BOX.testSetDontInlineMethod(m, true); } } // Compile class initializers int compLevel = getCompLevel(null); WHITE_BOX.enqueueInitializerForCompilation(clazz, compLevel); } private void run(Class... classes) throws Exception { if (USE_COMPILER && PRINT_IDEAL && !XCOMP) { System.out.println("PrintIdeal enabled"); } System.out.format("rI = %d, rL = %d\n", rI, rL); setup(getClass()); for (Class clazz : classes) { setup(clazz); } // Execute tests TreeMap durations = (PRINT_TIMES || VERBOSE) ? new TreeMap() : null; for (Method test : tests.values()) { if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Starting " + test.getName()); } TempSkipForC1 c1skip = test.getAnnotation(TempSkipForC1.class); if (TEST_C1 && c1skip != null) { System.out.println("Skipped " + test.getName() + " for C1 testing: " + c1skip.reason()); continue; } long startTime = System.nanoTime(); Method verifier = getClass().getMethod(test.getName() + "_verifier", boolean.class); // Warmup using verifier method Warmup anno = test.getAnnotation(Warmup.class); int warmup = anno == null ? WARMUP : anno.value(); for (int i = 0; i < warmup; ++i) { verifier.invoke(this, true); } boolean osrOnly = (test.getAnnotation(OSRCompileOnly.class) != null); // C1 generates a lot of code when VerifyOops is enabled and may run out of space (for a small // number of test cases). boolean maybeCodeBufferOverflow = (TEST_C1 && VerifyOops); if (!osrOnly) { int compLevel = getCompLevel(test.getAnnotation(Test.class)); // Trigger compilation WHITE_BOX.enqueueMethodForCompilation(test, compLevel); if (maybeCodeBufferOverflow && !WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompiled(test, false)) { // Let's disable VerifyOops temporarily and retry. WHITE_BOX.setBooleanVMFlag("VerifyOops", false); WHITE_BOX.clearMethodState(test); WHITE_BOX.enqueueMethodForCompilation(test, compLevel); WHITE_BOX.setBooleanVMFlag("VerifyOops", true); } Asserts.assertTrue(!USE_COMPILER || WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompiled(test, false), test + " not compiled"); } // Check result verifier.invoke(this, false); if (osrOnly && !maybeCodeBufferOverflow) { Asserts.assertTrue(!USE_COMPILER || WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompiled(test, false), test + " not compiled"); } if (PRINT_TIMES || VERBOSE) { long endTime = System.nanoTime(); long duration = (endTime - startTime); durations.put(duration, test.getName()); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Done " + test.getName() + ": " + duration + "ns"); } } } // Print execution times if (PRINT_TIMES) { System.out.println("\n\nTest execution times:"); for (Map.Entry entry : durations.entrySet()) { System.out.format("%-10s%15d ns\n", entry.getValue() + ":", entry.getKey()); } } } // Choose the appropriate compilation level for a method, according to the given annotation. // // Currently, if TEST_C1 is true, we always use COMP_LEVEL_SIMPLE. Otherwise, if the // compLevel is unspecified, the default is COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION. int getCompLevel(Object annotation) { if (TEST_C1 && !(this instanceof TestCallingConventionC1)) { return COMP_LEVEL_SIMPLE; } int compLevel; if (annotation == null) { compLevel = COMP_LEVEL_ANY; } else if (annotation instanceof Test) { compLevel = ((Test)annotation).compLevel(); } else { compLevel = ((ForceCompile)annotation).compLevel(); } if (compLevel == COMP_LEVEL_ANY) { compLevel = COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION; } if (FLIP_C1_C2) { // Effectively treat all (compLevel = C1) as (compLevel = C2), and // (compLevel = C2) as (compLevel = C1). if (compLevel == COMP_LEVEL_SIMPLE) { compLevel = COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION; } else if (compLevel == COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION) { compLevel = COMP_LEVEL_SIMPLE; } } if (!TEST_C1 && compLevel < COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION) { compLevel = COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION; } if (compLevel > (int)TieredStopAtLevel) { compLevel = (int)TieredStopAtLevel; } return compLevel; } }