JSR 392: Java SE 17: Annex 9
Specification — DRAFT 35
Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Specification
Iris Clark
2021/8/17 00:33 -0700 [4dfe0f742080]

This Annex to the Java SE 17 Specification contains the Java SE 17 version of the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Specification. The Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Specification underpins the RMI API.


The Java SE 17 version includes corrections and clarifications made to the RMI Spec since the Java SE 16 version, that is, since the Final Release of JSR 391.


The essence of the change to the RMI Specification is that the contents of Chapter 7, “Remote Object Activation”, have been deleted. (Chapter 7 is left as an empty placeholder to preserve numbering of subsequent chapters and sections.) The remainder of the RMI Specification also includes several minor adjustments to remove references to now-deleted contents of Chapter 7 and to remove mentions of the RMI Activation mechanism. These changes are flagged with colorful text, as follows:

Informative background for these changes may be found in the following approved Compatibility & Specification Review (CSR) request: