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1521      * boundaries. Committed database state is not local.
1522      *
1523      * @implSpec
1524      * The default implementation is a no-op.
1525      * <p>
1526      * @apiNote
1527      * This method is to be used by Connection pooling managers.
1528      * <p>
1529      * The pooling manager should call {@code beginRequest} on the underlying connection
1530      * prior to returning a connection to the caller.
1531      * <p>
1532      * The pooling manager does not need to call {@code beginRequest} if:
1533      * <ul>
1534      * <li>The connection pool caches {@code PooledConnection} objects</li>
1535      * <li>Returns a logical connection handle when {@code getConnection} is
1536      * called by the application</li>
1537      * <li>The pool manager calls {@code Connection.close} on the logical connection handle
1538      * prior to returning the {@code PooledConnection} back to the cache</li>
1539      * </ul>
1540      * @throws SQLException if an error occurs
1541      * @since 1.9
1542      * @see endRequest
1543      * @see javax.sql.PooledConnection
1544      */
1545     default void beginRequest() throws SQLException {
1546        // Default method takes no action
1547     }
1549     /**
1550      * Hints to the driver that a request, an independent unit of work,
1551      * has completed. Calls to {@code beginRequest}
1552      * and {@code endRequest} are not nested. Multiple
1553      * calls to {@code endRequest} without an intervening call to {@code beginRequest}
1554      * is not an error. The first {@code endRequest} call
1555      * marks the request completed and subsequent calls are treated as
1556      * a no-op. If {@code endRequest} is called without an initial call to
1557      * {@code beginRequest} is a no-op.
1558      *<p>
1559      * The exact behavior of this method is vendor specific. In particular
1560      * implementations may detect conditions that indicate dependence on
1561      * other work such as an open transaction. It is recommended though not

1563      * transaction and {@code endRequest} is called.
1564      *
1565      * @implSpec
1566      * The default implementation is a no-op.
1567      * @apiNote
1568      *
1569      * This method is to be used by Connection pooling managers.
1570      * <p>
1571      * The pooling manager should call {@code endRequest} on the underlying connection
1572      * when the applications returns the connection back to the connection pool.
1573      * <p>
1574      * The pooling manager does not need to call {@code endRequest} if:
1575      * <ul>
1576      * <li>The connection pool caches {@code PooledConnection} objects</li>
1577      * <li>Returns a logical connection handle when {@code getConnection} is
1578      * called by the application</li>
1579      * <li>The pool manager calls {@code Connection.close} on the logical connection handle
1580      * prior to returning the {@code PooledConnection} back to the cache</li>
1581      * </ul>
1582      * @throws SQLException if an error occurs
1583      * @since 1.9
1584      * @see beginRequest
1585      * @see javax.sql.PooledConnection
1586      */
1587     default void endRequest() throws SQLException {
1588             // Default method takes no action
1589     }
1591     /**
1592      * Sets and validates the sharding keys for this connection.
1593      * @implSpec
1594      * The default implementation will throw a
1595      * {@code SQLFeatureNotSupportedException}.
1596      *
1597      * @apiNote
1598      * This method validates that the sharding keys are valid for the
1599      * {@code Connection}. The timeout value indicates how long the driver
1600      * should wait for the {@code Connection} to verify that the sharding key
1601      * is valid before {@code setShardingKeyIfValid} returns false.
1602      * @param shardingKey the sharding key to be validated against this connection
1603      * @param superShardingKey the super sharding key to be validated against this
1604      * connection. The super sharding key may be {@code null}.
1605      * @param timeout time in seconds before which the validation process is expected to
1606      * be completed, otherwise the validation process is aborted. A value of 0 indicates
1607      * the validation process will not time out.
1608      * @return true if the connection is valid and the sharding keys are valid
1609      * and set on this connection; false if the sharding keys are not valid or
1610      * the timeout period expires before the operation completes.
1611      * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while performing this validation;
1612      * the {@code shardingkey} is {@code null}; a {@code superSharedingKey} is specified
1613      * without a {@code shardingKey};
1614      * this method is called on a closed {@code connection}; or
1615      * the {@code timeout} value is less than 0.
1616      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the driver does not support sharding
1617      * @since 1.9
1618      * @see ShardingKey
1619      * @see ShardingKeyBuilder
1620      */
1621     default boolean setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey shardingKey,
1622             ShardingKey superShardingKey, int timeout)
1623             throws SQLException {
1624         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("setShardingKeyIfValid not implemented");
1625     }
1627     /**
1628      * Sets and validates the sharding key for this connection.
1629      * @implSpec
1630      * The default implementation will throw a
1631      * {@code SQLFeatureNotSupportedException}.
1632      * @apiNote
1633      * This method validates  that the sharding key is valid for the
1634      * {@code Connection}. The timeout value indicates how long the driver
1635      * should wait for the {@code Connection} to verify that the sharding key
1636      * is valid before {@code setShardingKeyIfValid} returns false.
1637      * @param shardingKey the sharding key to be validated against this connection
1638      * @param timeout time in seconds before which the validation process is expected to
1639      * be completed,else the validation process is aborted. A value of 0 indicates
1640      * the validation process will not time out.
1641      * @return true if the connection is valid and the sharding key is valid to be
1642      * set on this connection; false if the sharding key is not valid or
1643      * the timeout period expires before the operation completes.
1644      * @throws SQLException if there is an error while performing this validation;
1645      * this method is called on a closed {@code connection}; the {@code shardingkey}
1646      * is {@code null}; or the {@code timeout} value is less than 0.
1647      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the driver does not support sharding
1648      * @since 1.9
1649      * @see ShardingKey
1650      * @see ShardingKeyBuilder
1651      */
1652     default boolean setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey shardingKey, int timeout)
1653             throws SQLException {
1654         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("setShardingKeyIfValid not implemented");
1655     }
1657     /**
1658      * Specifies a shardingKey and superShardingKey to use with this Connection
1659      * @implSpec
1660      * The default implementation will throw a
1661      * {@code SQLFeatureNotSupportedException}.
1662      * @apiNote
1663      * This method sets the specified sharding keys but does not require a
1664      * round trip to the database to validate that the sharding keys are valid
1665      * for the {@code Connection}.
1666      * @param shardingKey the sharding key to set on this connection.
1667      * @param superShardingKey the super sharding key to set on this connection.
1668      * The super sharding key may be {@code null}
1669      * @throws SQLException if an error  occurs setting the sharding keys;
1670      * this method is called on a closed {@code connection};
1671      * the {@code shardingkey} is {@code null}; or
1672      * a {@code superSharedingKey} is specified without a {@code shardingKey}
1673      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the driver does not support sharding
1674      * @since 1.9
1675      * @see ShardingKey
1676      * @see ShardingKeyBuilder
1677      */
1678     default void setShardingKey(ShardingKey shardingKey, ShardingKey superShardingKey)
1679             throws SQLException {
1680         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("setShardingKey not implemented");
1681     }
1683     /**
1684      * Specifies a shardingKey to use with this Connection
1685      * @implSpec
1686      * The default implementation will throw a
1687      * {@code SQLFeatureNotSupportedException}.
1688      * @apiNote
1689      * This method sets the specified sharding key but does not require a
1690      * round trip to the database to validate that the sharding key is valid
1691      * for the {@code Connection}.
1692      * @param shardingKey the sharding key to set on this connection.
1693      * @throws SQLException if an error  occurs setting the sharding key;
1694      * this method is called on a closed {@code connection}; or the
1695      * {@code shardkingKey} is {@code null}
1696      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the driver does not support sharding
1697      * @since 1.9
1698      * @see ShardingKey
1699      * @see ShardingKeyBuilder
1700      */
1701     default void setShardingKey(ShardingKey shardingKey)
1702             throws SQLException {
1703         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("setShardingKey not implemented");
1704     }
1705 }

1521      * boundaries. Committed database state is not local.
1522      *
1523      * @implSpec
1524      * The default implementation is a no-op.
1525      * <p>
1526      * @apiNote
1527      * This method is to be used by Connection pooling managers.
1528      * <p>
1529      * The pooling manager should call {@code beginRequest} on the underlying connection
1530      * prior to returning a connection to the caller.
1531      * <p>
1532      * The pooling manager does not need to call {@code beginRequest} if:
1533      * <ul>
1534      * <li>The connection pool caches {@code PooledConnection} objects</li>
1535      * <li>Returns a logical connection handle when {@code getConnection} is
1536      * called by the application</li>
1537      * <li>The pool manager calls {@code Connection.close} on the logical connection handle
1538      * prior to returning the {@code PooledConnection} back to the cache</li>
1539      * </ul>
1540      * @throws SQLException if an error occurs
1541      * @since 9
1542      * @see endRequest
1543      * @see javax.sql.PooledConnection
1544      */
1545     default void beginRequest() throws SQLException {
1546        // Default method takes no action
1547     }
1549     /**
1550      * Hints to the driver that a request, an independent unit of work,
1551      * has completed. Calls to {@code beginRequest}
1552      * and {@code endRequest} are not nested. Multiple
1553      * calls to {@code endRequest} without an intervening call to {@code beginRequest}
1554      * is not an error. The first {@code endRequest} call
1555      * marks the request completed and subsequent calls are treated as
1556      * a no-op. If {@code endRequest} is called without an initial call to
1557      * {@code beginRequest} is a no-op.
1558      *<p>
1559      * The exact behavior of this method is vendor specific. In particular
1560      * implementations may detect conditions that indicate dependence on
1561      * other work such as an open transaction. It is recommended though not

1563      * transaction and {@code endRequest} is called.
1564      *
1565      * @implSpec
1566      * The default implementation is a no-op.
1567      * @apiNote
1568      *
1569      * This method is to be used by Connection pooling managers.
1570      * <p>
1571      * The pooling manager should call {@code endRequest} on the underlying connection
1572      * when the applications returns the connection back to the connection pool.
1573      * <p>
1574      * The pooling manager does not need to call {@code endRequest} if:
1575      * <ul>
1576      * <li>The connection pool caches {@code PooledConnection} objects</li>
1577      * <li>Returns a logical connection handle when {@code getConnection} is
1578      * called by the application</li>
1579      * <li>The pool manager calls {@code Connection.close} on the logical connection handle
1580      * prior to returning the {@code PooledConnection} back to the cache</li>
1581      * </ul>
1582      * @throws SQLException if an error occurs
1583      * @since 9
1584      * @see beginRequest
1585      * @see javax.sql.PooledConnection
1586      */
1587     default void endRequest() throws SQLException {
1588             // Default method takes no action
1589     }
1591     /**
1592      * Sets and validates the sharding keys for this connection.
1593      * @implSpec
1594      * The default implementation will throw a
1595      * {@code SQLFeatureNotSupportedException}.
1596      *
1597      * @apiNote
1598      * This method validates that the sharding keys are valid for the
1599      * {@code Connection}. The timeout value indicates how long the driver
1600      * should wait for the {@code Connection} to verify that the sharding key
1601      * is valid before {@code setShardingKeyIfValid} returns false.
1602      * @param shardingKey the sharding key to be validated against this connection
1603      * @param superShardingKey the super sharding key to be validated against this
1604      * connection. The super sharding key may be {@code null}.
1605      * @param timeout time in seconds before which the validation process is expected to
1606      * be completed, otherwise the validation process is aborted. A value of 0 indicates
1607      * the validation process will not time out.
1608      * @return true if the connection is valid and the sharding keys are valid
1609      * and set on this connection; false if the sharding keys are not valid or
1610      * the timeout period expires before the operation completes.
1611      * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while performing this validation;
1612      * the {@code shardingkey} is {@code null}; a {@code superSharedingKey} is specified
1613      * without a {@code shardingKey};
1614      * this method is called on a closed {@code connection}; or
1615      * the {@code timeout} value is less than 0.
1616      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the driver does not support sharding
1617      * @since 9
1618      * @see ShardingKey
1619      * @see ShardingKeyBuilder
1620      */
1621     default boolean setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey shardingKey,
1622             ShardingKey superShardingKey, int timeout)
1623             throws SQLException {
1624         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("setShardingKeyIfValid not implemented");
1625     }
1627     /**
1628      * Sets and validates the sharding key for this connection.
1629      * @implSpec
1630      * The default implementation will throw a
1631      * {@code SQLFeatureNotSupportedException}.
1632      * @apiNote
1633      * This method validates  that the sharding key is valid for the
1634      * {@code Connection}. The timeout value indicates how long the driver
1635      * should wait for the {@code Connection} to verify that the sharding key
1636      * is valid before {@code setShardingKeyIfValid} returns false.
1637      * @param shardingKey the sharding key to be validated against this connection
1638      * @param timeout time in seconds before which the validation process is expected to
1639      * be completed,else the validation process is aborted. A value of 0 indicates
1640      * the validation process will not time out.
1641      * @return true if the connection is valid and the sharding key is valid to be
1642      * set on this connection; false if the sharding key is not valid or
1643      * the timeout period expires before the operation completes.
1644      * @throws SQLException if there is an error while performing this validation;
1645      * this method is called on a closed {@code connection}; the {@code shardingkey}
1646      * is {@code null}; or the {@code timeout} value is less than 0.
1647      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the driver does not support sharding
1648      * @since 9
1649      * @see ShardingKey
1650      * @see ShardingKeyBuilder
1651      */
1652     default boolean setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey shardingKey, int timeout)
1653             throws SQLException {
1654         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("setShardingKeyIfValid not implemented");
1655     }
1657     /**
1658      * Specifies a shardingKey and superShardingKey to use with this Connection
1659      * @implSpec
1660      * The default implementation will throw a
1661      * {@code SQLFeatureNotSupportedException}.
1662      * @apiNote
1663      * This method sets the specified sharding keys but does not require a
1664      * round trip to the database to validate that the sharding keys are valid
1665      * for the {@code Connection}.
1666      * @param shardingKey the sharding key to set on this connection.
1667      * @param superShardingKey the super sharding key to set on this connection.
1668      * The super sharding key may be {@code null}
1669      * @throws SQLException if an error  occurs setting the sharding keys;
1670      * this method is called on a closed {@code connection};
1671      * the {@code shardingkey} is {@code null}; or
1672      * a {@code superSharedingKey} is specified without a {@code shardingKey}
1673      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the driver does not support sharding
1674      * @since 9
1675      * @see ShardingKey
1676      * @see ShardingKeyBuilder
1677      */
1678     default void setShardingKey(ShardingKey shardingKey, ShardingKey superShardingKey)
1679             throws SQLException {
1680         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("setShardingKey not implemented");
1681     }
1683     /**
1684      * Specifies a shardingKey to use with this Connection
1685      * @implSpec
1686      * The default implementation will throw a
1687      * {@code SQLFeatureNotSupportedException}.
1688      * @apiNote
1689      * This method sets the specified sharding key but does not require a
1690      * round trip to the database to validate that the sharding key is valid
1691      * for the {@code Connection}.
1692      * @param shardingKey the sharding key to set on this connection.
1693      * @throws SQLException if an error  occurs setting the sharding key;
1694      * this method is called on a closed {@code connection}; or the
1695      * {@code shardkingKey} is {@code null}
1696      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the driver does not support sharding
1697      * @since 9
1698      * @see ShardingKey
1699      * @see ShardingKeyBuilder
1700      */
1701     default void setShardingKey(ShardingKey shardingKey)
1702             throws SQLException {
1703         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("setShardingKey not implemented");
1704     }
1705 }
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