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@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
  * <p>
  * The XMLFormatter can be used with arbitrary character encodings,
  * but it is recommended that it normally be used with UTF-8.  The
  * character encoding can be set on the output Handler.
- * @implSpec Since JDK 1.9, instances of {@linkplain LogRecord} contain
+ * @implSpec Since JDK 9, instances of {@linkplain LogRecord} contain
  * an {@link LogRecord#getInstant() Instant} which can have nanoseconds below
  * the millisecond resolution.
  * The DTD specification has been updated to allow for an optional
  * {@code <nanos>} element. By default, the XMLFormatter will compute the
  * nanosecond adjustment below the millisecond resolution (using

@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@
      * Creates a new instance of XMLFormatter.
      * @implSpec
-     *    Since JDK 1.9, the XMLFormatter will print out the record {@linkplain
+     *    Since JDK 9, the XMLFormatter will print out the record {@linkplain
      *    LogRecord#getInstant() event time} as an Instant. This instant
      *    has the best resolution available on the system. The {@code <date>}
      *    element will contain the instant as formatted by the {@link
      *    DateTimeFormatter#ISO_INSTANT}.
      *    In addition, an optional {@code <nanos>} element containing a
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