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rev 56290 : 8230648: Replace @exception tag with @throws in java.base
Summary: Minor coding style update of javadoc tag in any file in java.base
Reviewed-by: prappo, lancea

 175      * and saves its  argument, the input stream
 176      * <code>in</code>, for later use. An internal
 177      * buffer array is created and  stored in <code>buf</code>.
 178      *
 179      * @param   in   the underlying input stream.
 180      */
 181     public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in) {
 182         this(in, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
 183     }
 185     /**
 186      * Creates a <code>BufferedInputStream</code>
 187      * with the specified buffer size,
 188      * and saves its  argument, the input stream
 189      * <code>in</code>, for later use.  An internal
 190      * buffer array of length  <code>size</code>
 191      * is created and stored in <code>buf</code>.
 192      *
 193      * @param   in     the underlying input stream.
 194      * @param   size   the buffer size.
 195      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code size <= 0}.
 196      */
 197     public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int size) {
 198         super(in);
 199         if (size <= 0) {
 200             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size <= 0");
 201         }
 202         buf = new byte[size];
 203     }
 205     /**
 206      * Fills the buffer with more data, taking into account
 207      * shuffling and other tricks for dealing with marks.
 208      * Assumes that it is being called by a synchronized method.
 209      * This method also assumes that all data has already been read in,
 210      * hence pos > count.
 211      */
 212     private void fill() throws IOException {
 213         byte[] buffer = getBufIfOpen();
 214         if (markpos < 0)
 215             pos = 0;            /* no mark: throw away the buffer */

 237                     // But for now, the only way CAS can fail is via close.
 238                     // assert buf == null;
 239                     throw new IOException("Stream closed");
 240                 }
 241                 buffer = nbuf;
 242             }
 243         }
 244         count = pos;
 245         int n = getInIfOpen().read(buffer, pos, buffer.length - pos);
 246         if (n > 0)
 247             count = n + pos;
 248     }
 250     /**
 251      * See
 252      * the general contract of the <code>read</code>
 253      * method of <code>InputStream</code>.
 254      *
 255      * @return     the next byte of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the
 256      *             stream is reached.
 257      * @exception  IOException  if this input stream has been closed by
 258      *                          invoking its {@link #close()} method,
 259      *                          or an I/O error occurs.
 260      * @see        java.io.FilterInputStream#in
 261      */
 262     public synchronized int read() throws IOException {
 263         if (pos >= count) {
 264             fill();
 265             if (pos >= count)
 266                 return -1;
 267         }
 268         return getBufIfOpen()[pos++] & 0xff;
 269     }
 271     /**
 272      * Read characters into a portion of an array, reading from the underlying
 273      * stream at most once if necessary.
 274      */
 275     private int read1(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
 276         int avail = count - pos;
 277         if (avail <= 0) {

 308      *
 309      *   <li> The <code>read</code> method of the underlying stream returns
 310      *   <code>-1</code>, indicating end-of-file, or
 311      *
 312      *   <li> The <code>available</code> method of the underlying stream
 313      *   returns zero, indicating that further input requests would block.
 314      *
 315      * </ul> If the first <code>read</code> on the underlying stream returns
 316      * <code>-1</code> to indicate end-of-file then this method returns
 317      * <code>-1</code>.  Otherwise this method returns the number of bytes
 318      * actually read.
 319      *
 320      * <p> Subclasses of this class are encouraged, but not required, to
 321      * attempt to read as many bytes as possible in the same fashion.
 322      *
 323      * @param      b     destination buffer.
 324      * @param      off   offset at which to start storing bytes.
 325      * @param      len   maximum number of bytes to read.
 326      * @return     the number of bytes read, or <code>-1</code> if the end of
 327      *             the stream has been reached.
 328      * @exception  IOException  if this input stream has been closed by
 329      *                          invoking its {@link #close()} method,
 330      *                          or an I/O error occurs.
 331      */
 332     public synchronized int read(byte b[], int off, int len)
 333         throws IOException
 334     {
 335         getBufIfOpen(); // Check for closed stream
 336         if ((off | len | (off + len) | (b.length - (off + len))) < 0) {
 337             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
 338         } else if (len == 0) {
 339             return 0;
 340         }
 342         int n = 0;
 343         for (;;) {
 344             int nread = read1(b, off + n, len - n);
 345             if (nread <= 0)
 346                 return (n == 0) ? nread : n;
 347             n += nread;
 348             if (n >= len)

 383         }
 385         long skipped = (avail < n) ? avail : n;
 386         pos += skipped;
 387         return skipped;
 388     }
 390     /**
 391      * Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or
 392      * skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next
 393      * invocation of a method for this input stream. The next invocation might be
 394      * the same thread or another thread.  A single read or skip of this
 395      * many bytes will not block, but may read or skip fewer bytes.
 396      * <p>
 397      * This method returns the sum of the number of bytes remaining to be read in
 398      * the buffer (<code>count&nbsp;- pos</code>) and the result of calling the
 399      * {@link java.io.FilterInputStream#in in}.available().
 400      *
 401      * @return     an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped
 402      *             over) from this input stream without blocking.
 403      * @exception  IOException  if this input stream has been closed by
 404      *                          invoking its {@link #close()} method,
 405      *                          or an I/O error occurs.
 406      */
 407     public synchronized int available() throws IOException {
 408         int n = count - pos;
 409         int avail = getInIfOpen().available();
 410         return n > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - avail)
 411                     ? Integer.MAX_VALUE
 412                     : n + avail;
 413     }
 415     /**
 416      * See the general contract of the <code>mark</code>
 417      * method of <code>InputStream</code>.
 418      *
 419      * @param   readlimit   the maximum limit of bytes that can be read before
 420      *                      the mark position becomes invalid.
 421      * @see     java.io.BufferedInputStream#reset()
 422      */
 423     public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
 424         marklimit = readlimit;
 425         markpos = pos;
 426     }
 428     /**
 429      * See the general contract of the <code>reset</code>
 430      * method of <code>InputStream</code>.
 431      * <p>
 432      * If <code>markpos</code> is <code>-1</code>
 433      * (no mark has been set or the mark has been
 434      * invalidated), an <code>IOException</code>
 435      * is thrown. Otherwise, <code>pos</code> is
 436      * set equal to <code>markpos</code>.
 437      *
 438      * @exception  IOException  if this stream has not been marked or,
 439      *                  if the mark has been invalidated, or the stream
 440      *                  has been closed by invoking its {@link #close()}
 441      *                  method, or an I/O error occurs.
 442      * @see        java.io.BufferedInputStream#mark(int)
 443      */
 444     public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
 445         getBufIfOpen(); // Cause exception if closed
 446         if (markpos < 0)
 447             throw new IOException("Resetting to invalid mark");
 448         pos = markpos;
 449     }
 451     /**
 452      * Tests if this input stream supports the <code>mark</code>
 453      * and <code>reset</code> methods. The <code>markSupported</code>
 454      * method of <code>BufferedInputStream</code> returns
 455      * <code>true</code>.
 456      *
 457      * @return  a <code>boolean</code> indicating if this stream type supports
 458      *          the <code>mark</code> and <code>reset</code> methods.
 459      * @see     java.io.InputStream#mark(int)
 460      * @see     java.io.InputStream#reset()
 461      */
 462     public boolean markSupported() {
 463         return true;
 464     }
 466     /**
 467      * Closes this input stream and releases any system resources
 468      * associated with the stream.
 469      * Once the stream has been closed, further read(), available(), reset(),
 470      * or skip() invocations will throw an IOException.
 471      * Closing a previously closed stream has no effect.
 472      *
 473      * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
 474      */
 475     public void close() throws IOException {
 476         byte[] buffer;
 477         while ( (buffer = buf) != null) {
 478             if (U.compareAndSetReference(this, BUF_OFFSET, buffer, null)) {
 479                 InputStream input = in;
 480                 in = null;
 481                 if (input != null)
 482                     input.close();
 483                 return;
 484             }
 485             // Else retry in case a new buf was CASed in fill()
 486         }
 487     }
 488 }

 175      * and saves its  argument, the input stream
 176      * <code>in</code>, for later use. An internal
 177      * buffer array is created and  stored in <code>buf</code>.
 178      *
 179      * @param   in   the underlying input stream.
 180      */
 181     public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in) {
 182         this(in, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
 183     }
 185     /**
 186      * Creates a <code>BufferedInputStream</code>
 187      * with the specified buffer size,
 188      * and saves its  argument, the input stream
 189      * <code>in</code>, for later use.  An internal
 190      * buffer array of length  <code>size</code>
 191      * is created and stored in <code>buf</code>.
 192      *
 193      * @param   in     the underlying input stream.
 194      * @param   size   the buffer size.
 195      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if {@code size <= 0}.
 196      */
 197     public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int size) {
 198         super(in);
 199         if (size <= 0) {
 200             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size <= 0");
 201         }
 202         buf = new byte[size];
 203     }
 205     /**
 206      * Fills the buffer with more data, taking into account
 207      * shuffling and other tricks for dealing with marks.
 208      * Assumes that it is being called by a synchronized method.
 209      * This method also assumes that all data has already been read in,
 210      * hence pos > count.
 211      */
 212     private void fill() throws IOException {
 213         byte[] buffer = getBufIfOpen();
 214         if (markpos < 0)
 215             pos = 0;            /* no mark: throw away the buffer */

 237                     // But for now, the only way CAS can fail is via close.
 238                     // assert buf == null;
 239                     throw new IOException("Stream closed");
 240                 }
 241                 buffer = nbuf;
 242             }
 243         }
 244         count = pos;
 245         int n = getInIfOpen().read(buffer, pos, buffer.length - pos);
 246         if (n > 0)
 247             count = n + pos;
 248     }
 250     /**
 251      * See
 252      * the general contract of the <code>read</code>
 253      * method of <code>InputStream</code>.
 254      *
 255      * @return     the next byte of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the
 256      *             stream is reached.
 257      * @throws     IOException  if this input stream has been closed by
 258      *                          invoking its {@link #close()} method,
 259      *                          or an I/O error occurs.
 260      * @see        java.io.FilterInputStream#in
 261      */
 262     public synchronized int read() throws IOException {
 263         if (pos >= count) {
 264             fill();
 265             if (pos >= count)
 266                 return -1;
 267         }
 268         return getBufIfOpen()[pos++] & 0xff;
 269     }
 271     /**
 272      * Read characters into a portion of an array, reading from the underlying
 273      * stream at most once if necessary.
 274      */
 275     private int read1(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
 276         int avail = count - pos;
 277         if (avail <= 0) {

 308      *
 309      *   <li> The <code>read</code> method of the underlying stream returns
 310      *   <code>-1</code>, indicating end-of-file, or
 311      *
 312      *   <li> The <code>available</code> method of the underlying stream
 313      *   returns zero, indicating that further input requests would block.
 314      *
 315      * </ul> If the first <code>read</code> on the underlying stream returns
 316      * <code>-1</code> to indicate end-of-file then this method returns
 317      * <code>-1</code>.  Otherwise this method returns the number of bytes
 318      * actually read.
 319      *
 320      * <p> Subclasses of this class are encouraged, but not required, to
 321      * attempt to read as many bytes as possible in the same fashion.
 322      *
 323      * @param      b     destination buffer.
 324      * @param      off   offset at which to start storing bytes.
 325      * @param      len   maximum number of bytes to read.
 326      * @return     the number of bytes read, or <code>-1</code> if the end of
 327      *             the stream has been reached.
 328      * @throws     IOException  if this input stream has been closed by
 329      *                          invoking its {@link #close()} method,
 330      *                          or an I/O error occurs.
 331      */
 332     public synchronized int read(byte b[], int off, int len)
 333         throws IOException
 334     {
 335         getBufIfOpen(); // Check for closed stream
 336         if ((off | len | (off + len) | (b.length - (off + len))) < 0) {
 337             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
 338         } else if (len == 0) {
 339             return 0;
 340         }
 342         int n = 0;
 343         for (;;) {
 344             int nread = read1(b, off + n, len - n);
 345             if (nread <= 0)
 346                 return (n == 0) ? nread : n;
 347             n += nread;
 348             if (n >= len)

 383         }
 385         long skipped = (avail < n) ? avail : n;
 386         pos += skipped;
 387         return skipped;
 388     }
 390     /**
 391      * Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or
 392      * skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next
 393      * invocation of a method for this input stream. The next invocation might be
 394      * the same thread or another thread.  A single read or skip of this
 395      * many bytes will not block, but may read or skip fewer bytes.
 396      * <p>
 397      * This method returns the sum of the number of bytes remaining to be read in
 398      * the buffer (<code>count&nbsp;- pos</code>) and the result of calling the
 399      * {@link java.io.FilterInputStream#in in}.available().
 400      *
 401      * @return     an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped
 402      *             over) from this input stream without blocking.
 403      * @throws     IOException  if this input stream has been closed by
 404      *                          invoking its {@link #close()} method,
 405      *                          or an I/O error occurs.
 406      */
 407     public synchronized int available() throws IOException {
 408         int n = count - pos;
 409         int avail = getInIfOpen().available();
 410         return n > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - avail)
 411                     ? Integer.MAX_VALUE
 412                     : n + avail;
 413     }
 415     /**
 416      * See the general contract of the <code>mark</code>
 417      * method of <code>InputStream</code>.
 418      *
 419      * @param   readlimit   the maximum limit of bytes that can be read before
 420      *                      the mark position becomes invalid.
 421      * @see     java.io.BufferedInputStream#reset()
 422      */
 423     public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
 424         marklimit = readlimit;
 425         markpos = pos;
 426     }
 428     /**
 429      * See the general contract of the <code>reset</code>
 430      * method of <code>InputStream</code>.
 431      * <p>
 432      * If <code>markpos</code> is <code>-1</code>
 433      * (no mark has been set or the mark has been
 434      * invalidated), an <code>IOException</code>
 435      * is thrown. Otherwise, <code>pos</code> is
 436      * set equal to <code>markpos</code>.
 437      *
 438      * @throws     IOException  if this stream has not been marked or,
 439      *                  if the mark has been invalidated, or the stream
 440      *                  has been closed by invoking its {@link #close()}
 441      *                  method, or an I/O error occurs.
 442      * @see        java.io.BufferedInputStream#mark(int)
 443      */
 444     public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
 445         getBufIfOpen(); // Cause exception if closed
 446         if (markpos < 0)
 447             throw new IOException("Resetting to invalid mark");
 448         pos = markpos;
 449     }
 451     /**
 452      * Tests if this input stream supports the <code>mark</code>
 453      * and <code>reset</code> methods. The <code>markSupported</code>
 454      * method of <code>BufferedInputStream</code> returns
 455      * <code>true</code>.
 456      *
 457      * @return  a <code>boolean</code> indicating if this stream type supports
 458      *          the <code>mark</code> and <code>reset</code> methods.
 459      * @see     java.io.InputStream#mark(int)
 460      * @see     java.io.InputStream#reset()
 461      */
 462     public boolean markSupported() {
 463         return true;
 464     }
 466     /**
 467      * Closes this input stream and releases any system resources
 468      * associated with the stream.
 469      * Once the stream has been closed, further read(), available(), reset(),
 470      * or skip() invocations will throw an IOException.
 471      * Closing a previously closed stream has no effect.
 472      *
 473      * @throws     IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
 474      */
 475     public void close() throws IOException {
 476         byte[] buffer;
 477         while ( (buffer = buf) != null) {
 478             if (U.compareAndSetReference(this, BUF_OFFSET, buffer, null)) {
 479                 InputStream input = in;
 480                 in = null;
 481                 if (input != null)
 482                     input.close();
 483                 return;
 484             }
 485             // Else retry in case a new buf was CASed in fill()
 486         }
 487     }
 488 }
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