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rev 56290 : 8230648: Replace @exception tag with @throws in java.base
Summary: Minor coding style update of javadoc tag in any file in java.base
Reviewed-by: prappo, lancea

2083      *
2084      * <p>The default implementation supports the calendar fields for
2085      * which a {@link DateFormatSymbols} has names in the given
2086      * <code>locale</code>.
2087      *
2088      * @param field
2089      *        the calendar field for which the string representation
2090      *        is returned
2091      * @param style
2092      *        the style applied to the string representation; one of {@link
2093      *        #SHORT_FORMAT} ({@link #SHORT}), {@link #SHORT_STANDALONE},
2094      *        {@link #LONG_FORMAT} ({@link #LONG}), {@link #LONG_STANDALONE},
2095      *        {@link #NARROW_FORMAT}, or {@link #NARROW_STANDALONE}.
2096      * @param locale
2097      *        the locale for the string representation
2098      *        (any calendar types specified by {@code locale} are ignored)
2099      * @return the string representation of the given
2100      *        {@code field} in the given {@code style}, or
2101      *        {@code null} if no string representation is
2102      *        applicable.
2103      * @exception IllegalArgumentException
2104      *        if {@code field} or {@code style} is invalid,
2105      *        or if this {@code Calendar} is non-lenient and any
2106      *        of the calendar fields have invalid values
2107      * @exception NullPointerException
2108      *        if {@code locale} is null
2109      * @since 1.6
2110      */
2111     public String getDisplayName(int field, int style, Locale locale) {
2112         if (!checkDisplayNameParams(field, style, SHORT, NARROW_FORMAT, locale,
2113                             ERA_MASK|MONTH_MASK|DAY_OF_WEEK_MASK|AM_PM_MASK)) {
2114             return null;
2115         }
2117         String calendarType = getCalendarType();
2118         int fieldValue = get(field);
2119         // the standalone/narrow styles and short era are supported only through
2120         // CalendarNameProviders.
2121         if (isStandaloneStyle(style) || isNarrowFormatStyle(style) ||
2122             field == ERA && (style & SHORT) == SHORT) {
2123             String val = CalendarDataUtility.retrieveFieldValueName(calendarType,
2124                                                                     field, fieldValue,
2125                                                                     style, locale);
2126             // Perform fallback here to follow the CLDR rules
2127             if (val == null) {

2174      * <p>The default implementation supports display names contained in
2175      * a {@link DateFormatSymbols}. For example, if {@code field}
2176      * is {@link #MONTH} and {@code style} is {@link
2177      * #ALL_STYLES}, this method returns a {@code Map} containing
2178      * all strings returned by {@link DateFormatSymbols#getShortMonths()}
2179      * and {@link DateFormatSymbols#getMonths()}.
2180      *
2181      * @param field
2182      *        the calendar field for which the display names are returned
2183      * @param style
2184      *        the style applied to the string representation; one of {@link
2185      *        #SHORT_FORMAT} ({@link #SHORT}), {@link #SHORT_STANDALONE},
2186      *        {@link #LONG_FORMAT} ({@link #LONG}), {@link #LONG_STANDALONE},
2187      *        {@link #NARROW_FORMAT}, or {@link #NARROW_STANDALONE}
2188      * @param locale
2189      *        the locale for the display names
2190      * @return a {@code Map} containing all display names in
2191      *        {@code style} and {@code locale} and their
2192      *        field values, or {@code null} if no display names
2193      *        are defined for {@code field}
2194      * @exception IllegalArgumentException
2195      *        if {@code field} or {@code style} is invalid,
2196      *        or if this {@code Calendar} is non-lenient and any
2197      *        of the calendar fields have invalid values
2198      * @exception NullPointerException
2199      *        if {@code locale} is null
2200      * @since 1.6
2201      */
2202     public Map<String, Integer> getDisplayNames(int field, int style, Locale locale) {
2203         if (!checkDisplayNameParams(field, style, ALL_STYLES, NARROW_FORMAT, locale,
2204                                     ERA_MASK|MONTH_MASK|DAY_OF_WEEK_MASK|AM_PM_MASK)) {
2205             return null;
2206         }
2208         String calendarType = getCalendarType();
2209         if (style == ALL_STYLES || isStandaloneStyle(style) || isNarrowFormatStyle(style) ||
2210             field == ERA && (style & SHORT) == SHORT) {
2211             Map<String, Integer> map;
2212             map = CalendarDataUtility.retrieveFieldValueNames(calendarType, field, style, locale);
2214             // Perform fallback here to follow the CLDR rules
2215             if (map == null) {
2216                 if (isNarrowFormatStyle(style)) {
2217                     map = CalendarDataUtility.retrieveFieldValueNames(calendarType, field,
2218                                                                       toStandaloneStyle(style), locale);

2294      * called to calculate all calendar field values.
2295      */
2296     protected void complete()
2297     {
2298         if (!isTimeSet) {
2299             updateTime();
2300         }
2301         if (!areFieldsSet || !areAllFieldsSet) {
2302             computeFields(); // fills in unset fields
2303             areAllFieldsSet = areFieldsSet = true;
2304         }
2305     }
2307     /**
2308      * Returns whether the value of the specified calendar field has been set
2309      * externally by calling one of the setter methods rather than by the
2310      * internal time calculation.
2311      *
2312      * @return <code>true</code> if the field has been set externally,
2313      * <code>false</code> otherwise.
2314      * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified
2315      *                <code>field</code> is out of range
2316      *               (<code>field &lt; 0 || field &gt;= FIELD_COUNT</code>).
2317      * @see #selectFields()
2318      * @see #setFieldsComputed(int)
2319      */
2320     final boolean isExternallySet(int field) {
2321         return stamp[field] >= MINIMUM_USER_STAMP;
2322     }
2324     /**
2325      * Returns a field mask (bit mask) indicating all calendar fields that
2326      * have the state of externally or internally set.
2327      *
2328      * @return a bit mask indicating set state fields
2329      */
2330     final int getSetStateFields() {
2331         int mask = 0;
2332         for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
2333             if (stamp[i] != UNSET) {
2334                 mask |= 1 << i;
2335             }
2336         }
2337         return mask;
2338     }
2340     /**
2341      * Sets the state of the specified calendar fields to
2342      * <em>computed</em>. This state means that the specified calendar fields
2343      * have valid values that have been set by internal time calculation
2344      * rather than by calling one of the setter methods.
2345      *
2346      * @param fieldMask the field to be marked as computed.
2347      * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified
2348      *                <code>field</code> is out of range
2349      *               (<code>field &lt; 0 || field &gt;= FIELD_COUNT</code>).
2350      * @see #isExternallySet(int)
2351      * @see #selectFields()
2352      */
2353     final void setFieldsComputed(int fieldMask) {
2354         if (fieldMask == ALL_FIELDS) {
2355             for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
2356                 stamp[i] = COMPUTED;
2357                 isSet[i] = true;
2358             }
2359             areFieldsSet = areAllFieldsSet = true;
2360         } else {
2361             for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
2362                 if ((fieldMask & 1) == 1) {
2363                     stamp[i] = COMPUTED;
2364                     isSet[i] = true;
2365                 } else {
2366                     if (areAllFieldsSet && !isSet[i]) {
2367                         areAllFieldsSet = false;
2368                     }
2369                 }
2370                 fieldMask >>>= 1;
2371             }
2372         }
2373     }
2375     /**
2376      * Sets the state of the calendar fields that are <em>not</em> specified
2377      * by <code>fieldMask</code> to <em>unset</em>. If <code>fieldMask</code>
2378      * specifies all the calendar fields, then the state of this
2379      * <code>Calendar</code> becomes that all the calendar fields are in sync
2380      * with the time value (millisecond offset from the Epoch).
2381      *
2382      * @param fieldMask the field mask indicating which calendar fields are in
2383      * sync with the time value.
2384      * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified
2385      *                <code>field</code> is out of range
2386      *               (<code>field &lt; 0 || field &gt;= FIELD_COUNT</code>).
2387      * @see #isExternallySet(int)
2388      * @see #selectFields()
2389      */
2390     final void setFieldsNormalized(int fieldMask) {
2391         if (fieldMask != ALL_FIELDS) {
2392             for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
2393                 if ((fieldMask & 1) == 0) {
2394                     stamp[i] = fields[i] = 0; // UNSET == 0
2395                     isSet[i] = false;
2396                 }
2397                 fieldMask >>= 1;
2398             }
2399         }
2401         // Some or all of the fields are in sync with the
2402         // milliseconds, but the stamp values are not normalized yet.
2403         areFieldsSet = true;
2404         areAllFieldsSet = false;

2789      * otherwise.
2790      * @see     #compareTo(Calendar)
2791      */
2792     public boolean after(Object when) {
2793         return when instanceof Calendar
2794             && compareTo((Calendar)when) > 0;
2795     }
2797     /**
2798      * Compares the time values (millisecond offsets from the <a
2799      * href="#Epoch">Epoch</a>) represented by two
2800      * <code>Calendar</code> objects.
2801      *
2802      * @param anotherCalendar the <code>Calendar</code> to be compared.
2803      * @return the value <code>0</code> if the time represented by the argument
2804      * is equal to the time represented by this <code>Calendar</code>; a value
2805      * less than <code>0</code> if the time of this <code>Calendar</code> is
2806      * before the time represented by the argument; and a value greater than
2807      * <code>0</code> if the time of this <code>Calendar</code> is after the
2808      * time represented by the argument.
2809      * @exception NullPointerException if the specified <code>Calendar</code> is
2810      *            <code>null</code>.
2811      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the time value of the
2812      * specified <code>Calendar</code> object can't be obtained due to
2813      * any invalid calendar values.
2814      * @since   1.5
2815      */
2816     @Override
2817     public int compareTo(Calendar anotherCalendar) {
2818         return compareTo(getMillisOf(anotherCalendar));
2819     }
2821     /**
2822      * Adds or subtracts the specified amount of time to the given calendar field,
2823      * based on the calendar's rules. For example, to subtract 5 days from
2824      * the current time of the calendar, you can achieve it by calling:
2825      * <p><code>add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -5)</code>.
2826      *
2827      * @param field the calendar field.
2828      * @param amount the amount of date or time to be added to the field.
2829      * @see #roll(int,int)
2830      * @see #set(int,int)
2831      */

3037      *         {@code false} otherwise.
3038      * @see #getWeekYear()
3039      * @see #setWeekDate(int,int,int)
3040      * @see #getWeeksInWeekYear()
3041      * @since 1.7
3042      */
3043     public boolean isWeekDateSupported() {
3044         return false;
3045     }
3047     /**
3048      * Returns the week year represented by this {@code Calendar}. The
3049      * week year is in sync with the week cycle. The {@linkplain
3050      * #getFirstDayOfWeek() first day of the first week} is the first
3051      * day of the week year.
3052      *
3053      * <p>The default implementation of this method throws an
3054      * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
3055      *
3056      * @return the week year of this {@code Calendar}
3057      * @exception UnsupportedOperationException
3058      *            if any week year numbering isn't supported
3059      *            in this {@code Calendar}.
3060      * @see #isWeekDateSupported()
3061      * @see #getFirstDayOfWeek()
3062      * @see #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
3063      * @since 1.7
3064      */
3065     public int getWeekYear() {
3066         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
3067     }
3069     /**
3070      * Sets the date of this {@code Calendar} with the given date
3071      * specifiers - week year, week of year, and day of week.
3072      *
3073      * <p>Unlike the {@code set} method, all of the calendar fields
3074      * and {@code time} values are calculated upon return.
3075      *
3076      * <p>If {@code weekOfYear} is out of the valid week-of-year range
3077      * in {@code weekYear}, the {@code weekYear} and {@code
3078      * weekOfYear} values are adjusted in lenient mode, or an {@code
3079      * IllegalArgumentException} is thrown in non-lenient mode.
3080      *
3081      * <p>The default implementation of this method throws an
3082      * {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
3083      *
3084      * @param weekYear   the week year
3085      * @param weekOfYear the week number based on {@code weekYear}
3086      * @param dayOfWeek  the day of week value: one of the constants
3087      *                   for the {@link #DAY_OF_WEEK} field: {@link
3088      *                   #SUNDAY}, ..., {@link #SATURDAY}.
3089      * @exception IllegalArgumentException
3090      *            if any of the given date specifiers is invalid
3091      *            or any of the calendar fields are inconsistent
3092      *            with the given date specifiers in non-lenient mode
3093      * @exception UnsupportedOperationException
3094      *            if any week year numbering isn't supported in this
3095      *            {@code Calendar}.
3096      * @see #isWeekDateSupported()
3097      * @see #getFirstDayOfWeek()
3098      * @see #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
3099      * @since 1.7
3100      */
3101     public void setWeekDate(int weekYear, int weekOfYear, int dayOfWeek) {
3102         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
3103     }
3105     /**
3106      * Returns the number of weeks in the week year represented by this
3107      * {@code Calendar}.
3108      *
3109      * <p>The default implementation of this method throws an
3110      * {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
3111      *
3112      * @return the number of weeks in the week year.
3113      * @exception UnsupportedOperationException
3114      *            if any week year numbering isn't supported in this
3115      *            {@code Calendar}.
3116      * @see #WEEK_OF_YEAR
3117      * @see #isWeekDateSupported()
3118      * @see #getWeekYear()
3119      * @see #getActualMaximum(int)
3120      * @since 1.7
3121      */
3122     public int getWeeksInWeekYear() {
3123         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
3124     }
3126     /**
3127      * Returns the minimum value for the given calendar field of this
3128      * <code>Calendar</code> instance. The minimum value is defined as
3129      * the smallest value returned by the {@link #get(int) get} method
3130      * for any possible time value.  The minimum value depends on
3131      * calendar system specific parameters of the instance.
3132      *
3133      * @param field the calendar field.

3334             return other;
3335         }
3336         catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
3337             // this shouldn't happen, since we are Cloneable
3338             throw new InternalError(e);
3339         }
3340     }
3342     private static final String[] FIELD_NAME = {
3346         "DST_OFFSET"
3347     };
3349     /**
3350      * Returns the name of the specified calendar field.
3351      *
3352      * @param field the calendar field
3353      * @return the calendar field name
3354      * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>field</code> is negative,
3355      * equal to or greater than {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
3356      */
3357     static String getFieldName(int field) {
3358         return FIELD_NAME[field];
3359     }
3361     /**
3362      * Return a string representation of this calendar. This method
3363      * is intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the
3364      * format of the returned string may vary between implementations.
3365      * The returned string may be empty but may not be <code>null</code>.
3366      *
3367      * @return  a string representation of this calendar.
3368      */
3369     @Override
3370     public String toString() {
3371         // NOTE: BuddhistCalendar.toString() interprets the string
3372         // produced by this method so that the Gregorian year number
3373         // is substituted by its B.E. year value. It relies on
3374         // "...,YEAR=<year>,..." or "...,YEAR=?,...".

2083      *
2084      * <p>The default implementation supports the calendar fields for
2085      * which a {@link DateFormatSymbols} has names in the given
2086      * <code>locale</code>.
2087      *
2088      * @param field
2089      *        the calendar field for which the string representation
2090      *        is returned
2091      * @param style
2092      *        the style applied to the string representation; one of {@link
2093      *        #SHORT_FORMAT} ({@link #SHORT}), {@link #SHORT_STANDALONE},
2094      *        {@link #LONG_FORMAT} ({@link #LONG}), {@link #LONG_STANDALONE},
2095      *        {@link #NARROW_FORMAT}, or {@link #NARROW_STANDALONE}.
2096      * @param locale
2097      *        the locale for the string representation
2098      *        (any calendar types specified by {@code locale} are ignored)
2099      * @return the string representation of the given
2100      *        {@code field} in the given {@code style}, or
2101      *        {@code null} if no string representation is
2102      *        applicable.
2103      * @throws    IllegalArgumentException
2104      *        if {@code field} or {@code style} is invalid,
2105      *        or if this {@code Calendar} is non-lenient and any
2106      *        of the calendar fields have invalid values
2107      * @throws    NullPointerException
2108      *        if {@code locale} is null
2109      * @since 1.6
2110      */
2111     public String getDisplayName(int field, int style, Locale locale) {
2112         if (!checkDisplayNameParams(field, style, SHORT, NARROW_FORMAT, locale,
2113                             ERA_MASK|MONTH_MASK|DAY_OF_WEEK_MASK|AM_PM_MASK)) {
2114             return null;
2115         }
2117         String calendarType = getCalendarType();
2118         int fieldValue = get(field);
2119         // the standalone/narrow styles and short era are supported only through
2120         // CalendarNameProviders.
2121         if (isStandaloneStyle(style) || isNarrowFormatStyle(style) ||
2122             field == ERA && (style & SHORT) == SHORT) {
2123             String val = CalendarDataUtility.retrieveFieldValueName(calendarType,
2124                                                                     field, fieldValue,
2125                                                                     style, locale);
2126             // Perform fallback here to follow the CLDR rules
2127             if (val == null) {

2174      * <p>The default implementation supports display names contained in
2175      * a {@link DateFormatSymbols}. For example, if {@code field}
2176      * is {@link #MONTH} and {@code style} is {@link
2177      * #ALL_STYLES}, this method returns a {@code Map} containing
2178      * all strings returned by {@link DateFormatSymbols#getShortMonths()}
2179      * and {@link DateFormatSymbols#getMonths()}.
2180      *
2181      * @param field
2182      *        the calendar field for which the display names are returned
2183      * @param style
2184      *        the style applied to the string representation; one of {@link
2185      *        #SHORT_FORMAT} ({@link #SHORT}), {@link #SHORT_STANDALONE},
2186      *        {@link #LONG_FORMAT} ({@link #LONG}), {@link #LONG_STANDALONE},
2187      *        {@link #NARROW_FORMAT}, or {@link #NARROW_STANDALONE}
2188      * @param locale
2189      *        the locale for the display names
2190      * @return a {@code Map} containing all display names in
2191      *        {@code style} and {@code locale} and their
2192      *        field values, or {@code null} if no display names
2193      *        are defined for {@code field}
2194      * @throws    IllegalArgumentException
2195      *        if {@code field} or {@code style} is invalid,
2196      *        or if this {@code Calendar} is non-lenient and any
2197      *        of the calendar fields have invalid values
2198      * @throws    NullPointerException
2199      *        if {@code locale} is null
2200      * @since 1.6
2201      */
2202     public Map<String, Integer> getDisplayNames(int field, int style, Locale locale) {
2203         if (!checkDisplayNameParams(field, style, ALL_STYLES, NARROW_FORMAT, locale,
2204                                     ERA_MASK|MONTH_MASK|DAY_OF_WEEK_MASK|AM_PM_MASK)) {
2205             return null;
2206         }
2208         String calendarType = getCalendarType();
2209         if (style == ALL_STYLES || isStandaloneStyle(style) || isNarrowFormatStyle(style) ||
2210             field == ERA && (style & SHORT) == SHORT) {
2211             Map<String, Integer> map;
2212             map = CalendarDataUtility.retrieveFieldValueNames(calendarType, field, style, locale);
2214             // Perform fallback here to follow the CLDR rules
2215             if (map == null) {
2216                 if (isNarrowFormatStyle(style)) {
2217                     map = CalendarDataUtility.retrieveFieldValueNames(calendarType, field,
2218                                                                       toStandaloneStyle(style), locale);

2294      * called to calculate all calendar field values.
2295      */
2296     protected void complete()
2297     {
2298         if (!isTimeSet) {
2299             updateTime();
2300         }
2301         if (!areFieldsSet || !areAllFieldsSet) {
2302             computeFields(); // fills in unset fields
2303             areAllFieldsSet = areFieldsSet = true;
2304         }
2305     }
2307     /**
2308      * Returns whether the value of the specified calendar field has been set
2309      * externally by calling one of the setter methods rather than by the
2310      * internal time calculation.
2311      *
2312      * @return <code>true</code> if the field has been set externally,
2313      * <code>false</code> otherwise.
2314      * @throws    IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified
2315      *                <code>field</code> is out of range
2316      *               (<code>field &lt; 0 || field &gt;= FIELD_COUNT</code>).
2317      * @see #selectFields()
2318      * @see #setFieldsComputed(int)
2319      */
2320     final boolean isExternallySet(int field) {
2321         return stamp[field] >= MINIMUM_USER_STAMP;
2322     }
2324     /**
2325      * Returns a field mask (bit mask) indicating all calendar fields that
2326      * have the state of externally or internally set.
2327      *
2328      * @return a bit mask indicating set state fields
2329      */
2330     final int getSetStateFields() {
2331         int mask = 0;
2332         for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
2333             if (stamp[i] != UNSET) {
2334                 mask |= 1 << i;
2335             }
2336         }
2337         return mask;
2338     }
2340     /**
2341      * Sets the state of the specified calendar fields to
2342      * <em>computed</em>. This state means that the specified calendar fields
2343      * have valid values that have been set by internal time calculation
2344      * rather than by calling one of the setter methods.
2345      *
2346      * @param fieldMask the field to be marked as computed.
2347      * @throws    IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified
2348      *                <code>field</code> is out of range
2349      *               (<code>field &lt; 0 || field &gt;= FIELD_COUNT</code>).
2350      * @see #isExternallySet(int)
2351      * @see #selectFields()
2352      */
2353     final void setFieldsComputed(int fieldMask) {
2354         if (fieldMask == ALL_FIELDS) {
2355             for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
2356                 stamp[i] = COMPUTED;
2357                 isSet[i] = true;
2358             }
2359             areFieldsSet = areAllFieldsSet = true;
2360         } else {
2361             for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
2362                 if ((fieldMask & 1) == 1) {
2363                     stamp[i] = COMPUTED;
2364                     isSet[i] = true;
2365                 } else {
2366                     if (areAllFieldsSet && !isSet[i]) {
2367                         areAllFieldsSet = false;
2368                     }
2369                 }
2370                 fieldMask >>>= 1;
2371             }
2372         }
2373     }
2375     /**
2376      * Sets the state of the calendar fields that are <em>not</em> specified
2377      * by <code>fieldMask</code> to <em>unset</em>. If <code>fieldMask</code>
2378      * specifies all the calendar fields, then the state of this
2379      * <code>Calendar</code> becomes that all the calendar fields are in sync
2380      * with the time value (millisecond offset from the Epoch).
2381      *
2382      * @param fieldMask the field mask indicating which calendar fields are in
2383      * sync with the time value.
2384      * @throws    IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified
2385      *                <code>field</code> is out of range
2386      *               (<code>field &lt; 0 || field &gt;= FIELD_COUNT</code>).
2387      * @see #isExternallySet(int)
2388      * @see #selectFields()
2389      */
2390     final void setFieldsNormalized(int fieldMask) {
2391         if (fieldMask != ALL_FIELDS) {
2392             for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
2393                 if ((fieldMask & 1) == 0) {
2394                     stamp[i] = fields[i] = 0; // UNSET == 0
2395                     isSet[i] = false;
2396                 }
2397                 fieldMask >>= 1;
2398             }
2399         }
2401         // Some or all of the fields are in sync with the
2402         // milliseconds, but the stamp values are not normalized yet.
2403         areFieldsSet = true;
2404         areAllFieldsSet = false;

2789      * otherwise.
2790      * @see     #compareTo(Calendar)
2791      */
2792     public boolean after(Object when) {
2793         return when instanceof Calendar
2794             && compareTo((Calendar)when) > 0;
2795     }
2797     /**
2798      * Compares the time values (millisecond offsets from the <a
2799      * href="#Epoch">Epoch</a>) represented by two
2800      * <code>Calendar</code> objects.
2801      *
2802      * @param anotherCalendar the <code>Calendar</code> to be compared.
2803      * @return the value <code>0</code> if the time represented by the argument
2804      * is equal to the time represented by this <code>Calendar</code>; a value
2805      * less than <code>0</code> if the time of this <code>Calendar</code> is
2806      * before the time represented by the argument; and a value greater than
2807      * <code>0</code> if the time of this <code>Calendar</code> is after the
2808      * time represented by the argument.
2809      * @throws    NullPointerException if the specified <code>Calendar</code> is
2810      *            <code>null</code>.
2811      * @throws    IllegalArgumentException if the time value of the
2812      * specified <code>Calendar</code> object can't be obtained due to
2813      * any invalid calendar values.
2814      * @since   1.5
2815      */
2816     @Override
2817     public int compareTo(Calendar anotherCalendar) {
2818         return compareTo(getMillisOf(anotherCalendar));
2819     }
2821     /**
2822      * Adds or subtracts the specified amount of time to the given calendar field,
2823      * based on the calendar's rules. For example, to subtract 5 days from
2824      * the current time of the calendar, you can achieve it by calling:
2825      * <p><code>add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -5)</code>.
2826      *
2827      * @param field the calendar field.
2828      * @param amount the amount of date or time to be added to the field.
2829      * @see #roll(int,int)
2830      * @see #set(int,int)
2831      */

3037      *         {@code false} otherwise.
3038      * @see #getWeekYear()
3039      * @see #setWeekDate(int,int,int)
3040      * @see #getWeeksInWeekYear()
3041      * @since 1.7
3042      */
3043     public boolean isWeekDateSupported() {
3044         return false;
3045     }
3047     /**
3048      * Returns the week year represented by this {@code Calendar}. The
3049      * week year is in sync with the week cycle. The {@linkplain
3050      * #getFirstDayOfWeek() first day of the first week} is the first
3051      * day of the week year.
3052      *
3053      * <p>The default implementation of this method throws an
3054      * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
3055      *
3056      * @return the week year of this {@code Calendar}
3057      * @throws    UnsupportedOperationException
3058      *            if any week year numbering isn't supported
3059      *            in this {@code Calendar}.
3060      * @see #isWeekDateSupported()
3061      * @see #getFirstDayOfWeek()
3062      * @see #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
3063      * @since 1.7
3064      */
3065     public int getWeekYear() {
3066         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
3067     }
3069     /**
3070      * Sets the date of this {@code Calendar} with the given date
3071      * specifiers - week year, week of year, and day of week.
3072      *
3073      * <p>Unlike the {@code set} method, all of the calendar fields
3074      * and {@code time} values are calculated upon return.
3075      *
3076      * <p>If {@code weekOfYear} is out of the valid week-of-year range
3077      * in {@code weekYear}, the {@code weekYear} and {@code
3078      * weekOfYear} values are adjusted in lenient mode, or an {@code
3079      * IllegalArgumentException} is thrown in non-lenient mode.
3080      *
3081      * <p>The default implementation of this method throws an
3082      * {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
3083      *
3084      * @param weekYear   the week year
3085      * @param weekOfYear the week number based on {@code weekYear}
3086      * @param dayOfWeek  the day of week value: one of the constants
3087      *                   for the {@link #DAY_OF_WEEK} field: {@link
3088      *                   #SUNDAY}, ..., {@link #SATURDAY}.
3089      * @throws    IllegalArgumentException
3090      *            if any of the given date specifiers is invalid
3091      *            or any of the calendar fields are inconsistent
3092      *            with the given date specifiers in non-lenient mode
3093      * @throws    UnsupportedOperationException
3094      *            if any week year numbering isn't supported in this
3095      *            {@code Calendar}.
3096      * @see #isWeekDateSupported()
3097      * @see #getFirstDayOfWeek()
3098      * @see #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
3099      * @since 1.7
3100      */
3101     public void setWeekDate(int weekYear, int weekOfYear, int dayOfWeek) {
3102         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
3103     }
3105     /**
3106      * Returns the number of weeks in the week year represented by this
3107      * {@code Calendar}.
3108      *
3109      * <p>The default implementation of this method throws an
3110      * {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
3111      *
3112      * @return the number of weeks in the week year.
3113      * @throws    UnsupportedOperationException
3114      *            if any week year numbering isn't supported in this
3115      *            {@code Calendar}.
3116      * @see #WEEK_OF_YEAR
3117      * @see #isWeekDateSupported()
3118      * @see #getWeekYear()
3119      * @see #getActualMaximum(int)
3120      * @since 1.7
3121      */
3122     public int getWeeksInWeekYear() {
3123         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
3124     }
3126     /**
3127      * Returns the minimum value for the given calendar field of this
3128      * <code>Calendar</code> instance. The minimum value is defined as
3129      * the smallest value returned by the {@link #get(int) get} method
3130      * for any possible time value.  The minimum value depends on
3131      * calendar system specific parameters of the instance.
3132      *
3133      * @param field the calendar field.

3334             return other;
3335         }
3336         catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
3337             // this shouldn't happen, since we are Cloneable
3338             throw new InternalError(e);
3339         }
3340     }
3342     private static final String[] FIELD_NAME = {
3346         "DST_OFFSET"
3347     };
3349     /**
3350      * Returns the name of the specified calendar field.
3351      *
3352      * @param field the calendar field
3353      * @return the calendar field name
3354      * @throws    IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>field</code> is negative,
3355      * equal to or greater than {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
3356      */
3357     static String getFieldName(int field) {
3358         return FIELD_NAME[field];
3359     }
3361     /**
3362      * Return a string representation of this calendar. This method
3363      * is intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the
3364      * format of the returned string may vary between implementations.
3365      * The returned string may be empty but may not be <code>null</code>.
3366      *
3367      * @return  a string representation of this calendar.
3368      */
3369     @Override
3370     public String toString() {
3371         // NOTE: BuddhistCalendar.toString() interprets the string
3372         // produced by this method so that the Gregorian year number
3373         // is substituted by its B.E. year value. It relies on
3374         // "...,YEAR=<year>,..." or "...,YEAR=?,...".

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