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rev 56290 : 8230648: Replace @exception tag with @throws in java.base
Summary: Minor coding style update of javadoc tag in any file in java.base
Reviewed-by: prappo, lancea

 164     /**
 165      * The number of times this Hashtable has been structurally modified
 166      * Structural modifications are those that change the number of entries in
 167      * the Hashtable or otherwise modify its internal structure (e.g.,
 168      * rehash).  This field is used to make iterators on Collection-views of
 169      * the Hashtable fail-fast.  (See ConcurrentModificationException).
 170      */
 171     private transient int modCount = 0;
 173     /** use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.0.2 for interoperability */
 174     @java.io.Serial
 175     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1421746759512286392L;
 177     /**
 178      * Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial
 179      * capacity and the specified load factor.
 180      *
 181      * @param      initialCapacity   the initial capacity of the hashtable.
 182      * @param      loadFactor        the load factor of the hashtable.
 183      * @exception  IllegalArgumentException  if the initial capacity is less
 184      *             than zero, or if the load factor is nonpositive.
 185      */
 186     public Hashtable(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
 187         if (initialCapacity < 0)
 188             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Capacity: "+
 189                                                initialCapacity);
 190         if (loadFactor <= 0 || Float.isNaN(loadFactor))
 191             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Load: "+loadFactor);
 193         if (initialCapacity==0)
 194             initialCapacity = 1;
 195         this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
 196         table = new Entry<?,?>[initialCapacity];
 197         threshold = (int)Math.min(initialCapacity * loadFactor, MAX_ARRAY_SIZE + 1);
 198     }
 200     /**
 201      * Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity
 202      * and default load factor (0.75).
 203      *
 204      * @param     initialCapacity   the initial capacity of the hashtable.
 205      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is less
 206      *              than zero.
 207      */
 208     public Hashtable(int initialCapacity) {
 209         this(initialCapacity, 0.75f);
 210     }
 212     /**
 213      * Constructs a new, empty hashtable with a default initial capacity (11)
 214      * and load factor (0.75).
 215      */
 216     public Hashtable() {
 217         this(11, 0.75f);
 218     }
 220     /**
 221      * Constructs a new hashtable with the same mappings as the given
 222      * Map.  The hashtable is created with an initial capacity sufficient to
 223      * hold the mappings in the given Map and a default load factor (0.75).
 224      *
 225      * @param t the map whose mappings are to be placed in this map.

 287      * @see     Map
 288      */
 289     public synchronized Enumeration<V> elements() {
 290         return this.<V>getEnumeration(VALUES);
 291     }
 293     /**
 294      * Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
 295      * This operation is more expensive than the {@link #containsKey
 296      * containsKey} method.
 297      *
 298      * <p>Note that this method is identical in functionality to
 299      * {@link #containsValue containsValue}, (which is part of the
 300      * {@link Map} interface in the collections framework).
 301      *
 302      * @param      value   a value to search for
 303      * @return     {@code true} if and only if some key maps to the
 304      *             {@code value} argument in this hashtable as
 305      *             determined by the {@code equals} method;
 306      *             {@code false} otherwise.
 307      * @exception  NullPointerException  if the value is {@code null}
 308      */
 309     public synchronized boolean contains(Object value) {
 310         if (value == null) {
 311             throw new NullPointerException();
 312         }
 314         Entry<?,?> tab[] = table;
 315         for (int i = tab.length ; i-- > 0 ;) {
 316             for (Entry<?,?> e = tab[i] ; e != null ; e = e.next) {
 317                 if (e.value.equals(value)) {
 318                     return true;
 319                 }
 320             }
 321         }
 322         return false;
 323     }
 325     /**
 326      * Returns true if this hashtable maps one or more keys to this value.
 327      *

 448         // Creates the new entry.
 449         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 450         Entry<K,V> e = (Entry<K,V>) tab[index];
 451         tab[index] = new Entry<>(hash, key, value, e);
 452         count++;
 453         modCount++;
 454     }
 456     /**
 457      * Maps the specified {@code key} to the specified
 458      * {@code value} in this hashtable. Neither the key nor the
 459      * value can be {@code null}. <p>
 460      *
 461      * The value can be retrieved by calling the {@code get} method
 462      * with a key that is equal to the original key.
 463      *
 464      * @param      key     the hashtable key
 465      * @param      value   the value
 466      * @return     the previous value of the specified key in this hashtable,
 467      *             or {@code null} if it did not have one
 468      * @exception  NullPointerException  if the key or value is
 469      *               {@code null}
 470      * @see     Object#equals(Object)
 471      * @see     #get(Object)
 472      */
 473     public synchronized V put(K key, V value) {
 474         // Make sure the value is not null
 475         if (value == null) {
 476             throw new NullPointerException();
 477         }
 479         // Makes sure the key is not already in the hashtable.
 480         Entry<?,?> tab[] = table;
 481         int hash = key.hashCode();
 482         int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % tab.length;
 483         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 484         Entry<K,V> entry = (Entry<K,V>)tab[index];
 485         for(; entry != null ; entry = entry.next) {
 486             if ((entry.hash == hash) && entry.key.equals(key)) {
 487                 V old = entry.value;
 488                 entry.value = value;

 164     /**
 165      * The number of times this Hashtable has been structurally modified
 166      * Structural modifications are those that change the number of entries in
 167      * the Hashtable or otherwise modify its internal structure (e.g.,
 168      * rehash).  This field is used to make iterators on Collection-views of
 169      * the Hashtable fail-fast.  (See ConcurrentModificationException).
 170      */
 171     private transient int modCount = 0;
 173     /** use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.0.2 for interoperability */
 174     @java.io.Serial
 175     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1421746759512286392L;
 177     /**
 178      * Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial
 179      * capacity and the specified load factor.
 180      *
 181      * @param      initialCapacity   the initial capacity of the hashtable.
 182      * @param      loadFactor        the load factor of the hashtable.
 183      * @throws     IllegalArgumentException  if the initial capacity is less
 184      *             than zero, or if the load factor is nonpositive.
 185      */
 186     public Hashtable(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
 187         if (initialCapacity < 0)
 188             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Capacity: "+
 189                                                initialCapacity);
 190         if (loadFactor <= 0 || Float.isNaN(loadFactor))
 191             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Load: "+loadFactor);
 193         if (initialCapacity==0)
 194             initialCapacity = 1;
 195         this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
 196         table = new Entry<?,?>[initialCapacity];
 197         threshold = (int)Math.min(initialCapacity * loadFactor, MAX_ARRAY_SIZE + 1);
 198     }
 200     /**
 201      * Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity
 202      * and default load factor (0.75).
 203      *
 204      * @param     initialCapacity   the initial capacity of the hashtable.
 205      * @throws    IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is less
 206      *              than zero.
 207      */
 208     public Hashtable(int initialCapacity) {
 209         this(initialCapacity, 0.75f);
 210     }
 212     /**
 213      * Constructs a new, empty hashtable with a default initial capacity (11)
 214      * and load factor (0.75).
 215      */
 216     public Hashtable() {
 217         this(11, 0.75f);
 218     }
 220     /**
 221      * Constructs a new hashtable with the same mappings as the given
 222      * Map.  The hashtable is created with an initial capacity sufficient to
 223      * hold the mappings in the given Map and a default load factor (0.75).
 224      *
 225      * @param t the map whose mappings are to be placed in this map.

 287      * @see     Map
 288      */
 289     public synchronized Enumeration<V> elements() {
 290         return this.<V>getEnumeration(VALUES);
 291     }
 293     /**
 294      * Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
 295      * This operation is more expensive than the {@link #containsKey
 296      * containsKey} method.
 297      *
 298      * <p>Note that this method is identical in functionality to
 299      * {@link #containsValue containsValue}, (which is part of the
 300      * {@link Map} interface in the collections framework).
 301      *
 302      * @param      value   a value to search for
 303      * @return     {@code true} if and only if some key maps to the
 304      *             {@code value} argument in this hashtable as
 305      *             determined by the {@code equals} method;
 306      *             {@code false} otherwise.
 307      * @throws     NullPointerException  if the value is {@code null}
 308      */
 309     public synchronized boolean contains(Object value) {
 310         if (value == null) {
 311             throw new NullPointerException();
 312         }
 314         Entry<?,?> tab[] = table;
 315         for (int i = tab.length ; i-- > 0 ;) {
 316             for (Entry<?,?> e = tab[i] ; e != null ; e = e.next) {
 317                 if (e.value.equals(value)) {
 318                     return true;
 319                 }
 320             }
 321         }
 322         return false;
 323     }
 325     /**
 326      * Returns true if this hashtable maps one or more keys to this value.
 327      *

 448         // Creates the new entry.
 449         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 450         Entry<K,V> e = (Entry<K,V>) tab[index];
 451         tab[index] = new Entry<>(hash, key, value, e);
 452         count++;
 453         modCount++;
 454     }
 456     /**
 457      * Maps the specified {@code key} to the specified
 458      * {@code value} in this hashtable. Neither the key nor the
 459      * value can be {@code null}. <p>
 460      *
 461      * The value can be retrieved by calling the {@code get} method
 462      * with a key that is equal to the original key.
 463      *
 464      * @param      key     the hashtable key
 465      * @param      value   the value
 466      * @return     the previous value of the specified key in this hashtable,
 467      *             or {@code null} if it did not have one
 468      * @throws     NullPointerException  if the key or value is
 469      *               {@code null}
 470      * @see     Object#equals(Object)
 471      * @see     #get(Object)
 472      */
 473     public synchronized V put(K key, V value) {
 474         // Make sure the value is not null
 475         if (value == null) {
 476             throw new NullPointerException();
 477         }
 479         // Makes sure the key is not already in the hashtable.
 480         Entry<?,?> tab[] = table;
 481         int hash = key.hashCode();
 482         int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % tab.length;
 483         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 484         Entry<K,V> entry = (Entry<K,V>)tab[index];
 485         for(; entry != null ; entry = entry.next) {
 486             if ((entry.hash == hash) && entry.key.equals(key)) {
 487                 V old = entry.value;
 488                 entry.value = value;

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