1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2007, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  23 #include <stdio.h>
  24 #include <stdlib.h>
  25 #include <jvmti.h>
  26 #include "agent_common.h"
  27 #include <jni.h>
  28 #include <string.h>
  29 #include "jvmti_tools.h"
  30 #include "jni_tools.h"
  31 #include "JVMTITools.h"
  32 /*
  33    hs203T003:
  34    1. Set FieldAccessWatch, FieldModificatoinWatch for a field.
  35    2. Upon access/modification of the field within a method, redefine
  36    a class with the changed field version, and pop a currently executed
  37    frame within FieldAccess/FieldModification callback.
  39 */
  40 extern "C" {
  41 #define DIR_NAME "newclass"
  42 #define PATH_FORMAT "%s%02d/%s"
  44 #define FILE_NAME "nsk/jvmti/scenarios/hotswap/HS203/hs203t003/MyThread"
  45 #define CLASS_NAME "Lnsk/jvmti/scenarios/hotswap/HS203/hs203t003/MyThread;"
  46 #define SEARCH_NAME "nsk/jvmti/scenarios/hotswap/HS203/hs203t003/MyThread"
  47 #define FIELDNAME "threadState"
  48 #define TYPE "I"
  50 static jint redefineNumber;
  51 static jvmtiEnv * jvmti;
  52 static int redefineCnt=0;
  54 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL callbackClassPrepare(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
  55                                         JNIEnv* jni,
  56                                         jthread thread,
  57                                         jclass klass) {
  58     char * className;
  59     char * generic;
  60     redefineNumber=0;
  61     className=NULL;
  62     generic=NULL;
  63     if ( ! NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY ( NSK_CPP_STUB4(GetClassSignature,
  64                     jvmti_env, klass, &className, &generic) ) ) {
  65         nsk_printf("#error Agent :: while getting classname Signature.\n");
  66         nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
  67     } else {
  68         if (strcmp(className,CLASS_NAME) == 0) {
  69             jfieldID field;
  70             /* get the field id and set watch on that .*/
  71             if (! NSK_JNI_VERIFY(jni, (field = NSK_CPP_STUB4(GetFieldID,
  72                                 jni, klass, FIELDNAME, TYPE)) != NULL) ) {
  73                 nsk_printf(" Agent :: (*JNI)->GetFieldID(jni, ... ) returns `null`.\n");
  74                 nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
  75             } else  if ( ! NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY(NSK_CPP_STUB3(SetFieldAccessWatch,
  76                             jvmti_env, klass, field) ) ) {
  77                 nsk_printf("#error Agent :: occured while jvmti->SetFieldAccessWatch(... ) .\n");
  78                 nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
  79             }
  80         }
  81     }
  82 }
  84 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL callbackFieldAccess(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
  85                                                  JNIEnv* jni,
  86                                                  jthread thread,
  87                                                  jmethodID method,
  88                                                  jlocation location,
  89                                                  jclass field_klass,
  90                                                  jobject object,
  91                                                  jfieldID field) {
  92     jclass clas;
  93     char fileName[512];
  94     if (redefineCnt < 10) {
  95         redefineCnt++;
  96         return;
  97     }
  98     redefineNumber=0;
  99     if (! NSK_JNI_VERIFY(jni, (clas = NSK_CPP_STUB2(FindClass, jni, SEARCH_NAME)) != NULL) ) {
 100         nsk_printf(" Agent :: (*JNI)->FindClass(jni, %s) returns `null`.\n",SEARCH_NAME);
 101         nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
 102     } else  {
 103         nsk_jvmti_getFileName(redefineNumber, FILE_NAME, fileName,
 104                                 sizeof(fileName)/sizeof(char));
 105         if ( nsk_jvmti_redefineClass(jvmti_env, clas, fileName ) != NSK_TRUE) {
 106             nsk_printf(" Agent :: Failed to redefine.\n");
 107             nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
 108         } else {
 109             nsk_printf(" Agent :: Redefined.\n");
 110             nsk_printf(" Agent :: Suspendeding thread.\n");
 111             /* pop the current working frame. */
 112             if ( ! NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY( NSK_CPP_STUB2(SuspendThread, jvmti_env, thread) ) ) {
 113                 nsk_printf("#error Agent :: occured suspending Thread.\n");
 114                 nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
 115             } else {
 116                 nsk_printf(" Agent :: Succeded in suspending.\n");
 117             }
 118         }
 119     }
 120 }
 122 #ifdef STATIC_BUILD
 123 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Agent_OnLoad_hs203t003(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved) {
 124     return Agent_Initialize(jvm, options, reserved);
 125 }
 126 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Agent_OnAttach_hs203t003(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved) {
 127     return Agent_Initialize(jvm, options, reserved);
 128 }
 129 JNIEXPORT jint JNI_OnLoad_hs203t003(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved) {
 130     return JNI_VERSION_1_8;
 131 }
 132 #endif
 133 jint  Agent_Initialize(JavaVM *vm, char *options, void *reserved) {
 134     if ( ! NSK_VERIFY ( JNI_OK == NSK_CPP_STUB3(GetEnv, vm,
 135                     (void **)&jvmti, JVMTI_VERSION_1_1) ) ) {
 136         nsk_printf(" Agent :: Could not load JVMTI interface.\n");
 137         return JNI_ERR;
 138     } else {
 139         jvmtiCapabilities caps;
 140         jvmtiEventCallbacks eventCallbacks;
 141         if (nsk_jvmti_parseOptions(options) == NSK_FALSE ) {
 142             nsk_printf("#error Agent :: Failed to parse options.\n");
 143             return JNI_ERR;
 144         }
 145         memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps));
 146         caps.can_redefine_classes = 1;
 147         caps.can_suspend=1;
 148         caps.can_pop_frame=1;
 149         caps.can_generate_all_class_hook_events=1;
 150         caps.can_generate_field_access_events=1;
 151         if (! NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY ( NSK_CPP_STUB2(AddCapabilities, jvmti, &caps) )) {
 152             nsk_printf("#error Agent :: while adding capabilities.\n");
 153             return JNI_ERR;
 154         }
 155         memset(&eventCallbacks, 0, sizeof(eventCallbacks));
 156         eventCallbacks.ClassPrepare =callbackClassPrepare;
 157         eventCallbacks.FieldAccess= callbackFieldAccess;
 158         if (!NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY(
 159                 NSK_CPP_STUB3(SetEventCallbacks, jvmti,
 160                                     &eventCallbacks, sizeof(eventCallbacks)))) {
 161             nsk_printf("#error Agent :: while setting event callbacks.\n");
 162             return JNI_ERR;
 163         }
 164         if ( ( nsk_jvmti_enableNotification(jvmti,JVMTI_EVENT_CLASS_PREPARE, NULL)
 165                     == NSK_TRUE ) &&
 166                 ( nsk_jvmti_enableNotification(jvmti,JVMTI_EVENT_FIELD_ACCESS, NULL)
 167                   == NSK_TRUE )  ) {
 168             nsk_printf(" Agent :: Notifications are enabled.\n");
 169         } else {
 170             nsk_printf("#error Agent :: Eanableing Notifications.\n");
 171             return JNI_ERR;
 172         }
 173     }
 174     return JNI_OK;
 175 }
 178 Java_nsk_jvmti_scenarios_hotswap_HS203_hs203t003_hs203t003_isSuspended(JNIEnv * jni,
 179         jclass clas,
 180         jthread thread) {
 181     jboolean retvalue;
 182     jint state;
 183     retvalue = JNI_FALSE;
 184     if ( ! NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY( NSK_CPP_STUB3(GetThreadState, jvmti, thread, &state) )  ) {
 185         nsk_printf(" Agent :: Error while getting thread state.\n");
 186         nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
 187     } else {
 188         if ( state & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED) {
 189           retvalue = JNI_TRUE;
 190         }
 191     }
 192     return retvalue;
 193 }
 196 Java_nsk_jvmti_scenarios_hotswap_HS203_hs203t003_hs203t003_popThreadFrame(JNIEnv * jni,
 197         jclass clas,
 198         jthread thread) {
 199     jboolean retvalue;
 200     jint state;
 201     retvalue = JNI_FALSE;
 202     if ( ! NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY( NSK_CPP_STUB3(GetThreadState, jvmti, thread, &state) )  ) {
 203         nsk_printf(" Agent :: Error while getting thread state.\n");
 204         nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
 205     } else {
 206         if ( state & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED) {
 207             if ( ! NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY ( NSK_CPP_STUB2( PopFrame, jvmti, thread) ) ) {
 208                 nsk_printf("#error Agent :: while poping thread's frame.\n");
 209                 nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
 210             } else {
 211                 nsk_printf(" Agent :: poped thread frame.\n");
 212                 if ( ! NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY ( NSK_CPP_STUB4 (SetEventNotificationMode, jvmti,
 213                                 JVMTI_DISABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_FIELD_ACCESS, NULL) ) ) {
 214                     nsk_printf("#error Agent :: failed to disable notification JVMTI_EVENT_FIELD ACCESS.\n");
 215                     nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
 216                 } else {
 217                     nsk_printf(" Agent :: Disabled notification JVMTI_EVENT_FIELD ACCESS. \n");
 218                     retvalue = JNI_TRUE;
 219                 }
 220             }
 221         } else {
 222             nsk_printf("#error Agent :: Thread was not suspened.");
 223             nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
 224         }
 225     }
 226     return retvalue;
 227 }
 230 Java_nsk_jvmti_scenarios_hotswap_HS203_hs203t003_hs203t003_resumeThread(JNIEnv * jni,
 231         jclass clas,
 232         jthread thread) {
 233     jboolean retvalue;
 234     retvalue = JNI_FALSE;
 235     if ( !NSK_JVMTI_VERIFY( NSK_CPP_STUB2 ( ResumeThread, jvmti, thread)) ) {
 236         nsk_printf("#error Agent :: while resuming thread.\n");
 237         nsk_jvmti_agentFailed();
 238     } else {
 239         nsk_printf(" Agent :: Thread resumed.\n");
 240         retvalue= JNI_TRUE;
 241     }
 242     return retvalue;
 243 }
 245 }