1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 #ifndef HEADLESS
  28 #include <jni.h>
  29 #include <jlong.h>
  31 #include "SurfaceData.h"
  32 #include "OGLBlitLoops.h"
  33 #include "OGLRenderQueue.h"
  34 #include "OGLSurfaceData.h"
  35 #include "GraphicsPrimitiveMgr.h"
  37 extern OGLPixelFormat PixelFormats[];
  39 /**
  40  * Inner loop used for copying a source OpenGL "Surface" (window, pbuffer,
  41  * etc.) to a destination OpenGL "Surface".  Note that the same surface can
  42  * be used as both the source and destination, as is the case in a copyArea()
  43  * operation.  This method is invoked from OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit() as well as
  44  * OGLBlitLoops_CopyArea().
  45  *
  46  * The standard glCopyPixels() mechanism is used to copy the source region
  47  * into the destination region.  If the regions have different dimensions,
  48  * the source will be scaled into the destination as appropriate (only
  49  * nearest neighbor filtering will be applied for simple scale operations).
  50  */
  51 static void
  52 OGLBlitSurfaceToSurface(OGLContext *oglc, OGLSDOps *srcOps, OGLSDOps *dstOps,
  53                         jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
  54                         jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
  55 {
  56     GLfloat scalex, scaley;
  57     jint srcw = sx2 - sx1;
  58     jint srch = sy2 - sy1;
  60     scalex = ((GLfloat)(dx2-dx1)) / srcw;
  61     scaley = ((GLfloat)(dy2-dy1)) / srch;
  63     // the following lines account for the fact that glCopyPixels() copies a
  64     // region whose lower-left corner is at (x,y), but the source parameters
  65     // (sx1,sy1) we are given here point to the upper-left corner of the
  66     // source region... so here we play with the sy1 and dy1 parameters so
  67     // that they point to the lower-left corners of the regions...
  68     sx1 = srcOps->xOffset + sx1;
  69     sy1 = srcOps->yOffset + srcOps->height - sy2;
  70     dy1 = dy2;
  72     if (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f) {
  73         OGLContext_SetExtraAlpha(oglc->extraAlpha);
  74     }
  76     // see OGLBlitSwToSurface() for more info on the following two lines
  77     j2d_glRasterPos2i(0, 0);
  78     j2d_glBitmap(0, 0, 0, 0, (GLfloat)dx1, (GLfloat)-dy1, NULL);
  80     if (scalex == 1.0f && scaley == 1.0f) {
  81         j2d_glCopyPixels(sx1, sy1, srcw, srch, GL_COLOR);
  82     } else {
  83         j2d_glPixelZoom(scalex, scaley);
  84         j2d_glCopyPixels(sx1, sy1, srcw, srch, GL_COLOR);
  85         j2d_glPixelZoom(1.0f, 1.0f);
  86     }
  88     if (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f) {
  89         OGLContext_SetExtraAlpha(1.0f);
  90     }
  91 }
  93 /**
  94  * Inner loop used for copying a source OpenGL "Texture" to a destination
  95  * OpenGL "Surface".  This method is invoked from OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit().
  96  *
  97  * This method will copy, scale, or transform the source texture into the
  98  * destination depending on the transform state, as established in
  99  * and OGLContext_SetTransform().  If the source texture is
 100  * transformed in any way when rendered into the destination, the filtering
 101  * method applied is determined by the hint parameter (can be GL_NEAREST or
 102  * GL_LINEAR).
 103  */
 104 static void
 105 OGLBlitTextureToSurface(OGLContext *oglc,
 106                         OGLSDOps *srcOps, OGLSDOps *dstOps,
 107                         jboolean rtt, jint hint,
 108                         jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
 109                         jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
 110 {
 111     GLdouble tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
 113     if (rtt) {
 114         /*
 115          * The source is a render-to-texture surface.  These surfaces differ
 116          * from regular texture objects in that the bottom scanline (of
 117          * the actual image content) coincides with the top edge of the
 118          * texture object.  Therefore, we need to adjust the sy1/sy2
 119          * coordinates relative to the top scanline of the image content.
 120          *
 121          * In texture coordinates, the top-left corner of the image content
 122          * would be at:
 123          *     (0.0, (imgHeight/texHeight))
 124          * while the bottom-right corner corresponds to:
 125          *     ((imgWidth/texWidth), 0.0)
 126          */
 127         sy1 = srcOps->height - sy1;
 128         sy2 = srcOps->height - sy2;
 129     }
 131     if (srcOps->textureTarget == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
 132         // The GL_ARB_texture_rectangle extension requires that we specify
 133         // texture coordinates in the range [0,srcw] and [0,srch] instead of
 134         // [0,1] as we would normally do in the case of GL_TEXTURE_2D
 135         tx1 = (GLdouble)sx1;
 136         ty1 = (GLdouble)sy1;
 137         tx2 = (GLdouble)sx2;
 138         ty2 = (GLdouble)sy2;
 139     } else {
 140         // Otherwise we need to convert the source bounds into the range [0,1]
 141         tx1 = ((GLdouble)sx1) / srcOps->textureWidth;
 142         ty1 = ((GLdouble)sy1) / srcOps->textureHeight;
 143         tx2 = ((GLdouble)sx2) / srcOps->textureWidth;
 144         ty2 = ((GLdouble)sy2) / srcOps->textureHeight;
 145     }
 147     // Note that we call CHECK_PREVIOUS_OP(texTarget) in IsoBlit(), which
 148     // will call glEnable(texTarget) as necessary.
 149     j2d_glBindTexture(srcOps->textureTarget, srcOps->textureID);
 151     OGLSD_UPDATE_TEXTURE_FILTER(srcOps, hint);
 153     j2d_glBegin(GL_QUADS);
 154     j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx1, dy1);
 155     j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx2, dy1);
 156     j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx2, dy2);
 157     j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx1, dy2);
 158     j2d_glEnd();
 159 }
 161 /**
 162  * Inner loop used for copying a source system memory ("Sw") surface to a
 163  * destination OpenGL "Surface".  This method is invoked from
 164  * OGLBlitLoops_Blit().
 165  *
 166  * The standard glDrawPixels() mechanism is used to copy the source region
 167  * into the destination region.  If the regions have different
 168  * dimensions, the source will be scaled into the destination
 169  * as appropriate (only nearest neighbor filtering will be applied for simple
 170  * scale operations).
 171  */
 172 static void
 173 OGLBlitSwToSurface(OGLContext *oglc, SurfaceDataRasInfo *srcInfo,
 174                    OGLPixelFormat *pf,
 175                    jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
 176                    jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
 177 {
 178     GLfloat scalex, scaley;
 180     scalex = ((GLfloat)(dx2-dx1)) / (sx2-sx1);
 181     scaley = ((GLfloat)(dy2-dy1)) / (sy2-sy1);
 183     if (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f) {
 184         OGLContext_SetExtraAlpha(oglc->extraAlpha);
 185     }
 186     if (!pf->hasAlpha) {
 187         // if the source surface does not have an alpha channel,
 188         // we need to ensure that the alpha values are forced to
 189         // the current extra alpha value (see OGLContext_SetExtraAlpha()
 190         // for more information)
 191         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 0.0f);
 192         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, oglc->extraAlpha);
 193     }
 195     // This is a rather intriguing (yet totally valid) hack... If we were to
 196     // specify a raster position that is outside the surface bounds, the raster
 197     // position would be invalid and nothing would be rendered.  However, we
 198     // can use a widely known trick to move the raster position outside the
 199     // surface bounds while maintaining its status as valid.  The following
 200     // call to glBitmap() renders a no-op bitmap, but offsets the current
 201     // raster position from (0,0) to the desired location of (dx1,-dy1)...
 202     j2d_glRasterPos2i(0, 0);
 203     j2d_glBitmap(0, 0, 0, 0, (GLfloat)dx1, (GLfloat)-dy1, NULL);
 205     j2d_glPixelZoom(scalex, -scaley);
 207     // in case pixel stride is not a multiple of scanline stride the copy
 208     // has to be done line by line (see 6207877)
 209     if (srcInfo->scanStride % srcInfo->pixelStride != 0) {
 210         jint width = sx2-sx1;
 211         jint height = sy2-sy1;
 212         GLvoid *pSrc = srcInfo->rasBase;
 214         while (height > 0) {
 215             j2d_glDrawPixels(width, 1, pf->format, pf->type, pSrc);
 216             j2d_glBitmap(0, 0, 0, 0, (GLfloat)0, (GLfloat)-1, NULL);
 217             pSrc = PtrAddBytes(pSrc, srcInfo->scanStride);
 218             height--;
 219         }
 220     } else {
 221         j2d_glDrawPixels(sx2-sx1, sy2-sy1, pf->format, pf->type, srcInfo->rasBase);
 222     }
 224     j2d_glPixelZoom(1.0, 1.0);
 226     if (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f) {
 227         OGLContext_SetExtraAlpha(1.0f);
 228     }
 229     if (!pf->hasAlpha) {
 230         // restore scale/bias to their original values
 231         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f);
 232         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0f);
 233     }
 234 }
 236 /**
 237  * Inner loop used for copying a source system memory ("Sw") surface or
 238  * OpenGL "Surface" to a destination OpenGL "Surface", using an OpenGL texture
 239  * tile as an intermediate surface.  This method is invoked from
 240  * OGLBlitLoops_Blit() for "Sw" surfaces and OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit() for
 241  * "Surface" surfaces.
 242  *
 243  * This method is used to transform the source surface into the destination.
 244  * Pixel rectangles cannot be arbitrarily transformed (without the
 245  * GL_EXT_pixel_transform extension, which is not supported on most modern
 246  * hardware).  However, texture mapped quads do respect the GL_MODELVIEW
 247  * transform matrix, so we use textures here to perform the transform
 248  * operation.  This method uses a tile-based approach in which a small
 249  * subregion of the source surface is copied into a cached texture tile.  The
 250  * texture tile is then mapped into the appropriate location in the
 251  * destination surface.
 252  *
 253  * REMIND: this only works well using GL_NEAREST for the filtering mode
 254  *         (GL_LINEAR causes visible stitching problems between tiles,
 255  *         but this can be fixed by making use of texture borders)
 256  */
 257 static void
 258 OGLBlitToSurfaceViaTexture(OGLContext *oglc, SurfaceDataRasInfo *srcInfo,
 259                            OGLPixelFormat *pf, OGLSDOps *srcOps,
 260                            jboolean swsurface, jint hint,
 261                            jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
 262                            jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
 263 {
 264     GLdouble tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
 265     GLdouble dx, dy, dw, dh, cdw, cdh;
 266     jint tw, th;
 267     jint sx, sy, sw, sh;
 268     GLint glhint = (hint == OGLSD_XFORM_BILINEAR) ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST;
 269     jboolean adjustAlpha = (pf != NULL && !pf->hasAlpha);
 270     jboolean slowPath;
 272     if (oglc->blitTextureID == 0) {
 273         if (!OGLContext_InitBlitTileTexture(oglc)) {
 274             J2dRlsTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_ERROR,
 275                 "OGLBlitToSurfaceViaTexture: could not init blit tile");
 276             return;
 277         }
 278     }
 280     tx1 = 0.0f;
 281     ty1 = 0.0f;
 282     tw = OGLC_BLIT_TILE_SIZE;
 283     th = OGLC_BLIT_TILE_SIZE;
 284     cdw = (dx2-dx1) / (((GLdouble)(sx2-sx1)) / OGLC_BLIT_TILE_SIZE);
 285     cdh = (dy2-dy1) / (((GLdouble)(sy2-sy1)) / OGLC_BLIT_TILE_SIZE);
 287     j2d_glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
 288     j2d_glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, oglc->blitTextureID);
 290     j2d_glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, glhint);
 291     j2d_glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, glhint);
 293     if (adjustAlpha) {
 294         // if the source surface does not have an alpha channel,
 295         // we need to ensure that the alpha values are forced to 1.0f
 296         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 0.0f);
 297         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 1.0f);
 298     }
 300     // in case pixel stride is not a multiple of scanline stride the copy
 301     // has to be done line by line (see 6207877)
 302     slowPath = srcInfo->scanStride % srcInfo->pixelStride != 0;
 304     for (sy = sy1, dy = dy1; sy < sy2; sy += th, dy += cdh) {
 305         sh = ((sy + th) > sy2) ? (sy2 - sy) : th;
 306         dh = ((dy + cdh) > dy2) ? (dy2 - dy) : cdh;
 308         for (sx = sx1, dx = dx1; sx < sx2; sx += tw, dx += cdw) {
 309             sw = ((sx + tw) > sx2) ? (sx2 - sx) : tw;
 310             dw = ((dx + cdw) > dx2) ? (dx2 - dx) : cdw;
 312             tx2 = ((GLdouble)sw) / tw;
 313             ty2 = ((GLdouble)sh) / th;
 315             if (swsurface) {
 316                 if (slowPath) {
 317                     jint tmph = sh;
 318                     GLvoid *pSrc = PtrCoord(srcInfo->rasBase,
 319                                             sx, srcInfo->pixelStride,
 320                                             sy, srcInfo->scanStride);
 322                     while (tmph > 0) {
 323                         j2d_glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
 324                                             0, sh - tmph, sw, 1,
 325                                             pf->format, pf->type,
 326                                             pSrc);
 327                         pSrc = PtrAddBytes(pSrc, srcInfo->scanStride);
 328                         tmph--;
 329                     }
 330                 } else {
 331                     j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, sx);
 332                     j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, sy);
 334                     j2d_glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
 335                                         0, 0, sw, sh,
 336                                         pf->format, pf->type,
 337                                         srcInfo->rasBase);
 338                 }
 340                 // the texture image is "right side up", so we align the
 341                 // upper-left texture corner with the upper-left quad corner
 342                 j2d_glBegin(GL_QUADS);
 343                 j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx, dy);
 344                 j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx + dw, dy);
 345                 j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx + dw, dy + dh);
 346                 j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx, dy + dh);
 347                 j2d_glEnd();
 348             } else {
 349                 // this accounts for lower-left origin of the source region
 350                 jint newsx = srcOps->xOffset + sx;
 351                 jint newsy = srcOps->yOffset + srcOps->height - (sy + sh);
 352                 j2d_glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
 353                                         0, 0, newsx, newsy, sw, sh);
 355                 // the texture image is "upside down" after the last step, so
 356                 // we align the bottom-left texture corner with the upper-left
 357                 // quad corner (and vice versa) to effectively flip the
 358                 // texture image
 359                 j2d_glBegin(GL_QUADS);
 360                 j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx, dy);
 361                 j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty2); j2d_glVertex2d(dx + dw, dy);
 362                 j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx2, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx + dw, dy + dh);
 363                 j2d_glTexCoord2d(tx1, ty1); j2d_glVertex2d(dx, dy + dh);
 364                 j2d_glEnd();
 365             }
 366         }
 367     }
 369     if (adjustAlpha) {
 370         // restore scale/bias to their original values
 371         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f);
 372         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0f);
 373     }
 375     j2d_glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
 376 }
 378 /**
 379  * Inner loop used for copying a source system memory ("Sw") surface to a
 380  * destination OpenGL "Texture".  This method is invoked from
 381  * OGLBlitLoops_Blit().
 382  *
 383  * The source surface is effectively loaded into the OpenGL texture object,
 384  * which must have already been initialized by OGLSD_initTexture().  Note
 385  * that this method is only capable of copying the source surface into the
 386  * destination surface (i.e. no scaling or general transform is allowed).
 387  * This restriction should not be an issue as this method is only used
 388  * currently to cache a static system memory image into an OpenGL texture in
 389  * a hidden-acceleration situation.
 390  */
 391 static void
 392 OGLBlitSwToTexture(SurfaceDataRasInfo *srcInfo, OGLPixelFormat *pf,
 393                    OGLSDOps *dstOps,
 394                    jint dx1, jint dy1, jint dx2, jint dy2)
 395 {
 396     jboolean adjustAlpha = (pf != NULL && !pf->hasAlpha);
 397     j2d_glBindTexture(dstOps->textureTarget, dstOps->textureID);
 399     if (adjustAlpha) {
 400         // if the source surface does not have an alpha channel,
 401         // we need to ensure that the alpha values are forced to 1.0f
 402         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 0.0f);
 403         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 1.0f);
 404     }
 406     // in case pixel stride is not a multiple of scanline stride the copy
 407     // has to be done line by line (see 6207877)
 408     if (srcInfo->scanStride % srcInfo->pixelStride != 0) {
 409         jint width = dx2 - dx1;
 410         jint height = dy2 - dy1;
 411         GLvoid *pSrc = srcInfo->rasBase;
 413         while (height > 0) {
 414             j2d_glTexSubImage2D(dstOps->textureTarget, 0,
 415                                 dx1, dy2 - height, width, 1,
 416                                 pf->format, pf->type, pSrc);
 417             pSrc = PtrAddBytes(pSrc, srcInfo->scanStride);
 418             height--;
 419         }
 420     } else {
 421         j2d_glTexSubImage2D(dstOps->textureTarget, 0,
 422                             dx1, dy1, dx2-dx1, dy2-dy1,
 423                             pf->format, pf->type, srcInfo->rasBase);
 424     }
 425     if (adjustAlpha) {
 426         // restore scale/bias to their original values
 427         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f);
 428         j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0f);
 429     }
 430 }
 432 /**
 433  * General blit method for copying a native OpenGL surface (of type "Surface"
 434  * or "Texture") to another OpenGL "Surface".  If texture is JNI_TRUE, this
 435  * method will invoke the Texture->Surface inner loop; otherwise, one of the
 436  * Surface->Surface inner loops will be invoked, depending on the transform
 437  * state.
 438  *
 439  * REMIND: we can trick these blit methods into doing XOR simply by passing
 440  *         in the (pixel ^ xorpixel) as the pixel value and preceding the
 441  *         blit with a fillrect...
 442  */
 443 void
 444 OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit(JNIEnv *env,
 445                      OGLContext *oglc, jlong pSrcOps, jlong pDstOps,
 446                      jboolean xform, jint hint,
 447                      jboolean texture, jboolean rtt,
 448                      jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
 449                      jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
 450 {
 451     OGLSDOps *srcOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pSrcOps);
 452     OGLSDOps *dstOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pDstOps);
 453     SurfaceDataRasInfo srcInfo;
 454     jint sw    = sx2 - sx1;
 455     jint sh    = sy2 - sy1;
 456     jdouble dw = dx2 - dx1;
 457     jdouble dh = dy2 - dy1;
 459     J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit");
 461     if (sw <= 0 || sh <= 0 || dw <= 0 || dh <= 0) {
 462         J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_WARNING,
 463                    "OGLBlitLoops_IsoBlit: invalid dimensions");
 464         return;
 465     }
 467     RETURN_IF_NULL(srcOps);
 468     RETURN_IF_NULL(dstOps);
 469     RETURN_IF_NULL(oglc);
 471     srcInfo.bounds.x1 = sx1;
 472     srcInfo.bounds.y1 = sy1;
 473     srcInfo.bounds.x2 = sx2;
 474     srcInfo.bounds.y2 = sy2;
 476     SurfaceData_IntersectBoundsXYXY(&srcInfo.bounds,
 477                                     0, 0, srcOps->width, srcOps->height);
 479     if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 > srcInfo.bounds.x1 &&
 480         srcInfo.bounds.y2 > srcInfo.bounds.y1)
 481     {
 482         if (srcInfo.bounds.x1 != sx1) {
 483             dx1 += (srcInfo.bounds.x1 - sx1) * (dw / sw);
 484             sx1 = srcInfo.bounds.x1;
 485         }
 486         if (srcInfo.bounds.y1 != sy1) {
 487             dy1 += (srcInfo.bounds.y1 - sy1) * (dh / sh);
 488             sy1 = srcInfo.bounds.y1;
 489         }
 490         if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 != sx2) {
 491             dx2 += (srcInfo.bounds.x2 - sx2) * (dw / sw);
 492             sx2 = srcInfo.bounds.x2;
 493         }
 494         if (srcInfo.bounds.y2 != sy2) {
 495             dy2 += (srcInfo.bounds.y2 - sy2) * (dh / sh);
 496             sy2 = srcInfo.bounds.y2;
 497         }
 499         J2dTraceLn2(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  texture=%d hint=%d", texture, hint);
 500         J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  sx1=%d sy1=%d sx2=%d sy2=%d",
 501                     sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2);
 502         J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  dx1=%f dy1=%f dx2=%f dy2=%f",
 503                     dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
 505         if (texture) {
 506             GLint glhint = (hint == OGLSD_XFORM_BILINEAR) ? GL_LINEAR :
 507                                                             GL_NEAREST;
 508             CHECK_PREVIOUS_OP(srcOps->textureTarget);
 509             OGLBlitTextureToSurface(oglc, srcOps, dstOps, rtt, glhint,
 510                                     sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
 511                                     dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
 512         } else {
 513             jboolean viaTexture;
 514             if (xform) {
 515                 // we must use the via-texture codepath when there is a xform
 516                 viaTexture = JNI_TRUE;
 517             } else {
 518                 // look at the vendor to see which codepath is faster
 519                 // (this has been empirically determined; see 5020009)
 520                 switch (OGLC_GET_VENDOR(oglc)) {
 521                 case OGLC_VENDOR_NVIDIA:
 522                     // the via-texture codepath tends to be faster when
 523                     // there is either a simple scale OR an extra alpha
 524                     viaTexture =
 525                         (sx2-sx1) != (jint)(dx2-dx1) ||
 526                         (sy2-sy1) != (jint)(dy2-dy1) ||
 527                         oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f;
 528                     break;
 530                 case OGLC_VENDOR_ATI:
 531                     // the via-texture codepath tends to be faster only when
 532                     // there is an extra alpha involved (scaling or not)
 533                     viaTexture = (oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f);
 534                     break;
 536                 default:
 537                     // just use the glCopyPixels() codepath
 538                     viaTexture = JNI_FALSE;
 539                     break;
 540                 }
 541             }
 543             RESET_PREVIOUS_OP();
 544             if (viaTexture) {
 545                 OGLBlitToSurfaceViaTexture(oglc, &srcInfo, NULL, srcOps,
 546                                            JNI_FALSE, hint,
 547                                            sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
 548                                            dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
 549             } else {
 550                 OGLBlitSurfaceToSurface(oglc, srcOps, dstOps,
 551                                         sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
 552                                         dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
 553             }
 554         }
 555     }
 556 }
 558 /**
 559  * General blit method for copying a system memory ("Sw") surface to a native
 560  * OpenGL surface (of type "Surface" or "Texture").  If texture is JNI_TRUE,
 561  * this method will invoke the Sw->Texture inner loop; otherwise, one of the
 562  * Sw->Surface inner loops will be invoked, depending on the transform state.
 563  */
 564 void
 565 OGLBlitLoops_Blit(JNIEnv *env,
 566                   OGLContext *oglc, jlong pSrcOps, jlong pDstOps,
 567                   jboolean xform, jint hint,
 568                   jint srctype, jboolean texture,
 569                   jint sx1, jint sy1, jint sx2, jint sy2,
 570                   jdouble dx1, jdouble dy1, jdouble dx2, jdouble dy2)
 571 {
 572     SurfaceDataOps *srcOps = (SurfaceDataOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pSrcOps);
 573     OGLSDOps *dstOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pDstOps);
 574     SurfaceDataRasInfo srcInfo;
 575     OGLPixelFormat pf = PixelFormats[srctype];
 576     jint sw    = sx2 - sx1;
 577     jint sh    = sy2 - sy1;
 578     jdouble dw = dx2 - dx1;
 579     jdouble dh = dy2 - dy1;
 581     J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBlitLoops_Blit");
 583     if (sw <= 0 || sh <= 0 || dw <= 0 || dh <= 0 || srctype < 0) {
 584         J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_WARNING,
 585                    "OGLBlitLoops_Blit: invalid dimensions or srctype");
 586         return;
 587     }
 589     RETURN_IF_NULL(srcOps);
 590     RETURN_IF_NULL(dstOps);
 591     RETURN_IF_NULL(oglc);
 594     srcInfo.bounds.x1 = sx1;
 595     srcInfo.bounds.y1 = sy1;
 596     srcInfo.bounds.x2 = sx2;
 597     srcInfo.bounds.y2 = sy2;
 599     if (srcOps->Lock(env, srcOps, &srcInfo, SD_LOCK_READ) != SD_SUCCESS) {
 600         J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_WARNING,
 601                    "OGLBlitLoops_Blit: could not acquire lock");
 602         return;
 603     }
 605     if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 > srcInfo.bounds.x1 &&
 606         srcInfo.bounds.y2 > srcInfo.bounds.y1)
 607     {
 608         srcOps->GetRasInfo(env, srcOps, &srcInfo);
 609         if (srcInfo.rasBase) {
 610             if (srcInfo.bounds.x1 != sx1) {
 611                 dx1 += (srcInfo.bounds.x1 - sx1) * (dw / sw);
 612                 sx1 = srcInfo.bounds.x1;
 613             }
 614             if (srcInfo.bounds.y1 != sy1) {
 615                 dy1 += (srcInfo.bounds.y1 - sy1) * (dh / sh);
 616                 sy1 = srcInfo.bounds.y1;
 617             }
 618             if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 != sx2) {
 619                 dx2 += (srcInfo.bounds.x2 - sx2) * (dw / sw);
 620                 sx2 = srcInfo.bounds.x2;
 621             }
 622             if (srcInfo.bounds.y2 != sy2) {
 623                 dy2 += (srcInfo.bounds.y2 - sy2) * (dh / sh);
 624                 sy2 = srcInfo.bounds.y2;
 625             }
 627             J2dTraceLn3(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  texture=%d srctype=%d hint=%d",
 628                         texture, srctype, hint);
 629             J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  sx1=%d sy1=%d sx2=%d sy2=%d",
 630                         sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2);
 631             J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  dx1=%f dy1=%f dx2=%f dy2=%f",
 632                         dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
 634             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, sx1);
 635             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, sy1);
 636             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,
 637                               srcInfo.scanStride / srcInfo.pixelStride);
 638             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, pf.alignment);
 640             if (texture) {
 641                 // These coordinates will always be integers since we
 642                 // only ever do a straight copy from sw to texture.
 643                 // Thus these casts are "safe" - no loss of precision.
 644                 OGLBlitSwToTexture(&srcInfo, &pf, dstOps,
 645                                    (jint)dx1, (jint)dy1, (jint)dx2, (jint)dy2);
 646             } else {
 647                 jboolean viaTexture;
 648                 if (xform) {
 649                     // we must use the via-texture codepath when there
 650                     // is a xform
 651                     viaTexture = JNI_TRUE;
 652                 } else {
 653                     // look at the vendor to see which codepath is faster
 654                     // (this has been empirically determined; see 5020009)
 655                     switch (OGLC_GET_VENDOR(oglc)) {
 656                     case OGLC_VENDOR_NVIDIA:
 657                         // the via-texture codepath tends to be faster when
 658                         // there is either a simple scale OR an extra alpha
 659                         viaTexture =
 660                             (sx2-sx1) != (jint)(dx2-dx1) ||
 661                             (sy2-sy1) != (jint)(dy2-dy1) ||
 662                             oglc->extraAlpha != 1.0f;
 663                         break;
 665                     default:
 666                         // just use the glDrawPixels() codepath
 667                         viaTexture = JNI_FALSE;
 668                         break;
 669                     }
 670                 }
 672                 if (viaTexture) {
 673                     OGLBlitToSurfaceViaTexture(oglc, &srcInfo, &pf, NULL,
 674                                                JNI_TRUE, hint,
 675                                                sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
 676                                                dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
 677                 } else {
 678                     OGLBlitSwToSurface(oglc, &srcInfo, &pf,
 679                                        sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2,
 680                                        dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
 681                 }
 682             }
 684             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
 685             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
 686             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
 687             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
 688         }
 689         SurfaceData_InvokeRelease(env, srcOps, &srcInfo);
 690     }
 691     SurfaceData_InvokeUnlock(env, srcOps, &srcInfo);
 692 }
 694 /**
 695  * Specialized blit method for copying a native OpenGL "Surface" (pbuffer,
 696  * window, etc.) to a system memory ("Sw") surface.
 697  */
 698 void
 699 OGLBlitLoops_SurfaceToSwBlit(JNIEnv *env, OGLContext *oglc,
 700                              jlong pSrcOps, jlong pDstOps, jint dsttype,
 701                              jint srcx, jint srcy, jint dstx, jint dsty,
 702                              jint width, jint height)
 703 {
 704     OGLSDOps *srcOps = (OGLSDOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pSrcOps);
 705     SurfaceDataOps *dstOps = (SurfaceDataOps *)jlong_to_ptr(pDstOps);
 706     SurfaceDataRasInfo srcInfo, dstInfo;
 707     OGLPixelFormat pf = PixelFormats[dsttype];
 709     J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBlitLoops_SurfaceToSwBlit");
 711     if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
 712         J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_WARNING,
 713             "OGLBlitLoops_SurfaceToSwBlit: dimensions are non-positive");
 714         return;
 715     }
 717     RETURN_IF_NULL(srcOps);
 718     RETURN_IF_NULL(dstOps);
 719     RETURN_IF_NULL(oglc);
 722     srcInfo.bounds.x1 = srcx;
 723     srcInfo.bounds.y1 = srcy;
 724     srcInfo.bounds.x2 = srcx + width;
 725     srcInfo.bounds.y2 = srcy + height;
 726     dstInfo.bounds.x1 = dstx;
 727     dstInfo.bounds.y1 = dsty;
 728     dstInfo.bounds.x2 = dstx + width;
 729     dstInfo.bounds.y2 = dsty + height;
 731     if (dstOps->Lock(env, dstOps, &dstInfo, SD_LOCK_WRITE) != SD_SUCCESS) {
 732         J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_WARNING,
 733             "OGLBlitLoops_SurfaceToSwBlit: could not acquire dst lock");
 734         return;
 735     }
 737     SurfaceData_IntersectBoundsXYXY(&srcInfo.bounds,
 738                                     0, 0, srcOps->width, srcOps->height);
 739     SurfaceData_IntersectBlitBounds(&dstInfo.bounds, &srcInfo.bounds,
 740                                     srcx - dstx, srcy - dsty);
 742     if (srcInfo.bounds.x2 > srcInfo.bounds.x1 &&
 743         srcInfo.bounds.y2 > srcInfo.bounds.y1)
 744     {
 745         dstOps->GetRasInfo(env, dstOps, &dstInfo);
 746         if (dstInfo.rasBase) {
 747             void *pDst = dstInfo.rasBase;
 749             srcx = srcInfo.bounds.x1;
 750             srcy = srcInfo.bounds.y1;
 751             dstx = dstInfo.bounds.x1;
 752             dsty = dstInfo.bounds.y1;
 753             width = srcInfo.bounds.x2 - srcInfo.bounds.x1;
 754             height = srcInfo.bounds.y2 - srcInfo.bounds.y1;
 756             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS, dstx);
 757             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH,
 758                               dstInfo.scanStride / dstInfo.pixelStride);
 759             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, pf.alignment);
 760 #ifdef MACOSX
 761             if (srcOps->isOpaque) {
 762                 // For some reason Apple's OpenGL implementation will
 763                 // read back zero values from the alpha channel of an
 764                 // opaque surface when using glReadPixels(), so here we
 765                 // force the resulting pixels to be fully opaque.
 766                 j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 1.0);
 767             }
 768 #endif
 770             J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  sx=%d sy=%d w=%d h=%d",
 771                         srcx, srcy, width, height);
 772             J2dTraceLn2(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  dx=%d dy=%d",
 773                         dstx, dsty);
 775             // this accounts for lower-left origin of the source region
 776             srcx = srcOps->xOffset + srcx;
 777             srcy = srcOps->yOffset + srcOps->height - (srcy + 1);
 779             // we must read one scanline at a time because there is no way
 780             // to read starting at the top-left corner of the source region
 781             while (height > 0) {
 782                 j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS, dsty);
 783                 j2d_glReadPixels(srcx, srcy, width, 1,
 784                                  pf.format, pf.type, pDst);
 785                 srcy--;
 786                 dsty++;
 787                 height--;
 788             }
 790 #ifdef MACOSX
 791             if (srcOps->isOpaque) {
 792                 j2d_glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0);
 793             }
 794 #endif
 796             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
 797             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
 798             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
 799             j2d_glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
 800         }
 801         SurfaceData_InvokeRelease(env, dstOps, &dstInfo);
 802     }
 803     SurfaceData_InvokeUnlock(env, dstOps, &dstInfo);
 804 }
 806 void
 807 OGLBlitLoops_CopyArea(JNIEnv *env,
 808                       OGLContext *oglc, OGLSDOps *dstOps,
 809                       jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height,
 810                       jint dx, jint dy)
 811 {
 812     SurfaceDataBounds srcBounds, dstBounds;
 814     J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLBlitLoops_CopyArea");
 816     RETURN_IF_NULL(oglc);
 817     RETURN_IF_NULL(dstOps);
 820     J2dTraceLn4(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d",
 821                 x, y, width, height);
 822     J2dTraceLn2(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, "  dx=%d dy=%d",
 823                 dx, dy);
 825     srcBounds.x1 = x;
 826     srcBounds.y1 = y;
 827     srcBounds.x2 = srcBounds.x1 + width;
 828     srcBounds.y2 = srcBounds.y1 + height;
 829     dstBounds.x1 = x + dx;
 830     dstBounds.y1 = y + dy;
 831     dstBounds.x2 = dstBounds.x1 + width;
 832     dstBounds.y2 = dstBounds.y1 + height;
 834     // 6430601: manually clip src/dst parameters to work around
 835     // some bugs in Sun's and Apple's OpenGL implementations
 836     // (it's a good idea to restrict the source parameters anyway, since
 837     // passing out of range parameters to glCopyPixels() will result in
 838     // an OpenGL error)
 839     SurfaceData_IntersectBoundsXYXY(&srcBounds,
 840                                     0, 0, dstOps->width, dstOps->height);
 841     SurfaceData_IntersectBoundsXYXY(&dstBounds,
 842                                     0, 0, dstOps->width, dstOps->height);
 843     SurfaceData_IntersectBlitBounds(&dstBounds, &srcBounds, -dx, -dy);
 845     if (dstBounds.x1 < dstBounds.x2 && dstBounds.y1 < dstBounds.y2) {
 846 #ifdef MACOSX
 847         if (dstOps->isOpaque) {
 848             // For some reason Apple's OpenGL implementation will fail
 849             // to render glCopyPixels() when the src/dst rectangles are
 850             // overlapping and glColorMask() has disabled writes to the
 851             // alpha channel.  The workaround is to temporarily re-enable
 852             // the alpha channel during the glCopyPixels() operation.
 853             j2d_glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE);
 854         }
 855 #endif
 857         OGLBlitSurfaceToSurface(oglc, dstOps, dstOps,
 858                                 srcBounds.x1, srcBounds.y1,
 859                                 srcBounds.x2, srcBounds.y2,
 860                                 dstBounds.x1, dstBounds.y1,
 861                                 dstBounds.x2, dstBounds.y2);
 862 #ifdef MACOSX
 863         if (dstOps->isOpaque) {
 864             j2d_glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE);
 865         }
 866 #endif
 867     }
 868 }
 870 #endif /* !HEADLESS */