// // // This file is used for automated generation of java classes to wrap native structures. // The detail on format of this file see WrapperGenerator.java // // WARNING: if you modified this file, you need to regenerate sizes.64-solaris-i386 // XExtData number int next pointer XExtData free_private pointer private_data pointer XIMText length short feedback pointer encoding_is_wchar Bool string pointer XSetWindowAttributes background_pixmap long background_pixel long border_pixmap long border_pixel long bit_gravity int win_gravity int backing_store int backing_planes long backing_pixel long save_under Bool event_mask long do_not_propagate_mask long override_redirect Bool colormap long cursor long Visual ext_data pointer XExtData visualid long class int red_mask long green_mask long blue_mask long bits_per_rgb int map_entries int Depth depth int nvisuals int visuals pointer Visual XClassHint res_name pointer res_class pointer XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct position int direction int style int XmbTextItem chars pointer byte nchars int delta int font_set pointer XStandardColormap colormap long red_max long red_mult long green_max long green_mult long blue_max long blue_mult long base_pixel long visualid long killid long XIMCallback client_data pointer callback pointer XKeyboardState key_click_percent int bell_percent int bell_pitch int bell_duration int led_mask long global_auto_repeat int auto_repeats array byte 32 XCirculateEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long event long window long place int XWMHints flags long initial_state int icon_pixmap pointer icon_window long icon_x int icon_y int icon_mask long input Bool window_group long XCrossingEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long root long subwindow long time ulong x int y int x_root int y_root int mode int detail int same_screen Bool focus Bool state int XIMStringConversionText length short feedback pointer encoding_is_wchar Bool string pointer XKeymapEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long key_vector array byte 32 XDestroyWindowEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long event long window long XComposeStatus compose_ptr pointer chars_matched int XTextItem chars pointer nchars int delta int font long XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct position short direction int operation short factor short text pointer XIMStringConversionText XOMFontInfo num_font int font_struct_list pointer font_name_list pointer XClientMessageEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long message_type Atom format int data array long 5 XMapRequestEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long parent long window long XSelectionEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long requestor long selection Atom target Atom property Atom time ulong XVisibilityEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long state int XConfigureRequestEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long parent long window long x int y int width int height int border_width int above long detail int value_mask long Screen ext_data pointer XExtData display pointer root long width int height int mwidth int mheight int ndepths int depths pointer Depth root_depth int root_visual pointer Visual default_gc long cmap long white_pixel long black_pixel long max_maps int min_maps int backing_store int save_unders Bool root_input_mask long XTextProperty value pointer byte encoding long format int nitems long XWindowChanges x int y int width int height int border_width int sibling long stack_mode int XVisualInfo visual pointer visualid long screen int depth int class int red_mask long green_mask long blue_mask long colormap_size int bits_per_rgb int XRenderDirectFormat red short redMask short green short greenMask short blue short blueMask short alpha short alphaMask short XRenderPictFormat id long type int depth int direct struct XRenderDirectFormat colormap long XIMHotKeyTrigger keysym long modifier int modifier_mask int XIMHotKeyTriggers num_hot_key int key pointer XIMHotKeyTrigger XIMStyles count_styles short supported_styles pointer long XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct type int data long XWindowAttributes x int y int width int height int border_width int depth int visual pointer Visual root long class int bit_gravity int win_gravity int backing_store int backing_planes long backing_pixel long save_under Bool colormap long map_installed Bool map_state int all_event_masks long your_event_mask long do_not_propagate_mask long override_redirect Bool screen pointer Screen XExtCodes extension int major_opcode int first_event int first_error int XPropertyEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long atom Atom time ulong state int XSizeHints flags long x int y int width int height int min_width int min_height int max_width int max_height int width_inc int height_inc int min_aspect.x int min_aspect.y int max_aspect.x int max_aspect.y int base_width int base_height int win_gravity int XIconSize min_width int min_height int max_width int max_height int width_inc int height_inc int XwcTextItem chars pointer nchars int delta int font_set pointer XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct caret int chg_first int chg_length int text pointer XIMText XErrorEvent type int display long resourceid long serial long error_code byte request_code byte minor_code byte XSelectionClearEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long selection Atom time ulong XKeyboardControl key_click_percent int bell_percent int bell_pitch int bell_duration int led int led_mode int key int auto_repeat_mode int XAnyEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long XTimeCoord time ulong x short y short XGravityEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long event long window long x int y int XCharStruct lbearing short rbearing short width short ascent short descent short attributes short XArc x short y short width short height short angle1 short angle2 short XPoint x short y short ScreenFormat ext_data pointer XExtData depth int bits_per_pixel int scanline_pad int XFocusChangeEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long mode int detail int XResizeRequestEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long width int height int XRectangle x short y short width short height short XMappingEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long request int first_keycode int count int XSegment x1 short y1 short x2 short y2 short XColor pixel long red short green short blue short flags byte pad byte XKeyEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long root long subwindow long time ulong x int y int x_root int y_root int state int keycode int same_screen Bool XReparentEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long event long window long parent long x int y int override_redirect Bool XMotionEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long root long subwindow long time ulong x int y int x_root int y_root int state int is_hint byte same_screen Bool XButtonEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long root long subwindow long time ulong x int y int x_root int y_root int state int button int same_screen Bool XHostAddress family int length int address pointer XOMCharSetList charset_count int charset_list pointer XNoExposeEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long drawable long major_code int minor_code int XSelectionRequestEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long owner long requestor long selection Atom target Atom property Atom time ulong XGCValues function int plane_mask long foreground long background long line_width int line_style int cap_style int join_style int fill_style int fill_rule int arc_mode int tile long stipple long ts_x_origin int ts_y_origin int font long subwindow_mode int graphics_exposures Bool clip_x_origin int clip_y_origin int clip_mask long dash_offset int dashes byte XImage width int height int xoffset int format int data pointer byte byte_order int bitmap_unit int bitmap_bit_order int bitmap_pad int depth int bytes_per_line int bits_per_pixel int red_mask long green_mask long blue_mask long obdata pointer f.create_image pointer f.destroy_image pointer f.get_pixel pointer f.put_pixel pointer f.sub_image pointer f.add_pixel pointer XIMValuesList count_values short supported_values pointer XColormapEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long colormap long new Bool state int XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct state long XCreateWindowEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long parent long window long x int y int width int height int border_width int override_redirect Bool XConfigureEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long event long window long x int y int width int height int border_width int above long override_redirect Bool XFontProp name long card32 long XModifierKeymap max_keypermod int modifiermap pointer XCirculateRequestEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long parent long window long place int XChar2b byte1 byte byte2 byte XTextItem16 chars pointer XChar2b nchars int delta int font long XOMOrientation num_orientation int orientation pointer int XGraphicsExposeEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long drawable long x int y int width int height int count int major_code int minor_code int XFontStruct ext_data pointer XExtData fid long direction int min_char_or_byte2 int max_char_or_byte2 int min_byte1 int max_byte1 int all_chars_exist Bool n_properties int properties pointer XFontProp min_bounds struct XCharStruct max_bounds struct XCharStruct per_char pointer XCharStruct ascent int descent int XMapEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long event long window long override_redirect int XExposeEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long window long x int y int width int height int count int XFontSetExtents max_ink_extent struct XRectangle max_logical_extent struct XRectangle XUnmapEvent type int serial long send_event Bool display long event long window long from_configure Bool PropMwmHints flags long functions long decorations long inputMode long status long XPixmapFormatValues depth int bits_per_pixel int scanline_pad int awtImageData Depth int wsImageFormat struct XPixmapFormatValues clrdata pointer convert array pointer 32 ColorEntry r byte g byte b byte flags byte ColorData awt_Colors pointer ColorEntry awt_numICMcolors int awt_icmLUT pointer int awt_icmLUT2Colors pointer byte img_grays pointer byte img_clr_tbl pointer byte img_oda_red pointer byte img_oda_green pointer byte img_oda_blue pointer byte pGrayInverseLutData pointer int screendata int representsPrimary int AwtGraphicsConfigData awt_depth int awt_cmap long awt_visInfo struct XVisualInfo awt_num_colors int awtImage pointer awtImageData AwtColorMatch pointer monoImage pointer monoPixmap long monoPixmapWidth int monoPixmapHeight int monoPixmapGC long pixelStride int color_data pointer ColorData glxInfo pointer isTranslucencySupported int renderPictFormat struct XRenderPictFormat AwtScreenData numConfigs int root long whitepixel long blackpixel long defaultConfig pointer AwtGraphicsConfigData configs pointer // AwtGraphicsConfigDataPtr *configs; XdbeSwapInfo swap_window long swap_action int XEvent type int xany struct XAnyEvent xkey struct XKeyEvent xbutton struct XButtonEvent xmotion struct XMotionEvent xcrossing struct XCrossingEvent xfocus struct XFocusChangeEvent xexpose struct XExposeEvent xgraphicsexpose struct XGraphicsExposeEvent xnoexpose struct XNoExposeEvent xvisibility struct XVisibilityEvent xcreatewindow struct XCreateWindowEvent xdestroywindow struct XDestroyWindowEvent xunmap struct XUnmapEvent xmap struct XMapEvent xmaprequest struct XMapRequestEvent xreparent struct XReparentEvent xconfigure struct XConfigureEvent xgravity struct XGravityEvent xresizerequest struct XResizeRequestEvent xconfigurerequest struct XConfigureRequestEvent xcirculate struct XCirculateEvent xcirculaterequest struct XCirculateRequestEvent xproperty struct XPropertyEvent xselectionclear struct XSelectionClearEvent xselectionrequest struct XSelectionRequestEvent xselection struct XSelectionEvent xcolormap struct XColormapEvent xclient struct XClientMessageEvent xmapping struct XMappingEvent xerror struct XErrorEvent xkeymap struct XKeymapEvent pad array long 24 XkbAnyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int XkbNewKeyboardNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int old_device int min_key_code int max_key_code int old_min_key_code int old_max_key_code int changed int req_major byte req_minor byte XkbMapNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int changed int flags int first_type int num_types int min_key_code int max_key_code int first_key_sym int first_key_act int first_key_behavior int first_key_explicit int first_modmap_key int first_vmodmap_key int num_key_syms int num_key_acts int num_key_behaviors int num_key_explicit int num_modmap_keys int num_vmodmap_keys int vmods int XkbStateNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int changed int group int base_group int latched_group int locked_group int mods int base_mods int latched_mods int locked_mods int compat_state int grab_mods byte compat_grab_mods byte lookup_mods byte compat_lookup_mods byte ptr_buttons int keycode int event_type byte req_major byte req_minor byte XkbControlsNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int changed_ctrls int enabled_ctrls int enabled_ctrl_changes int num_groups int keycode int event_type byte req_major byte req_minor byte XkbIndicatorNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int changed int state int XkbNamesNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int changed int first_type int num_types int first_lvl int num_lvls int num_aliases int num_radio_groups int changed_vmods int changed_groups int changed_indicators int first_key int num_keys int XkbCompatMapNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int changed_groups int first_si int num_si int num_total_si int XkbBellNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int percent int pitch int duration int bell_class int bell_id int name Atom window long event_only Bool XkbActionMessageEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int keycode int press Bool key_event_follows Bool group int mods int message array byte 7 //XkbActionMessageLength+1 XkbAccessXNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int detail int keycode int sk_delay int debounce_delay int XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent type int serial ulong send_event Bool display long time ulong xkb_type int device int reason int supported int unsupported int first_btn int num_btns int leds_defined int led_state int led_class int led_id int XkbEvent type int any struct XkbAnyEvent new_kbd struct XkbNewKeyboardNotifyEvent map struct XkbMapNotifyEvent state struct XkbStateNotifyEvent ctrls struct XkbControlsNotifyEvent indicators struct XkbIndicatorNotifyEvent names struct XkbNamesNotifyEvent compat struct XkbCompatMapNotifyEvent bell struct XkbBellNotifyEvent message struct XkbActionMessageEvent accessx struct XkbAccessXNotifyEvent device struct XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent core struct XEvent