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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2002, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation.

@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@
 #import <mach/mach.h>
 #import <mach/mach_types.h>
 #import <sys/sysctl.h>
 #import <stdio.h>
+#import <string.h>
 #import <stdarg.h>
 #import <stdlib.h>
 #import <strings.h>
 #import <dlfcn.h>
 #import <limits.h>

@@ -67,10 +68,67 @@
 static jmethodID getJavaThreadsInfo_ID = 0;
 // indicator if thread id (lwpid_t) was set
 static bool _threads_filled = false;
+// mach_exc_server defined in the generated mach_excServer.c
+extern boolean_t mach_exc_server(mach_msg_header_t *input_msg_hdr,
+                                 mach_msg_header_t *output_msg_hdr);
+kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise(
+  mach_port_t exception_port, mach_port_t thread,
+  mach_port_t task, exception_type_t exception,
+  mach_exception_data_t code,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t code_cnt);
+kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise_state(
+  mach_port_t exception_port, exception_type_t exception,
+  const mach_exception_data_t code, mach_msg_type_number_t code_cnt,
+  int *flavor, const thread_state_t old_state,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t old_state_cnt, thread_state_t new_state,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t *new_state_cnt);
+kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise_state_identity(
+  mach_port_t exception_port, mach_port_t thread, mach_port_t task,
+  exception_type_t exception, mach_exception_data_t code,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t code_cnt, int *flavor, thread_state_t old_state,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t old_state_cnt, thread_state_t new_state,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t *new_state_cnt);
+static struct exception_saved_state {
+  exception_mask_t       saved_masks[EXC_TYPES_COUNT];
+  mach_port_t            saved_ports[EXC_TYPES_COUNT];
+  exception_behavior_t   saved_behaviors[EXC_TYPES_COUNT];
+  thread_state_flavor_t  saved_flavors[EXC_TYPES_COUNT];
+  mach_msg_type_number_t saved_exception_types_count;
+} exception_saved_state;
+static mach_port_t tgt_exception_port;
+// Mirrors __Reply__mach_exception_raise_t generated in mach_excServer.c
+static struct rep_msg {
+  mach_msg_header_t header;
+  NDR_record_t ndr;
+  kern_return_t ret_code;
+} rep_msg;
+// Mirrors __Request__mach_exception_raise_t generated in mach_excServer.c
+// with a large trailing pad to avoid MACH_MSG_RCV_TOO_LARGE
+static struct exc_msg {
+  mach_msg_header_t header;
+  // start of the kernel processed data 
+  mach_msg_body_t msgh_body;
+  mach_msg_port_descriptor_t thread;
+  mach_msg_port_descriptor_t task;
+  // end of the kernel processed data
+  NDR_record_t ndr;
+  exception_type_t exception;
+  mach_msg_type_number_t code_cnt;
+  mach_exception_data_t code; // an array of int64_t
+  char pad[512];
+} exc_msg;
 static void putSymbolicator(JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, id symbolicator) {
   (*env)->SetLongField(env, this_obj, symbolicatorID, (jlong)(intptr_t)symbolicator);
 static id getSymbolicator(JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj) {

@@ -628,82 +686,100 @@
   print_debug("translateTID0: 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", foreign_tid, usable_tid);
   return (jint) usable_tid;
+// attach to a process/thread specified by "pid"
+static bool ptrace_attach(pid_t pid) {
+  errno = 0;
+  ptrace(PT_ATTACHEXC, pid, 0, 0);
-static bool ptrace_continue(pid_t pid, int signal) {
-  // pass the signal to the process so we don't swallow it
-  int res;
-  if ((res = ptrace(PT_CONTINUE, pid, (caddr_t)1, signal)) < 0) {
-    print_error("attach: ptrace(PT_CONTINUE, %d) failed with %d\n", pid, res);
+  if (errno != 0) {
+    print_error("ptrace_attach: ptrace(PT_ATTACHEXC,...) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
     return false;
   return true;
-// waits until the ATTACH has stopped the process
-// by signal SIGSTOP
-static bool ptrace_waitpid(pid_t pid) {
-  int ret;
-  int status;
-  while (true) {
-    // Wait for debuggee to stop.
-    ret = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
-    if (ret >= 0) {
-      if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
-        // Any signal will stop the thread, make sure it is SIGSTOP. Otherwise SIGSTOP
-        // will still be pending and delivered when the process is DETACHED and the process
-        // will go to sleep.
-        if (WSTOPSIG(status) == SIGSTOP) {
-          // Debuggee stopped by SIGSTOP.
-          return true;
-        }
-        if (!ptrace_continue(pid, WSTOPSIG(status))) {
-          print_error("attach: Failed to correctly attach to VM. VM might HANG! [PTRACE_CONT failed, stopped by %d]\n", WSTOPSIG(status));
-          return false;
-        }
-      } else {
-        print_error("attach: waitpid(): Child process exited/terminated (status = 0x%x)\n", status);
+kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise(
+  mach_port_t exception_port, mach_port_t thread_port, mach_port_t task_port,
+  exception_type_t exception_type, mach_exception_data_t codes,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t num_codes) {
+  print_debug("catch_mach_exception_raise: Exception port = %d thread_port = %d "
+              "task port %d exc type = %d num_codes %d\n",
+              exception_port, thread_port, task_port, exception_type, num_codes);
+  // This message should denote a Unix soft signal, with
+  // 1. the exception type = EXC_SOFTWARE
+  // 2. codes[0] (which is the code) = EXC_SOFT_SIGNAL
+  // 3. codes[1] (which is the sub-code) = SIGSTOP
+  if (!(exception_type == EXC_SOFTWARE &&
+        codes[0] == EXC_SOFT_SIGNAL    &&
+        codes[num_codes -1] == SIGSTOP)) {
+    print_error("catch_mach_exception_raise: Message doesn't denote a Unix "
+                "soft signal. exception_type = %d, codes[0] = %d, "
+                "codes[num_codes -1] = %d, num_codes = %d\n",
+                exception_type, codes[0], codes[num_codes - 1], num_codes);
+  }
+  return KERN_SUCCESS;
+kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise_state(
+  mach_port_t exception_port, exception_type_t exception, const mach_exception_data_t code,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t code_cnt, int *flavor, const thread_state_t old_state,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t old_state_cnt, thread_state_t new_state,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t *new_state_cnt) {
+kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise_state_identity(
+  mach_port_t exception_port, mach_port_t thread, mach_port_t task,
+  exception_type_t exception, mach_exception_data_t code,
+  mach_msg_type_number_t code_cnt, int *flavor,
+  thread_state_t old_state, mach_msg_type_number_t old_state_cnt,
+  thread_state_t new_state, mach_msg_type_number_t *new_state_cnt) {
+// wait to receive an exception message
+static bool wait_for_exception() {
+  kern_return_t result;
+  result = mach_msg(&exc_msg.header,
+                    MACH_RCV_MSG,
+                    0,
+                    sizeof(exc_msg),
+                    tgt_exception_port,
+                    MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE,
+                    MACH_PORT_NULL);
+  if (result != MACH_MSG_SUCCESS) {
+    print_error("attach: wait_for_exception: mach_msg() failed: '%s' (%d)\n",
+                mach_error_string(result), result);
         return false;
-    } else {
-      switch (errno) {
-        case EINTR:
-          continue;
-          break;
-        case ECHILD:
-          print_error("attach: waitpid() failed. Child process pid (%d) does not exist \n", pid);
-          break;
-        case EINVAL:
-          print_error("attach: waitpid() failed. Invalid options argument.\n");
-          break;
-        default:
-          print_error("attach: waitpid() failed. Unexpected error %d\n",errno);
-          break;
+  if (mach_exc_server(&exc_msg.header, &rep_msg.header) == false ||
+      rep_msg.ret_code != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+    print_error("attach: wait_for_exception: mach_exc_server failure\n");
+    if (rep_msg.ret_code != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+      print_error("catch_mach_exception_raise() failed '%s' (%d)\n",
+                  mach_error_string(rep_msg.ret_code), rep_msg.ret_code);
       return false;
-  }
-// attach to a process/thread specified by "pid"
-static bool ptrace_attach(pid_t pid) {
-  int res;
-#ifdef __clang__
-#pragma clang diagnostic push
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
-  if ((res = ptrace(PT_ATTACH, pid, 0, 0)) < 0) {
-    print_error("ptrace(PT_ATTACH, %d) failed with %d\n", pid, res);
-#ifdef __clang__
-#pragma clang diagnostic pop
-    return false;
-  } else {
-    return ptrace_waitpid(pid);
-  }
+  print_debug("reply msg from mach_exc_server: (msg->{bits = %#x, size = %u, "
+              "remote_port = %#x, local_port = %#x, reserved = 0x%x, id = 0x%x},)",
+              rep_msg.header.msgh_bits, rep_msg.header.msgh_size,
+              rep_msg.header.msgh_remote_port, rep_msg.header.msgh_local_port,
+              rep_msg.header.msgh_reserved, rep_msg.header.msgh_id);
+  return true;
  * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
  * Method:    attach0

@@ -717,22 +793,101 @@
   kern_return_t result;
   task_t gTask = 0;
   result = task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), jpid, &gTask);
   if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
     print_error("attach: task_for_pid(%d) failed: '%s' (%d)\n", (int)jpid, mach_error_string(result), result);
-    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Can't attach to the process. Could be caused by an incorrect pid or lack of privileges.");
+      "Can't attach to the process. Could be caused by an incorrect pid or lack of privileges.");
   putTask(env, this_obj, gTask);
+  // Allocate an exception port.
+  result = mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(),
+                              MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE,
+                              &tgt_exception_port);
+  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+    print_error("attach: mach_port_allocate() for tgt_exception_port failed: '%s' (%d)\n",
+                mach_error_string(result), result);
+      "Can't attach to the process. Couldn't allocate an exception port.");
+  }
+  // Enable the new exception port to send messages.
+  result = mach_port_insert_right (mach_task_self(),
+                                   tgt_exception_port,
+                                   tgt_exception_port,
+                                   MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND);
+  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+    print_error("attach: mach_port_insert_right() failed for port 0x%x: '%s' (%d)\n",
+                tgt_exception_port, mach_error_string(result), result);
+      "Can't attach to the process. Couldn't add send privileges to the exception port.");
+  }
+  // Save the existing original exception ports registered with the target
+  // process (for later restoration while detaching from the process).
+  result = task_get_exception_ports(gTask,
+                                    EXC_MASK_ALL,
+                                    exception_saved_state.saved_masks,
+                                    &exception_saved_state.saved_exception_types_count,
+                                    exception_saved_state.saved_ports,
+                                    exception_saved_state.saved_behaviors,
+                                    exception_saved_state.saved_flavors);
+  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+    print_error("attach: task_get_exception_ports() failed: '%s' (%d)\n",
+                mach_error_string(result), result);
+      "Can't attach to the process. Could not get the target exception ports.");
+  }
+  // register the exception port to be used for all future exceptions with the
+  // target process.
+  result = task_set_exception_ports(gTask,
+                                    EXC_MASK_ALL,
+                                    tgt_exception_port,
+                                    EXCEPTION_DEFAULT | MACH_EXCEPTION_CODES,
+                                    THREAD_STATE_NONE);
+  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+    print_error("attach: task_set_exception_ports() failed -- port 0x%x: '%s' (%d)\n",
+                tgt_exception_port, mach_error_string(result), result);
+    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), gTask);
+    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), tgt_exception_port);
+      "Can't attach to the process. Could not register the exception port "
+      "with the target process.");
+  }
   // use ptrace to stop the process
   // on os x, ptrace only needs to be called on the process, not the individual threads
   if (ptrace_attach(jpid) != true) {
+    print_error("attach: ptrace failure in attaching to %d\n", (int)jpid);
     mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), gTask);
-    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Can't attach to the process");
+    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), tgt_exception_port);
+    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Can't ptrace attach to the process");
+  }
+  if (wait_for_exception() != true) {
+    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), gTask);
+    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), tgt_exception_port);
+      "Can't attach to the process. Issues with reception of the exception message.");
+  }
+  // suspend all the threads in the task
+  result = task_suspend(gTask);
+  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+    print_error("attach: task_suspend() failed: '%s' (%d)\n",
+                mach_error_string(result), result);
+    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), gTask);
+    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), tgt_exception_port);
+    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Can't attach. Unable to suspend all the threads in the task.");
   id symbolicator = nil;
   id jrsSymbolicator = objc_lookUpClass("JRSSymbolicator");
   if (jrsSymbolicator != nil) {

@@ -743,10 +898,12 @@
     CFRetain(symbolicator); // pin symbolicator while in java heap
   putSymbolicator(env, this_obj, symbolicator);
   if (symbolicator == nil) {
+    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), gTask);
+    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), tgt_exception_port);
     THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Can't attach symbolicator to the process");

@@ -809,10 +966,23 @@
   (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, execName, execName_cstr);
   (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, coreName, coreName_cstr);
   fillLoadObjects(env, this_obj, ph);
+static void detach_cleanup(task_t gTask, JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj, bool throw_exception) {
+  mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), tgt_exception_port);
+  mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), gTask);
+  id symbolicator = getSymbolicator(env, this_obj);
+  if (symbolicator != nil) {
+    CFRelease(symbolicator);
+  }
+  if (throw_exception) {
+    THROW_NEW_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION("Cannot detach.");
+  }
  * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_bsd_BsdDebuggerLocal
  * Method:    detach0
  * Signature: ()V

@@ -825,28 +995,57 @@
   if (ph != NULL && ph->core != NULL) {
   task_t gTask = getTask(env, this_obj);
+  kern_return_t k_res = 0;
+  // Restore the pre-saved original exception ports registered with the target process
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < exception_saved_state.saved_exception_types_count; ++i) {
+    k_res = task_set_exception_ports(gTask,
+                                     exception_saved_state.saved_masks[i],
+                                     exception_saved_state.saved_ports[i],
+                                     exception_saved_state.saved_behaviors[i],
+                                     exception_saved_state.saved_flavors[i]);
+    if (k_res != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+      print_error("detach: task_set_exception_ports failed with %d while "
+                  "restoring the target exception ports.\n", k_res);
+      detach_cleanup(gTask, env, this_obj, true);
+    }
+  }
   // detach from the ptraced process causing it to resume execution
   int pid;
-  kern_return_t k_res;
   k_res = pid_for_task(gTask, &pid);
   if (k_res != KERN_SUCCESS) {
     print_error("detach: pid_for_task(%d) failed (%d)\n", pid, k_res);
+    detach_cleanup(gTask, env, this_obj, true);
   else {
-    int res = ptrace(PT_DETACH, pid, 0, 0);
-    if (res < 0) {
-      print_error("detach: ptrace(PT_DETACH, %d) failed (%d)\n", pid, res);
+    errno = 0;
+    ptrace(PT_DETACH, pid, (caddr_t)1, 0);
+    if (errno != 0) {
+      print_error("detach: ptrace(PT_DETACH,...) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+      detach_cleanup(gTask, env, this_obj, true);
-  mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), gTask);
-  id symbolicator = getSymbolicator(env, this_obj);
-  if (symbolicator != nil) {
-    CFRelease(symbolicator);
+  // reply to the previous exception message
+  k_res = mach_msg(&rep_msg.header,
+                   rep_msg.header.msgh_size,
+                   0,
+                   MACH_PORT_NULL,
+                   MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE,
+                   MACH_PORT_NULL);
+  if (k_res != MACH_MSG_SUCCESS) {
+    print_error("detach: mach_msg() for replying to pending exceptions failed: '%s' (%d)\n",
+                 mach_error_string(k_res), k_res);
+    detach_cleanup(gTask, env, this_obj, true);
+  detach_cleanup(gTask, env, this_obj, false);
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