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  67 #include "runtime/vm_version.hpp"
  68 #include "services/management.hpp"
  69 #include "services/threadService.hpp"
  70 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  71 #include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp"
  72 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  73 #if INCLUDE_CDS
  74 #include "classfile/sharedClassUtil.hpp"
  75 #include "classfile/sharedPathsMiscInfo.hpp"
  76 #endif
  78 // Entry points in zip.dll for loading zip/jar file entries
  80 typedef void * * (JNICALL *ZipOpen_t)(const char *name, char **pmsg);
  81 typedef void (JNICALL *ZipClose_t)(jzfile *zip);
  82 typedef jzentry* (JNICALL *FindEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, const char *name, jint *sizeP, jint *nameLen);
  83 typedef jboolean (JNICALL *ReadEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, jzentry *entry, unsigned char *buf, char *namebuf);
  84 typedef jzentry* (JNICALL *GetNextEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, jint n);
  85 typedef jboolean (JNICALL *ZipInflateFully_t)(void *inBuf, jlong inLen, void *outBuf, jlong outLen, char **pmsg);
  86 typedef jint     (JNICALL *Crc32_t)(jint crc, const jbyte *buf, jint len);
  87 typedef void     (JNICALL *FreeEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, jzentry *entry);
  89 static ZipOpen_t         ZipOpen            = NULL;
  90 static ZipClose_t        ZipClose           = NULL;
  91 static FindEntry_t       FindEntry          = NULL;
  92 static ReadEntry_t       ReadEntry          = NULL;
  93 static GetNextEntry_t    GetNextEntry       = NULL;
  94 static canonicalize_fn_t CanonicalizeEntry  = NULL;
  95 static ZipInflateFully_t ZipInflateFully    = NULL;
  96 static Crc32_t           Crc32              = NULL;
  97 static FreeEntry_t       FreeEntry          = NULL;
  99 // Entry points for jimage.dll for loading jimage file entries
 101 static JImageOpen_t                    JImageOpen             = NULL;
 102 static JImageClose_t                   JImageClose            = NULL;
 103 static JImagePackageToModule_t         JImagePackageToModule  = NULL;
 104 static JImageFindResource_t            JImageFindResource     = NULL;
 105 static JImageGetResource_t             JImageGetResource      = NULL;
 106 static JImageResourceIterator_t        JImageResourceIterator = NULL;
 107 static JImage_ResourcePath_t           JImageResourcePath     = NULL;
 109 // Globals
 111 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_accumulated_time = NULL;
 112 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_classes_inited = NULL;
 113 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_init_time = NULL;
 114 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_init_selftime = NULL;
 115 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_classes_verified = NULL;
 116 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_verify_time = NULL;
 117 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_verify_selftime = NULL;

 133 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read = NULL;
 134 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_systemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 135 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_nonSystemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 136 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMFindLoadedClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 137 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 138 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JNIDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 139 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_unsafe_defineClassCallCounter = NULL;
 140 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_isUnsyncloadClass = NULL;
 141 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_load_instance_class_failCounter = NULL;
 143 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_patch_mod_entries = NULL;
 144 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_exploded_entries = NULL;
 145 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_jrt_entry = NULL;
 146 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_first_append_entry = NULL;
 147 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_last_append_entry  = NULL;
 148 int             ClassLoader::_num_entries        = 0;
 149 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 150 GrowableArray<char*>* ClassLoader::_boot_modules_array = NULL;
 151 GrowableArray<char*>* ClassLoader::_platform_modules_array = NULL;
 152 SharedPathsMiscInfo* ClassLoader::_shared_paths_misc_info = NULL;
 153 int  ClassLoader::_num_patch_mod_prefixes = 0;
 154 #endif
 156 // helper routines
 157 bool string_starts_with(const char* str, const char* str_to_find) {
 158   size_t str_len = strlen(str);
 159   size_t str_to_find_len = strlen(str_to_find);
 160   if (str_to_find_len > str_len) {
 161     return false;
 162   }
 163   return (strncmp(str, str_to_find, str_to_find_len) == 0);
 164 }
 166 static const char* get_jimage_version_string() {
 167   static char version_string[10] = "";
 168   if (version_string[0] == '\0') {
 169     jio_snprintf(version_string, sizeof(version_string), "%d.%d",
 170                  Abstract_VM_Version::vm_major_version(), Abstract_VM_Version::vm_minor_version());
 171   }
 172   return (const char*)version_string;
 173 }

 304   return NULL;
 305 }
 307 ClassPathZipEntry::ClassPathZipEntry(jzfile* zip, const char* zip_name, bool is_boot_append) : ClassPathEntry() {
 308   _zip = zip;
 309   char *copy = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, strlen(zip_name)+1, mtClass);
 310   strcpy(copy, zip_name);
 311   _zip_name = copy;
 312   _is_boot_append = is_boot_append;
 313   _multi_versioned = _unknown;
 314 }
 316 ClassPathZipEntry::~ClassPathZipEntry() {
 317   if (ZipClose != NULL) {
 318     (*ZipClose)(_zip);
 319   }
 320   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _zip_name);
 321 }
 323 bool ClassPathZipEntry::stream_exists(const char* name) {
 324   // enable call to C land
 325   JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
 326   ThreadToNativeFromVM ttn(thread);
 327   // check whether zip archive contains name
 328   jint name_len, filesize;
 329   jzentry* entry = (*FindEntry)(_zip, name, &filesize, &name_len);
 330   if (entry != NULL) {
 331     (*FreeEntry)(_zip, entry);
 332     return true;
 333   }
 334   return false;
 335 }
 337 u1* ClassPathZipEntry::open_entry(const char* name, jint* filesize, bool nul_terminate, TRAPS) {
 338     // enable call to C land
 339   JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
 340   ThreadToNativeFromVM ttn(thread);
 341   // check whether zip archive contains name
 342   jint name_len;
 343   jzentry* entry = (*FindEntry)(_zip, name, filesize, &name_len);
 344   if (entry == NULL) return NULL;
 345   u1* buffer;
 346   char name_buf[128];
 347   char* filename;
 348   if (name_len < 128) {
 349     filename = name_buf;
 350   } else {
 351     filename = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, name_len + 1);
 352   }
 354   // read contents into resource array
 355   int size = (*filesize) + ((nul_terminate) ? 1 : 0);
 356   buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(u1, size);

1073   // First make sure native library is loaded
1074   os::native_java_library();
1075   // Load zip library
1076   char path[JVM_MAXPATHLEN];
1077   char ebuf[1024];
1078   void* handle = NULL;
1079   if (os::dll_build_name(path, sizeof(path), Arguments::get_dll_dir(), "zip")) {
1080     handle = os::dll_load(path, ebuf, sizeof ebuf);
1081   }
1082   if (handle == NULL) {
1083     vm_exit_during_initialization("Unable to load ZIP library", path);
1084   }
1085   // Lookup zip entry points
1086   ZipOpen      = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ZipOpen_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_Open"));
1087   ZipClose     = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ZipClose_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_Close"));
1088   FindEntry    = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(FindEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_FindEntry"));
1089   ReadEntry    = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ReadEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_ReadEntry"));
1090   GetNextEntry = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(GetNextEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_GetNextEntry"));
1091   ZipInflateFully = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ZipInflateFully_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_InflateFully"));
1092   Crc32        = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(Crc32_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_CRC32"));
1093   FreeEntry    = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(FreeEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_FreeEntry"));
1095   // ZIP_Close is not exported on Windows in JDK5.0 so don't abort if ZIP_Close is NULL
1096   if (ZipOpen == NULL || FindEntry == NULL || ReadEntry == NULL ||
1097       GetNextEntry == NULL || Crc32 == NULL) {
1098     vm_exit_during_initialization("Corrupted ZIP library", path);
1099   }
1101   if (ZipInflateFully == NULL) {
1102     vm_exit_during_initialization("Corrupted ZIP library ZIP_InflateFully missing", path);
1103   }
1105   // Lookup canonicalize entry in libjava.dll
1106   void *javalib_handle = os::native_java_library();
1107   CanonicalizeEntry = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(canonicalize_fn_t, os::dll_lookup(javalib_handle, "Canonicalize"));
1108   // This lookup only works on 1.3. Do not check for non-null here
1109 }
1111 void ClassLoader::load_jimage_library() {
1112   // First make sure native library is loaded
1113   os::native_java_library();

1401         while (e != NULL) {
1402           stream = e->open_stream(file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1403           // No context.check is required since CDS is not supported
1404           // for an exploded modules build or if --patch-module is specified.
1405           if (NULL != stream) {
1406             return stream;
1407           }
1408           e = e->next();
1409         }
1410         // If the module was located, break out even if the class was not
1411         // located successfully from that module's ClassPathEntry list.
1412         // There will not be another valid entry for that module.
1413         return NULL;
1414       }
1415     }
1416   }
1418   return NULL;
1419 }
1421 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1422 // The following function is only used during CDS dump time.
1423 // It checks if a class can be found in the jar entries of the _patch_mod_entries.
1424 // It does not support non-jar entries.
1425 bool ClassLoader::is_in_patch_module(const char* const file_name) {
1426   assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "dump time only");
1427   if (_patch_mod_entries == NULL) {
1428     return false;
1429   }
1431   int num_of_entries = _patch_mod_entries->length();
1432   char* class_module_name = NULL;
1433   ResourceMark rm;
1434   const char *pkg_name = package_from_name(file_name);
1435   // Using the jimage to obtain the class' module name.
1436   // The ModuleEntryTable cannot be used at this point during dump time
1437   // because the module system hasn't been initialized yet.
1438   if (pkg_name != NULL) {
1439     JImageFile *jimage = _jrt_entry->jimage();
1440     class_module_name = (char*)(*JImagePackageToModule)(jimage, pkg_name);
1441   }
1443   if (class_module_name == NULL) {
1444     return false;
1445   }
1447   // Loop through all the patch module entries looking for module
1448   for (int i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
1449     ModuleClassPathList* module_cpl = _patch_mod_entries->at(i);
1450     Symbol* module_cpl_name = module_cpl->module_name();
1452     if (strcmp(module_cpl_name->as_C_string(), class_module_name) == 0) {
1453       // Class' module has been located, attempt to locate
1454       // the class from the module's ClassPathEntry list.
1455       ClassPathEntry* e = module_cpl->module_first_entry();
1456       while (e != NULL) {
1457         if (e->is_jar_file()) {
1458           if (e->stream_exists(file_name)) {
1459             return true;
1460           } else {
1461             e = e->next();
1462           }
1463         }
1464       }
1465     }
1466   }
1468   return false;
1469 }
1470 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS
1472 instanceKlassHandle ClassLoader::load_class(Symbol* name, bool search_append_only, TRAPS) {
1473   assert(name != NULL, "invariant");
1474   assert(THREAD->is_Java_thread(), "must be a JavaThread");
1476   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1477   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
1479   const char* const class_name = name->as_C_string();
1481   EventMark m("loading class %s", class_name);
1482   ThreadProfilerMark tpm(ThreadProfilerMark::classLoaderRegion);
1484   const char* const file_name = file_name_for_class_name(class_name,
1485                                                          name->utf8_length());
1486   assert(file_name != NULL, "invariant");
1488   ClassLoaderExt::Context context(class_name, file_name, THREAD);
1490   // Lookup stream for parsing .class file
1491   ClassFileStream* stream = NULL;
1492   s2 classpath_index = 0;
1493   ClassPathEntry* e = NULL;
1495   // If DumpSharedSpaces is true boot loader visibility boundaries are set to:
1496   //   - [jimage] + [_first_append_entry to _last_append_entry] (all path entries).
1497   // If a class is found in the --patch-module entries, the class will not be included in the
1498   // CDS archive. Also, CDS is not supported if exploded module builds are used.
1499   //
1500   // If search_append_only is true, boot loader visibility boundaries are
1501   // set to be _first_append_entry to the end. This includes:
1502   //   [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1503   //
1504   // If both DumpSharedSpaces and search_append_only are false, boot loader
1505   // visibility boundaries are set to be the --patch-module entries plus the base piece.
1506   // This would include:
1507   //   [--patch-module=<module>=<file>(<pathsep><file>)*]; [jimage | exploded module build]
1508   //
1509   // DumpSharedSpaces and search_append_only are mutually exclusive and cannot
1510   // be true at the same time.
1511   assert(!(DumpSharedSpaces && search_append_only), "DumpSharedSpaces and search_append_only are both true");
1513   // Load Attempt #1: --patch-module
1514   // Determine the class' defining module.  If it appears in the _patch_mod_entries,
1515   // attempt to load the class from those locations specific to the module.
1516   // Specifications to --patch-module can contain a partial number of classes
1517   // that are part of the overall module definition.  So if a particular class is not
1518   // found within its module specification, the search should continue to Load Attempt #2.
1519   // Note: The --patch-module entries are never searched if the boot loader's
1520   //       visibility boundary is limited to only searching the append entries.
1521   if (_patch_mod_entries != NULL && !search_append_only) {

1522     if (!DumpSharedSpaces) {
1523       stream = search_module_entries(_patch_mod_entries, class_name, file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1524     } else {
1525 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1526       if (is_in_patch_module(file_name)) {
1527         tty->print_cr("Preload Warning: Skip archiving class %s found in --patch-module entry", class_name);
1528         return NULL;
1529       }
1530 #endif
1531     }
1532   }
1534   // Load Attempt #2: [jimage | exploded build]
1535   if (!search_append_only && (NULL == stream)) {
1536     if (has_jrt_entry()) {
1537       e = _jrt_entry;
1538       stream = _jrt_entry->open_stream(file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1539       if (!context.check(stream, classpath_index)) {
1540         return NULL;
1541       }
1542     } else {
1543       // Exploded build - attempt to locate class in its defining module's location.
1544       assert(_exploded_entries != NULL, "No exploded build entries present");
1545       stream = search_module_entries(_exploded_entries, class_name, file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1546     }
1547   }
1549   // Load Attempt #3: [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1550   if ((search_append_only || DumpSharedSpaces) && (NULL == stream)) {

1662     // increment the isUnsyncloadClass counter if UnsyncloadClass is set.
1663     if (UnsyncloadClass) {
1664       _isUnsyncloadClass->inc();
1665     }
1666   }
1668   // lookup zip library entry points
1669   load_zip_library();
1670   // lookup jimage library entry points
1671   load_jimage_library();
1672 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1673   // initialize search path
1674   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1675     _shared_paths_misc_info = SharedClassUtil::allocate_shared_paths_misc_info();
1676   }
1677 #endif
1678   setup_bootstrap_search_path();
1679 }
1681 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1682 // Capture all the --patch-module entries specified during CDS dump time.
1683 // It also captures the non-existing path(s) and the required file(s) during inspecting
1684 // the entries.
1685 void ClassLoader::setup_patch_mod_path() {
1686   assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "only used with -Xshare:dump");
1687   ResourceMark rm;
1688   GrowableArray<ModulePatchPath*>* patch_mod_args = Arguments::get_patch_mod_prefix();
1689   if (patch_mod_args != NULL) {
1690     int num_of_entries = patch_mod_args->length();
1691     for (int i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
1692       const char* module_name = (patch_mod_args->at(i))->module_name();
1693       const char* module_path = (patch_mod_args->at(i))->path_string();
1694       int path_len = (int)strlen(module_path);
1695       int name_len = (int)strlen(module_name);
1696       int buf_len = name_len + path_len + 2; // add 2 for the '=' and NULL terminator
1697       int end = 0;
1698       char* buf = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buf_len, mtInternal);
1699       // Iterate over the module's class path entries
1700       for (int start = 0; start < path_len; start = end) {
1701         while (module_path[end] && module_path[end] != os::path_separator()[0]) {
1702           end++;
1703         }
1704         strncpy(buf, &module_path[start], end - start);
1705         buf[end - start] = '\0';
1706         struct stat st;
1707         if (os::stat(buf, &st) != 0) {
1708           // File not found
1709           _shared_paths_misc_info->add_nonexist_path(buf);
1710         } else {
1711           if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) { // is not a regular file
1712             vm_exit_during_initialization(
1713               "--patch-module requires a regular file during dumping", buf);
1714           } else {
1715             _shared_paths_misc_info->add_required_file(buf);
1716           }
1717         }
1718         while (module_path[end] == os::path_separator()[0]) {
1719           end++;
1720         }
1721       };
1722       jio_snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s=%s", module_name, module_path);
1723       _shared_paths_misc_info->add_patch_mod_classpath((const char*)buf);
1724       _num_patch_mod_prefixes++;
1725       FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buf);
1726     }
1727   }
1728 }
1730 void ClassLoader::initialize_shared_path() {
1731   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1732     setup_patch_mod_path();
1733     ClassLoaderExt::setup_search_paths();
1734     _shared_paths_misc_info->write_jint(0); // see comments in SharedPathsMiscInfo::check()
1735   }
1736 }
1737 #endif
1739 jlong ClassLoader::classloader_time_ms() {
1740   return UsePerfData ?
1741     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_accumulated_time->get_value()) : -1;
1742 }
1744 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_count() {
1745   return UsePerfData ? _perf_classes_inited->get_value() : -1;
1746 }
1748 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_time_ms() {
1749   return UsePerfData ?
1750     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_class_init_time->get_value()) : -1;
1751 }

  67 #include "runtime/vm_version.hpp"
  68 #include "services/management.hpp"
  69 #include "services/threadService.hpp"
  70 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  71 #include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp"
  72 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  73 #if INCLUDE_CDS
  74 #include "classfile/sharedClassUtil.hpp"
  75 #include "classfile/sharedPathsMiscInfo.hpp"
  76 #endif
  78 // Entry points in zip.dll for loading zip/jar file entries
  80 typedef void * * (JNICALL *ZipOpen_t)(const char *name, char **pmsg);
  81 typedef void (JNICALL *ZipClose_t)(jzfile *zip);
  82 typedef jzentry* (JNICALL *FindEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, const char *name, jint *sizeP, jint *nameLen);
  83 typedef jboolean (JNICALL *ReadEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, jzentry *entry, unsigned char *buf, char *namebuf);
  84 typedef jzentry* (JNICALL *GetNextEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, jint n);
  85 typedef jboolean (JNICALL *ZipInflateFully_t)(void *inBuf, jlong inLen, void *outBuf, jlong outLen, char **pmsg);
  86 typedef jint     (JNICALL *Crc32_t)(jint crc, const jbyte *buf, jint len);

  88 static ZipOpen_t         ZipOpen            = NULL;
  89 static ZipClose_t        ZipClose           = NULL;
  90 static FindEntry_t       FindEntry          = NULL;
  91 static ReadEntry_t       ReadEntry          = NULL;
  92 static GetNextEntry_t    GetNextEntry       = NULL;
  93 static canonicalize_fn_t CanonicalizeEntry  = NULL;
  94 static ZipInflateFully_t ZipInflateFully    = NULL;
  95 static Crc32_t           Crc32              = NULL;

  97 // Entry points for jimage.dll for loading jimage file entries
  99 static JImageOpen_t                    JImageOpen             = NULL;
 100 static JImageClose_t                   JImageClose            = NULL;
 101 static JImagePackageToModule_t         JImagePackageToModule  = NULL;
 102 static JImageFindResource_t            JImageFindResource     = NULL;
 103 static JImageGetResource_t             JImageGetResource      = NULL;
 104 static JImageResourceIterator_t        JImageResourceIterator = NULL;
 105 static JImage_ResourcePath_t           JImageResourcePath     = NULL;
 107 // Globals
 109 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_accumulated_time = NULL;
 110 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_classes_inited = NULL;
 111 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_init_time = NULL;
 112 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_init_selftime = NULL;
 113 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_classes_verified = NULL;
 114 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_verify_time = NULL;
 115 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_verify_selftime = NULL;

 131 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read = NULL;
 132 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_systemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 133 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_nonSystemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 134 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMFindLoadedClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 135 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 136 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JNIDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 137 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_unsafe_defineClassCallCounter = NULL;
 138 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_isUnsyncloadClass = NULL;
 139 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_load_instance_class_failCounter = NULL;
 141 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_patch_mod_entries = NULL;
 142 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_exploded_entries = NULL;
 143 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_jrt_entry = NULL;
 144 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_first_append_entry = NULL;
 145 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_last_append_entry  = NULL;
 146 int             ClassLoader::_num_entries        = 0;
 147 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 148 GrowableArray<char*>* ClassLoader::_boot_modules_array = NULL;
 149 GrowableArray<char*>* ClassLoader::_platform_modules_array = NULL;
 150 SharedPathsMiscInfo* ClassLoader::_shared_paths_misc_info = NULL;

 151 #endif
 153 // helper routines
 154 bool string_starts_with(const char* str, const char* str_to_find) {
 155   size_t str_len = strlen(str);
 156   size_t str_to_find_len = strlen(str_to_find);
 157   if (str_to_find_len > str_len) {
 158     return false;
 159   }
 160   return (strncmp(str, str_to_find, str_to_find_len) == 0);
 161 }
 163 static const char* get_jimage_version_string() {
 164   static char version_string[10] = "";
 165   if (version_string[0] == '\0') {
 166     jio_snprintf(version_string, sizeof(version_string), "%d.%d",
 167                  Abstract_VM_Version::vm_major_version(), Abstract_VM_Version::vm_minor_version());
 168   }
 169   return (const char*)version_string;
 170 }

 301   return NULL;
 302 }
 304 ClassPathZipEntry::ClassPathZipEntry(jzfile* zip, const char* zip_name, bool is_boot_append) : ClassPathEntry() {
 305   _zip = zip;
 306   char *copy = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, strlen(zip_name)+1, mtClass);
 307   strcpy(copy, zip_name);
 308   _zip_name = copy;
 309   _is_boot_append = is_boot_append;
 310   _multi_versioned = _unknown;
 311 }
 313 ClassPathZipEntry::~ClassPathZipEntry() {
 314   if (ZipClose != NULL) {
 315     (*ZipClose)(_zip);
 316   }
 317   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _zip_name);
 318 }

 320 u1* ClassPathZipEntry::open_entry(const char* name, jint* filesize, bool nul_terminate, TRAPS) {
 321     // enable call to C land
 322   JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
 323   ThreadToNativeFromVM ttn(thread);
 324   // check whether zip archive contains name
 325   jint name_len;
 326   jzentry* entry = (*FindEntry)(_zip, name, filesize, &name_len);
 327   if (entry == NULL) return NULL;
 328   u1* buffer;
 329   char name_buf[128];
 330   char* filename;
 331   if (name_len < 128) {
 332     filename = name_buf;
 333   } else {
 334     filename = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, name_len + 1);
 335   }
 337   // read contents into resource array
 338   int size = (*filesize) + ((nul_terminate) ? 1 : 0);
 339   buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(u1, size);

1056   // First make sure native library is loaded
1057   os::native_java_library();
1058   // Load zip library
1059   char path[JVM_MAXPATHLEN];
1060   char ebuf[1024];
1061   void* handle = NULL;
1062   if (os::dll_build_name(path, sizeof(path), Arguments::get_dll_dir(), "zip")) {
1063     handle = os::dll_load(path, ebuf, sizeof ebuf);
1064   }
1065   if (handle == NULL) {
1066     vm_exit_during_initialization("Unable to load ZIP library", path);
1067   }
1068   // Lookup zip entry points
1069   ZipOpen      = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ZipOpen_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_Open"));
1070   ZipClose     = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ZipClose_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_Close"));
1071   FindEntry    = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(FindEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_FindEntry"));
1072   ReadEntry    = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ReadEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_ReadEntry"));
1073   GetNextEntry = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(GetNextEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_GetNextEntry"));
1074   ZipInflateFully = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ZipInflateFully_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_InflateFully"));
1075   Crc32        = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(Crc32_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_CRC32"));

1077   // ZIP_Close is not exported on Windows in JDK5.0 so don't abort if ZIP_Close is NULL
1078   if (ZipOpen == NULL || FindEntry == NULL || ReadEntry == NULL ||
1079       GetNextEntry == NULL || Crc32 == NULL) {
1080     vm_exit_during_initialization("Corrupted ZIP library", path);
1081   }
1083   if (ZipInflateFully == NULL) {
1084     vm_exit_during_initialization("Corrupted ZIP library ZIP_InflateFully missing", path);
1085   }
1087   // Lookup canonicalize entry in libjava.dll
1088   void *javalib_handle = os::native_java_library();
1089   CanonicalizeEntry = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(canonicalize_fn_t, os::dll_lookup(javalib_handle, "Canonicalize"));
1090   // This lookup only works on 1.3. Do not check for non-null here
1091 }
1093 void ClassLoader::load_jimage_library() {
1094   // First make sure native library is loaded
1095   os::native_java_library();

1383         while (e != NULL) {
1384           stream = e->open_stream(file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1385           // No context.check is required since CDS is not supported
1386           // for an exploded modules build or if --patch-module is specified.
1387           if (NULL != stream) {
1388             return stream;
1389           }
1390           e = e->next();
1391         }
1392         // If the module was located, break out even if the class was not
1393         // located successfully from that module's ClassPathEntry list.
1394         // There will not be another valid entry for that module.
1395         return NULL;
1396       }
1397     }
1398   }
1400   return NULL;
1401 }

1403 instanceKlassHandle ClassLoader::load_class(Symbol* name, bool search_append_only, TRAPS) {
1404   assert(name != NULL, "invariant");
1405   assert(THREAD->is_Java_thread(), "must be a JavaThread");
1407   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1408   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
1410   const char* const class_name = name->as_C_string();
1412   EventMark m("loading class %s", class_name);
1413   ThreadProfilerMark tpm(ThreadProfilerMark::classLoaderRegion);
1415   const char* const file_name = file_name_for_class_name(class_name,
1416                                                          name->utf8_length());
1417   assert(file_name != NULL, "invariant");
1419   ClassLoaderExt::Context context(class_name, file_name, THREAD);
1421   // Lookup stream for parsing .class file
1422   ClassFileStream* stream = NULL;
1423   s2 classpath_index = 0;
1424   ClassPathEntry* e = NULL;
1426   // If DumpSharedSpaces is true boot loader visibility boundaries are set to:
1427   //   - [jimage] + [_first_append_entry to _last_append_entry] (all path entries).

1428   //
1429   // If search_append_only is true, boot loader visibility boundaries are
1430   // set to be _first_append_entry to the end. This includes:
1431   //   [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1432   //
1433   // If both DumpSharedSpaces and search_append_only are false, boot loader
1434   // visibility boundaries are set to be the --patch-module entries plus the base piece.
1435   // This would include:
1436   //   [--patch-module=<module>=<file>(<pathsep><file>)*]; [jimage | exploded module build]
1437   //
1438   // DumpSharedSpaces and search_append_only are mutually exclusive and cannot
1439   // be true at the same time.
1440   assert(!(DumpSharedSpaces && search_append_only), "DumpSharedSpaces and search_append_only are both true");
1442   // Load Attempt #1: --patch-module
1443   // Determine the class' defining module.  If it appears in the _patch_mod_entries,
1444   // attempt to load the class from those locations specific to the module.
1445   // Specifications to --patch-module can contain a partial number of classes
1446   // that are part of the overall module definition.  So if a particular class is not
1447   // found within its module specification, the search should continue to Load Attempt #2.
1448   // Note: The --patch-module entries are never searched if the boot loader's
1449   //       visibility boundary is limited to only searching the append entries.
1450   if (_patch_mod_entries != NULL && !search_append_only) {
1451     // At CDS dump time, the --patch-module entries are ignored. That means a
1452     // class is still loaded from the [jimage|exploded build] even if it might
1453     // appear in the _patch_mod_entries. The runtime shared class visibility
1454     // check will determine if a shared class is visible based on the runtime
1455     // environemnt, including the runtime --patch-module setting.  
1456     if (!DumpSharedSpaces) {
1457       stream = search_module_entries(_patch_mod_entries, class_name, file_name, CHECK_NULL);

1458     }
1459   }
1461   // Load Attempt #2: [jimage | exploded build]
1462   if (!search_append_only && (NULL == stream)) {
1463     if (has_jrt_entry()) {
1464       e = _jrt_entry;
1465       stream = _jrt_entry->open_stream(file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1466       if (!context.check(stream, classpath_index)) {
1467         return NULL;
1468       }
1469     } else {
1470       // Exploded build - attempt to locate class in its defining module's location.
1471       assert(_exploded_entries != NULL, "No exploded build entries present");
1472       stream = search_module_entries(_exploded_entries, class_name, file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1473     }
1474   }
1476   // Load Attempt #3: [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1477   if ((search_append_only || DumpSharedSpaces) && (NULL == stream)) {

1589     // increment the isUnsyncloadClass counter if UnsyncloadClass is set.
1590     if (UnsyncloadClass) {
1591       _isUnsyncloadClass->inc();
1592     }
1593   }
1595   // lookup zip library entry points
1596   load_zip_library();
1597   // lookup jimage library entry points
1598   load_jimage_library();
1599 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1600   // initialize search path
1601   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1602     _shared_paths_misc_info = SharedClassUtil::allocate_shared_paths_misc_info();
1603   }
1604 #endif
1605   setup_bootstrap_search_path();
1606 }
1608 #if INCLUDE_CDS

1609 void ClassLoader::initialize_shared_path() {
1610   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {

1611     ClassLoaderExt::setup_search_paths();
1612     _shared_paths_misc_info->write_jint(0); // see comments in SharedPathsMiscInfo::check()
1613   }
1614 }
1615 #endif
1617 jlong ClassLoader::classloader_time_ms() {
1618   return UsePerfData ?
1619     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_accumulated_time->get_value()) : -1;
1620 }
1622 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_count() {
1623   return UsePerfData ? _perf_classes_inited->get_value() : -1;
1624 }
1626 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_time_ms() {
1627   return UsePerfData ?
1628     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_class_init_time->get_value()) : -1;
1629 }

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