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 258     /**
 259      * Get the set of fields for a tree node that may contain child tree nodes.
 260      * These are the fields that are subtypes of JCTree or List.
 261      * The results are cached, based on the tree's tag.
 262      */
 263     Set<Field> getFields(JCTree tree) {
 264         Set<Field> fields = map.get(tree.getTag());
 265         if (fields == null) {
 266             fields = new HashSet<Field>();
 267             for (Field f: tree.getClass().getFields()) {
 268                 Class<?> fc = f.getType();
 269                 if (JCTree.class.isAssignableFrom(fc) || List.class.isAssignableFrom(fc))
 270                     fields.add(f);
 271             }
 272             map.put(tree.getTag(), fields);
 273         }
 274         return fields;
 275     }
 276     // where
 277     Map<Integer, Set<Field>> map = new HashMap<Integer,Set<Field>>();
 279     /** Get the line number for the primary position for a tree.
 280      * The code is intended to be simple, although not necessarily efficient.
 281      * However, note that a file manager such as JavacFileManager is likely
 282      * to cache the results of file.getCharContent, avoiding the need to read
 283      * the bits from disk each time this method is called.
 284      */
 285     int getLine(JavaFileObject file, JCTree tree) {
 286         try {
 287             CharSequence cs = file.getCharContent(true);
 288             int line = 1;
 289             for (int i = 0; i < tree.pos; i++) {
 290                 if (cs.charAt(i) == '\n') // jtreg tests always use Unix line endings
 291                     line++;
 292             }
 293             return line;
 294         } catch (IOException e) {
 295             return -1;
 296         }
 297     }

 258     /**
 259      * Get the set of fields for a tree node that may contain child tree nodes.
 260      * These are the fields that are subtypes of JCTree or List.
 261      * The results are cached, based on the tree's tag.
 262      */
 263     Set<Field> getFields(JCTree tree) {
 264         Set<Field> fields = map.get(tree.getTag());
 265         if (fields == null) {
 266             fields = new HashSet<Field>();
 267             for (Field f: tree.getClass().getFields()) {
 268                 Class<?> fc = f.getType();
 269                 if (JCTree.class.isAssignableFrom(fc) || List.class.isAssignableFrom(fc))
 270                     fields.add(f);
 271             }
 272             map.put(tree.getTag(), fields);
 273         }
 274         return fields;
 275     }
 276     // where
 277     Map<JCTree.Tag, Set<Field>> map = new HashMap<JCTree.Tag,Set<Field>>();
 279     /** Get the line number for the primary position for a tree.
 280      * The code is intended to be simple, although not necessarily efficient.
 281      * However, note that a file manager such as JavacFileManager is likely
 282      * to cache the results of file.getCharContent, avoiding the need to read
 283      * the bits from disk each time this method is called.
 284      */
 285     int getLine(JavaFileObject file, JCTree tree) {
 286         try {
 287             CharSequence cs = file.getCharContent(true);
 288             int line = 1;
 289             for (int i = 0; i < tree.pos; i++) {
 290                 if (cs.charAt(i) == '\n') // jtreg tests always use Unix line endings
 291                     line++;
 292             }
 293             return line;
 294         } catch (IOException e) {
 295             return -1;
 296         }
 297     }