
Print this page

 200                 sym.owner.type.asMethodType().recvtype = type;
 201                 // note that the typeAnnotations will also be added to the owner below.
 202             }
 203             if (sym.getKind() == ElementKind.PARAMETER ||
 204                     sym.getKind() == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE ||
 205                     sym.getKind() == ElementKind.RESOURCE_VARIABLE ||
 206                     sym.getKind() == ElementKind.EXCEPTION_PARAMETER) {
 207                 // Make sure all type annotations from the symbol are also
 208                 // on the owner.
 209                 sym.owner.annotations.appendUniqueTypes(sym.getTypeAnnotationMirrors());
 210             }
 211         }
 213         // This method has a similar purpose as
 214         // {@link, List<JCTypeAnnotation>, boolean)}
 215         // We found a type annotation in a declaration annotation position,
 216         // for example, on the return type.
 217         // Such an annotation is _not_ part of an JCAnnotatedType tree and we therefore
 218         // need to set its position explicitly.
 219         // The method returns a copy of type that contains these annotations.

 220         private static Type typeWithAnnotations(final JCTree typetree, final Type type,
 221                 final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> annotations, Log log) {
 222             // System.out.printf("typeWithAnnotations(typetree: %s, type: %s, annotations: %s)%n",
 223             //         typetree, type, annotations);
 224             if (annotations.isEmpty()) {
 225                 return type;
 226             }
 227             if (type.hasTag(TypeTag.ARRAY)) {
 228                 Type toreturn;
 229                 Type.ArrayType tomodify;
 230                 Type.ArrayType arType;
 231                 {
 232                     Type touse = type;
 233                     if (type.getKind() == TypeKind.ANNOTATED) {
 234                         Type.AnnotatedType atype = (Type.AnnotatedType)type;
 235                         toreturn = new Type.AnnotatedType(atype.underlyingType);
 236                         ((Type.AnnotatedType)toreturn).typeAnnotations = atype.typeAnnotations;
 237                         touse = atype.underlyingType;
 238                         arType = (Type.ArrayType) touse;
 239                         tomodify = new Type.ArrayType(null, arType.tsym);

 250                 depth = depth.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY);
 251                 while (arType.elemtype.hasTag(TypeTag.ARRAY)) {
 252                     if (arType.elemtype.getKind() == TypeKind.ANNOTATED) {
 253                         Type.AnnotatedType aelemtype = (Type.AnnotatedType) arType.elemtype;
 254                         Type.AnnotatedType newAT = new Type.AnnotatedType(aelemtype.underlyingType);
 255                         tomodify.elemtype = newAT;
 256                         newAT.typeAnnotations = aelemtype.typeAnnotations;
 257                         arType = (Type.ArrayType) aelemtype.underlyingType;
 258                         tomodify = new Type.ArrayType(null, arType.tsym);
 259                         newAT.underlyingType = tomodify;
 260                     } else {
 261                         arType = (Type.ArrayType) arType.elemtype;
 262                         tomodify.elemtype = new Type.ArrayType(null, arType.tsym);
 263                         tomodify = (Type.ArrayType) tomodify.elemtype;
 264                     }
 265                     arTree = arrayTypeTree(arTree.elemtype);
 266                     depth = depth.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY);
 267                 }
 268                 Type arelemType = typeWithAnnotations(arTree.elemtype, arType.elemtype, annotations, log);
 269                 tomodify.elemtype = arelemType;
 270                 for (Attribute.TypeCompound a : annotations) {

 271                     TypeAnnotationPosition p = a.position;
 272                     p.location = p.location.prependList(depth.toList());
 273                 }
 274                 return toreturn;
 275             } else if (type.hasTag(TypeTag.TYPEVAR)) {
 276                 // Nothing to do for type variables.
 277                 return type;
 278             } else {
 279                 Type enclTy = type;
 280                 Element enclEl = type.asElement();
 281                 JCTree enclTr = typetree;
 283                 while (enclEl != null &&
 284                         enclEl.getKind() != ElementKind.PACKAGE &&
 285                         enclTy != null &&
 286                         enclTy.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE &&
 287                         enclTy.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR &&
 288                         (enclTr.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT ||
 289                          enclTr.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE ||
 290                          enclTr.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE)) {

 328                 ListBuffer<TypePathEntry> depth =;
 330                 Type topTy = enclTy;
 331                 while (enclEl != null &&
 332                         enclEl.getKind() != ElementKind.PACKAGE &&
 333                         topTy != null &&
 334                         topTy.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE &&
 335                         topTy.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) {
 336                     topTy = topTy.getEnclosingType();
 337                     enclEl = enclEl.getEnclosingElement();
 339                     if (topTy != null && topTy.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE) {
 340                         // Only count enclosing types.
 341                         depth = depth.append(TypePathEntry.INNER_TYPE);
 342                     }
 343                 }
 345                 if (depth.nonEmpty()) {
 346                     // Only need to change the annotation positions
 347                     // if they are on an enclosed type.
 348                     for (Attribute.TypeCompound a : annotations) {

 349                         TypeAnnotationPosition p = a.position;
 350                         p.location = p.location.appendList(depth.toList());
 351                     }
 352                 }
 354                 Type ret = typeWithAnnotations(type, enclTy, annotations);
 355                 return ret;
 356             }
 357         }
 359         private static JCArrayTypeTree arrayTypeTree(JCTree typetree) {
 360             if (typetree.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE) {
 361                 return (JCArrayTypeTree) typetree;
 362             } else if (typetree.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE) {
 363                 return (JCArrayTypeTree) ((JCAnnotatedType)typetree).underlyingType;
 364             } else {
 365                 Assert.error("Could not determine array type from type tree: " + typetree);
 366                 return null;
 367             }
 368         }
 370         /** Return a copy of the first type that only differs by
 371          * inserting the annotations to the left-most/inner-most type
 372          * or the type given by stopAt.

 447                 @Override
 448                 public Type visitForAll(ForAll t, List<TypeCompound> s) {
 449                     // Impossible?
 450                     return t;
 451                 }
 453                 @Override
 454                 public Type visitUndetVar(UndetVar t, List<TypeCompound> s) {
 455                     // Impossible?
 456                     return t;
 457                 }
 459                 @Override
 460                 public Type visitErrorType(ErrorType t, List<TypeCompound> s) {
 461                     return new AnnotatedType(s, t);
 462                 }
 464                 @Override
 465                 public Type visitType(Type t, List<TypeCompound> s) {
 466                     // Error?
 467                     return t;
 468                 }
 469             };
 471             return type.accept(visitor, annotations);
 472         }
 474         private static Attribute.TypeCompound toTypeCompound(Attribute.Compound a, TypeAnnotationPosition p) {
 475             // It is safe to alias the position.
 476             return new Attribute.TypeCompound(a, p);
 477         }
 479         private AnnotationType annotationType(Attribute.Compound a, Symbol s) {
 480             Attribute.Compound atTarget =
 481                 a.type.tsym.attribute(syms.annotationTargetType.tsym);
 482             if (atTarget == null) {
 483                 return inferTargetMetaInfo(a, s);
 484             }
 485             Attribute atValue = atTarget.member(names.value);
 486             if (!(atValue instanceof Attribute.Array)) {
 487                 Assert.error("annotationType(): bad @Target argument " + atValue +

 558         }
 560         /** Infer the target annotation kind, if none is give.
 561          * We only infer declaration annotations.
 562          */
 563         private static AnnotationType inferTargetMetaInfo(Attribute.Compound a, Symbol s) {
 564             return AnnotationType.DECLARATION;
 565         }
 568         /* This is the beginning of the second part of organizing
 569          * type annotations: determine the type annotation positions.
 570          */
 572         private void resolveFrame(JCTree tree, JCTree frame,
 573                 List<JCTree> path, TypeAnnotationPosition p) {
 574             /*
 575             System.out.println("Resolving tree: " + tree + " kind: " + tree.getKind());
 576             System.out.println("    Framing tree: " + frame + " kind: " + frame.getKind());
 577             */

 578             switch (frame.getKind()) {
 579                 case TYPE_CAST:
 580                     p.type = TargetType.CAST;
 581                     p.pos = frame.pos;
 582                     return;
 584                 case INSTANCE_OF:
 585                     p.type = TargetType.INSTANCEOF;
 586                     p.pos = frame.pos;
 587                     return;
 589                 case NEW_CLASS:
 590                     JCNewClass frameNewClass = (JCNewClass)frame;
 591                     if (frameNewClass.typeargs.contains(tree)) {
 592                         p.type = TargetType.CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT;
 593                         p.type_index = frameNewClass.typeargs.indexOf(tree);
 594                     } else {
 595                         p.type = TargetType.NEW;
 596                     }
 597                     p.pos = frame.pos;

 643                 case PARAMETERIZED_TYPE: {
 644                     if (((JCTypeApply)frame).clazz == tree) {
 645                         // generic: RAW; noop
 646                     } else if (((JCTypeApply)frame).arguments.contains(tree)) {
 647                         JCTypeApply taframe = (JCTypeApply) frame;
 648                         int arg = taframe.arguments.indexOf(tree);
 649                         p.location = p.location.prepend(new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT, arg));
 651                         locateNestedTypes(taframe.type, p);
 652                     } else {
 653                         Assert.error("Could not determine type argument position of tree " + tree +
 654                                 " within frame " + frame);
 655                     }
 657                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 658                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 659                     return;
 660                 }

 662                 case ARRAY_TYPE: {
 663                     ListBuffer<TypePathEntry> index =;
 664                     index = index.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY);
 665                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 666                     while (true) {
 667                         JCTree npHead = newPath.tail.head;
 668                         if (npHead.hasTag(JCTree.Tag.TYPEARRAY)) {
 669                             newPath = newPath.tail;
 670                             index = index.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY);
 671                         } else if (npHead.hasTag(JCTree.Tag.ANNOTATED_TYPE)) {
 672                             newPath = newPath.tail;
 673                         } else {
 674                             break;
 675                         }
 676                     }
 677                     p.location = p.location.prependList(index.toList());
 678                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 679                     return;
 680                 }

 749                             // Type parameters, wildcards, and arrays have the declaring
 750                             // class/method as enclosing elements.
 751                             // There is actually nothing to do for them.
 752                         } else {
 753                             locateNestedTypes(utype, p);
 754                         }
 755                     }
 756                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 757                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 758                     return;
 759                 }
 761                 case UNION_TYPE: {
 762                     // TODO: can we store any information here to help in
 763                     // determining the final position?
 764                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 765                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 766                     return;
 767                 }

 769                 case METHOD_INVOCATION: {
 770                     JCMethodInvocation invocation = (JCMethodInvocation)frame;
 771                     if (!invocation.typeargs.contains(tree)) {
 772                         Assert.error("{" + tree + "} is not an argument in the invocation: " + invocation);
 773                     }
 774                     p.type = TargetType.METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT;
 775                     p.pos = invocation.pos;
 776                     p.type_index = invocation.typeargs.indexOf(tree);
 777                     return;
 778                 }
 780                 case EXTENDS_WILDCARD:
 781                 case SUPER_WILDCARD: {
 782                     // Annotations in wildcard bounds
 783                     p.location = p.location.prepend(TypePathEntry.WILDCARD);
 784                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 785                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 786                     return;
 787                 }

 894                 scan(tree.restype);
 895                 scan(tree.typarams);
 896                 scan(tree.recvparam);
 897                 scan(tree.params);
 898                 scan(tree.thrown);
 899             } else {
 900                 scan(tree.defaultValue);
 901                 scan(tree.body);
 902             }
 903             pop();
 904         }
 906         /**
 907          * Resolve declaration vs. type annotations in variable declarations and
 908          * then determine the positions.
 909          */
 910         @Override
 911         public void visitVarDef(final JCVariableDecl tree) {
 912             if (tree.sym == null) {
 913                 // Something is wrong already. Quietly ignore.

 914             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
 915                 if (sigOnly) {
 916                     TypeAnnotationPosition pos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
 917                     pos.type = TargetType.FIELD;
 918                     pos.pos = tree.pos;
 919                     separateAnnotationsKinds(tree.vartype, tree.sym.type, tree.sym, pos);
 920                 }
 921             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE) {
 922                 TypeAnnotationPosition pos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
 923                 pos.type = TargetType.LOCAL_VARIABLE;
 924                 pos.pos = tree.pos;
 925                 separateAnnotationsKinds(tree.vartype, tree.sym.type, tree.sym, pos);
 926             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.EXCEPTION_PARAMETER) {
 927                 // System.out.println("Found exception param: " + tree);
 928                 TypeAnnotationPosition pos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
 929                 pos.type = TargetType.EXCEPTION_PARAMETER;
 930                 pos.pos = tree.pos;
 931                 separateAnnotationsKinds(tree.vartype, tree.sym.type, tree.sym, pos);
 932             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.RESOURCE_VARIABLE) {
 933                 TypeAnnotationPosition pos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
 934                 pos.type = TargetType.RESOURCE_VARIABLE;
 935                 pos.pos = tree.pos;
 936                 separateAnnotationsKinds(tree.vartype, tree.sym.type, tree.sym, pos);

 937             } else {
 938                 // There is nothing else in a variable declaration that needs separation.
 939                 // System.out.println("We found a: " + tree);
 940             }
 942             push(tree);
 943             // super.visitVarDef(tree);
 944             scan(tree.mods);
 945             scan(tree.vartype);
 946             if (!sigOnly) {
 947                 scan(tree.init);
 948             }
 949             pop();
 950         }
 952         @Override
 953         public void visitBlock(JCBlock tree) {
 954             // Do not descend into top-level blocks when only interested
 955             // in the signature.
 956             if (!sigOnly) {
 957                 scan(tree.stats);
 958             }
 959         }

 200                 sym.owner.type.asMethodType().recvtype = type;
 201                 // note that the typeAnnotations will also be added to the owner below.
 202             }
 203             if (sym.getKind() == ElementKind.PARAMETER ||
 204                     sym.getKind() == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE ||
 205                     sym.getKind() == ElementKind.RESOURCE_VARIABLE ||
 206                     sym.getKind() == ElementKind.EXCEPTION_PARAMETER) {
 207                 // Make sure all type annotations from the symbol are also
 208                 // on the owner.
 209                 sym.owner.annotations.appendUniqueTypes(sym.getTypeAnnotationMirrors());
 210             }
 211         }
 213         // This method has a similar purpose as
 214         // {@link, List<JCTypeAnnotation>, boolean)}
 215         // We found a type annotation in a declaration annotation position,
 216         // for example, on the return type.
 217         // Such an annotation is _not_ part of an JCAnnotatedType tree and we therefore
 218         // need to set its position explicitly.
 219         // The method returns a copy of type that contains these annotations.
 220         //
 221         // As a side effect the method sets the type annotation position of "annotations".
 222         // Note that it is assumed that all annotations share the same position.
 223         private static Type typeWithAnnotations(final JCTree typetree, final Type type,
 224                 final List<Attribute.TypeCompound> annotations, Log log) {
 225             // System.out.printf("typeWithAnnotations(typetree: %s, type: %s, annotations: %s)%n",
 226             //         typetree, type, annotations);
 227             if (annotations.isEmpty()) {
 228                 return type;
 229             }
 230             if (type.hasTag(TypeTag.ARRAY)) {
 231                 Type toreturn;
 232                 Type.ArrayType tomodify;
 233                 Type.ArrayType arType;
 234                 {
 235                     Type touse = type;
 236                     if (type.getKind() == TypeKind.ANNOTATED) {
 237                         Type.AnnotatedType atype = (Type.AnnotatedType)type;
 238                         toreturn = new Type.AnnotatedType(atype.underlyingType);
 239                         ((Type.AnnotatedType)toreturn).typeAnnotations = atype.typeAnnotations;
 240                         touse = atype.underlyingType;
 241                         arType = (Type.ArrayType) touse;
 242                         tomodify = new Type.ArrayType(null, arType.tsym);

 253                 depth = depth.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY);
 254                 while (arType.elemtype.hasTag(TypeTag.ARRAY)) {
 255                     if (arType.elemtype.getKind() == TypeKind.ANNOTATED) {
 256                         Type.AnnotatedType aelemtype = (Type.AnnotatedType) arType.elemtype;
 257                         Type.AnnotatedType newAT = new Type.AnnotatedType(aelemtype.underlyingType);
 258                         tomodify.elemtype = newAT;
 259                         newAT.typeAnnotations = aelemtype.typeAnnotations;
 260                         arType = (Type.ArrayType) aelemtype.underlyingType;
 261                         tomodify = new Type.ArrayType(null, arType.tsym);
 262                         newAT.underlyingType = tomodify;
 263                     } else {
 264                         arType = (Type.ArrayType) arType.elemtype;
 265                         tomodify.elemtype = new Type.ArrayType(null, arType.tsym);
 266                         tomodify = (Type.ArrayType) tomodify.elemtype;
 267                     }
 268                     arTree = arrayTypeTree(arTree.elemtype);
 269                     depth = depth.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY);
 270                 }
 271                 Type arelemType = typeWithAnnotations(arTree.elemtype, arType.elemtype, annotations, log);
 272                 tomodify.elemtype = arelemType;
 273                 {
 274                     // All annotations share the same position; modify the first one.
 275                     Attribute.TypeCompound a = annotations.get(0);
 276                     TypeAnnotationPosition p = a.position;
 277                     p.location = p.location.prependList(depth.toList());
 278                 }
 279                 return toreturn;
 280             } else if (type.hasTag(TypeTag.TYPEVAR)) {
 281                 // Nothing to do for type variables.
 282                 return type;
 283             } else {
 284                 Type enclTy = type;
 285                 Element enclEl = type.asElement();
 286                 JCTree enclTr = typetree;
 288                 while (enclEl != null &&
 289                         enclEl.getKind() != ElementKind.PACKAGE &&
 290                         enclTy != null &&
 291                         enclTy.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE &&
 292                         enclTy.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR &&
 293                         (enclTr.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT ||
 294                          enclTr.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE ||
 295                          enclTr.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE)) {

 333                 ListBuffer<TypePathEntry> depth =;
 335                 Type topTy = enclTy;
 336                 while (enclEl != null &&
 337                         enclEl.getKind() != ElementKind.PACKAGE &&
 338                         topTy != null &&
 339                         topTy.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE &&
 340                         topTy.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) {
 341                     topTy = topTy.getEnclosingType();
 342                     enclEl = enclEl.getEnclosingElement();
 344                     if (topTy != null && topTy.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE) {
 345                         // Only count enclosing types.
 346                         depth = depth.append(TypePathEntry.INNER_TYPE);
 347                     }
 348                 }
 350                 if (depth.nonEmpty()) {
 351                     // Only need to change the annotation positions
 352                     // if they are on an enclosed type.
 353                     // All annotations share the same position; modify the first one.
 354                     Attribute.TypeCompound a = annotations.get(0);
 355                     TypeAnnotationPosition p = a.position;
 356                     p.location = p.location.appendList(depth.toList());
 357                 }

 359                 Type ret = typeWithAnnotations(type, enclTy, annotations);
 360                 return ret;
 361             }
 362         }
 364         private static JCArrayTypeTree arrayTypeTree(JCTree typetree) {
 365             if (typetree.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE) {
 366                 return (JCArrayTypeTree) typetree;
 367             } else if (typetree.getKind() == JCTree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE) {
 368                 return (JCArrayTypeTree) ((JCAnnotatedType)typetree).underlyingType;
 369             } else {
 370                 Assert.error("Could not determine array type from type tree: " + typetree);
 371                 return null;
 372             }
 373         }
 375         /** Return a copy of the first type that only differs by
 376          * inserting the annotations to the left-most/inner-most type
 377          * or the type given by stopAt.

 452                 @Override
 453                 public Type visitForAll(ForAll t, List<TypeCompound> s) {
 454                     // Impossible?
 455                     return t;
 456                 }
 458                 @Override
 459                 public Type visitUndetVar(UndetVar t, List<TypeCompound> s) {
 460                     // Impossible?
 461                     return t;
 462                 }
 464                 @Override
 465                 public Type visitErrorType(ErrorType t, List<TypeCompound> s) {
 466                     return new AnnotatedType(s, t);
 467                 }
 469                 @Override
 470                 public Type visitType(Type t, List<TypeCompound> s) {
 471                     return new AnnotatedType(s, t);

 472                 }
 473             };
 475             return type.accept(visitor, annotations);
 476         }
 478         private static Attribute.TypeCompound toTypeCompound(Attribute.Compound a, TypeAnnotationPosition p) {
 479             // It is safe to alias the position.
 480             return new Attribute.TypeCompound(a, p);
 481         }
 483         private AnnotationType annotationType(Attribute.Compound a, Symbol s) {
 484             Attribute.Compound atTarget =
 485                 a.type.tsym.attribute(syms.annotationTargetType.tsym);
 486             if (atTarget == null) {
 487                 return inferTargetMetaInfo(a, s);
 488             }
 489             Attribute atValue = atTarget.member(names.value);
 490             if (!(atValue instanceof Attribute.Array)) {
 491                 Assert.error("annotationType(): bad @Target argument " + atValue +

 562         }
 564         /** Infer the target annotation kind, if none is give.
 565          * We only infer declaration annotations.
 566          */
 567         private static AnnotationType inferTargetMetaInfo(Attribute.Compound a, Symbol s) {
 568             return AnnotationType.DECLARATION;
 569         }
 572         /* This is the beginning of the second part of organizing
 573          * type annotations: determine the type annotation positions.
 574          */
 576         private void resolveFrame(JCTree tree, JCTree frame,
 577                 List<JCTree> path, TypeAnnotationPosition p) {
 578             /*
 579             System.out.println("Resolving tree: " + tree + " kind: " + tree.getKind());
 580             System.out.println("    Framing tree: " + frame + " kind: " + frame.getKind());
 581             */
 583             // Note that p.offset is set in
 584             //
 586             switch (frame.getKind()) {
 587                 case TYPE_CAST:
 588                     p.type = TargetType.CAST;
 589                     p.pos = frame.pos;
 590                     return;
 592                 case INSTANCE_OF:
 593                     p.type = TargetType.INSTANCEOF;
 594                     p.pos = frame.pos;
 595                     return;
 597                 case NEW_CLASS:
 598                     JCNewClass frameNewClass = (JCNewClass)frame;
 599                     if (frameNewClass.typeargs.contains(tree)) {
 600                         p.type = TargetType.CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT;
 601                         p.type_index = frameNewClass.typeargs.indexOf(tree);
 602                     } else {
 603                         p.type = TargetType.NEW;
 604                     }
 605                     p.pos = frame.pos;

 651                 case PARAMETERIZED_TYPE: {
 652                     if (((JCTypeApply)frame).clazz == tree) {
 653                         // generic: RAW; noop
 654                     } else if (((JCTypeApply)frame).arguments.contains(tree)) {
 655                         JCTypeApply taframe = (JCTypeApply) frame;
 656                         int arg = taframe.arguments.indexOf(tree);
 657                         p.location = p.location.prepend(new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT, arg));
 659                         locateNestedTypes(taframe.type, p);
 660                     } else {
 661                         Assert.error("Could not determine type argument position of tree " + tree +
 662                                 " within frame " + frame);
 663                     }
 665                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 666                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 667                     return;
 668                 }
 670                 case MEMBER_REFERENCE: {
 671                     JCMemberReference mrframe = (JCMemberReference) frame;
 673                     if (mrframe.expr == tree) {
 674                         switch (mrframe.mode) {
 675                         case INVOKE:
 676                             p.type = TargetType.METHOD_REFERENCE;
 677                             break;
 678                         case NEW:
 679                             p.type = TargetType.CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE;
 680                             break;
 681                         default:
 682                             Assert.error("Unknown method reference mode " + mrframe.mode +
 683                                     " for tree " + tree + " within frame " + frame);
 684                         }
 685                         p.pos = frame.pos;
 686                     } else if (mrframe.typeargs != null &&
 687                             mrframe.typeargs.contains(tree)) {
 688                         int arg = mrframe.typeargs.indexOf(tree);
 689                         p.type_index = arg;
 690                         switch (mrframe.mode) {
 691                         case INVOKE:
 692                             p.type = TargetType.METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT;
 693                             break;
 694                         case NEW:
 695                             p.type = TargetType.CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT;
 696                             break;
 697                         default:
 698                             Assert.error("Unknown method reference mode " + mrframe.mode +
 699                                     " for tree " + tree + " within frame " + frame);
 700                         }
 701                         p.pos = frame.pos;
 702                     } else {
 703                         Assert.error("Could not determine type argument position of tree " + tree +
 704                                 " within frame " + frame);
 705                     }
 706                     return;
 707                 }
 709                 case ARRAY_TYPE: {
 710                     ListBuffer<TypePathEntry> index =;
 711                     index = index.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY);
 712                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 713                     while (true) {
 714                         JCTree npHead = newPath.tail.head;
 715                         if (npHead.hasTag(JCTree.Tag.TYPEARRAY)) {
 716                             newPath = newPath.tail;
 717                             index = index.append(TypePathEntry.ARRAY);
 718                         } else if (npHead.hasTag(JCTree.Tag.ANNOTATED_TYPE)) {
 719                             newPath = newPath.tail;
 720                         } else {
 721                             break;
 722                         }
 723                     }
 724                     p.location = p.location.prependList(index.toList());
 725                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 726                     return;
 727                 }

 796                             // Type parameters, wildcards, and arrays have the declaring
 797                             // class/method as enclosing elements.
 798                             // There is actually nothing to do for them.
 799                         } else {
 800                             locateNestedTypes(utype, p);
 801                         }
 802                     }
 803                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 804                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 805                     return;
 806                 }
 808                 case UNION_TYPE: {
 809                     // TODO: can we store any information here to help in
 810                     // determining the final position?
 811                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 812                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 813                     return;
 814                 }
 816                 case INTERSECTION_TYPE: {
 817                     JCTypeIntersection isect = (JCTypeIntersection)frame;
 818                     p.type_index = isect.bounds.indexOf(tree);
 819                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 820                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 821                     return;
 822                 }
 824                 case METHOD_INVOCATION: {
 825                     JCMethodInvocation invocation = (JCMethodInvocation)frame;
 826                     if (!invocation.typeargs.contains(tree)) {
 827                         Assert.error("{" + tree + "} is not an argument in the invocation: " + invocation);
 828                     }
 829                     p.type = TargetType.METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT;
 830                     p.pos = invocation.pos;
 831                     p.type_index = invocation.typeargs.indexOf(tree);
 832                     return;
 833                 }
 835                 case EXTENDS_WILDCARD:
 836                 case SUPER_WILDCARD: {
 837                     // Annotations in wildcard bounds
 838                     p.location = p.location.prepend(TypePathEntry.WILDCARD);
 839                     List<JCTree> newPath = path.tail;
 840                     resolveFrame(newPath.head, newPath.tail.head, newPath, p);
 841                     return;
 842                 }

 949                 scan(tree.restype);
 950                 scan(tree.typarams);
 951                 scan(tree.recvparam);
 952                 scan(tree.params);
 953                 scan(tree.thrown);
 954             } else {
 955                 scan(tree.defaultValue);
 956                 scan(tree.body);
 957             }
 958             pop();
 959         }
 961         /**
 962          * Resolve declaration vs. type annotations in variable declarations and
 963          * then determine the positions.
 964          */
 965         @Override
 966         public void visitVarDef(final JCVariableDecl tree) {
 967             if (tree.sym == null) {
 968                 // Something is wrong already. Quietly ignore.
 969             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.PARAMETER) {
 970                 // Parameters are handled in visitMethodDef above.
 971             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
 972                 if (sigOnly) {
 973                     TypeAnnotationPosition pos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
 974                     pos.type = TargetType.FIELD;
 975                     pos.pos = tree.pos;
 976                     separateAnnotationsKinds(tree.vartype, tree.sym.type, tree.sym, pos);
 977                 }
 978             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE) {
 979                 TypeAnnotationPosition pos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
 980                 pos.type = TargetType.LOCAL_VARIABLE;
 981                 pos.pos = tree.pos;
 982                 separateAnnotationsKinds(tree.vartype, tree.sym.type, tree.sym, pos);
 983             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.EXCEPTION_PARAMETER) {

 984                 TypeAnnotationPosition pos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
 985                 pos.type = TargetType.EXCEPTION_PARAMETER;
 986                 pos.pos = tree.pos;
 987                 separateAnnotationsKinds(tree.vartype, tree.sym.type, tree.sym, pos);
 988             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.RESOURCE_VARIABLE) {
 989                 TypeAnnotationPosition pos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
 990                 pos.type = TargetType.RESOURCE_VARIABLE;
 991                 pos.pos = tree.pos;
 992                 separateAnnotationsKinds(tree.vartype, tree.sym.type, tree.sym, pos);
 993             } else if (tree.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT) {
 994                 // No type annotations can occur here.
 995             } else {
 996                 // There is nothing else in a variable declaration that needs separation.
 997                 Assert.error("Unhandled variable kind: " + tree + " of kind: " + tree.sym.getKind());
 998             }
1000             push(tree);
1001             // super.visitVarDef(tree);
1002             scan(tree.mods);
1003             scan(tree.vartype);
1004             if (!sigOnly) {
1005                 scan(tree.init);
1006             }
1007             pop();
1008         }
1010         @Override
1011         public void visitBlock(JCBlock tree) {
1012             // Do not descend into top-level blocks when only interested
1013             // in the signature.
1014             if (!sigOnly) {
1015                 scan(tree.stats);
1016             }
1017         }