< prev index next >


Print this page

 136     public final DocPath pathToRoot;
 138     /**
 139      * Platform-independent path from the current or the
 140      * destination directory to the file getting generated.
 141      * Used when creating the file.
 142      */
 143     public final DocPath path;
 145     /**
 146      * Name of the file getting generated. If the file getting generated is
 147      * "java/lang/Object.html", then the filename is "Object.html".
 148      */
 149     public final DocPath filename;
 151     /**
 152      * The global configuration information for this run.
 153      */
 154     public final HtmlConfiguration configuration;

 156     protected final Utils utils;
 158     protected final Contents contents;
 160     protected final Messages messages;
 162     protected final Resources resources;
 164     protected final Links links;
 166     protected final DocPaths docPaths;
 168     /**
 169      * To check whether annotation heading is printed or not.
 170      */
 171     protected boolean printedAnnotationHeading = false;
 173     /**
 174      * To check whether annotation field heading is printed or not.
 175      */

 191     protected String winTitle;
 193     protected Script mainBodyScript;
 195     /**
 196      * A table of the anchors used for at-index and related tags,
 197      * so that they can be made unique by appending a suitable suffix.
 198      * (Ideally, javadoc should be tracking all id's generated in a file
 199      * to avoid generating duplicates.)
 200      */
 201     Map<String, Integer> indexAnchorTable = new HashMap<>();
 203     /**
 204      * Constructor to construct the HtmlStandardWriter object.
 205      *
 206      * @param configuration the configuration for this doclet
 207      * @param path the file to be generated.
 208      */
 209     public HtmlDocletWriter(HtmlConfiguration configuration, DocPath path) {
 210         this.configuration = configuration;

 211         this.contents = configuration.contents;
 212         this.messages = configuration.messages;
 213         this.resources = configuration.resources;
 214         this.links = new Links(path);
 215         this.utils = configuration.utils;
 216         this.path = path;
 217         this.pathToRoot = path.parent().invert();
 218         this.filename = path.basename();
 219         this.docPaths = configuration.docPaths;
 220         this.mainBodyScript = new Script();
 222         messages.notice("doclet.Generating_0",
 223             DocFile.createFileForOutput(configuration, path).getPath());
 224     }
 226     /**
 227      * Replace {@docRoot} tag used in options that accept HTML text, such
 228      * as -header, -footer, -top and -bottom, and when converting a relative
 229      * HREF where commentTagsToString inserts a {@docRoot} where one was
 230      * missing.  (Also see DocRootTaglet for {@docRoot} tags in doc

 242      * Note: This doc comment was written with '&amp;#064;' representing '@'
 243      * to prevent the inline tag from being interpreted.
 244      */
 245     public String replaceDocRootDir(String htmlstr) {
 246         // Return if no inline tags exist
 247         int index = htmlstr.indexOf("{@");
 248         if (index < 0) {
 249             return htmlstr;
 250         }
 251         Matcher docrootMatcher = docrootPattern.matcher(htmlstr);
 252         if (!docrootMatcher.find()) {
 253             return htmlstr;
 254         }
 255         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
 256         int prevEnd = 0;
 257         do {
 258             int match = docrootMatcher.start();
 259             // append htmlstr up to start of next {@docroot}
 260             buf.append(htmlstr.substring(prevEnd, match));
 261             prevEnd = docrootMatcher.end();
 262             if (configuration.docrootparent.length() > 0 && htmlstr.startsWith("/..", prevEnd)) {
 263                 // Insert the absolute link if {@docRoot} is followed by "/..".
 264                 buf.append(configuration.docrootparent);
 265                 prevEnd += 3;
 266             } else {
 267                 // Insert relative path where {@docRoot} was located
 268                 buf.append(pathToRoot.isEmpty() ? "." : pathToRoot.getPath());
 269             }
 270             // Append slash if next character is not a slash
 271             if (prevEnd < htmlstr.length() && htmlstr.charAt(prevEnd) != '/') {
 272                 buf.append('/');
 273             }
 274         } while (docrootMatcher.find());
 275         buf.append(htmlstr.substring(prevEnd));
 276         return buf.toString();
 277     }
 278     //where:
 279         // Note: {@docRoot} is not case sensitive when passed in w/command line option:
 280         private static final Pattern docrootPattern =
 281                 Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("{@docroot}"), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
 283     /**
 284      * Get the script to show or hide the All classes link.
 285      *
 286      * @param id id of the element to show or hide
 287      * @return a content tree for the script
 288      */
 289     public Content getAllClassesLinkScript(String id) {
 290         Script script = new Script("<!--\n" +
 291                 "  allClassesLink = document.getElementById(")
 292                 .appendStringLiteral(id)
 293                 .append(");\n" +
 294                 "  if(window==top) {\n" +
 295                 "    allClassesLink.style.display = \"block\";\n" +
 296                 "  }\n" +
 297                 "  else {\n" +
 298                 "    allClassesLink.style.display = \"none\";\n" +
 299                 "  }\n" +

 322         if ((!intfacs.isEmpty()
 323                 && vmt.getImplementedMethods(method).isEmpty() == false)
 324                 || overriddenMethod != null) {
 325             MethodWriterImpl.addImplementsInfo(this, method, dl);
 326             if (overriddenMethod != null) {
 327                 MethodWriterImpl.addOverridden(this,
 328                         utils.overriddenType(method),
 329                         overriddenMethod,
 330                         dl);
 331             }
 332         }
 333     }
 335     /**
 336      * Adds the tags information.
 337      *
 338      * @param e the Element for which the tags will be generated
 339      * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the tags will be added
 340      */
 341     protected void addTagsInfo(Element e, Content htmltree) {
 342         if (configuration.nocomment) {
 343             return;
 344         }
 345         Content dl = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DL);
 346         if (utils.isExecutableElement(e) && !utils.isConstructor(e)) {
 347             addMethodInfo((ExecutableElement)e, dl);
 348         }
 349         Content output = new ContentBuilder();
 350         TagletWriter.genTagOutput(configuration.tagletManager, e,
 351             configuration.tagletManager.getBlockTaglets(e),
 352                 getTagletWriterInstance(false), output);
 353         dl.add(output);
 354         htmltree.add(dl);
 355     }
 357     /**
 358      * Check whether there are any tags for Serialization Overview
 359      * section to be printed.
 360      *
 361      * @param field the VariableElement object to check for tags.
 362      * @return true if there are tags to be printed else return false.

 431      *
 432      * @param metakeywords Array of String keywords for META tag. Each element
 433      *                     of the array is assigned to a separate META tag.
 434      *                     Pass in null for no array
 435      * @param description the content for the description META tag.
 436      * @param extraHeadContent any additional content to be included in the HEAD element
 437      * @param localStylesheets local stylesheets to be included in the HEAD element
 438      * @param body the body htmltree to be included in the document
 439      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem writing the file
 440      */
 441     public void printHtmlDocument(List<String> metakeywords,
 442                                   String description,
 443                                   Content extraHeadContent,
 444                                   List<DocPath> localStylesheets,
 445                                   Content body)
 446             throws DocFileIOException {
 447         Content htmlComment = contents.newPage;
 448         List<DocPath> additionalStylesheets = configuration.getAdditionalStylesheets();
 449         additionalStylesheets.addAll(localStylesheets);
 450         Head head = new Head(path, configuration.docletVersion, configuration.startTime)
 451                 .setTimestamp(!configuration.notimestamp)
 452                 .setDescription(description)
 453                 .setGenerator(getGenerator(getClass()))
 454                 .setTitle(winTitle)
 455                 .setCharset(configuration.charset)
 456                 .addKeywords(metakeywords)
 457                 .setStylesheets(configuration.getMainStylesheet(), additionalStylesheets)
 458                 .setIndex(configuration.createindex, mainBodyScript)
 459                 .addContent(extraHeadContent);
 461         Content htmlTree = HtmlTree.HTML(configuration.getLocale().getLanguage(), head.toContent(), body);
 462         HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(htmlComment, htmlTree);
 463         htmlDocument.write(DocFile.createFileForOutput(configuration, path));
 464     }
 466     /**
 467      * Get the window title.
 468      *
 469      * @param title the title string to construct the complete window title
 470      * @return the window title string
 471      */
 472     public String getWindowTitle(String title) {
 473         if (configuration.windowtitle.length() > 0) {
 474             title += " (" + configuration.windowtitle  + ")";
 475         }
 476         return title;
 477     }
 479     /**
 480      * Get user specified header and the footer.
 481      *
 482      * @param header if true print the user provided header else print the
 483      * user provided footer.
 484      */
 485     public Content getUserHeaderFooter(boolean header) {
 486         String content;
 487         if (header) {
 488             content = replaceDocRootDir(configuration.header);
 489         } else {
 490             if (configuration.footer.length() != 0) {
 491                 content = replaceDocRootDir(configuration.footer);
 492             } else {
 493                 content = replaceDocRootDir(configuration.header);
 494             }
 495         }
 496         Content rawContent = new RawHtml(content);
 497         return rawContent;
 498     }
 500     /**
 501      * Adds the user specified top.
 502      *
 503      * @param htmlTree the content tree to which user specified top will be added
 504      */
 505     public void addTop(Content htmlTree) {
 506         Content top = new RawHtml(replaceDocRootDir(configuration.top));
 507         htmlTree.add(top);
 508     }
 510     /**
 511      * Adds the user specified bottom.
 512      *
 513      * @param htmlTree the content tree to which user specified bottom will be added
 514      */
 515     public void addBottom(Content htmlTree) {
 516         Content bottom = new RawHtml(replaceDocRootDir(configuration.bottom));
 517         Content small = HtmlTree.SMALL(bottom);
 518         Content p = HtmlTree.P(HtmlStyle.legalCopy, small);
 519         htmlTree.add(p);
 520     }
 522     /**
 523      * Get the overview tree link for the main tree.
 524      *
 525      * @param label the label for the link
 526      * @return a content tree for the link
 527      */
 528     protected Content getNavLinkMainTree(String label) {
 529         Content mainTreeContent = links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve(DocPaths.OVERVIEW_TREE),
 530                 new StringContent(label));
 531         Content li = HtmlTree.LI(mainTreeContent);
 532         return li;
 533     }
 535     /**
 536      * Get table caption.

1242      * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the comment tags will be added
1243      */
1244     private void addCommentTags(Element element, List<? extends DocTree> tags, boolean depr,
1245             boolean first, boolean inSummary, Content htmltree) {
1246         addCommentTags(element, null, tags, depr, first, inSummary, htmltree);
1247     }
1249     /**
1250      * Adds the comment tags.
1251      *
1252      * @param element for which the comment tags will be generated
1253      * @param holderTag the block tag context for the inline tags
1254      * @param tags the first sentence tags for the doc
1255      * @param depr true if it is deprecated
1256      * @param first true if the first sentence tags should be added
1257      * @param inSummary true if the comment tags are added into the summary section
1258      * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the comment tags will be added
1259      */
1260     private void addCommentTags(Element element, DocTree holderTag, List<? extends DocTree> tags, boolean depr,
1261             boolean first, boolean inSummary, Content htmltree) {
1262         if(configuration.nocomment){
1263             return;
1264         }
1265         Content div;
1266         Content result = commentTagsToContent(null, element, tags, first, inSummary);
1267         if (depr) {
1268             div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.deprecationComment, result);
1269             htmltree.add(div);
1270         }
1271         else {
1272             div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.block, result);
1273             htmltree.add(div);
1274         }
1275         if (tags.isEmpty()) {
1276             htmltree.add(Entity.NO_BREAK_SPACE);
1277         }
1278     }
1280     boolean ignoreNonInlineTag(DocTree dtree) {
1281         Name name = null;
1282         if (dtree.getKind() == Kind.START_ELEMENT) {

1403                     String quote;
1404                     switch (node.getValueKind()) {
1405                         case DOUBLE:
1406                             quote = "\"";
1407                             break;
1408                         case SINGLE:
1409                             quote = "\'";
1410                             break;
1411                         default:
1412                             quote = "";
1413                             break;
1414                     }
1415                     sb.append(quote);
1416                     result.add(sb);
1417                     Content docRootContent = new ContentBuilder();
1419                     boolean isHRef = inAnAtag() && node.getName().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("href");
1420                     for (DocTree dt : node.getValue()) {
1421                         if (utils.isText(dt) && isHRef) {
1422                             String text = ((TextTree) dt).getBody();
1423                             if (text.startsWith("/..") && !configuration.docrootparent.isEmpty()) {
1424                                 result.add(configuration.docrootparent);
1425                                 docRootContent = new ContentBuilder();
1426                                 result.add(textCleanup(text.substring(3), isLastNode));
1427                             } else {
1428                                 if (!docRootContent.isEmpty()) {
1429                                     docRootContent = copyDocRootContent(docRootContent);
1430                                 } else {
1431                                     text = redirectRelativeLinks(element, (TextTree) dt);
1432                                 }
1433                                 result.add(textCleanup(text, isLastNode));
1434                             }
1435                         } else {
1436                             docRootContent = copyDocRootContent(docRootContent);
1437                             dt.accept(this, docRootContent);
1438                         }
1439                     }
1440                     copyDocRootContent(docRootContent);
1441                     result.add(quote);
1442                     return false;
1443                 }

 136     public final DocPath pathToRoot;
 138     /**
 139      * Platform-independent path from the current or the
 140      * destination directory to the file getting generated.
 141      * Used when creating the file.
 142      */
 143     public final DocPath path;
 145     /**
 146      * Name of the file getting generated. If the file getting generated is
 147      * "java/lang/Object.html", then the filename is "Object.html".
 148      */
 149     public final DocPath filename;
 151     /**
 152      * The global configuration information for this run.
 153      */
 154     public final HtmlConfiguration configuration;
 156     protected final HtmlOptions options;
 158     protected final Utils utils;
 160     protected final Contents contents;
 162     protected final Messages messages;
 164     protected final Resources resources;
 166     protected final Links links;
 168     protected final DocPaths docPaths;
 170     /**
 171      * To check whether annotation heading is printed or not.
 172      */
 173     protected boolean printedAnnotationHeading = false;
 175     /**
 176      * To check whether annotation field heading is printed or not.
 177      */

 193     protected String winTitle;
 195     protected Script mainBodyScript;
 197     /**
 198      * A table of the anchors used for at-index and related tags,
 199      * so that they can be made unique by appending a suitable suffix.
 200      * (Ideally, javadoc should be tracking all id's generated in a file
 201      * to avoid generating duplicates.)
 202      */
 203     Map<String, Integer> indexAnchorTable = new HashMap<>();
 205     /**
 206      * Constructor to construct the HtmlStandardWriter object.
 207      *
 208      * @param configuration the configuration for this doclet
 209      * @param path the file to be generated.
 210      */
 211     public HtmlDocletWriter(HtmlConfiguration configuration, DocPath path) {
 212         this.configuration = configuration;
 213         this.options = configuration.getOptions();
 214         this.contents = configuration.contents;
 215         this.messages = configuration.messages;
 216         this.resources = configuration.resources;
 217         this.links = new Links(path);
 218         this.utils = configuration.utils;
 219         this.path = path;
 220         this.pathToRoot = path.parent().invert();
 221         this.filename = path.basename();
 222         this.docPaths = configuration.docPaths;
 223         this.mainBodyScript = new Script();
 225         messages.notice("doclet.Generating_0",
 226             DocFile.createFileForOutput(configuration, path).getPath());
 227     }
 229     /**
 230      * Replace {@docRoot} tag used in options that accept HTML text, such
 231      * as -header, -footer, -top and -bottom, and when converting a relative
 232      * HREF where commentTagsToString inserts a {@docRoot} where one was
 233      * missing.  (Also see DocRootTaglet for {@docRoot} tags in doc

 245      * Note: This doc comment was written with '&amp;#064;' representing '@'
 246      * to prevent the inline tag from being interpreted.
 247      */
 248     public String replaceDocRootDir(String htmlstr) {
 249         // Return if no inline tags exist
 250         int index = htmlstr.indexOf("{@");
 251         if (index < 0) {
 252             return htmlstr;
 253         }
 254         Matcher docrootMatcher = docrootPattern.matcher(htmlstr);
 255         if (!docrootMatcher.find()) {
 256             return htmlstr;
 257         }
 258         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
 259         int prevEnd = 0;
 260         do {
 261             int match = docrootMatcher.start();
 262             // append htmlstr up to start of next {@docroot}
 263             buf.append(htmlstr.substring(prevEnd, match));
 264             prevEnd = docrootMatcher.end();
 265             if (options.docrootParent.length() > 0 && htmlstr.startsWith("/..", prevEnd)) {
 266                 // Insert the absolute link if {@docRoot} is followed by "/..".
 267                 buf.append(options.docrootParent);
 268                 prevEnd += 3;
 269             } else {
 270                 // Insert relative path where {@docRoot} was located
 271                 buf.append(pathToRoot.isEmpty() ? "." : pathToRoot.getPath());
 272             }
 273             // Append slash if next character is not a slash
 274             if (prevEnd < htmlstr.length() && htmlstr.charAt(prevEnd) != '/') {
 275                 buf.append('/');
 276             }
 277         } while (docrootMatcher.find());
 278         buf.append(htmlstr.substring(prevEnd));
 279         return buf.toString();
 280     }
 281     //where:
 282         // Note: {@docRoot} is not case sensitive when passed in with a command-line option:
 283         private static final Pattern docrootPattern =
 284                 Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("{@docroot}"), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
 286     /**
 287      * Get the script to show or hide the All classes link.
 288      *
 289      * @param id id of the element to show or hide
 290      * @return a content tree for the script
 291      */
 292     public Content getAllClassesLinkScript(String id) {
 293         Script script = new Script("<!--\n" +
 294                 "  allClassesLink = document.getElementById(")
 295                 .appendStringLiteral(id)
 296                 .append(");\n" +
 297                 "  if(window==top) {\n" +
 298                 "    allClassesLink.style.display = \"block\";\n" +
 299                 "  }\n" +
 300                 "  else {\n" +
 301                 "    allClassesLink.style.display = \"none\";\n" +
 302                 "  }\n" +

 325         if ((!intfacs.isEmpty()
 326                 && vmt.getImplementedMethods(method).isEmpty() == false)
 327                 || overriddenMethod != null) {
 328             MethodWriterImpl.addImplementsInfo(this, method, dl);
 329             if (overriddenMethod != null) {
 330                 MethodWriterImpl.addOverridden(this,
 331                         utils.overriddenType(method),
 332                         overriddenMethod,
 333                         dl);
 334             }
 335         }
 336     }
 338     /**
 339      * Adds the tags information.
 340      *
 341      * @param e the Element for which the tags will be generated
 342      * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the tags will be added
 343      */
 344     protected void addTagsInfo(Element e, Content htmltree) {
 345         if (options.noComment) {
 346             return;
 347         }
 348         Content dl = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DL);
 349         if (utils.isExecutableElement(e) && !utils.isConstructor(e)) {
 350             addMethodInfo((ExecutableElement)e, dl);
 351         }
 352         Content output = new ContentBuilder();
 353         TagletWriter.genTagOutput(configuration.tagletManager, e,
 354             configuration.tagletManager.getBlockTaglets(e),
 355                 getTagletWriterInstance(false), output);
 356         dl.add(output);
 357         htmltree.add(dl);
 358     }
 360     /**
 361      * Check whether there are any tags for Serialization Overview
 362      * section to be printed.
 363      *
 364      * @param field the VariableElement object to check for tags.
 365      * @return true if there are tags to be printed else return false.

 434      *
 435      * @param metakeywords Array of String keywords for META tag. Each element
 436      *                     of the array is assigned to a separate META tag.
 437      *                     Pass in null for no array
 438      * @param description the content for the description META tag.
 439      * @param extraHeadContent any additional content to be included in the HEAD element
 440      * @param localStylesheets local stylesheets to be included in the HEAD element
 441      * @param body the body htmltree to be included in the document
 442      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem writing the file
 443      */
 444     public void printHtmlDocument(List<String> metakeywords,
 445                                   String description,
 446                                   Content extraHeadContent,
 447                                   List<DocPath> localStylesheets,
 448                                   Content body)
 449             throws DocFileIOException {
 450         Content htmlComment = contents.newPage;
 451         List<DocPath> additionalStylesheets = configuration.getAdditionalStylesheets();
 452         additionalStylesheets.addAll(localStylesheets);
 453         Head head = new Head(path, configuration.docletVersion, configuration.startTime)
 454                 .setTimestamp(!options.noTimestamp)
 455                 .setDescription(description)
 456                 .setGenerator(getGenerator(getClass()))
 457                 .setTitle(winTitle)
 458                 .setCharset(options.charset)
 459                 .addKeywords(metakeywords)
 460                 .setStylesheets(configuration.getMainStylesheet(), additionalStylesheets)
 461                 .setIndex(options.createIndex, mainBodyScript)
 462                 .addContent(extraHeadContent);
 464         Content htmlTree = HtmlTree.HTML(configuration.getLocale().getLanguage(), head.toContent(), body);
 465         HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(htmlComment, htmlTree);
 466         htmlDocument.write(DocFile.createFileForOutput(configuration, path));
 467     }
 469     /**
 470      * Get the window title.
 471      *
 472      * @param title the title string to construct the complete window title
 473      * @return the window title string
 474      */
 475     public String getWindowTitle(String title) {
 476         if (options.windowTitle.length() > 0) {
 477             title += " (" + options.windowTitle + ")";
 478         }
 479         return title;
 480     }
 482     /**
 483      * Get user specified header and the footer.
 484      *
 485      * @param header if true print the user provided header else print the
 486      * user provided footer.
 487      */
 488     public Content getUserHeaderFooter(boolean header) {
 489         String content;
 490         if (header) {
 491             content = replaceDocRootDir(options.header);
 492         } else {
 493             if (options.footer.length() != 0) {
 494                 content = replaceDocRootDir(options.footer);
 495             } else {
 496                 content = replaceDocRootDir(options.header);
 497             }
 498         }
 499         Content rawContent = new RawHtml(content);
 500         return rawContent;
 501     }
 503     /**
 504      * Adds the user specified top.
 505      *
 506      * @param htmlTree the content tree to which user specified top will be added
 507      */
 508     public void addTop(Content htmlTree) {
 509         Content top = new RawHtml(replaceDocRootDir(options.top));
 510         htmlTree.add(top);
 511     }
 513     /**
 514      * Adds the user specified bottom.
 515      *
 516      * @param htmlTree the content tree to which user specified bottom will be added
 517      */
 518     public void addBottom(Content htmlTree) {
 519         Content bottom = new RawHtml(replaceDocRootDir(options.bottom));
 520         Content small = HtmlTree.SMALL(bottom);
 521         Content p = HtmlTree.P(HtmlStyle.legalCopy, small);
 522         htmlTree.add(p);
 523     }
 525     /**
 526      * Get the overview tree link for the main tree.
 527      *
 528      * @param label the label for the link
 529      * @return a content tree for the link
 530      */
 531     protected Content getNavLinkMainTree(String label) {
 532         Content mainTreeContent = links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve(DocPaths.OVERVIEW_TREE),
 533                 new StringContent(label));
 534         Content li = HtmlTree.LI(mainTreeContent);
 535         return li;
 536     }
 538     /**
 539      * Get table caption.

1245      * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the comment tags will be added
1246      */
1247     private void addCommentTags(Element element, List<? extends DocTree> tags, boolean depr,
1248             boolean first, boolean inSummary, Content htmltree) {
1249         addCommentTags(element, null, tags, depr, first, inSummary, htmltree);
1250     }
1252     /**
1253      * Adds the comment tags.
1254      *
1255      * @param element for which the comment tags will be generated
1256      * @param holderTag the block tag context for the inline tags
1257      * @param tags the first sentence tags for the doc
1258      * @param depr true if it is deprecated
1259      * @param first true if the first sentence tags should be added
1260      * @param inSummary true if the comment tags are added into the summary section
1261      * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the comment tags will be added
1262      */
1263     private void addCommentTags(Element element, DocTree holderTag, List<? extends DocTree> tags, boolean depr,
1264             boolean first, boolean inSummary, Content htmltree) {
1265         if (options.noComment){
1266             return;
1267         }
1268         Content div;
1269         Content result = commentTagsToContent(null, element, tags, first, inSummary);
1270         if (depr) {
1271             div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.deprecationComment, result);
1272             htmltree.add(div);
1273         }
1274         else {
1275             div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.block, result);
1276             htmltree.add(div);
1277         }
1278         if (tags.isEmpty()) {
1279             htmltree.add(Entity.NO_BREAK_SPACE);
1280         }
1281     }
1283     boolean ignoreNonInlineTag(DocTree dtree) {
1284         Name name = null;
1285         if (dtree.getKind() == Kind.START_ELEMENT) {

1406                     String quote;
1407                     switch (node.getValueKind()) {
1408                         case DOUBLE:
1409                             quote = "\"";
1410                             break;
1411                         case SINGLE:
1412                             quote = "\'";
1413                             break;
1414                         default:
1415                             quote = "";
1416                             break;
1417                     }
1418                     sb.append(quote);
1419                     result.add(sb);
1420                     Content docRootContent = new ContentBuilder();
1422                     boolean isHRef = inAnAtag() && node.getName().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("href");
1423                     for (DocTree dt : node.getValue()) {
1424                         if (utils.isText(dt) && isHRef) {
1425                             String text = ((TextTree) dt).getBody();
1426                             if (text.startsWith("/..") && !options.docrootParent.isEmpty()) {
1427                                 result.add(options.docrootParent);
1428                                 docRootContent = new ContentBuilder();
1429                                 result.add(textCleanup(text.substring(3), isLastNode));
1430                             } else {
1431                                 if (!docRootContent.isEmpty()) {
1432                                     docRootContent = copyDocRootContent(docRootContent);
1433                                 } else {
1434                                     text = redirectRelativeLinks(element, (TextTree) dt);
1435                                 }
1436                                 result.add(textCleanup(text, isLastNode));
1437                             }
1438                         } else {
1439                             docRootContent = copyDocRootContent(docRootContent);
1440                             dt.accept(this, docRootContent);
1441                         }
1442                     }
1443                     copyDocRootContent(docRootContent);
1444                     result.add(quote);
1445                     return false;
1446                 }

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