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Print this page

  60  *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
  61  *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
  62  *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
  63  *  deletion without notice.</b>
  64  */
  65 public class SourceToHTMLConverter {
  67     /**
  68      * The number of trailing blank lines at the end of the page.
  69      * This is inserted so that anchors at the bottom of small pages
  70      * can be reached.
  71      */
  72     private static final int NUM_BLANK_LINES = 60;
  74     /**
  75      * New line to be added to the documentation.
  76      */
  77     private static final String NEW_LINE = DocletConstants.NL;
  79     private final HtmlConfiguration configuration;

  80     private final Messages messages;
  81     private final Resources resources;
  82     private final Utils utils;
  84     private final DocletEnvironment docEnv;
  86     private final DocPath outputdir;
  88     /**
  89      * Relative path from the documentation root to the file that is being
  90      * generated.
  91      */
  92     private DocPath relativePath = DocPath.empty;
  94     private SourceToHTMLConverter(HtmlConfiguration configuration, DocletEnvironment rd,
  95                                   DocPath outputdir) {
  96         this.configuration  = configuration;

  97         this.messages = configuration.getMessages();
  98         this.resources = configuration.resources;
  99         this.utils = configuration.utils;
 100         this.docEnv = rd;
 101         this.outputdir = outputdir;
 102     }
 104     /**
 105      * Translate the TypeElements in the given DocletEnvironment to HTML representation.
 106      *
 107      * @param configuration the configuration.
 108      * @param docEnv the DocletEnvironment to convert.
 109      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to.
 110      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating an output file
 111      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading a source file
 112      */
 113     public static void convertRoot(HtmlConfiguration configuration, DocletEnvironment docEnv,
 114                                    DocPath outputdir) throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 115         new SourceToHTMLConverter(configuration, docEnv, outputdir).generate();
 116     }
 118     void generate() throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 119         if (docEnv == null || outputdir == null) {
 120             return;
 121         }
 122         for (ModuleElement mdl : configuration.getSpecifiedModuleElements()) {
 123             // If -nodeprecated option is set and the module is marked as deprecated,
 124             // do not convert the module files to HTML.
 125             if (!(configuration.nodeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(mdl)))
 126                 convertModule(mdl, outputdir);
 127         }
 128         for (PackageElement pkg : configuration.getSpecifiedPackageElements()) {
 129             // If -nodeprecated option is set and the package is marked as deprecated,
 130             // do not convert the package files to HTML.
 131             if (!(configuration.nodeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(pkg)))
 132                 convertPackage(pkg, outputdir);
 133         }
 134         for (TypeElement te : configuration.getSpecifiedTypeElements()) {
 135             // If -nodeprecated option is set and the class is marked as deprecated
 136             // or the containing package is deprecated, do not convert the
 137             // package files to HTML.
 138             if (!(configuration.nodeprecated &&
 139                   (utils.isDeprecated(te) || utils.isDeprecated(utils.containingPackage(te)))))
 140                 convertClass(te, outputdir);
 141         }
 142     }
 144     /**
 145      * Convert the Classes in the given Package to an HTML file.
 146      *
 147      * @param pkg the Package to convert.
 148      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to.
 149      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating an output file
 150      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading a source file
 151      */
 152     public void convertPackage(PackageElement pkg, DocPath outputdir)
 153             throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 154         if (pkg == null) {
 155             return;
 156         }
 157         for (Element te : utils.getAllClasses(pkg)) {
 158             // If -nodeprecated option is set and the class is marked as deprecated,
 159             // do not convert the package files to HTML. We do not check for
 160             // containing package deprecation since it is already check in
 161             // the calling method above.
 162             if (!(configuration.nodeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(te)))
 163                 convertClass((TypeElement)te, outputdir);
 164         }
 165     }
 167     /**
 168      * Convert the documented packages contained in the given module to an HTML representation.
 169      *
 170      * @param mdl the module to convert.
 171      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to.
 172      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating an output file
 173      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading a source file
 174      */
 175     public void convertModule(ModuleElement mdl, DocPath outputdir)
 176             throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 177         if (mdl == null) {
 178             return;
 179         }
 180         for (Element elem : mdl.getEnclosedElements()) {
 181             if (elem instanceof PackageElement && configuration.docEnv.isIncluded(elem)
 182                     && !(configuration.nodeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(elem))) {
 183                 convertPackage((PackageElement) elem, outputdir);
 184             }
 185         }
 186     }
 188     /**
 189      * Convert the given Class to an HTML.
 190      *
 191      * @param te the class to convert.
 192      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to
 193      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating the output file
 194      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading the source file
 195      */
 196     public void convertClass(TypeElement te, DocPath outputdir)
 197             throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 198         if (te == null) {
 199             return;
 200         }
 201         FileObject fo = utils.getFileObject(te);
 202         if (fo == null)

 219                 }
 220             }
 221             addBlankLines(pre);
 222             Content div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.sourceContainer, pre);
 223             body.add(HtmlTree.MAIN(div));
 224             writeToFile(body, outputdir.resolve(configuration.docPaths.forClass(te)), te);
 225         } catch (IOException e) {
 226             String message = resources.getText("doclet.exception.read.file", fo.getName());
 227             throw new SimpleDocletException(message, e);
 228         }
 229     }
 231     /**
 232      * Write the output to the file.
 233      *
 234      * @param body the documentation content to be written to the file.
 235      * @param path the path for the file.
 236      */
 237     private void writeToFile(Content body, DocPath path, TypeElement te) throws DocFileIOException {
 238         Head head = new Head(path, configuration.docletVersion, configuration.startTime)
 239 //                .setTimestamp(!configuration.notimestamp) // temporary: compatibility!
 240                 .setTitle(resources.getText("doclet.Window_Source_title"))
 241 //                .setCharset(configuration.charset) // temporary: compatibility!
 242                 .setDescription(HtmlDocletWriter.getDescription("source", te))
 243                 .setGenerator(HtmlDocletWriter.getGenerator(getClass()))
 244                 .addDefaultScript(false)
 245                 .setStylesheets(configuration.getMainStylesheet(), configuration.getAdditionalStylesheets());
 246         Content htmlTree = HtmlTree.HTML(configuration.getLocale().getLanguage(),
 247                 head.toContent(), body);
 248         HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(htmlTree);
 249         messages.notice("doclet.Generating_0", path.getPath());
 250         htmlDocument.write(DocFile.createFileForOutput(configuration, path));
 251     }
 253     /**
 254      * Returns a link to the stylesheet file.
 255      *
 256      * @param head an HtmlTree to which the stylesheet links will be added
 257      */
 258     public void addStyleSheetProperties(Content head) {
 259         String filename = configuration.stylesheetfile;
 260         DocPath stylesheet;
 261         if (filename.length() > 0) {
 262             DocFile file = DocFile.createFileForInput(configuration, filename);
 263             stylesheet = DocPath.create(file.getName());
 264         } else {
 265             stylesheet = DocPaths.STYLESHEET;
 266         }
 267         DocPath p = relativePath.resolve(stylesheet);
 268         HtmlTree link = HtmlTree.LINK("stylesheet", "text/css", p.getPath(), "Style");
 269         head.add(link);
 270         addStylesheets(head);
 271     }
 273     protected void addStylesheets(Content tree) {
 274         List<String> stylesheets = configuration.additionalStylesheets;
 275         if (!stylesheets.isEmpty()) {
 276             stylesheets.forEach((ssheet) -> {
 277                 DocFile file = DocFile.createFileForInput(configuration, ssheet);
 278                 DocPath ssheetPath = DocPath.create(file.getName());
 279                 HtmlTree slink = HtmlTree.LINK("stylesheet", "text/css", relativePath.resolve(ssheetPath).getPath(),
 280                         "Style");
 281                 tree.add(slink);
 282             });
 283         }
 284     }
 286     /**
 287      * Get the header.
 288      *
 289      * @return the header content for the HTML file
 290      */
 291     private static Content getHeader() {
 292         return new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.BODY).put(HtmlAttr.CLASS, "source");
 293     }

  60  *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
  61  *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
  62  *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
  63  *  deletion without notice.</b>
  64  */
  65 public class SourceToHTMLConverter {
  67     /**
  68      * The number of trailing blank lines at the end of the page.
  69      * This is inserted so that anchors at the bottom of small pages
  70      * can be reached.
  71      */
  72     private static final int NUM_BLANK_LINES = 60;
  74     /**
  75      * New line to be added to the documentation.
  76      */
  77     private static final String NEW_LINE = DocletConstants.NL;
  79     private final HtmlConfiguration configuration;
  80     private final HtmlOptions options;
  81     private final Messages messages;
  82     private final Resources resources;
  83     private final Utils utils;
  85     private final DocletEnvironment docEnv;
  87     private final DocPath outputdir;
  89     /**
  90      * Relative path from the documentation root to the file that is being
  91      * generated.
  92      */
  93     private DocPath relativePath = DocPath.empty;
  95     private SourceToHTMLConverter(HtmlConfiguration configuration, DocletEnvironment rd,
  96                                   DocPath outputdir) {
  97         this.configuration  = configuration;
  98         this.options = configuration.getOptions();
  99         this.messages = configuration.getMessages();
 100         this.resources = configuration.resources;
 101         this.utils = configuration.utils;
 102         this.docEnv = rd;
 103         this.outputdir = outputdir;
 104     }
 106     /**
 107      * Translate the TypeElements in the given DocletEnvironment to HTML representation.
 108      *
 109      * @param configuration the configuration.
 110      * @param docEnv the DocletEnvironment to convert.
 111      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to.
 112      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating an output file
 113      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading a source file
 114      */
 115     public static void convertRoot(HtmlConfiguration configuration, DocletEnvironment docEnv,
 116                                    DocPath outputdir) throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 117         new SourceToHTMLConverter(configuration, docEnv, outputdir).generate();
 118     }
 120     void generate() throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 121         if (docEnv == null || outputdir == null) {
 122             return;
 123         }
 124         for (ModuleElement mdl : configuration.getSpecifiedModuleElements()) {
 125             // If -nodeprecated option is set and the module is marked as deprecated,
 126             // do not convert the module files to HTML.
 127             if (!(options.noDeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(mdl)))
 128                 convertModule(mdl, outputdir);
 129         }
 130         for (PackageElement pkg : configuration.getSpecifiedPackageElements()) {
 131             // If -nodeprecated option is set and the package is marked as deprecated,
 132             // do not convert the package files to HTML.
 133             if (!(options.noDeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(pkg)))
 134                 convertPackage(pkg, outputdir);
 135         }
 136         for (TypeElement te : configuration.getSpecifiedTypeElements()) {
 137             // If -nodeprecated option is set and the class is marked as deprecated
 138             // or the containing package is deprecated, do not convert the
 139             // package files to HTML.
 140             if (!(options.noDeprecated &&
 141                   (utils.isDeprecated(te) || utils.isDeprecated(utils.containingPackage(te)))))
 142                 convertClass(te, outputdir);
 143         }
 144     }
 146     /**
 147      * Convert the Classes in the given Package to an HTML file.
 148      *
 149      * @param pkg the Package to convert.
 150      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to.
 151      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating an output file
 152      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading a source file
 153      */
 154     public void convertPackage(PackageElement pkg, DocPath outputdir)
 155             throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 156         if (pkg == null) {
 157             return;
 158         }
 159         for (Element te : utils.getAllClasses(pkg)) {
 160             // If -nodeprecated option is set and the class is marked as deprecated,
 161             // do not convert the package files to HTML. We do not check for
 162             // containing package deprecation since it is already check in
 163             // the calling method above.
 164             if (!(options.noDeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(te)))
 165                 convertClass((TypeElement)te, outputdir);
 166         }
 167     }
 169     /**
 170      * Convert the documented packages contained in the given module to an HTML representation.
 171      *
 172      * @param mdl the module to convert.
 173      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to.
 174      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating an output file
 175      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading a source file
 176      */
 177     public void convertModule(ModuleElement mdl, DocPath outputdir)
 178             throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 179         if (mdl == null) {
 180             return;
 181         }
 182         for (Element elem : mdl.getEnclosedElements()) {
 183             if (elem instanceof PackageElement && configuration.docEnv.isIncluded(elem)
 184                     && !(options.noDeprecated && utils.isDeprecated(elem))) {
 185                 convertPackage((PackageElement) elem, outputdir);
 186             }
 187         }
 188     }
 190     /**
 191      * Convert the given Class to an HTML.
 192      *
 193      * @param te the class to convert.
 194      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to
 195      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating the output file
 196      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading the source file
 197      */
 198     public void convertClass(TypeElement te, DocPath outputdir)
 199             throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 200         if (te == null) {
 201             return;
 202         }
 203         FileObject fo = utils.getFileObject(te);
 204         if (fo == null)

 221                 }
 222             }
 223             addBlankLines(pre);
 224             Content div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.sourceContainer, pre);
 225             body.add(HtmlTree.MAIN(div));
 226             writeToFile(body, outputdir.resolve(configuration.docPaths.forClass(te)), te);
 227         } catch (IOException e) {
 228             String message = resources.getText("doclet.exception.read.file", fo.getName());
 229             throw new SimpleDocletException(message, e);
 230         }
 231     }
 233     /**
 234      * Write the output to the file.
 235      *
 236      * @param body the documentation content to be written to the file.
 237      * @param path the path for the file.
 238      */
 239     private void writeToFile(Content body, DocPath path, TypeElement te) throws DocFileIOException {
 240         Head head = new Head(path, configuration.docletVersion, configuration.startTime)
 241 //                .setTimestamp(!options.notimestamp) // temporary: compatibility!
 242                 .setTitle(resources.getText("doclet.Window_Source_title"))
 243 //                .setCharset(options.charset) // temporary: compatibility!
 244                 .setDescription(HtmlDocletWriter.getDescription("source", te))
 245                 .setGenerator(HtmlDocletWriter.getGenerator(getClass()))
 246                 .addDefaultScript(false)
 247                 .setStylesheets(configuration.getMainStylesheet(), configuration.getAdditionalStylesheets());
 248         Content htmlTree = HtmlTree.HTML(configuration.getLocale().getLanguage(),
 249                 head.toContent(), body);
 250         HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(htmlTree);
 251         messages.notice("doclet.Generating_0", path.getPath());
 252         htmlDocument.write(DocFile.createFileForOutput(configuration, path));
 253     }
 255     /**
 256      * Returns a link to the stylesheet file.
 257      *
 258      * @param head an HtmlTree to which the stylesheet links will be added
 259      */
 260     public void addStyleSheetProperties(Content head) {
 261         String filename = options.stylesheetFile;
 262         DocPath stylesheet;
 263         if (filename.length() > 0) {
 264             DocFile file = DocFile.createFileForInput(configuration, filename);
 265             stylesheet = DocPath.create(file.getName());
 266         } else {
 267             stylesheet = DocPaths.STYLESHEET;
 268         }
 269         DocPath p = relativePath.resolve(stylesheet);
 270         HtmlTree link = HtmlTree.LINK("stylesheet", "text/css", p.getPath(), "Style");
 271         head.add(link);
 272         addStylesheets(head);
 273     }
 275     protected void addStylesheets(Content tree) {
 276         List<String> stylesheets = options.additionalStylesheets;
 277         if (!stylesheets.isEmpty()) {
 278             stylesheets.forEach((ssheet) -> {
 279                 DocFile file = DocFile.createFileForInput(configuration, ssheet);
 280                 DocPath ssheetPath = DocPath.create(file.getName());
 281                 HtmlTree slink = HtmlTree.LINK("stylesheet", "text/css", relativePath.resolve(ssheetPath).getPath(),
 282                         "Style");
 283                 tree.add(slink);
 284             });
 285         }
 286     }
 288     /**
 289      * Get the header.
 290      *
 291      * @return the header content for the HTML file
 292      */
 293     private static Content getHeader() {
 294         return new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.BODY).put(HtmlAttr.CLASS, "source");
 295     }

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