1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @summary tests for module declarations
  27  * @library /tools/lib
  28  * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api
  29  *          jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main
  30  * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JavacTask ModuleTestBase
  31  * @run main ExportsUnexported
  32  */
  34 import java.nio.file.Path;
  35 import java.util.ArrayList;
  36 import java.util.Arrays;
  37 import java.util.Collections;
  38 import java.util.List;
  40 import toolbox.JavacTask;
  41 import toolbox.Task;
  43 public class ExportsUnexported extends ModuleTestBase {
  45     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  46         ExportsUnexported t = new ExportsUnexported();
  47         t.runTests();
  48     }
  50     @Test
  51     public void testLocations(Path base) throws Exception {
  52         String warningsTest = "package api;\n" +
  53                       "import impl.impl.*;\n" +
  54                       "@impl.impl^.DocAnn\n" +
  55                       "public abstract class Api<T extends impl.impl^.Cls&impl.impl^.Intf> extends impl.impl^.Cls implements impl.impl^.Intf, impl.impl^.NonDocAnn, impl.impl^.DocAnn {\n" +
  56                       "    public static <E extends impl.impl^.Cls&impl.impl^.Intf> impl.impl^.Cls m(impl.impl^.Intf i, impl.impl^.Cls c) throws impl.impl^.Exc { return null; }\n" +
  57                       "    public static impl.impl^.Cls f;\n" +
  58                       "}";
  59         String noWarningsTest = "package api;\n" +
  60                       "import impl.impl.*;\n" +
  61                       "@impl.impl.NonDocAnn\n" +
  62                       "public abstract class Api {\n" +
  63                       "    private static abstract class I <T extends impl.impl.Cls&impl.impl.Intf> extends impl.impl.Cls implements impl.impl.Intf, impl.impl.NonDocAnn, impl.impl.DocAnn {\n" +
  64                       "        public static abstract class II <T extends impl.impl.Cls&impl.impl.Intf> extends impl.impl.Cls implements impl.impl.Intf, impl.impl.NonDocAnn, impl.impl.DocAnn { }\n" +
  65                       "        public static <E extends impl.impl.Cls&impl.impl.Intf> impl.impl.Cls m(impl.impl.Intf i, impl.impl.Cls c) throws impl.impl.Exc { return null; }\n" +
  66                       "        public static impl.impl.Cls f;\n" +
  67                       "    }\n" +
  68                       "    private static <E extends impl.impl.Cls&impl.impl.Intf> impl.impl.Cls m(impl.impl.Intf i, impl.impl.Cls c) throws impl.impl.Exc { return null; }\n" +
  69                       "    private static impl.impl.Cls f1;\n" +
  70                       "    public static void m() { new impl.impl.Cls(); }\n" +
  71                       "    public static Object f2 = new impl.impl.Cls();\n" +
  72                       "}";
  73         for (String genericTest : new String[] {warningsTest, noWarningsTest}) {
  74             for (String test : new String[] {genericTest, genericTest.replaceAll("impl\\.impl\\^.([A-Za-z])", "^$1").replaceAll("impl\\.impl\\.([A-Za-z])", "$1")}) {
  75                 System.err.println("testing: " + test);
  77                 Path src = base.resolve("src");
  78                 Path src_m1 = src.resolve("m1");
  79                 StringBuilder testCode = new StringBuilder();
  80                 List<String> expectedLog = new ArrayList<>();
  81                 int line = 1;
  82                 int col  = 1;
  84                 for (char c : test.toCharArray()) {
  85                     if (c == '^') {
  86                         expectedLog.add("Api.java:" + line + ":" + col + ": compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported");
  87                         continue;
  88                     }
  90                     if (c == '\n') {
  91                         line++;
  92                         col = 0;
  93                     }
  95                     testCode.append(c);
  96                     col++;
  97                 }
  99                 if (!expectedLog.isEmpty()) {
 100                     expectedLog.add("" + expectedLog.size() + " warning" + (expectedLog.size() == 1 ? "" : "s"));
 101                     expectedLog.add("- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror");
 102                     expectedLog.add("1 error");
 103                 }
 105                 Collections.sort(expectedLog);
 107                 tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m1,
 108                                   "module m1 { exports api; }",
 109                                   testCode.toString(),
 110                                   "package impl.impl; public class Cls { }",
 111                                   "package impl.impl; public class Exc extends Exception { }",
 112                                   "package impl.impl; public interface Intf { }",
 113                                   "package impl.impl; @java.lang.annotation.Documented public @interface DocAnn { }",
 114                                   "package impl.impl; public @interface NonDocAnn { }");
 115                 Path classes = base.resolve("classes");
 116                 tb.createDirectories(classes);
 118                 List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
 119                         .options("-XDrawDiagnostics",
 120                                  "-Werror",
 121                                  "-modulesourcepath", src.toString(),
 122                                  "-Xlint:leaksnotaccessible")
 123                         .outdir(classes)
 124                         .files(findJavaFiles(src))
 125                         .run(expectedLog.isEmpty() ? Task.Expect.SUCCESS : Task.Expect.FAIL)
 126                         .writeAll()
 127                         .getOutputLines(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT);
 129                 log = new ArrayList<>(log);
 130                 Collections.sort(log);
 132                 if (expectedLog.isEmpty() ? !log.equals(Arrays.asList("")) : !log.equals(expectedLog)) {
 133                     throw new Exception("expected output not found in: " + log + "; " + expectedLog);
 134                 }
 135             }
 136         }
 137     }
 139     @Test
 140     public void testAccessibleToSpecificOrAll(Path base) throws Exception {
 141         Path src = base.resolve("src");
 142         Path src_lib1 = src.resolve("lib1");
 143         tb.writeJavaFiles(src_lib1,
 144                           "module lib1 { exports lib1; }",
 145                           "package lib1; public class Lib1 {}");
 146         Path src_lib2 = src.resolve("lib2");
 147         tb.writeJavaFiles(src_lib2,
 148                           "module lib2 { exports lib2; }",
 149                           "package lib2; public class Lib2 {}");
 150         Path src_api = src.resolve("api");
 151         tb.writeJavaFiles(src_api,
 152                           "module api {\n" +
 153                           "    exports api;\n" +
 154                           "    exports qapi1 to qual1;\n" +
 155                           "    exports qapi2 to qual1, qual2;\n" +
 156                           "    requires public lib1;\n" +
 157                           "    requires lib2;\n" +
 158                           "}\n",
 159                           "package api;\n" +
 160                           "public class Api {\n" +
 161                           "    public lib1.Lib1 lib1;\n" +
 162                           "    public lib2.Lib2 lib2;\n" +
 163                           "    public qapi1.QApi1 qapi1;\n" +
 164                           "    public impl.Impl impl;\n" +
 165                           "}",
 166                           "package qapi1;\n" +
 167                           "public class QApi1 {\n" +
 168                           "    public qapi2.QApi2 qapi2;\n" +
 169                           "}",
 170                           "package qapi2;\n" +
 171                           "public class QApi2 {\n" +
 172                           "    public qapi1.QApi1 qapi1;\n" +
 173                           "}",
 174                           "package impl;\n" +
 175                           "public class Impl {\n" +
 176                           "}");
 177         Path src_qual1 = src.resolve("qual1");
 178         tb.writeJavaFiles(src_qual1, "module qual1 { }");
 179         Path src_qual2 = src.resolve("qual2");
 180         tb.writeJavaFiles(src_qual2, "module qual2 { }");
 181         Path classes = base.resolve("classes");
 182         tb.createDirectories(classes);
 184         List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
 185                 .options("-XDrawDiagnostics",
 186                          "-Werror",
 187                          "-modulesourcepath", src.toString(),
 188                          "-Xlint:leaksnotaccessible")
 189                 .outdir(classes)
 190                 .files(findJavaFiles(src))
 191                 .run(Task.Expect.FAIL)
 192                 .writeAll()
 193                 .getOutputLines(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT);
 195         List<String> expected = Arrays.asList(
 196             "Api.java:4:16: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.not.required.public",
 197             "Api.java:5:17: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported.qualified",
 198             "Api.java:6:16: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported",
 199             "- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror",
 200             "1 error",
 201             "3 warnings"
 202         );
 204         if (!log.equals(expected))
 205             throw new Exception("expected output not found");
 206     }
 208     @Test
 209     public void testNestedClasses(Path base) throws Exception {
 210         Path src = base.resolve("src");
 211         Path src_api = src.resolve("api");
 212         tb.writeJavaFiles(src_api,
 213                           "module api {\n" +
 214                           "    exports api;\n" +
 215                           "}\n",
 216                           "package api;\n" +
 217                           "import impl.Impl.Nested;\n" +
 218                           "public class Api {\n" +
 219                           "    public impl.Impl impl1;\n" +
 220                           "    public impl.Impl.Nested impl2;\n" +
 221                           "    public Nested impl3;\n" +
 222                           "}",
 223                           "package impl;\n" +
 224                           "public class Impl {\n" +
 225                           "    public static class Nested {\n" +
 226                           "    }\n" +
 227                           "}");
 228         Path classes = base.resolve("classes");
 229         tb.createDirectories(classes);
 231         List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
 232                 .options("-XDrawDiagnostics",
 233                          "-Werror",
 234                          "-modulesourcepath", src.toString(),
 235                          "-Xlint:leaksnotaccessible")
 236                 .outdir(classes)
 237                 .files(findJavaFiles(src))
 238                 .run(Task.Expect.FAIL)
 239                 .writeAll()
 240                 .getOutputLines(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT);
 242         List<String> expected = Arrays.asList(
 243             "Api.java:4:16: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported",
 244             "Api.java:5:16: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported",
 245             "Api.java:6:12: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported",
 246             "- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror",
 247             "1 error",
 248             "3 warnings"
 249         );
 251         if (!log.equals(expected))
 252             throw new Exception("expected output not found");
 253     }
 255     @Test
 256     public void testProtectedAndInaccessible(Path base) throws Exception {
 257         Path src = base.resolve("src");
 258         Path src_api = src.resolve("api");
 259         tb.writeJavaFiles(src_api,
 260                           "module api {\n" +
 261                           "    exports api;\n" +
 262                           "}\n",
 263                           "package api;\n" +
 264                           "public class Api extends PackagePrivateClass<PackagePrivateInterface> implements PackagePrivateInterface<PackagePrivateClass> {\n" +
 265                           "    protected PackagePrivateClass<?> f1;\n" +
 266                           "    protected PackagePrivateInterface<?> f2;\n" +
 267                           "    protected Inner f3;\n" +
 268                           "    protected PrivateInner f4;\n" +
 269                           "    protected impl.Impl f5;\n" +
 270                           "    public static class InnerClass extends PrivateInner {}\n" +
 271                           "    protected static class Inner {}\n" +
 272                           "    private static class PrivateInner {}\n" +
 273                           "}\n" +
 274                           "class PackagePrivateClass<T> {}\n" +
 275                           "interface PackagePrivateInterface<T> {}",
 276                           "package impl;\n" +
 277                           "public class Impl {\n" +
 278                           "}");
 279         Path classes = base.resolve("classes");
 280         tb.createDirectories(classes);
 282         List<String> log = new JavacTask(tb)
 283                 .options("-XDrawDiagnostics",
 284                          "-Werror",
 285                          "-modulesourcepath", src.toString(),
 286                          "-Xlint:leaksnotaccessible")
 287                 .outdir(classes)
 288                 .files(findJavaFiles(src))
 289                 .run(Task.Expect.FAIL)
 290                 .writeAll()
 291                 .getOutputLines(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT);
 293         List<String> expected = Arrays.asList(
 294             "Api.java:2:46: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible",
 295             "Api.java:2:106: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible",
 296             "Api.java:3:15: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible",
 297             "Api.java:4:15: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible",
 298             "Api.java:6:15: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible",
 299             "Api.java:7:19: compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported",
 300             "- compiler.err.warnings.and.werror",
 301             "1 error",
 302             "6 warnings"
 303         );
 305         if (!log.equals(expected))
 306             throw new Exception("expected output not found");
 307     }
 309 }