1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @bug 8149524 8131024 8165211 8080071 8130454 8167343 8129559 8114842 8182268
  27  * @summary Test SourceCodeAnalysis
  28  * @build KullaTesting TestingInputStream
  29  * @run testng CompletenessTest
  30  */
  32 import java.util.Map;
  33 import java.util.HashMap;
  35 import org.testng.annotations.Test;
  36 import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness;
  38 import static jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness.*;
  40 @Test
  41 public class CompletenessTest extends KullaTesting {
  43     // Add complete units that end with semicolon to complete_with_semi (without
  44     // the semicolon).  Both cases will be tested.
  45     static final String[] complete = new String[] {
  46         "{ x= 4; }",
  47         "int mm(int x) {kll}",
  48         "if (t) { ddd; }",
  49         "for (int i = 0; i < lines.length(); ++i) { foo }",
  50         "while (ct == null) { switch (current.kind) { case EOF: { } } }",
  51         "if (match.kind == BRACES && (prevCT.kind == ARROW || prevCT.kind == NEW_MIDDLE)) { new CT(UNMATCHED, current, \"Unmatched \" + unmatched); }",
  52         "enum TK { EOF(TokenKind.EOF, 0), NEW_MIDDLE(XEXPR1|XTERM); }",
  53         "List<T> f() { return null; }",
  54         "List<?> f() { return null; }",
  55         "List<? extends Object> f() { return null; }",
  56         "Map<? extends Object, ? super Object> f() { return null; }",
  57         "class C { int z; }",
  58         "synchronized (r) { f(); }",
  59         "try { } catch (Exception ex) { }",
  60         "try { } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { }",
  61         "try { } finally { }",
  62         "try (java.util.zip.ZipFile zf = new java.util.zip.ZipFile(zipFileName)) { }",
  63         "foo: while (true) { printf(\"Innn\"); break foo; }",
  64         "class Case<E1 extends Enum<E1>, E2 extends Enum<E2>, E3 extends Enum<E3>> {}",
  65         ";",
  66         "enum Tt { FOO, BAR, BAZ,; }"
  67     };
  69     static final String[] expression = new String[] {
  70         "test",
  71         "x + y",
  72         "x + y ++",
  73         "p = 9",
  74         "match(BRACKETS, TokenKind.LBRACKET)",
  75         "new C()",
  76         "new C() { public String toString() { return \"Hi\"; } }",
  77         "new int[]",
  78         "new int[] {1, 2,3}",
  79         "new Foo() {}",
  80         "i >= 0 && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))",
  81         "int.class",
  82         "String.class",
  83     };
  85     static final String[] complete_with_semi = new String[] {
  86         "int mm",
  87         "if (t) ddd",
  88         "int p = 9",
  89         "int p",
  90         "Deque<Token> stack = new ArrayDeque<>()",
  91         "final Deque<Token> stack = new ArrayDeque<>()",
  92         "java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)",
  93         "java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(System.in) { }",
  94         "int j = -i",
  95         "String[] a = { \"AAA\" }",
  96         "assert true",
  97         "int path[]",
  98         "int path[][]",
  99         "int path[][] = new int[22][]",
 100         "int path[] = new int[22]",
 101         "int path[] = new int[] {1, 2, 3}",
 102         "int[] path",
 103         "int path[] = new int[22]",
 104         "int path[][] = new int[22][]",
 105         "for (Object o : a) System.out.println(\"Yep\")",
 106         "while (os == null) System.out.println(\"Yep\")",
 107         "do f(); while (t)",
 108         "if (os == null) System.out.println(\"Yep\")",
 109         "if (t) if (!t) System.out.println(123)",
 110         "for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) if (i < 5) System.out.println(i); else break",
 111         "for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) if (i < 5) System.out.println(i); else continue",
 112         "for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) if (i < 5) System.out.println(i); else return",
 113         "throw ex",
 114         "C c = new C()",
 115         "java.util.zip.ZipFile zf = new java.util.zip.ZipFile(zipFileName)",
 116         "BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))",
 117         "bar: g()",
 118         "baz: while (true) if (t()) printf('-'); else break baz",
 119         "java.util.function.IntFunction<int[]> ggg = int[]::new",
 120         "List<? extends Object> l",
 121         "int[] m = {1, 2}",
 122         "int[] m = {1, 2}, n = null",
 123         "int[] m = {1, 2}, n",
 124         "int[] m = {1, 2}, n = {3, 4}",
 125     };
 127     static final String[] considered_incomplete = new String[] {
 128         "if (t)",
 129         "if (t) { } else",
 130         "if (t) if (!t)",
 131         "if (match.kind == BRACES && (prevCT.kind == ARROW || prevCT.kind == NEW_MIDDLE))",
 132         "for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)",
 133         "while (os == null)",
 134     };
 136     static final String[] definitely_incomplete = new String[] {
 137         "int mm(",
 138         "int mm(int x",
 139         "int mm(int x)",
 140         "int mm(int x) {",
 141         "int mm(int x) {kll",
 142         "if",
 143         "if (",
 144         "if (t",
 145         "if (t) {",
 146         "if (t) { ddd",
 147         "if (t) { ddd;",
 148         "if (t) if (",
 149         "if (stack.isEmpty()) {",
 150         "if (match.kind == BRACES && (prevCT.kind == ARROW || prevCT.kind == NEW_MIDDLE)) {",
 151         "if (match.kind == BRACES && (prevCT.kind == ARROW || prevCT.kind == NEW_MIDDLE)) { new CT(UNMATCHED, current, \"Unmatched \" + unmatched);",
 152         "x +",
 153         "x *",
 154         "3 *",
 155         "int",
 156         "for (int i = 0; i < lines.length(); ++i) {",
 157         "new",
 158         "new C(",
 159         "new int[",
 160         "new int[] {1, 2,3",
 161         "new int[] {",
 162         "while (ct == null) {",
 163         "while (ct == null) { switch (current.kind) {",
 164         "while (ct == null) { switch (current.kind) { case EOF: {",
 165         "while (ct == null) { switch (current.kind) { case EOF: { } }",
 166         "enum TK {",
 167         "enum TK { EOF(TokenKind.EOF, 0),",
 168         "enum TK { EOF(TokenKind.EOF, 0), NEW_MIDDLE(XEXPR1|XTERM)",
 169         "enum TK { EOF(TokenKind.EOF, 0), NEW_MIDDLE(XEXPR1|XTERM); ",
 170         "enum Tt { FOO, BAR, BAZ,;",
 171         "class C",
 172         "class C extends D",
 173         "class C implements D",
 174         "class C implements D, E",
 175         "interface I extends D",
 176         "interface I extends D, E",
 177         "enum E",
 178         "enum E implements I1",
 179         "enum E implements I1, I2",
 180         "@interface Anno",
 181         "void f()",
 182         "void f() throws E",
 183         "@A(",
 184         "int n = 4,",
 185         "int n,",
 186         "int[] m = {1, 2},",
 187         "int[] m = {1, 2}, n = {3, 4},",
 188         "Map<String,"
 189     };
 191     static final String[] unknown = new String[] {
 192         "new ;"
 193     };
 195     static final Map<Completeness, String[]> statusToCases = new HashMap<>();
 196     static {
 197         statusToCases.put(COMPLETE, complete);
 198         statusToCases.put(COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI, complete_with_semi);
 199         statusToCases.put(CONSIDERED_INCOMPLETE, considered_incomplete);
 200         statusToCases.put(DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, definitely_incomplete);
 201     }
 203     private void assertStatus(String input, Completeness status, String source) {
 204         String augSrc;
 205         switch (status) {
 206             case COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI:
 207                 augSrc = source + ";";
 208                 break;
 210             case DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE:
 211                 augSrc = null;
 212                 break;
 214             case CONSIDERED_INCOMPLETE:
 215                 augSrc = source + ";";
 216                 break;
 218             case EMPTY:
 219             case COMPLETE:
 220             case UNKNOWN:
 221                 augSrc = source;
 222                 break;
 224             default:
 225                 throw new AssertionError();
 226         }
 227         assertAnalyze(input, status, augSrc);
 228     }
 230     private void assertStatus(String[] ins, Completeness status) {
 231         for (String input : ins) {
 232             assertStatus(input, status, input);
 233         }
 234     }
 236     public void test_complete() {
 237         assertStatus(complete, COMPLETE);
 238     }
 240     public void test_expression() {
 241         assertStatus(expression, COMPLETE);
 242     }
 244     public void test_complete_with_semi() {
 245         assertStatus(complete_with_semi, COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI);
 246     }
 248     public void test_considered_incomplete() {
 249         assertStatus(considered_incomplete, CONSIDERED_INCOMPLETE);
 250     }
 252     public void test_definitely_incomplete() {
 253         assertStatus(definitely_incomplete, DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE);
 254     }
 256     public void test_unknown() {
 257         assertStatus(definitely_incomplete, DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE);
 258     }
 260     public void testCompleted_complete_with_semi() {
 261         for (String in : complete_with_semi) {
 262             String input = in + ";";
 263             assertStatus(input, COMPLETE, input);
 264         }
 265     }
 267     public void testCompleted_expression_with_semi() {
 268         for (String in : expression) {
 269             String input = in + ";";
 270             assertStatus(input, COMPLETE, input);
 271         }
 272     }
 274     public void testCompleted_considered_incomplete() {
 275         for (String in : considered_incomplete) {
 276             String input = in + ";";
 277             assertStatus(input, COMPLETE, input);
 278         }
 279     }
 281     private void assertSourceByStatus(String first) {
 282         for (Map.Entry<Completeness, String[]> e : statusToCases.entrySet()) {
 283             for (String in : e.getValue()) {
 284                 String input = first + in;
 285                 assertAnalyze(input, COMPLETE, first, in, true);
 286             }
 287         }
 288     }
 290     public void testCompleteSource_complete() {
 291         for (String input : complete) {
 292             assertSourceByStatus(input);
 293         }
 294     }
 296     public void testCompleteSource_complete_with_semi() {
 297         for (String in : complete_with_semi) {
 298             String input = in + ";";
 299             assertSourceByStatus(input);
 300         }
 301     }
 303     public void testCompleteSource_expression() {
 304         for (String in : expression) {
 305             String input = in + ";";
 306             assertSourceByStatus(input);
 307         }
 308     }
 310     public void testCompleteSource_considered_incomplete() {
 311         for (String in : considered_incomplete) {
 312             String input = in + ";";
 313             assertSourceByStatus(input);
 314         }
 315     }
 317     public void testTrailingSlash() {
 318         assertStatus("\"abc\\", UNKNOWN, "\"abc\\");
 319     }
 321     public void testOpenComment() {
 322         assertStatus("int xx; /* hello", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null);
 323         assertStatus("/**  test", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null);
 324     }
 326     public void testMiscSource() {
 327         assertStatus("if (t) if ", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, "if (t) if"); //Bug
 328         assertStatus("int m() {} dfd", COMPLETE, "int m() {}");
 329         assertStatus("int p = ", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, "int p ="); //Bug
 330         assertStatus("int[] m = {1, 2}, n = new int[0];  int i;", COMPLETE,
 331                      "int[] m = {1, 2}, n = new int[0];");
 332     }
 333 }