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rev 51258 : imported patch switch.diff

  65 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
  66 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
  67 import java.lang.annotation.Target;
  68 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
  69 import java.net.URI;
  70 import java.util.ArrayList;
  71 import java.util.Arrays;
  72 import java.util.LinkedList;
  73 import java.util.List;
  74 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  75 import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
  76 import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
  77 import javax.tools.DiagnosticCollector;
  78 import javax.tools.DiagnosticListener;
  79 import javax.tools.JavaCompiler;
  80 import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;
  81 import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
  82 import javax.tools.SimpleJavaFileObject;
  83 import javax.tools.ToolProvider;

  85 public class JavacParserTest extends TestCase {
  86     static final JavaCompiler tool = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
  87     static final JavaFileManager fm = tool.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
  89     private JavacParserTest(){}
  91     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  92         try {
  93             new JavacParserTest().run(args);
  94         } finally {
  95             fm.close();
  96         }
  97     }
  99     class MyFileObject extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
 101         private String text;
 103         public MyFileObject(String text) {
 104             super(URI.create("myfo:/Test.java"), JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);

1017                 Arrays.asList("-XDrawDiagnostics"), null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
1019         Iterable<? extends CompilationUnitTree> cuts = ct.parse();
1020         boolean[] foundVar = new boolean[1];
1022         new TreePathScanner<Void, Void>() {
1023             @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableTree vt, Void p) {
1024                 assertNotNull(vt.getModifiers());
1025                 assertNotNull(vt.getType());
1026                 assertNotNull(vt.getName());
1027                 assertEquals("name should be <error>", "<error>", vt.getName().toString());
1028                 foundVar[0] = true;
1029                 return super.visitVariable(vt, p);
1030             }
1031         }.scan(cuts, null);
1033         if (!foundVar[0]) {
1034             fail("haven't found a variable");
1035         }

1037         String actualErrors = normalize(out.toString());
1038         assertEquals("the error message is not correct, actual: " + actualErrors, expectedErrors, actualErrors);
1039     }
1041     @Test
1042     void testTypeParamsWithoutMethod() throws IOException {
1043         assert tool != null;
1045         String code = "package test; class Test { /**javadoc*/ |public <T> |}";
1046         String[] parts = code.split("\\|");
1048         code = parts[0] + parts[1] + parts[2];
1050         JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, fm, null, null,
1051                 null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
1052         Trees trees = Trees.instance(ct);
1053         SourcePositions pos = trees.getSourcePositions();
1054         CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
1055         ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
1056         ErroneousTree err = (ErroneousTree) clazz.getMembers().get(0);

  65 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
  66 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
  67 import java.lang.annotation.Target;
  68 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
  69 import java.net.URI;
  70 import java.util.ArrayList;
  71 import java.util.Arrays;
  72 import java.util.LinkedList;
  73 import java.util.List;
  74 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  75 import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
  76 import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
  77 import javax.tools.DiagnosticCollector;
  78 import javax.tools.DiagnosticListener;
  79 import javax.tools.JavaCompiler;
  80 import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;
  81 import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
  82 import javax.tools.SimpleJavaFileObject;
  83 import javax.tools.ToolProvider;
  85 import com.sun.source.tree.CaseTree;
  86 import com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner;
  88 public class JavacParserTest extends TestCase {
  89     static final JavaCompiler tool = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
  90     static final JavaFileManager fm = tool.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
  92     private JavacParserTest(){}
  94     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  95         try {
  96             new JavacParserTest().run(args);
  97         } finally {
  98             fm.close();
  99         }
 100     }
 102     class MyFileObject extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
 104         private String text;
 106         public MyFileObject(String text) {
 107             super(URI.create("myfo:/Test.java"), JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);

1020                 Arrays.asList("-XDrawDiagnostics"), null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
1022         Iterable<? extends CompilationUnitTree> cuts = ct.parse();
1023         boolean[] foundVar = new boolean[1];
1025         new TreePathScanner<Void, Void>() {
1026             @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableTree vt, Void p) {
1027                 assertNotNull(vt.getModifiers());
1028                 assertNotNull(vt.getType());
1029                 assertNotNull(vt.getName());
1030                 assertEquals("name should be <error>", "<error>", vt.getName().toString());
1031                 foundVar[0] = true;
1032                 return super.visitVariable(vt, p);
1033             }
1034         }.scan(cuts, null);
1036         if (!foundVar[0]) {
1037             fail("haven't found a variable");
1038         }
1040         String actualErrors = normalize(out.toString());
1041         assertEquals("the error message is not correct, actual: " + actualErrors, expectedErrors, actualErrors);
1042     }
1044     @Test
1045     void testCaseBodyStatements() throws IOException {
1046         String code = "class C {" +
1047                       "    void t(int i) {" +
1048                       "        switch (i) {" +
1049                       "            case 0 -> i++;" +
1050                       "            case 1 -> { i++; }" +
1051                       "            case 2 -> throw new RuntimeException();" +
1052                       "            case 3 -> if (true) ;" +
1053                       "            default -> i++;" +
1054                       "        }" +
1055                       "        switch (i) {" +
1056                       "            case 0: i++; break;" +
1057                       "            case 1: { i++; break;}" +
1058                       "            case 2: throw new RuntimeException();" +
1059                       "            case 3: if (true) ; break;" +
1060                       "            default: i++; break;" +
1061                       "        }" +
1062                       "        int j = switch (i) {" +
1063                       "            case 0 -> i + 1;" +
1064                       "            case 1 -> { break i + 1; }" +
1065                       "            default -> throw new RuntimeException();" +
1066                       "        };" +
1067                       "        int k = switch (i) {" +
1068                       "            case 0: break i + 1;" +
1069                       "            case 1: { break i + 1; }" +
1070                       "            default: throw new RuntimeException();" +
1071                       "        };" +
1072                       "    }" +
1073                       "}";
1074         String expectedErrors = "Test.java:1:178: compiler.err.switch.case.unexpected.statement\n";
1075         StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
1076         JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(out, fm, null,
1077                 Arrays.asList("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--enable-preview", "-source", "12"),
1078                 null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
1080         CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
1081         Trees trees = Trees.instance(ct);
1082         List<String> spans = new ArrayList<>();
1084         new TreePathScanner<Void, Void>() {
1085             @Override
1086             public Void visitCase(CaseTree tree, Void v) {
1087                 if (tree.getBody() != null) {
1088                     int start = (int) trees.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(cut, tree.getBody());
1089                     int end = (int) trees.getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(cut, tree.getBody());
1090                     spans.add(code.substring(start, end));
1091                 } else {
1092                     spans.add("<null>");
1093                 }
1094                 return super.visitCase(tree, v);
1095             }
1096         }.scan(cut, null);
1098         List<String> expectedSpans = List.of(
1099                 "i++;", "{ i++; }", "throw new RuntimeException();", "if (true) ;", "i++;",
1100                 "<null>", "<null>", "<null>", "<null>", "<null>",
1101                 "i + 1"/*TODO semicolon?*/, "{ break i + 1; }", "throw new RuntimeException();",
1102                 "<null>", "<null>", "<null>");
1103         assertEquals("the error spans are not correct; actual:" + spans, expectedSpans, spans);
1104         String toString = cut.toString();
1105         String expectedToString =
1106                 "\n" +
1107                 "class C {\n" +
1108                 "    \n" +
1109                 "    void t(int i) {\n" +
1110                 "        switch (i) {\n" +
1111                 "        case 0 -> i++;\n" +
1112                 "        case 1 -> {\n" +
1113                 "            i++;\n" +
1114                 "        }\n" +
1115                 "        case 2 -> throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
1116                 "        case 3 -> if (true) ;\n" +
1117                 "        default -> i++;\n" +
1118                 "        }\n" +
1119                 "        switch (i) {\n" +
1120                 "        case 0:\n" +
1121                 "            i++;\n" +
1122                 "            break;\n" +
1123                 "        \n" +
1124                 "        case 1:\n" +
1125                 "            {\n" +
1126                 "                i++;\n" +
1127                 "                break;\n" +
1128                 "            }\n" +
1129                 "        \n" +
1130                 "        case 2:\n" +
1131                 "            throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
1132                 "        \n" +
1133                 "        case 3:\n" +
1134                 "            if (true) ;\n" +
1135                 "            break;\n" +
1136                 "        \n" +
1137                 "        default:\n" +
1138                 "            i++;\n" +
1139                 "            break;\n" +
1140                 "        \n" +
1141                 "        }\n" +
1142                 "        int j = switch (i) {\n" +
1143                 "        case 0 -> break i + 1;\n" +
1144                 "        case 1 -> {\n" +
1145                 "            break i + 1;\n" +
1146                 "        }\n" +
1147                 "        default -> throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
1148                 "        };\n" +
1149                 "        int k = switch (i) {\n" +
1150                 "        case 0:\n" +
1151                 "            break i + 1;\n" +
1152                 "        \n" +
1153                 "        case 1:\n" +
1154                 "            {\n" +
1155                 "                break i + 1;\n" +
1156                 "            }\n" +
1157                 "        \n" +
1158                 "        default:\n" +
1159                 "            throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
1160                 "        \n" +
1161                 "        };\n" +
1162                 "    }\n" +
1163                 "}";
1164         System.err.println("toString:");
1165         System.err.println(toString);
1166         System.err.println("expectedToString:");
1167         System.err.println(expectedToString);
1168         assertEquals("the error spans are not correct; actual:" + toString, expectedToString, toString);
1169         String actualErrors = normalize(out.toString());
1170         assertEquals("the error message is not correct, actual: " + actualErrors, expectedErrors, actualErrors);
1171     }
1173     @Test
1174     void testTypeParamsWithoutMethod() throws IOException {
1175         assert tool != null;
1177         String code = "package test; class Test { /**javadoc*/ |public <T> |}";
1178         String[] parts = code.split("\\|");
1180         code = parts[0] + parts[1] + parts[2];
1182         JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, fm, null, null,
1183                 null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code)));
1184         Trees trees = Trees.instance(ct);
1185         SourcePositions pos = trees.getSourcePositions();
1186         CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next();
1187         ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0);
1188         ErroneousTree err = (ErroneousTree) clazz.getMembers().get(0);

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