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3495     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseLargePages, false);
3496   }
3498 #else
3499   if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(OptoLoopAlignment) && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxLoopPad)) {
3500     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxLoopPad, OptoLoopAlignment-1);
3501   }
3502 #endif
3504 #ifndef TIERED
3505   // Tiered compilation is undefined.
3506   UNSUPPORTED_OPTION(TieredCompilation, "TieredCompilation");
3507 #endif
3509   // If we are running in a headless jre, force java.awt.headless property
3510   // to be true unless the property has already been set.
3511   // Also allow the OS environment variable JAVA_AWT_HEADLESS to set headless state.
3512   if (os::is_headless_jre()) {
3513     const char* headless = Arguments::get_property("java.awt.headless");
3514     if (headless == NULL) {
3515       char envbuffer[128];
3516       if (!os::getenv("JAVA_AWT_HEADLESS", envbuffer, sizeof(envbuffer))) {
3517         if (!add_property("java.awt.headless=true")) {
3518           return JNI_ENOMEM;
3519         }
3520       } else {
3521         char buffer[256];
3522         strcpy(buffer, "java.awt.headless=");
3523         strcat(buffer, envbuffer);

3524         if (!add_property(buffer)) {
3525           return JNI_ENOMEM;
3526         }
3527       }
3528     }
3529   }
3531   if (UseConcMarkSweepGC && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseParNewGC) && !UseParNewGC) {
3532     // CMS can only be used with ParNew
3533     FLAG_SET_ERGO(bool, UseParNewGC, true);
3534   }
3536   if (!check_vm_args_consistency()) {
3537     return JNI_ERR;
3538   }
3540   return JNI_OK;
3541 }
3543 jint Arguments::parse_java_options_environment_variable(SysClassPath* scp_p, bool* scp_assembly_required_p) {
3544   return parse_options_environment_variable("_JAVA_OPTIONS", scp_p,
3545                                             scp_assembly_required_p);
3546 }
3548 jint Arguments::parse_java_tool_options_environment_variable(SysClassPath* scp_p, bool* scp_assembly_required_p) {
3549   return parse_options_environment_variable("JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS", scp_p,
3550                                             scp_assembly_required_p);
3551 }
3553 jint Arguments::parse_options_environment_variable(const char* name, SysClassPath* scp_p, bool* scp_assembly_required_p) {
3554   const int N_MAX_OPTIONS = 64;
3555   const int OPTION_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
3556   char buffer[OPTION_BUFFER_SIZE];
3558   // The variable will be ignored if it exceeds the length of the buffer.
3559   // Don't check this variable if user has special privileges
3560   // (e.g. unix su command).
3561   if (os::getenv(name, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) &&
3562       !os::have_special_privileges()) {
3563     JavaVMOption options[N_MAX_OPTIONS];      // Construct option array

3564     jio_fprintf(defaultStream::error_stream(),
3565                 "Picked up %s: %s\n", name, buffer);
3566     char* rd = buffer;                        // pointer to the input string (rd)
3567     int i;
3568     for (i = 0; i < N_MAX_OPTIONS;) {         // repeat for all options in the input string
3569       while (isspace(*rd)) rd++;              // skip whitespace
3570       if (*rd == 0) break;                    // we re done when the input string is read completely
3572       // The output, option string, overwrites the input string.
3573       // Because of quoting, the pointer to the option string (wrt) may lag the pointer to
3574       // input string (rd).
3575       char* wrt = rd;
3577       options[i++].optionString = wrt;        // Fill in option

3578       while (*rd != 0 && !isspace(*rd)) {     // unquoted strings terminate with a space or NULL
3579         if (*rd == '\'' || *rd == '"') {      // handle a quoted string
3580           int quote = *rd;                    // matching quote to look for
3581           rd++;                               // don't copy open quote
3582           while (*rd != quote) {              // include everything (even spaces) up until quote
3583             if (*rd == 0) {                   // string termination means unmatched string
3584               jio_fprintf(defaultStream::error_stream(),
3585                           "Unmatched quote in %s\n", name);

3586               return JNI_ERR;
3587             }
3588             *wrt++ = *rd++;                   // copy to option string
3589           }
3590           rd++;                               // don't copy close quote
3591         } else {
3592           *wrt++ = *rd++;                     // copy to option string
3593         }
3594       }
3595       // Need to check if we're done before writing a NULL,
3596       // because the write could be to the byte that rd is pointing to.
3597       if (*rd++ == 0) {
3598         *wrt = 0;
3599         break;
3600       }
3601       *wrt = 0;                               // Zero terminate option
3602     }

3603     // Construct JavaVMInitArgs structure and parse as if it was part of the command line
3604     JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
3605     vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
3606     vm_args.options = options;
3607     vm_args.nOptions = i;
3608     vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions;
3610     if (PrintVMOptions) {
3611       const char* tail;
3612       for (int i = 0; i < vm_args.nOptions; i++) {
3613         const JavaVMOption *option = vm_args.options + i;
3614         if (match_option(option, "-XX:", &tail)) {
3615           logOption(tail);
3616         }
3617       }
3618     }
3620     return(parse_each_vm_init_arg(&vm_args, scp_p, scp_assembly_required_p, Flag::ENVIRON_VAR));
3621   }
3622   return JNI_OK;

3623 }
3625 void Arguments::set_shared_spaces_flags() {
3626   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
3627     if (RequireSharedSpaces) {
3628       warning("cannot dump shared archive while using shared archive");
3629     }
3630     UseSharedSpaces = false;
3631 #ifdef _LP64
3632     if (!UseCompressedOops || !UseCompressedClassPointers) {
3633       vm_exit_during_initialization(
3634         "Cannot dump shared archive when UseCompressedOops or UseCompressedClassPointers is off.", NULL);
3635     }
3636   } else {
3637     if (!UseCompressedOops || !UseCompressedClassPointers) {
3638       no_shared_spaces("UseCompressedOops and UseCompressedClassPointers must be on for UseSharedSpaces.");
3639     }
3640 #endif
3641   }
3642 }

3495     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseLargePages, false);
3496   }
3498 #else
3499   if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(OptoLoopAlignment) && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxLoopPad)) {
3500     FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(MaxLoopPad, OptoLoopAlignment-1);
3501   }
3502 #endif
3504 #ifndef TIERED
3505   // Tiered compilation is undefined.
3506   UNSUPPORTED_OPTION(TieredCompilation, "TieredCompilation");
3507 #endif
3509   // If we are running in a headless jre, force java.awt.headless property
3510   // to be true unless the property has already been set.
3511   // Also allow the OS environment variable JAVA_AWT_HEADLESS to set headless state.
3512   if (os::is_headless_jre()) {
3513     const char* headless = Arguments::get_property("java.awt.headless");
3514     if (headless == NULL) {
3515       const char *headless_env = ::getenv("JAVA_AWT_HEADLESS");
3516       if (headless_env == NULL) {
3517         if (!add_property("java.awt.headless=true")) {
3518           return JNI_ENOMEM;
3519         }
3520       } else {
3521         char buffer[256];
3522         const char *key = "java.awt.headless=";
3523         strcpy(buffer, key);
3524         strncat(buffer, headless_env, 256 - strlen(key) - 1);
3525         if (!add_property(buffer)) {
3526           return JNI_ENOMEM;
3527         }
3528       }
3529     }
3530   }
3532   if (UseConcMarkSweepGC && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseParNewGC) && !UseParNewGC) {
3533     // CMS can only be used with ParNew
3534     FLAG_SET_ERGO(bool, UseParNewGC, true);
3535   }
3537   if (!check_vm_args_consistency()) {
3538     return JNI_ERR;
3539   }
3541   return JNI_OK;
3542 }
3544 jint Arguments::parse_java_options_environment_variable(SysClassPath* scp_p, bool* scp_assembly_required_p) {
3545   return parse_options_environment_variable("_JAVA_OPTIONS", scp_p,
3546                                             scp_assembly_required_p);
3547 }
3549 jint Arguments::parse_java_tool_options_environment_variable(SysClassPath* scp_p, bool* scp_assembly_required_p) {
3550   return parse_options_environment_variable("JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS", scp_p,
3551                                             scp_assembly_required_p);
3552 }
3554 jint Arguments::parse_options_environment_variable(const char* name, SysClassPath* scp_p, bool* scp_assembly_required_p) {
3555   char *buffer = ::getenv(name);


3557   // Don't check this variable if user has special privileges
3558   // (e.g. unix su command).
3559   if (buffer == NULL || os::have_special_privileges()) {
3560     return JNI_OK;
3561   }
3563   if ((buffer = os::strdup(buffer)) == NULL) {
3564     return JNI_ENOMEM;
3565   }
3566   GrowableArray<JavaVMOption> options(2, true);    // Construct option array
3567   jio_fprintf(defaultStream::error_stream(),
3568               "Picked up %s: %s\n", name, buffer);
3569   char* rd = buffer;                        // pointer to the input string (rd)
3570   while (true) {                            // repeat for all options in the input string

3571     while (isspace(*rd)) rd++;              // skip whitespace
3572     if (*rd == 0) break;                    // we re done when the input string is read completely
3574     // The output, option string, overwrites the input string.
3575     // Because of quoting, the pointer to the option string (wrt) may lag the pointer to
3576     // input string (rd).
3577     char* wrt = rd;
3579     JavaVMOption option;
3580     option.optionString = wrt;
3581     options.append(option);                 // Fill in option
3582     while (*rd != 0 && !isspace(*rd)) {     // unquoted strings terminate with a space or NULL
3583       if (*rd == '\'' || *rd == '"') {      // handle a quoted string
3584         int quote = *rd;                    // matching quote to look for
3585         rd++;                               // don't copy open quote
3586         while (*rd != quote) {              // include everything (even spaces) up until quote
3587           if (*rd == 0) {                   // string termination means unmatched string
3588             jio_fprintf(defaultStream::error_stream(),
3589                         "Unmatched quote in %s\n", name);
3590             os::free(buffer);
3591             return JNI_ERR;
3592           }
3593           *wrt++ = *rd++;                   // copy to option string
3594         }
3595         rd++;                               // don't copy close quote
3596       } else {
3597         *wrt++ = *rd++;                     // copy to option string
3598       }
3599     }
3600     // Need to check if we're done before writing a NULL,
3601     // because the write could be to the byte that rd is pointing to.
3602     if (*rd++ == 0) {
3603       *wrt = 0;
3604       break;
3605     }
3606     *wrt = 0;                               // Zero terminate option
3607   }
3608   JavaVMOption* options_arr =
3609       NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(JavaVMOption, options.length(), mtInternal);
3610   if (options_arr == NULL) {
3611     return JNI_ENOMEM;
3612   }
3613   for (int i = 0; i < options.length(); i++) {
3614     options_arr[i] = options.at(i);
3615   }
3617   // Construct JavaVMInitArgs structure and parse as if it was part of the command line
3618   JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
3619   vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
3620   vm_args.options = options_arr;
3621   vm_args.nOptions = options.length();
3622   vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions;
3624   if (PrintVMOptions) {
3625     const char* tail;
3626     for (int i = 0; i < vm_args.nOptions; i++) {
3627       const JavaVMOption *option = vm_args.options + i;
3628       if (match_option(option, "-XX:", &tail)) {
3629         logOption(tail);
3630       }
3631     }
3632   }
3634   jint result = parse_each_vm_init_arg(&vm_args, scp_p, scp_assembly_required_p,
3635                                        Flag::ENVIRON_VAR);
3636   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(JavaVMOption, options_arr);
3637   os::free(buffer);
3638   return result;
3639 }
3641 void Arguments::set_shared_spaces_flags() {
3642   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
3643     if (RequireSharedSpaces) {
3644       warning("cannot dump shared archive while using shared archive");
3645     }
3646     UseSharedSpaces = false;
3647 #ifdef _LP64
3648     if (!UseCompressedOops || !UseCompressedClassPointers) {
3649       vm_exit_during_initialization(
3650         "Cannot dump shared archive when UseCompressedOops or UseCompressedClassPointers is off.", NULL);
3651     }
3652   } else {
3653     if (!UseCompressedOops || !UseCompressedClassPointers) {
3654       no_shared_spaces("UseCompressedOops and UseCompressedClassPointers must be on for UseSharedSpaces.");
3655     }
3656 #endif
3657   }
3658 }

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