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  31  * Copyright (c) 2000 World Wide Web Consortium,
  32  * (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
  33  * Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All
  34  * Rights Reserved. This program is distributed under the W3C's Software
  35  * Intellectual Property License. This program is distributed in the
  36  * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
  37  * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
  38  * PURPOSE.
  39  * See W3C License http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ for more details.
  40  */
  42 package org.w3c.dom.ranges;
  44 /**
  45  * Range operations may throw a <code>RangeException</code> as specified in
  46  * their method descriptions.
  47  * <p>See also the <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range-20001113'>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification</a>.
  48  * @since 9, DOM Level 2
  49  */
  50 public class RangeException extends RuntimeException {

  51     public RangeException(short code, String message) {
  52        super(message);
  53        this.code = code;
  54     }
  55     public short   code;
  56     // RangeExceptionCode
  57     /**
  58      * If the boundary-points of a Range do not meet specific requirements.
  59      */
  60     public static final short BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR    = 1;
  61     /**
  62      * If the container of an boundary-point of a Range is being set to either
  63      * a node of an invalid type or a node with an ancestor of an invalid
  64      * type.
  65      */
  66     public static final short INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR     = 2;
  68 }

  31  * Copyright (c) 2000 World Wide Web Consortium,
  32  * (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
  33  * Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All
  34  * Rights Reserved. This program is distributed under the W3C's Software
  35  * Intellectual Property License. This program is distributed in the
  36  * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
  37  * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
  38  * PURPOSE.
  39  * See W3C License http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ for more details.
  40  */
  42 package org.w3c.dom.ranges;
  44 /**
  45  * Range operations may throw a <code>RangeException</code> as specified in
  46  * their method descriptions.
  47  * <p>See also the <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range-20001113'>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification</a>.
  48  * @since 9, DOM Level 2
  49  */
  50 public class RangeException extends RuntimeException {
  51     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2427563372446661889L;
  53     public RangeException(short code, String message) {
  54        super(message);
  55        this.code = code;
  56     }
  57     public short   code;
  58     // RangeExceptionCode
  59     /**
  60      * If the boundary-points of a Range do not meet specific requirements.
  61      */
  62     public static final short BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR    = 1;
  63     /**
  64      * If the container of an boundary-point of a Range is being set to either
  65      * a node of an invalid type or a node with an ancestor of an invalid
  66      * type.
  67      */
  68     public static final short INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR     = 2;
  70 }
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