1 /*
   2  * reserved comment block
   4  */
   5 /*
   6  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   7  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   8  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   9  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  10  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  11  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  12  *
  13  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  14  *
  15  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  16  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  17  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  18  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  19  * limitations under the License.
  20  */
  22 package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.xs;
  24 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.InvalidDatatypeValueException;
  25 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.ValidationContext;
  27 /**
  28  * All primitive types plus ID/IDREF/ENTITY/INTEGER are derived from this abstract
  29  * class. It provides extra information XSSimpleTypeDecl requires from each
  30  * type: allowed facets, converting String to actual value, check equality,
  31  * comparison, etc.
  32  *
  33  * @xerces.internal
  34  *
  35  * @author Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems, inc.
  36  * @author Sandy Gao, IBM
  37  *
  38  */
  39 public abstract class TypeValidator {
  41     // which facets are allowed for this type
  42     public abstract short getAllowedFacets();
  44     // convert a string to an actual value. for example,
  45     // for number types (decimal, double, float, and types derived from them),
  46     // get the BigDecimal, Double, Flout object.
  47     // for some types (string and derived), they just return the string itself
  48     public abstract Object getActualValue(String content, ValidationContext context)
  49         throws InvalidDatatypeValueException;
  51     // for ID/IDREF/ENTITY types, do some extra checking after the value is
  52     // checked to be valid with respect to both lexical representation and
  53     // facets
  54     public void checkExtraRules(Object value, ValidationContext context) throws InvalidDatatypeValueException {
  55     }
  57     // the following methods might not be supported by every DV.
  58     // but XSSimpleTypeDecl should know which type supports which methods,
  59     // and it's an *internal* error if a method is called on a DV that
  60     // doesn't support it.
  62     //order constants
  63     public static final short LESS_THAN     = -1;
  64     public static final short EQUAL         = 0;
  65     public static final short GREATER_THAN  = 1;
  66     public static final short INDETERMINATE = 2;
  68     // where there is distinction between identity and equality, this method
  69     // will be overwritten
  70     // checks whether the two values are identical; for ex, this distinguishes
  71     // -0.0 from 0.0
  72     public boolean isIdentical (Object value1, Object value2) {
  73         return value1.equals(value2);
  74     }
  76     // check the order relation between the two values
  77     // the parameters are in compiled form (from getActualValue)
  78     public int compare(Object value1, Object value2) {
  79         return -1;
  80     }
  82     // get the length of the value
  83     // the parameters are in compiled form (from getActualValue)
  84     public int getDataLength(Object value) {
  85         return (value instanceof String) ? ((String)value).length() : -1;
  86     }
  88     // get the number of digits of the value
  89     // the parameters are in compiled form (from getActualValue)
  90     public int getTotalDigits(Object value) {
  91         return -1;
  92     }
  94     // get the number of fraction digits of the value
  95     // the parameters are in compiled form (from getActualValue)
  96     public int getFractionDigits(Object value) {
  97         return -1;
  98     }
 100     // check whether the character is in the range 0x30 ~ 0x39
 101     public static final boolean isDigit(char ch) {
 102         return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9';
 103     }
 105     // if the character is in the range 0x30 ~ 0x39, return its int value (0~9),
 106     // otherwise, return -1
 107     public static final int getDigit(char ch) {
 108         return isDigit(ch) ? ch - '0' : -1;
 109     }
 111 } // interface TypeValidator