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  43  * @see
  44  * @see
  45  * @see
  46  * @see
  47  * @since 1.6
  48  */
  49 public abstract class XMLEventFactory {
  50   protected XMLEventFactory(){}
  52     static final String JAXPFACTORYID = "";
  53     static final String DEFAULIMPL = "";
  56   /**
  57    * Create a new instance of the factory
  58    * @throws FactoryConfigurationError if an instance of this factory cannot be loaded
  59    */
  60   public static XMLEventFactory newInstance()
  61     throws FactoryConfigurationError
  62   {
  63     return (XMLEventFactory) FactoryFinder.find(
  65       DEFAULIMPL);
  66   }
  68   /**
  69    * Create a new instance of the factory.
  70    * This static method creates a new factory instance.
  71    * This method uses the following ordered lookup procedure to determine
  72    * the XMLEventFactory implementation class to load:

  73    *   Use the system property.

  74    *   Use the properties file "lib/" in the JRE directory.
  75    *     This configuration file is in standard java.util.Properties format
  76    *     and contains the fully qualified name of the implementation class
  77    *     with the key being the system property defined above.
  78    *   Use the Services API (as detailed in the JAR specification), if available,
  79    *     to determine the classname. The Services API will look for a classname
  80    *     in the file META-INF/services/ in jars
  81    *     available to the runtime.

  82    *   Platform default XMLEventFactory instance.

  83    *
  84    *   Once an application has obtained a reference to a XMLEventFactory it
  85    *   can use the factory to configure and obtain stream instances.
  86    *
  87    *   Note that this is a new method that replaces the deprecated newInstance() method.
  88    *     No changes in behavior are defined by this replacement method relative to
  89    *     the deprecated method.
  90    *
  91    * @throws FactoryConfigurationError if an instance of this factory cannot be loaded
  92    */
  93   public static XMLEventFactory newFactory()
  94     throws FactoryConfigurationError
  95   {
  96     return (XMLEventFactory) FactoryFinder.find(
  98       DEFAULIMPL);
  99   }
 101   /**
 102    * Create a new instance of the factory
 103    *
 104    * @param factoryId             Name of the factory to find, same as
 105    *                              a property name
 106    * @param classLoader           classLoader to use
 107    * @return the factory implementation
 108    * @throws FactoryConfigurationError if an instance of this factory cannot be loaded
 109    *
 110    * @deprecated  This method has been deprecated to maintain API consistency.
 111    *              All newInstance methods have been replaced with corresponding
 112    *              newFactory methods. The replacement {@link
 113    *              #newFactory(java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)}
 114    *              method defines no changes in behavior.
 115    */
 116   public static XMLEventFactory newInstance(String factoryId,
 117           ClassLoader classLoader)
 118           throws FactoryConfigurationError {
 119       try {
 120           //do not fallback if given classloader can't find the class, throw exception
 121           return (XMLEventFactory) FactoryFinder.find(factoryId, classLoader, null);
 122       } catch (FactoryFinder.ConfigurationError e) {
 123           throw new FactoryConfigurationError(e.getException(),
 124                   e.getMessage());
 125       }
 126   }
 128   /**
 129    * Create a new instance of the factory.
 130    * If the classLoader argument is null, then the ContextClassLoader is used.
 131    *
 132    * Note that this is a new method that replaces the deprecated
 133    *   newInstance(String factoryId, ClassLoader classLoader) method.
 134    * No changes in behavior are defined by this replacement method relative
 135    * to the deprecated method.
 136    *
 137    * @param factoryId             Name of the factory to find, same as
 138    *                              a property name
 139    * @param classLoader           classLoader to use
 140    * @return the factory implementation
 141    * @throws FactoryConfigurationError if an instance of this factory cannot be loaded
 142    */
 143   public static XMLEventFactory newFactory(String factoryId,
 144           ClassLoader classLoader)
 145           throws FactoryConfigurationError {
 146       try {
 147           //do not fallback if given classloader can't find the class, throw exception
 148           return (XMLEventFactory) FactoryFinder.find(factoryId, classLoader, null);
 149       } catch (FactoryFinder.ConfigurationError e) {
 150           throw new FactoryConfigurationError(e.getException(),
 151                   e.getMessage());
 152       }
 153   }
 155  /**
 156    * This method allows setting of the Location on each event that
 157    * is created by this factory.  The values are copied by value into
 158    * the events created by this factory.  To reset the location
 159    * information set the location to null.
 160    * @param location the location to set on each event created
 161    */
 162   public abstract void setLocation(Location location);
 164   /**
 165    * Create a new Attribute
 166    * @param prefix the prefix of this attribute, may not be null
 167    * @param namespaceURI the attribute value is set to this value, may not be null
 168    * @param localName the local name of the XML name of the attribute, localName cannot be null
 169    * @param value the attribute value to set, may not be null
 170    * @return the Attribute with specified values
 171    */
 172   public abstract Attribute createAttribute(String prefix, String namespaceURI, String localName, String value);

  43  * @see
  44  * @see
  45  * @see
  46  * @see
  47  * @since 1.6
  48  */
  49 public abstract class XMLEventFactory {
  50   protected XMLEventFactory(){}
  52     static final String JAXPFACTORYID = "";
  53     static final String DEFAULIMPL = "";
  56   /**
  57    * Create a new instance of the factory
  58    * @throws FactoryConfigurationError if an instance of this factory cannot be loaded
  59    */
  60   public static XMLEventFactory newInstance()
  61     throws FactoryConfigurationError
  62   {
  63     return (XMLEventFactory) FactoryFinder.find(XMLEventFactory.class, 
  65       DEFAULIMPL);
  66   }
  68   /**
  69    * <p>Create a new instance of the factory.</p>
  70    * This static method creates a new factory instance.
  71    * This method uses the following ordered lookup procedure to determine
  72    * the XMLEventFactory implementation class to load:
  73    * <ul>
  74    * <li>
  75    *   Use the system property.
  76    * </li>
  77    * <li>
  78    *   Use the properties file "lib/" in the JRE directory.
  79    *     This configuration file is in standard java.util.Properties format
  80    *     and contains the fully qualified name of the implementation class
  81    *     with the key being the system property defined above.
  82    * </li>
  83    * <li>
  84    *   <p>Uses the service-provider loading facilities, defined by the {@link java.util.ServiceLoader} class, to attempt 
  85    *   to locate and load an implementation of the service. In case of multiple providers, the first non-default implementation
  86    *   shall be instantiated and returned.  The default implementation is returned if it is the only one
  87    *   found by the service loader.</p>
  88    *   <p>
  89    *   If a misconfigured provider is encountered and {@link java.util.ServiceConfigurationError} is thrown, the error will be wrapped 
  90    *   in a {@link}.</p>
  91    * </li>
  92    * <li>
  93    *   Platform default XMLEventFactory instance.
  94    *</li>
  95    * </ul>
  96    *
  97    *   Once an application has obtained a reference to a XMLEventFactory it
  98    *   can use the factory to configure and obtain stream instances.
  99    *
 100    *   Note that this is a new method that replaces the deprecated newInstance() method.
 101    *     No changes in behavior are defined by this replacement method relative to
 102    *     the deprecated method.
 103    *
 104    * @throws FactoryConfigurationError if an instance of this factory cannot be loaded
 105    */
 106   public static XMLEventFactory newFactory()
 107     throws FactoryConfigurationError
 108   {
 109     return (XMLEventFactory) FactoryFinder.find(XMLEventFactory.class,
 111       DEFAULIMPL);
 112   }
 114   /**
 115    * Create a new instance of the factory
 116    *
 117    * @param factoryId             Name of the factory to find, same as
 118    *                              a property name
 119    * @param classLoader           classLoader to use
 120    * @return the factory implementation
 121    * @throws FactoryConfigurationError if an instance of this factory cannot be loaded
 122    *
 123    * @deprecated  This method has been deprecated to maintain API consistency.
 124    *              All newInstance methods have been replaced with corresponding
 125    *              newFactory methods. The replacement {@link
 126    *              #newFactory(java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)}
 127    *              method defines no changes in behavior.
 128    */
 129   public static XMLEventFactory newInstance(String factoryId,
 130           ClassLoader classLoader)
 131           throws FactoryConfigurationError {

 132           //do not fallback if given classloader can't find the class, throw exception
 133             return (XMLEventFactory) FactoryFinder.find(XMLEventFactory.class, factoryId, classLoader, null);

 135       }
 137   /**
 138    * Create a new instance of the factory.
 139    * If the classLoader argument is null, then the ContextClassLoader is used.
 140    *
 141    * Note that this is a new method that replaces the deprecated
 142    *   newInstance(String factoryId, ClassLoader classLoader) method.
 143    * No changes in behavior are defined by this replacement method relative
 144    * to the deprecated method.
 145    *
 146    * @param factoryId             Name of the factory to find, same as
 147    *                              a property name
 148    * @param classLoader           classLoader to use
 149    * @return the factory implementation
 150    * @throws FactoryConfigurationError if an instance of this factory cannot be loaded
 151    */
 152   public static XMLEventFactory newFactory(String factoryId,
 153           ClassLoader classLoader)
 154           throws FactoryConfigurationError {

 155           //do not fallback if given classloader can't find the class, throw exception
 156             return (XMLEventFactory) FactoryFinder.find(XMLEventFactory.class, factoryId, classLoader, null);

 158       }
 160  /**
 161    * This method allows setting of the Location on each event that
 162    * is created by this factory.  The values are copied by value into
 163    * the events created by this factory.  To reset the location
 164    * information set the location to null.
 165    * @param location the location to set on each event created
 166    */
 167   public abstract void setLocation(Location location);
 169   /**
 170    * Create a new Attribute
 171    * @param prefix the prefix of this attribute, may not be null
 172    * @param namespaceURI the attribute value is set to this value, may not be null
 173    * @param localName the local name of the XML name of the attribute, localName cannot be null
 174    * @param value the attribute value to set, may not be null
 175    * @return the Attribute with specified values
 176    */
 177   public abstract Attribute createAttribute(String prefix, String namespaceURI, String localName, String value);