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  54 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.NamespaceSupport;
  55 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.SymbolTable;
  56 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.SecuritySupport;
  57 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.QName;
  59 import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.util.ReadOnlyIterator;
  61 /**
  62  * This class implements a StAX XMLStreamWriter. It extends
  63  * <code>AbstractMap</code> in order to support a getter for
  64  * implementation-specific properties. For example, you can get
  65  * the underlying <code>OutputStream</code> by casting an instance
  66  * of this class to <code>Map</code> and calling
  67  * <code>getProperty(OUTPUTSTREAM_PROPERTY)</code>.
  68  *
  69  * @author Neeraj Bajaj
  70  * @author K.Venugopal
  71  * @author Santiago.Pericas-Geertsen@sun.com
  72  * @author Sunitha.Reddy@sun.com
  73  */
  74 public final class XMLStreamWriterImpl extends AbstractMap implements XMLStreamWriter {
  76     public static final String START_COMMENT = "<!--";
  77     public static final String END_COMMENT = "-->";
  78     public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = " encoding=\"utf-8\"";
  79     public static final String DEFAULT_XMLDECL = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>";
  80     public static final String DEFAULT_XML_VERSION = "1.0";
  81     public static final char CLOSE_START_TAG = '>';
  82     public static final char OPEN_START_TAG = '<';
  83     public static final String OPEN_END_TAG = "</";
  84     public static final char CLOSE_END_TAG = '>';
  85     public static final String START_CDATA = "<![CDATA[";
  86     public static final String END_CDATA = "]]>";
  87     public static final String CLOSE_EMPTY_ELEMENT = "/>";
  88     public static final String SPACE = " ";
  89     public static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
  91     public static final String OUTPUTSTREAM_PROPERTY = "sjsxp-outputstream";
  93     /**
  94      * This flag can be used to turn escaping off for content. It does

1095         try {
1096             if (fStartTagOpened) {
1097                 closeStartTag();
1098             }
1100             if ((target == null) || (data == null)) {
1101                 throw new XMLStreamException("PI target cannot be null");
1102             }
1104             fWriter.write("<?");
1105             fWriter.write(target);
1106             fWriter.write(SPACE);
1107             fWriter.write(data);
1108             fWriter.write("?>");
1109         } catch (IOException e) {
1110             throw new XMLStreamException(e);
1111         }
1112     }
1114     /**
1115      * @throws XMLStreamException

1116      */
1117     public void writeStartDocument() throws XMLStreamException {
1118         try {
1119             fWriter.write(DEFAULT_XMLDECL);
1120         } catch (IOException ex) {
1121             throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
1122         }
1123     }
1125     /**
1126      * @param version
1127      * @throws XMLStreamException

1128      */
1129     public void writeStartDocument(String version) throws XMLStreamException {
1130         try {
1131             if ((version == null) || version.equals("")) {
1132                 writeStartDocument();


1134                 return;
1135             }

1137             fWriter.write("<?xml version=\"");

1138             fWriter.write(version);
1139             fWriter.write("\"");
1141             //fWriter.write(DEFAULT_ENCODING);
1142             fWriter.write("?>");

1143         } catch (IOException ex) {
1144             throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
1145         }
1146     }
1148     /**
1149      * @param encoding
1150      * @param version
1151      * @throws XMLStreamException

1152      */
1153     public void writeStartDocument(String encoding, String version)
1154         throws XMLStreamException {
1155         //Revisit : What about standalone ?
1156         try {
1157             if ((encoding == null) && (version == null)) {
1158                 writeStartDocument();
1160                 return;
1161             }
1163             if (encoding == null) {
1164                 writeStartDocument(version);
1166                 return;
1167             }
1169             String streamEncoding = null;
1170             if (fWriter instanceof OutputStreamWriter) {
1171                 streamEncoding = ((OutputStreamWriter) fWriter).getEncoding();
1172             }
1173             else if (fWriter instanceof UTF8OutputStreamWriter) {
1174                 streamEncoding = ((UTF8OutputStreamWriter) fWriter).getEncoding();
1175             }
1176             else if (fWriter instanceof XMLWriter) {
1177                 streamEncoding = ((OutputStreamWriter) ((XMLWriter)fWriter).getWriter()).getEncoding();
1178             }
1180             if (streamEncoding != null && !streamEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase(encoding)) {
1181                 // If the equality check failed, check for charset encoding aliases
1182                 boolean foundAlias = false;
1183                 Set aliases = Charset.forName(encoding).aliases();
1184                 for (Iterator it = aliases.iterator(); !foundAlias && it.hasNext(); ) {
1185                     if (streamEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase((String) it.next())) {
1186                         foundAlias = true;
1187                     }
1188                 }
1189                 // If no alias matches the encoding name, then report error
1190                 if (!foundAlias) {
1191                     throw new XMLStreamException("Underlying stream encoding '"
1192                             + streamEncoding
1193                             + "' and input paramter for writeStartDocument() method '"
1194                             + encoding + "' do not match.");
1195                 }
1196             }
1199             fWriter.write("<?xml version=\"");
1201             if ((version == null) || version.equals("")) {
1202                 fWriter.write(DEFAULT_XML_VERSION);
1203             } else {
1204                 fWriter.write(version);
1205             }
1207             if (!encoding.equals("")) {
1208                 fWriter.write("\" encoding=\"");
1209                 fWriter.write(encoding);
1210             }
1212             fWriter.write("\"?>");
1213         } catch (IOException ex) {
1214             throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
1215         }
1216     }
1218     /**
1219      * @param localName
1220      * @throws XMLStreamException
1221      */
1222     public void writeStartElement(String localName) throws XMLStreamException {
1223         try {
1224             if (localName == null) {
1225                 throw new XMLStreamException("Local Name cannot be null");
1226             }
1228             if (fStartTagOpened) {
1229                 closeStartTag();
1230             }
1232             openStartTag();
1233             fElementStack.push(null, localName, null, null, false);
1234             fInternalNamespaceContext.pushContext();

  54 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.NamespaceSupport;
  55 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.SymbolTable;
  56 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.SecuritySupport;
  57 import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.QName;
  59 import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.util.ReadOnlyIterator;
  61 /**
  62  * This class implements a StAX XMLStreamWriter. It extends
  63  * <code>AbstractMap</code> in order to support a getter for
  64  * implementation-specific properties. For example, you can get
  65  * the underlying <code>OutputStream</code> by casting an instance
  66  * of this class to <code>Map</code> and calling
  67  * <code>getProperty(OUTPUTSTREAM_PROPERTY)</code>.
  68  *
  69  * @author Neeraj Bajaj
  70  * @author K.Venugopal
  71  * @author Santiago.Pericas-Geertsen@sun.com
  72  * @author Sunitha.Reddy@sun.com
  73  */
  74 public final class XMLStreamWriterImpl extends AbstractMap implements XMLStreamWriterBase {
  76     public static final String START_COMMENT = "<!--";
  77     public static final String END_COMMENT = "-->";
  78     public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = " encoding=\"utf-8\"";
  79     public static final String DEFAULT_XMLDECL = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>";
  80     public static final String DEFAULT_XML_VERSION = "1.0";
  81     public static final char CLOSE_START_TAG = '>';
  82     public static final char OPEN_START_TAG = '<';
  83     public static final String OPEN_END_TAG = "</";
  84     public static final char CLOSE_END_TAG = '>';
  85     public static final String START_CDATA = "<![CDATA[";
  86     public static final String END_CDATA = "]]>";
  87     public static final String CLOSE_EMPTY_ELEMENT = "/>";
  88     public static final String SPACE = " ";
  89     public static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
  91     public static final String OUTPUTSTREAM_PROPERTY = "sjsxp-outputstream";
  93     /**
  94      * This flag can be used to turn escaping off for content. It does

1095         try {
1096             if (fStartTagOpened) {
1097                 closeStartTag();
1098             }
1100             if ((target == null) || (data == null)) {
1101                 throw new XMLStreamException("PI target cannot be null");
1102             }
1104             fWriter.write("<?");
1105             fWriter.write(target);
1106             fWriter.write(SPACE);
1107             fWriter.write(data);
1108             fWriter.write("?>");
1109         } catch (IOException e) {
1110             throw new XMLStreamException(e);
1111         }
1112     }
1114     /**
1115      * Writes the XML declaration.
1116      *
1117      * @throws XMLStreamException in case of an IOException
1118      */
1119     public void writeStartDocument() throws XMLStreamException {
1120         writeStartDocument(null, null, false, false);

1121     }
1123     /**
1124      * Writes the XML declaration.
1125      *
1126      * @param version the specified version
1127      * @throws XMLStreamException in case of an IOException
1128      */
1129     public void writeStartDocument(String version) throws XMLStreamException {
1130         writeStartDocument(null, version, false, false);
1131     }
1133     /**
1134      * Writes the XML declaration.
1135      *
1136      * @param encoding the specified encoding
1137      * @param version the specified version
1138      * @throws XMLStreamException in case of an IOException
1139      */
1140     @Override
1141     public void writeStartDocument(String encoding, String version)
1142         throws XMLStreamException {
1143         writeStartDocument(encoding, version, false, false);
1144     }
1146     @Override
1147     public void writeStartDocument(String encoding, String version,
1148             boolean standalone, boolean standaloneSet)
1149         throws XMLStreamException {
1151         try {
1152             if ((encoding == null || encoding.length() == 0)
1153                     && (version == null || version.length() == 0)
1154                     && (!standaloneSet)) {
1155                 fWriter.write(DEFAULT_XMLDECL);
1156                 return;
1157             }
1159             // Verify the encoding before writing anything
1160             if (encoding != null && !encoding.equals("")) {
1161                 verifyEncoding(encoding);
1162             }
1164             fWriter.write("<?xml version=\"");
1166             if ((version == null) || version.equals("")) {
1167                 fWriter.write(DEFAULT_XML_VERSION);
1168             } else {
1169                 fWriter.write(version);
1170             }
1172             if (encoding != null && !encoding.equals("")) {
1173                 fWriter.write("\" encoding=\"");
1174                 fWriter.write(encoding);
1175             }
1177             if (standaloneSet) {
1178                 fWriter.write("\" standalone=\"");
1179                 if (standalone) {
1180                     fWriter.write("yes");
1181                 } else {
1182                     fWriter.write("no");
1183                 }
1184             }
1186             fWriter.write("\"?>");
1187         } catch (IOException ex) {
1188             throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
1189         }
1190     }
1192     /**
1193      * Verifies that the encoding is consistent between the underlying encoding
1194      * and that specified.
1195      *
1196      * @param encoding the specified encoding
1197      * @throws XMLStreamException if they do not match
1198      */
1199     private void verifyEncoding(String encoding) throws XMLStreamException {

1201         String streamEncoding = null;
1202         if (fWriter instanceof OutputStreamWriter) {
1203             streamEncoding = ((OutputStreamWriter) fWriter).getEncoding();
1204         }
1205         else if (fWriter instanceof UTF8OutputStreamWriter) {
1206             streamEncoding = ((UTF8OutputStreamWriter) fWriter).getEncoding();
1207         }
1208         else if (fWriter instanceof XMLWriter) {
1209             streamEncoding = ((OutputStreamWriter) ((XMLWriter)fWriter).getWriter()).getEncoding();
1210         }
1212         if (streamEncoding != null && !streamEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase(encoding)) {
1213             // If the equality check failed, check for charset encoding aliases
1214             boolean foundAlias = false;
1215             Set aliases = Charset.forName(encoding).aliases();
1216             for (Iterator it = aliases.iterator(); !foundAlias && it.hasNext(); ) {
1217                 if (streamEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase((String) it.next())) {
1218                     foundAlias = true;
1219                 }
1220             }
1221             // If no alias matches the encoding name, then report error
1222             if (!foundAlias) {
1223                 throw new XMLStreamException("Underlying stream encoding '"
1224                         + streamEncoding
1225                         + "' and input paramter for writeStartDocument() method '"
1226                         + encoding + "' do not match.");
1227             }

1228         }
1229     }
1231     /**
1232      * @param localName
1233      * @throws XMLStreamException
1234      */
1235     public void writeStartElement(String localName) throws XMLStreamException {
1236         try {
1237             if (localName == null) {
1238                 throw new XMLStreamException("Local Name cannot be null");
1239             }
1241             if (fStartTagOpened) {
1242                 closeStartTag();
1243             }
1245             openStartTag();
1246             fElementStack.push(null, localName, null, null, false);
1247             fInternalNamespaceContext.pushContext();

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