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  27 import javax.xml.transform.Source;
  28 import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;
  30 /**
  31  * A JAXP URIResolver that uses catalogs to resolve references.
  32  *
  33  * @since 9
  34  */
  35 public interface CatalogUriResolver extends URIResolver {
  37     /**
  38      * The method searches through the catalog entries in the main and
  39      * alternative catalogs to attempt to find a match with the specified URI.
  40      *
  41      * @param href an href attribute, which may be relative or absolute
  42      * @param base The base URI against which the href attribute will be made
  43      * absolute if the absolute URI is required
  44      *
  45      * @return a {@link javax.xml.transform.Source} object if a mapping is found.
  46      * If no mapping is found, returns a {@link javax.xml.transform.Source} object
  47      * containing an empty {@link} if the
  48      * {@code javax.xml.catalog.resolve} property is set to {@code ignore};
  49      * returns a {@link javax.xml.transform.Source} object with the original URI
  50      * (href, or href resolved with base if base is not null) if the
  51      * {@code javax.xml.catalog.resolve} property is set to {@code continue}.
  52      *
  53      * @throws CatalogException if no mapping is found and
  54      * {@code javax.xml.catalog.resolve} is specified as strict
  55      */
  56     @Override
  57     public Source resolve(String href, String base);
  58 }

  27 import javax.xml.transform.Source;
  28 import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;
  30 /**
  31  * A JAXP URIResolver that uses catalogs to resolve references.
  32  *
  33  * @since 9
  34  */
  35 public interface CatalogUriResolver extends URIResolver {
  37     /**
  38      * The method searches through the catalog entries in the main and
  39      * alternative catalogs to attempt to find a match with the specified URI.
  40      *
  41      * @param href an href attribute, which may be relative or absolute
  42      * @param base The base URI against which the href attribute will be made
  43      * absolute if the absolute URI is required
  44      *
  45      * @return a {@link javax.xml.transform.Source} object if a mapping is found.
  46      * If no mapping is found, returns an empty {@link javax.xml.transform.Source}
  47      * object if the {@code javax.xml.catalog.resolve} property is set to
  48      * {@code ignore};
  49      * returns a {@link javax.xml.transform.Source} object with the original URI
  50      * (href, or href resolved with base if base is not null) if the
  51      * {@code javax.xml.catalog.resolve} property is set to {@code continue}.
  52      *
  53      * @throws CatalogException if no mapping is found and
  54      * {@code javax.xml.catalog.resolve} is specified as strict
  55      */
  56     @Override
  57     public Source resolve(String href, String base);
  58 }